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INSTRUCTIONS: Select the correct answer for each of the following

1. This is the study of crimes and criminals, and a particular

field that attempt to build theories that explain why crimes
occur and test those theories by observing behavior.

A. Psychology B. Sociology
C. Biology D. Criminology

2. It is the earliest surviving legal codes and which was

developed in about 2000 B.C., and its content is known today as
famous set of written laws.

A. Kalantiaw Code B. Code of Hamurabi

C. Mosaic Code D. Twelve Tables

3. Lex talionis, means.

A. physical retaliation B. an eye for an eye

C. all of these D. none of these

4. It is a branch of psychiatry based on the theories of

Sigmund Freud that employs a particular personality theory and a
particular method of treatment, usually individual case study.

A. Psychoanalysis B. Psychiatry
C. all of these D. Psychology

5. This refers to the breakdown of social orders as results of

a loss of standards and values that replaced social cohesion.

A. anomie theory B. strain theory

C. radical theory D. conflict theory

6. He is considered as the “father of modern criminology.”

A. Cesare Beccaria B. Jeremy Benthan

C. Rafael Garogalo D. Emile Durkheim

7. He postulates the theory of “born criminal,” which states

that criminals are a lower of life, nearer to the apelike
ancestors than non-criminals in traits and disposition.

A. Cesare Lombroso B. Jeremy Benthan

C. Rafael Garogalo D. Emile Durkheim

8. To estimate the nature of crime, the criminologists in the

local setting primarily rely on this, which measures crimes
through reports made by the police and other law enforcement

A. National Uniform Crime Reporting System

B. Nationwide Criminological Researches
C. Quantitative Crime Statistics
D. Reports of the Police & Law Enforcement Agencies

9. They want to know why and how things go wrong; they want to
apply the scientific methods of research to the study of social
problem and their solution.

A. criminologists B. sociologists
C. biologists D. psychologists

10. It is describes as a sequence of developmental stages that

people pass through, and even acquiring the capacity to make
moral judgments.

A. moral development theory

B. social learning theory
C. personality theory
D. psychoanalytic theory

11. It is the part of the personality that contains the powerful

urges and drives for gratification and satisfaction.

A. id B. ego
C. superego D. conscience

12. It is usually refers to as the general mental capability to

reason, solve problems, think abstractly, learn and understand
new material, and profit from past experience.

A. personality B. intelligence
C. morality D. behavior

13. This theory separates the good from the bad, the
conventional from the deviant.

A. none of these B. labeling theory

C. marking theory D. tagging theory
14. Some crimes may be possible only if the opportunity results
from the fact that some crime may be possible only if the
opportunity arises, and that is:

A. absence of guardian
B. facilitating criminality
C. unexpected opportunity
D. existence of victims

15. This holds that a crime is not complete unless the actor’s
conduct necessarily caused the harm without interference by some
body else, and that is the proximate cause of the act.

A. legal requirement B. reason requirement

C. causation requirement D. defense excuses

16. Every crime has been created to prevent something bad, and
these detrimental consequences that are trying to avoid is called

A. harm requirement
B. dolo and culpa requirement
C. criminal act requirement
D. unlawful act requirement

17. It is the branch of psychology which investigates the crime

with particular reference to the personality factors of the

A. criminal psychiatry
B. criminal psychology
C. criminal psychoanalysis
D. criminal anthropology

18. This refers to a complex set of behaviors characterized by

three central features, i.e., excessive motor activity,
impulsivity, and inattention.

A. attention deficit
B. hyperactivity disorder
C. all of these
D. none of these

19. This refers to the variety of symptoms found among delinquent

youth, and these are usually co-occurring psychopathologies that
exist between one or more of these symptoms and ADHD symptoms.

A. conduct problem B. behavior problem

C. mannerism problem D. attitude problem
20. It is almost always going to be in trouble with the law, and
this adult disorder is likely to have begun with a childhood
pattern of disregard for the rights of others.

A. paranoid-schizoprenic personality
B. anti-social personality
C. inadequate personality
D. manic-depressive personality

21. It is refers to the agencies of the government charge with

the enforcing, prosecuting, convicting or acquitting, correcting
and providing assistance in returning to the community.

A. criminal justice system

B. juvenile justice system
C. anti-crime machinery of the government
D. police, prosecution, court, correction & community

22. It is an order issued by Datu Kalantiyaw on 1433 A.D. for

the guidance of his people.

A. Code of Hamurabi B. Code of Kalantiyaw

C. Mosaic Code D. Maragtas Code

23. Collectively, it is the largest and most visible of all

criminal justice agencies, and probably the most complex and
certainly, the most controversial of all in the criminal process.

A. court pillar B. correction pillar

C. prosecution pillar D. police pillar

24. The police occupy one of the most important positions in the
society, due this __________ is entrusted to them.

A. maintenance of peace and order

B. enforcement of laws
C. all of these
D. right to protect the citizenry

25. The term fiscal was derived from the Spanish word
__________, which means treasury.

A. procurador B. fisco
C. none of these D. fiscus

26. It operates under the supervision and control of the

Department of Justice (DOJ).
A. prosecution pillar of the CJS
B. National Prosecution Service
C. City and Provincial Fiscal
D. Public Attorney’s Office

27. Unknown to some, if not all, the prosecution pillar has a

dual role, that of prosecutor and at the same time:

A. chief law enforcement officer

B. government a law agency
B. administrator of the system
D. prosecution pillar of the system

28. It is viewed as the machinery that sets in notion the

institution of action to establish the guilt of criminal
offenders and law violators.

A. prosecution pillar B. city fiscal

C. state prosecutors D. provincial fiscal

29. It is an act which provides a uniform system of preliminary


A. RA 5189 B. PD 77
C. Act 2942 D. PD 911

30. The prosecutors have __________ in determining which charges

to bring or whether to present the case to the courts.

A. none of these B. legal authority

C. wide discretion D. legal responsibility

31. He is considered as the most prominent jurists at the time

of his appointment to the first Supreme Court organized under the
American model.

A. Gregorio Araullo B. Cayetano Arellano

C. Wictorino Mapa D. Florentino Torres

32. In the local setting, the regular courts engaged in the

administration of justice are organized into four level, and the
highest is:

A. city/municipal courts B. regional trial court

C. supreme court D. court of appeals
33. The basic law on the Philippine Prison System is found in
Revised Administrative Code, otherwise known as:

A. Royal Decree B. Correction Law

C. Bilibid Prison Law D. Prisons Law

34. The corrections in the local scenario have two-systems based

approaches, one is the institution-based and two is:

A. community-based corrections
B. jail confinement & treatment
C. probation and parole system
D. privatized corrections

35. This is the only penal institution for women in the country.

A. Correctional Institution for Women

B. National Bilibid Prisones
C. National Mental Hospitals
D none of these

36. Is the temporary and conditional suspension of the

prosecution of a case prior to its adjudication.

A. diversion B. probation
C. plea-bargaining D. parole

37. It operates rehabilitation centers intended for youthful


A. Department of Social Welfare & Development

B. Bureau of Jail Management & Penology
C. Bureau of Corrections
D. provincial government

38. It is otherwise known as the Barangay Justice System, as


A. PD 1508 B. RA 7160
C. PD 7160 D. RA 1508

39. It serves as the coordinating machinery of the criminal

justice system.

A. Peace and Order Councils

B. Department of Interior and Local Government
C. Department of Justice
D. Local Government Units
40. It is the basic element and the fifth component of the entire
criminal justice system since without their support, the system
itself cannot succeed.

A. society B. community
C. public D. populace

41. It is a criminal or antisocial behavior of the youth, and is

usually considered to be in need of treatment, rehabilitation, or
A. juvenile delinquency B. abused children
C. street children D. neglected children

42. They are children over the age of seven were considered old
enough to know right from wrong and to understand the
consequences of their actions, and were considered responsible
for their law-violating behavior.

A. minor B. juvenile
C. children D. youth

43. It is an extreme or persistent cases of youthful non-

conformity or obstinacy became a matter of community discipline.

A. anti-social B. wayward
C. delinquency D. truants

44. Essentially three kinds of children come into contact with

the juvenile court system, they are as follows, EXCEPT:

A. dependent B. neglected
C. delinquent juvenile D. abused children

45. If delinquency is a rational choice and a routine activity,

then delinquency prevention is a matter of three general
strategies, EXCEPT:

A. individual deterrence B. specific deterrence

C. general deterrence D. situational deterrence

46. The first line of defense against all forms of juvenile

crime is still prevention in the following levels, EXCEPT:

A. primary prevention B. secondary prevention

C. tertiary prevention D. none of these
47. It was opened in New York in 1825 to cater the needs of
juvenile delinquents.

A. House of Refuge B. House of Common

C. Boystown Center D. Crisis Center

48. It is one of the first efforts to classify the many different

types of delinquency prevention activities drew to preventing
diseases and injuries.
A. governmental control
B. public health approach
C. individual views
D. developmental perspectives

49. There are two roots of the contemporary juvenile justice

system, i.e. one is clearly punitive, and the other is

A. supportive and caring B. rehabilitative

D. community-based D. prevention

50. This doctrine implies that the state has every right to
protect children from improper upbringing.

A. sed lex, jura lex B. patria potestas

C. parens patriae D. sonum bonum

51. The juvenile justice system’s jurisdiction extends into

three classifications of children, EXCEPT:

A. those who are neglected, dependent or abused

B. those who are incorrigible, wayward or truant
C. those who violate laws, ordinances and codes
D. those breaking and vandalizing automobiles

52. These are among the special purposes of the juvenile justice

A. to settle civil controversies

B. to protect abused, neglected minor
C. all of the above
D. none of the above

53. This code shall be known as the "Child and Youth Welfare
Code,’ of the Philippines.

A. PD 603 B. PD 968
C. PD 850 D. PD 608
54. This act shall be known as the "Special Protection of
Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act of
A. RA 7438 B. RA 7610
C. RA 9262 C. RA 9208

55. This act shall be known as the "Juvenile Justice and Welfare
Act of 2006."
A. RA 9344 B. RA 9346
C. RA 8551 D. RA 7659

56. It is the voluntary of involuntary attitude of a person’s in

order to fit the society’s idea of right or wrong.

A. human behavior B. inherited behavior

C. learned behavior D. all of these

57. It is the expert handling of crisis or emergency or the

likes, so as to reduce or eliminate dangers, or the likes,
especially on the part of the government.

A. crisis management B. police operation

C. crisis intervention D. emergency response

58. It is a set of circumstances wherein a suspected law violator

is holding a person captive, with the use of force, or threat of

A. hostage situation B. kidnapping

C. barricaded person D. illegal detention

59. It is the dimension that dictates conditionability, and is

therefore the principal factor in anti-social behavior.

A. neuroticism B. psychoticism
C. extraversion D. none of these

60. It is characterized by cold cruelty, social insensibility,

disregard for danger, troublesome behavior, dislike of other, and
an attraction toward the unusual.

A. neuroticism B. psychoticism
C. extraversion D. all of these

61. This theory acknowledges that individuals have physiological

mechanisms that permit them to behave aggressively.
A. learning theory B. behavior theory
C. cognitive development D. personality theory

62. These are the objectives of crisis management, EXCEPT:

A. accomplish tasks within community standards

B. safety of participants and arrest of perpetrators
C. resolve without further incidents
D. evaluate, contain and negotiate with the suspects

63. These are the major activities of managing hostage

situation, i.e., planning, organizing, leading and __________.

A. controlling B. directing
C. staffing D. coordinating

64. These are the difference between hostage-taking and

kidnapping, EXCEPT:

A. the police can employ crisis management techniques

B. the police are not aware of the captive’s location
C. the police are not in close contact with perpetrators
D. the police cannot exert pressure on the part of the

65. These are people who take hostages during a period of

prolonged frustrations, despair, and problems.

A. persons in crisis B. psychotics

C. prisoners D. political terrorist

66. It is the basis for behavior modification, and it is one of

the approach used in institutionalized and non-institutionalized
setting for changing behavior.

A. learning theory B. behavior theory

C. cognitive development D. personality theory

67. Emphasize human actions in relation to events taking place

inside the body, especially the brains and the nervous system.

A. neurological B. behavioral
C. cognitive D. psychoanalytical

68. It is complicated crisis intervention process that is

comprised of a system of inter-related conditions, activities,
and behaviors needed to resolve a highly volatile terrorist
A. negotiation approaches
B. operational procedures
C. terrorist’s negotiations
D. barricaded matrix

69. It is a mental disease resembling paranoia, it is also

characterized by autistic behavior, hallucinations, and gradual
deterioration of the personality.

A. inadequate personality
B. anti-social personality
C. manic-depressive
D. paranoid schizophrenic

70. Although the mental defect is not as severe as that of

idiots, he cannot manages his own affairs. The mental age may be
compared to a normal child from three (3) to seven (7) years old.
The I.Q. is 21 to 40.

A. imbecile B. feeble-minded
C. idiot D. morally defective

71. It is the study of standards of custody and moral judgment.

Oftentimes it is referred to as the moral philosophy. It is a
science that deals with the philosophical study of morality.

A. values B. ethics
C. traditions D. customs

72. It is a personal behavior, in ethics, it is the voluntary

control and direction of one's activities towards moral and
spiritual development.

A. conduct B. behavior
C. action D. activities

73. It is a mental picture of something of a conception, idea,

or an impression.

A. replica B. image
C. confidence D. trust

74. This also means service, refers to the commitment, dignity,

and attitude of an individual towards work and his integrity and
practice of the core moral value principles.

A. dignity B. efficiency
C. professionalism D. competency

75. It is the state of affairs requiring tact to protect the

integrity of a person.

A. delicadeza B. dedications
C. trustworthiness D. word of honor

76. Uniformed PNP members commit themselves to democratic way of

life and values and public accountability, and this is what type
of police professional conduct.

A. commitment to public
B. commitment to democracy
C. commitment to constitution
D. commitment of society

77. All PNP members shall provide services to everyone without

discrimination regardless of party affiliation in accordance of
existing laws and regulations.

A. partisanship B. non-partisanship
C. non-involvement D. a-political

78. All PNP members in the performance of duty shall respect and
protect human dignity and uphold the __________.

A. bill of rights B. individual rights

C. human rights D. rights of persons

79. These are bodies or beliefs, stories, customs, effect of an

unwritten law, and are inherited principles, standards and

A. traditions B. cultures
C. systems D. practices

80. It is manifested by instinctive obedience to lawful orders

and spontaneous actions towards attainment of objectives by
moral, ethical and legal forms.

A. courtesy B. professionalism
C. discipline D. trustworthiness

81. It is the sum total of dealings of the police with the

people it serves and whose goodwill and cooperation it craves for
to ensure efficiency in public service.
A. community-oriented policing system
B. police-community relations
C. police-intelligence operations
D. police administrative management

82. Police-community relations spans with the following

activities, EXCEPT:

A. the entire field designed to bridge any gap between the

police and the public;
B. intended to maintain harmony and mutual support
between the police and community
C. mass communications for the purpose of conditioning the
friendly and hostile public
D. to earn and maintain the greatest possible trust, confidence and support of
the populace

83. Every member of the PNP shall adhere to the following

principles of police-community relations, EXCEPT:

A. public support must be maintained

B. public resentment must be avoided
C. public goodwill must be developed
D. an institution concerned with social problems

84. These are the three-legged stool of police-community

relations, EXCEPT:

A. public relations
B. community service
C. community participation
D. pro-active police involvement

85. This idea should be the guiding principle in all policies

and programs of police-community relations.

A. indirect co-partnership
B. community involvement
C. direct co-partnership
D. community participation

86. These are some main objectives of community relations from

the viewpoint of law enforcement and public safety, EXCEPT:

A. to maintain and develop the goodwill and confidence of

the community for the police
B. to gain a broader understanding of and sympathy
for the problems and needs of the police
C. to develop public understanding, support, and
appreciation for the services of the police
D. it involves an inter-professional or teamwork approach to a wide variety
of community

87. The following are the sub-objectives of police-community

relations, EXCEPT:

A. develop consciousness and awareness among the citizenry

B. develop positive perceptions, attitudes and opinions
towards the police
C. develop a motivated public willing enough to actively
support law enforcement program
D. to develop peace, protecting life and property, and the prevention of the

88. Police-community relations initiates measures to win the

support of the people, and focuses on the concept of __________,
a dictum that has been tried and tested.

A. doing good and telling the people about it

B. utilization of the mass media
C. employment of public relations officers
D. public information dissemination campaign

89. It is regularly conducted to strengthen bonds to its

personnel and re-orient them about norms and conduct of a good
public servant.

A. code of conduct & ethical standards program

B. religious & socio-civic programs
C. profesionalization program
D. moral recovery programs & values formation

90. This is made up of a person’s dealings with the citizens of

the community, city or town where a person lives, his membership
or contribution to civil undertakings and his membership or
contribution to the civic organization or community associations
in the locality.

A. public relations B. community relations

C. people relations D. individual relations

91. It is the misuse of the police officer’s official position

for actual or expected material rewards or gain.

A. police corruption B. accepting of gratuities

C. police extortion D. police bribery
92. It occurs when a police officer violates a rule,
regulations, and standard policy of the police organization.

A. dishonesty B. police misconduct

C. minor offenses D. violation of rules

93. It affects the esprit de corps, morale and welfare of

members, and sense of pride to the organization.

A. unity of command B. police perceptions

C. police image D. public relations

94. It is currently experienced by the police, and that is more

and more people losses interest and sympathy to the police due to
unmeet expectations and despair.

A. negative feelings B. negative image

C. uncooperative public D. apathy & indifferences

95. It is the subjects of amendments in Congress from 1995 up to

1998 when RA 8551 was finally approved.

A. flaws of police laws B. police reform

C. police modernization D. police reorganization

96. In the local setting, it is considered as the difficult

bedfellows for many years.

A. political interference B. politics & policing

C. political influence D. partisan politics

97. To safeguard the lives and properties of the citizenry,

there must be a:

A. round-the-clock police patrol or visibility

B. efficient conduct of investigation
C. effective police-community relations
D. responsive intelligence operations

98. It also means service, refers to the commitment, dignity,

and attitude of an individual towards work and his integrity and
practice of the core moral value principles.

A. to protect & to serve B. dedication

C. accountability D. professionalism
99. It is concerned with the decision-making latitude of police
organization and police officers.

A. police perceptions B. police decisions

C. police discretion D. police adjudication

100. It is any significant, perplexing, and challenging

situation, real or artificial, the solution of which requires
reflective thinking of police executives.

A. contemporary police problems

B. problems on material resources
C. problems on personnel resources
D. problem on external factors

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