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Dr. Ramachandra Dhir
Dr. Dharanidhara Sahoo

Mrs.Mily Bhuyan(M.A,M.Phil)
Head of the department

Payal Nayak
Roll No: PGUNEDU21013
P.G 1St Year (Education)


This is to certify that Payal nayak of M.A. (Education) first year

bearing Roll no- PGUNEDU21013 has completed this report works
under my guidance and supervision. This project is prepared by
her and for submission of M.A. (Education) first year 2nd semester
Signature of the

respected guide Name-

Date -

I Payal nayak bearing ROLL NO PGUNEDU21013 do hereby
declare that A REPORT ON BOOK REVIEW bearing submitted to
Udayanath Autonomous College of Science and Technology
Adaspur, Cuttack for the award of master of arts in an original
piece of work done by me and the same has not been submitted
elsewhere for any other academic degree or diploma to this
college or any other college or university.

Signature of the

student Name


About the book:
The Book that I have selected for BOOK review((Introduction to Educational
Research)). It is written by Rama chandra Dhin and Dharanidhar sahoo
Published by Kalyani publisher as per CBCS for the Syllabus. This book is
divided into 5 units and 17 chapters. It consists of 1.1 to 17.12 pages The
price of the book is 225.00.It is suitable for +2 education and +3 education
(Hon), MA, M.E⋅D; in total. M.Phil ,p.hd of different Indian universities in
various Field Connected with research methodology.

About the Author:

Prof.R.C.Dhir ,M.A(Pol sc),M.Ed,ph.d former prof cum Director ,
international multidisciplinary Research Academy , Bangalore.Present
prof. Dhir is in school of education ,North odisha
University ,Takatpur ,Baripada.He had been awarded Teacher
fellowship for ph.d work at Ravenshaw college 1991.He is the author
of 30 textbook for +3B.A ,elective ,M A,M.Ed,M.phil ph.d students of
various universities of India abroad.He is an academic expert in
different U. G.C sponsored national and international seminars,DDU
University,H.P.u Shimla,T.T.T.I Chennai,N.C.E.E.R.T ,IGNOU.
Dr D.D Sahoo ,M A (education),Ph.D is presently working as a senior
teaching member, faculty of education , kendrapara autonomous
college.His field of specialization is guidance measurement, Research
methodology, Economics of education.He is the co-author of 5 text
books for +3(hons),M.A,M.Ed,M.phil,ph.d students.
Introduction: A book review is a form of
literary criticism in which a book is merely described or analyzed based
on content, style and merit. A book review may be Primary source,
opinion piece, summary review for printed periodicals, magazines,
newspaper as school work or book websites on the internet. A book
review's length may vary from a single paragraph to a substantiel
essay. such a review may evaluate the book on the basis of personal
taste. Reviewers may use the occasion of a book review for an
extended essay that can be closely or loosely Related to the subject
of the book ,, or to promulgate their own ideas on the topic of or non-
fiction work.

Meaning of book review:

Th Book reviews are commonly assigned students to allow them to

show a clear and understanding of the novel.Book review are
assigned students to allow to present their own" opinion regarding the
author, ideas included included in the book or passage. They are a
form of literary criticism that analyzes the author's Ideas, writing
techniques, and quality. A book analysis is "Entirely opinion-based in
relevance to the book .They are good good practice for those who
wish to become editors ,due to fact ,editing requires a lot of criticism.

Need and importance of book review

A book review explains , evaluates and analyzes the book's
meaning ,significance and quality. It is basically the researchers
reaction after reading the book in which the strengths and weakness of
the book are discussed in a brief manner
1.It helps in understanding the reader's desire.
If you go through the review written about your book ,you can learn
alot about your writing and understand better what your readers are
looking for in your mind,like what part trades enjoyed the most.
2.It helps in increasing sales.
The publisher uses countless marketing strategies to increase the
sales of a particular book review writing service to write quality reviews
or run social media and camping to make it recognizable.
3.It helps in engaging with readers.
Book reviews allow your audience to speak about their perspective on
the book.The majority of reviews are written to help you and other
readers to understand your word and help them in marketing buying

4.It helps in improving your writing skills.

Book review is beneficial and helps incredibly throughout your writing

process and improving allows to grow as an establishment and
recognise author .Constructive feedback gives you a different
perspective on your writing and lets you know where you are doing

5.It helps in brand building.

As an author, brand building can help you target a particular audience
interested in your genre .Making a brand helps in selling your book .It
makes you a credible author and builds a feeling of trust for new
readers and transform them into your fans waiting for your next

Characteristics of Book review

The review should've a balanced evaluation ofThe excellent as well as
the limitation of a work.A review which is made up of unqualified praise
on censure becomes too simplistic or pompous too sweeping is its
generalization to be helpful to the reader.
2.Freedom from prejudice
One of the banes of book reviewing especially in India's prejudice .in a
country as vast as frequently encounter all kinds of
prejudice,personal,parochial and sexist.

The reviewer should not merely be a resume or summary of the work
without reference to the things that make it artistic or effective .should
also assess the relevance or significance of a work.

4 . Identification of focus
A review must clearly bring out the chief focus of the book .What is it
About ? children well ,what about children? Their Problems? It is
focused on problem related life, students.

Objectives 5.Evaluative judgement:

Access what he claims to be doing by saying against what he has

actually achieved. Then say what your assessment is giving a
reasonable explanation of your consciousness.

6. personal Assessment: -

A review can offer constructive comments on the subject of a book if

the reviewer is aware of the existing Literature on the topic. He must
weigh the qualities of a book against two factors. where does it stand
in relation to other books on the same subject.

7.Linguistic and stylistic characteristics: The

Formation of a view of an author's style of writing is, of course, a
matter of personal judgement. Heated discussion on an author -style
sometimes takes place. The reviewers must not make a statement on
the author's style based wholly on personal references.
8.overall critical perspective:

Let's now take up one of the most fundamental elements of book

reviewing integrity. integrity in this context may be defined as
unmitigated objectivity .

Objectives of Book review

1.find out the authors point of view

The author's point of view often clearly starts in the introduction or

preface.All book review exists to tell the reader something sustainable
about the book and so spare the reader from behaving to read it
2.Identity the author's major
hypothesis, point or concentration.

as a result of reading the neview, the reader, and to buy the the book
and read it. Check it out from the library and read it buy it for library
so that the library pattern can read it.

3 .It is possible to compare the books with other books.

reviews are written to tell her about new body. These reviews are
generally very short. providing a brief description of the content of the
book and an evaluation. gives the knowledge about the book.

By reviewing the book we can recommend this book to others. Why or

why not; comment & readability. Whether the book grabbed your
interest was useful.

5.A Book review report summarize contents:

Book review is not summary or the content of a book .Book reports
summave contenta they belong to high school. A good book reviewer
commentary on the book.
Steps of Book review
1 Read the entire book.
It is impossible to paint a full all inclusive picture of the book if you
have not reached its final page Though you may want to fling the thing
out of the nearest windows .You must remember that every page is
vital to a fully fledged and professional review.

2.Take notes of said book

Notes will keep your mind fresh and ensure you don't lose any vital
perspective along the way. You may even begin to notice some
themes pattern or connection through your notes thus making your

3.Give an idea of the book outline

Keep that in mind as you introduce your piece .The introduction should
be confined to the don't want to lose people before you have
even given one opinion on the book at hand .
4.Dont forget the authors
In a book review, reference any milestone the authors may have
influenced throughout their lifetime .Let the reader know about any life
experience they had that could possibly have influenced their writing.
5.Evalutae the book thoroughly
It's fine and dandy to go on a personal diatribe against a book or
weave together an ade for your favorable Book,but there is so much
more to a proper book review than this to make sure to elaborate on
the themes behind the book .

6.Dont beat around the bush

Take a moment to shake off any social restraints before you write .A
good review will do the book justice.whether that means sending it to
literary jail or completely absolving it of any literary crimes.
7.Don't be afraid of adverse feedback

Speaking of not being afraid you're going to come across people who
don't agree with you .Though this stands for every aspect of life
readers can be particularly apprehensive about certain books.

8.Support your view

You have dug the foundation now to build the building . convincing the
reader of your view is the majority of the battle .your argument will not
stand if you don't provide it with substance and armour.

9.Draw a conclusion
It is imperative that you sum up everything you learned from the
book ,pack your final punch and don't leave any loose ends .

10.Read other book review

Perpetual reading and writing are the hallmarks of all good
may think that since you can't already read and write that it's not of
much importance but the knowledge and tidbits you glean from simply
exercising your literacy muscles day is indispensable.


Introduction to research

In the chapter one it is analysed that introduction the research and

educational research.It is described research is a systematic study of
knowledge,it is solution of problem,development of science of
behaviour,careful inquiry Of fact principles,effect to discover and verify
knowledge.The term research consists of two wards re+search.Re
means again and again and search means to find out
something.Research and knowledge are closely linked because
research add new knowledge to existing knowledge in a systematic
process.Research enhances the scientific thinking in this process
man's unending search for truth starts and placed human being at a
stage of new scientific thought of knowledge can be acquired 5 source
of evidence i.e custom and tradition,authority,personal
experience,reasoning,scientific inquiry, characteristics of research are
research is directed towards the solution of problem,research is
logical and objective,it covers valid data,data gathering devices
research requires expertise etc.Educational research is a solution of
educational problem,discovery of educational truth,development of
humanlife.Need of educational research are leading man towards
progress,better living comfortable life,development of human
society,endless quest for Knowledge unending search for truth.some
natures of educational research are research gathers new
knowledge,research is logical and objective ,research is a pain taking
process etc.Educational research has some purpose they are scientific
attitude of insight and imagination ,interdisciplinary approach,better
results,problem related to life, non mechanical process.Educational
research solve the problem in various area,its field study is very
vast.some scope of educational research are research and scientific
knowledge,development of research,research problems ,research
hypothesis,research methodology,research tools and techniques,data
collection,analysis and interpretation,and writing a research
report.Objectives of Educational research can be divided into 3 types:
theoretical objective,factual objective,application objective.There are 5
types of educational research: fundamental research, applied
research,action research, qualitative research,quantitative research.

CHAPTER-2 Types of Studies in Educational Research

This chapter describes the types of educational research. The first type is
historical research. It studies what existed in the past. Historical method is
one which envisages records, analysis and interprets events of the past for
the purpose of discovery. It is helpful to understand the past and the present
and to eliminate the anticipated future. It is divided into 4 types. They are
bibliographic research that refers to studies about the important fact of life,
character, achievement of education like philosophy, contribution of Gandhi
and Tagore towards the field of education can be presented truthfully. Legal
research covers the legal aspect of educational administration, educational
institutions, and relationships between government and non-government
organizations. Studying the history of ideas teaching, problem solving
approach, mastery learning approach, thought and attitude etc.
Descriptive research states about what exists at present by
determining the nature and degree of existing conditions. It studies what
exists at present. It investigates the present situation. It is also called a
normative survey. There are some steps undertaken in normative surveys.
The first step is to identify and define the present problem then to state their
objectives and hypothesis then to enlist the assumption upon which their
hypothesis and procedures are based. Then to choose appropriate subject
and source materials then construct tools for data collecting. Then analyze
and interpret the data and lastly state the meaningful conclusion. There are
many types of descriptive research such as job analysis, school survey, public
opinion and social survey etc.
In experimental research one has to examine something
which has never existed or does not exist now. It is a scientific method,
where the investigator gets the opportunity to discover something new. It
has many variables : dependent variables, independent variables, control
variables and intervening variables. Some characteristics of experimental
research are control, manipulation, observation and replication. This book
states some experimental designs: pre experimental design, true
experimental design, factorial design, quasi experimental design and time
series design.
Qualitative research opens the path of promoting progress
through advanced knowledge. It brings upliftment of human society. It
enables man to keep affinity with immediate surroundings. Qualitative
research provides a comfortable life of man by solving problems of life. This
allows a researcher to study the selected issues in depth and in details. Some
characteristics of qualitative research are it is phonological paradigm, its
interpretation is unique in nature, it focuses on specific situation, institution,
community and group. It is concerned with smallest number of cases and it is
induction in nature. Some types of qualitative research are case studies,
historical studies, ethnographic research, policy research, participate inquiry
and clinical research etc. There are no use of statistical techniques in this
research. Observation is the techniques of qualitative research.
Quantitative research seek casual determination, prediction and
generalization of findings. Quantitative research is concerned with
establishing the cause and effect relationship. It is positive in nature and
expensive research work. Uses of quantitative research are , it is the
preliminary work is taken before framing the questionnaire. It takes content
analysis. It follows survey research methods . It is used frequently to check
accuracy of interview records. Some advantages of quantitative research are
it enable people to investigate problems outside traditional boundaries of
inquiry. It is doesn’t understand the behaviour and attitude easily. It reduces
non sampling and total sampling errors. It carries on quality and relatively
expensive. There are statistical techniques used in this research.
Research design
In the chapter3 the author has described how to identify a
research problem,selection of a research problem, and various
criterias for selection of a problem .
Now going to hypothesis,Hypothesis is a tentative
assumption drawn from knowledge and theory which is used as a
guide in the investigation of other facts and theories that are yet
unknown.Hypothesis is a made of two words 'hypo' and
'thesis'.Which means less than or less certain than a thesis . The
importance of hypothesis are direction and relevant stand point of
a problem, process of discovery clear and specific goals,
Extension of knowledge , selection of relevant
facts.Characteristics hypothesis are hypothesis should be
testable and economical, deductive reasoning etc.Formulation of
hypothesis are culture,scientific theory, personal
experiences,analogies,previous background ,intellectual
capacity.The hypothesis can be stated in a number of forms/types
which are inductive hypothesis,deductive hypothesis,research
hypothesis and null hypothesis.After formulating hypothesis
researcher has to test it .In order to test a hypothesis, the
researcher determines the sample Measuring instruments ,design
and procedure that will enable him or her to collect the necessary
data.collected data are then analysed in a manner that permits
the researcher to determine the validity of the hypothesis.The
total number of individual is known as population.smaller
representation of the population it is called a
sampling .characteristics of good sampling are true representative
of the population , free from errors due to bias, objectivity in
selecting sample,accuracy , comprehensive, economical.Step in
sampling procedure are organisation of field work,sample
selection objectives of the study, data collection and methods of
measurement ,summary, analysis of data, and future survey.
Methods of sampling are probability sampling methods and
nonprobability sampling methods.There are a number of types of
taking probability sample.such as random sampling ,systematic
sampling ,stratified sampling, multiple or double sampling,multi
stage sampling and cluster sampling.Non probability sampling
method is known as parametric sampling.Non probability
sampling are incidental sampling, judgemental
sampling,purposive sampling and quota sampling.The difference
between the sample estimate and the population value is called
sampling error.Then i go to variables, variables is something
which varies.variable is an attributes of objects , events,things
and beings which can be measured.variables are classified in to
various types.such as independent variables,dependent
variable,moderate variable,control variable ,intervening variable
and subject variable.This unit steps in discussing questionnaire its
construction,classification and limitation.In addition to this it
describes various test likes interview schedule,checklist.Rating
scale observation score and opinionnaire, socio metry.A
questionnaire is a tool consisting of a number of questions related
to psychological,social educational etc.Collecting relevant
research data from individual or group .Characteristics of a good
questionnaire are clearly arranged, presented psychological
order. Simple wording objective easily tabulated summaries and
interpreted.The questionnaire can be classified on the basis of
two dimensions i.e type of response required and type of
questionnaire administration.The questionnaire is of two types
basing upon the types of response required,(1)fixed response
questionnaire and (2) open end questionnaire.Construction of
questionnaire are need and purpose of
study ,simple,clear,communicable words,avoiding double
negative no suggestions ,using suitable statistical techniques for
analysis and interpretation.interview is a face to face collection of
relevant data,exchange of ideas.Importance of hypothesis are
easily collection understanding the objectives easily.knowing
easily the attitude,aptitude opinion,views ,ideas.Interview are
classified in to various types such as research
interview,clinical,diagnostic ,depth,standardized,non standardized
structured and unstructured interview checklist is a simple device
to give yes or no responses.Rating scale is a expression of
judgement ,opinion on any situation or object on a scale of
value .Rating scale divided into 5 categories such as numerical
scale,graphic scales,standard scales .Rating by cumulative points
and forced choice rating .Observation is a evaluated observable
behaviour of the individual.Evaluating items in numerical terms
and for yielding a total weight score is called score cards.External
expression of attitude is called opinionnaire.sociometric
techniques is a social acceptance or non acceptance.schedule is
a collection of relevant data in a face to face contact.survey
testing means testing the achievement of the class,school and
group.psychological tests are measured is called survey testing
Analysis of quantitative data
In chapter 4 the author has described statistics as the science of
collection,organisation,presentation,analysis and interpretation of numerical
data.scope of statistics are quantitative research in physical,biological and
social science,associated with progress of human society.Need and
importance of statistics are economic planning,collection of statistical
data.Use of statistics are facts in a definite form,draws mass figure,formal
suitable policies.There are four types of scale such as nominal scale ,ordinal
scale, interval scale, ratio scale.Frequency is a methods of arranging
scores.Graphic representation means presenting scores in graphic
forms.There are different type of graphical structure are
histogram,frequency pol6gon smooth frequency polygon,circular
polygon,pia diagram.The measure of descriptive statistics commonly used in
educational research are:-
● Measure of central tendency or average
● Measure of spread, dispersion or variability
● Measure of relative position
● Measure of relationship

Measure of central tendency –

Three important measures of central tendency namely
1. Mean 2. Median 3. Mode
Mean – 1. Arithmetic means 2. Geometric means 3. Harmonic mean
Arithmetic mean – Mean of a distribution may be defined as a point on
distribution which determines the average the midpoint or the modal
point or the center of gravity of distribution.
Calculation of mean – 1. Long method
2. Short method
Uses of mean –
● Mean is being considered as an important measure for
determination of average.
● Mean is used for conversion of raw scores to standard scores.
● Interpretation of scores is generally made by the mean as an
important measure.
Median – Median is another important measure of central tendency.the
median is the midpoint of the series. so,the median of the distribution may
be defined as,'’ a point of the distribution below and above of which there
are 50% of cases lying’’.
Uses of median –
● Median is the most important accurate measure for dividing the
proof into two equal parts.
● For estimation of different difficult questions, median are important
Mode –
Mode is the most commonly item of series. An item of score occurs
frequently is the mode. Mode of the distribution may be defined as
‘’the most frequently occurring score of the distribution’’.
Uses of mode –
● When quick and approximate measures of central tendency are
● For determining the skewness of an NPC,mode is very
● It helps in analysing qualitative data.
Measures of dispersion,give quantitative measures of variability of values.
Just as the measure of central tendency is a point on the scale of
measurement. The measure of dispersion is also distance along the scale of
The measures of dispersion are commonly used as indicated
below :-
● Range
● Quartile deviation
● Mean deviation
● Standard deviation
Range –
Range denotes the difference between the highest score and the
lowest is based on the extreme values but it does not speak about
the variation of the intermediate values. So, it is not a reliable measure of
dispersion. Range can change to a large extent from one sample to another,
representing the same population.
Uses of range –
● It is used when a researcher wants to make a rough comparison of
two or more groups.
● When data are too scattered or too scant, range is used to measure
● Range is used for quick estimation of variability.
Quartile deviation –
Quartiles are expressed by Q¹ ,Q² and Q³ where Q² is the median. The value
of the item which divides the lower half below the median into two equal
parts on the basis of frequency.
Uses of quartile deviation –
● It is used as the measure of dispersion in the open class interval.
● It is used when the median is a measure of central tendency.
● It is used when a person wants to know the concentration around
the median,the middle 50% of cases.
Average deviation or mean deviation –
AD or MD the above discussion made on two range and
quartile deviation do not include all individual scores into
account.neither the range nor quartile deviation tell the composition of
the series.
Uses of Average deviation –
● Mean deviation is used when it is needed to weight all the
deviations according to their size.
● Mean deviation is essentially used when extreme scores influence
standard deviation.
Standard deviation –
Standard deviation is the most appropriate one, because all three measures
of variability like range, quartile,mean deviation suffer from serious
drawbacks.Therefore, researchers commonly use standard deviation
Uses of SD –
● SD Is used to measure the variability having greatest stability.
● SD used in the case of NPC.
● In case of extreme deviation SD is The normal distribution of the curve
is cornerstone of the modern statistics.probability means in
mathematics is known as ratio. The probability of an unbiased coin
falling head is ½ .It is defined by the fraction,the number of which
equals the desired outcome.
Normal probability curve –
Normal probability curve is a symmetrical bell shaped certain
distribution the scores tend to be distributed symmetrically about their
Characteristics –
● It is a pi-material symmetrical curve.
● A bell shaped curve.
● In NPC mean,median,mode lie on one point.
Measuring divergence from normality –
Skewness of the curve :-
● Positive skewness
● Negative skewness
Kurtosis :-
● Leptokurtosis
● Mesokurtosis
● Platykurtosis
● much used.
Correlation analysis deals with the association between two or more
Types of correlation –
● Positive correlation
● Negative correlation
● Zero correlation
● Linear correlation
● Non- linear correlation
Method of computing coefficient of correlation –
1. Spearman's Rank difference method :-
When there are no scores, data differences in a given attribute can be
expressed only by rank; such differences can be measured directly.
2. Pearson’s product moment method :-
The most appropriate method developed by k.pearson is popularly known as
product-moment means the sum of deviations from mean raised
to some power.
Measure of relative position –
● Sigma scores
● Standard scores (Z or T scores )
● Percentiles
● Percentile ranks
Analysis of quantitative data and statistical inference based on parametric
test –
● Inference regarding means of large samples.
● Confidence interval and level of confidence.
● Inference regarding means of small samples.
● Degree of freedom.
● The significance of the difference between the independent means in
large and small samples.
● Level of significance
● Two-tailed and one-tailed test of significance.
● Significance of variance.
● Analysis of variance for factorial design.
Analysis of quantitative data inferential statistical based on non-
parametric test –
1. Unrelated sample :-
Chi-square test :-
Chi-square test is used with discrete data in the form of frequency. It is a
test of independence and it is used to estimate the likelihood that some
factor other than chance accounts for the observed relationship.
2. Related sample
● Sign test applied to small samples.
● Sign test applied to large samples.
Three methods of computing coefficients of correlations are rank difference
coefficient of correlation,pearson's product moment coefficient of
correlation,pearson product moment coefficient of correlation from scatter

Research reports and application:
This chapter is described as the Research Report and application
which consists of writing a Research Report,Review of Related
literature,format of project report instruction,Analysts and interpretation
of data.

writing a research report represents the concretes to deal the

meaning, concept of writing a research report, proposed abstract
Summary purpose of writing research report with explanation of
knowledge, presentation or conclusion, verification of validity,
problems of Created in writing the research, writing the research report
with language problems, problem of technical terms maintaining
objectivity, publication of fects. precaution in writing the thesis,
characteristics of good report and need of research report. It also
defines the general format of the research report and is divided into
1.prelimary section
2.Main body of Report. 3.Reference section.

The author also defines to how we Write a good research report by

refractive l00k covering balanced language no repetition, Absence of

Discussion or practical and workable facts ,highlighting on also has a brief note about writing provides a research
report.This chapter also provides exercises and suggestions.Review of
Related Literature unit describes the meaning and concept of Review
Literature; it also defines the Definition of J.W Best, wip Bong, W-R
Barg, Good Brand seath, C.V Good. It also tells the purpose of Review
of literature and object of Review of literature. sources of Literature
consisting for periodicals, indicas, Abstracts, Theses and Dissertation,
Newspaper and pamphlets, Government Document monographs,
computer searches, Encyclopedia.In the Next, it analyzes the
organizing the related literature on basis of Reference information,
content Reference, preparation of the Review of literature Report. The
author also provides the learning progress exercise and suggestions
for reading the book.

Then The Next unit is Format of project Report Instruction, Analysis

and interpretation or data. This unit highlights the explicit format of
project report instruction, and the general format of writing a research

The Format of project Report - Instruction in paper, Typing

/computerising margin, Typing ,Binding Lettering, Front cover, Black
sheets, Title sheet, Abstrad, contentsList of Tables List of Figure
women clature, page numbering, Review of related literature,work
done, Discussion, and conclusion, literature cited, Appendices,
Acknowledgement synopsis and Four typed copies ofThe project
report to be prepared and two submitted to the project coordinator. The
next point is Analysis and interpretation of data anal highlights the
steps, onganisation ,Analysis, statistical methods of analysis,
interpretationEvery Chaptere is Exploring the learners progress
extercise and suggested book for Reading.


Here in this book it has no examples on basis of topic.The definition

are so lengthy
and complex to understand.It need more patience to read.This chapter
is lengthy for reading.This chapter is not well arranged the content and
not clarify the concept.There are repeat some
characteristics.Here,about research design was elaborate in a vast
concept but one is explained too little in a chapter 3 and would be
better.If all points were explained overly.criteria and statement of
hypothesis was not given in chapter4 ,whereas sampling errors was
not given in chapter5
()will be benifit if it wil be mentionef.
This chapter has containing difficulties which can not denied that are
discussing in follows. Every unit have highlights the overally discussion
through the introduction "Basically introduction have containining the
manners which will move forward to the topic but here; it is not seeing
In the unit writing a research Report learning objectives are not
discussed throughly. it has given only points beside analyse briefly.
and also Need of Research report,General format of Research
Reporthave not highlighted the suitable points according to Reserch
format .
The basic difficulty is writing a research report have not consuming
that in basted weak point.In the next unit Review of Related literature
objectives of the literature is meaningless.which have not any type of
purposeful meaning. In the next topic Format of project Report
Instruction, Andy which analysis and interpretation of data which
analysed about the general formed of writing a research report have
not highlighted points of preliminary section,main body of Report,
Reference section.This topic consists more unrelated data, which are
so difficult to understand
and study: If the sections were elaborated by example then it will
helpful for understand the topic.At Last every topic ended with an
unsuitable learner progressive exercise.which is not based on the

Suggestions For Improvement:

However, “Introduction to educational research” is not what I would call an easy read, there
author has provided a dense description of topic explanations, if would be provided a limited and
pointwise elaboration of the topic instead of a paragraph explanation may be understandable for the
readers to comprehension, and readers shows interest in it.
Nevertheless, I preserved and, all in all I can highly recommend “Introduction to educational
research.”This edition is suitable for B.A. (Education), Integrated B.A B.Ed. students. I will make sure
you remain unmoved after reading this exceptional book.

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