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Section: PED 2
Subject: EDUC 101 - The Teacher and the Community, School Culture, and
Organizational Leadership

Let’s Check for Understanding

1. Explain in a sentence why each education philosopher was associated with these
given words:

a) John Locker- the empiricist

ANSWER: Because he believed that knowledge is best acquired by direct

contact with physical experience, as well as through the process of comparing

and reflecting on that experience, John Locke is frequently referred to as an


b) Spencer - the utilitarianist

ANSWER: Because he invented both evolutionary utilitarianism ethics and

utilitarianism education, Herbert Spencer is frequently mentioned in relation to

utilitarianism in education. The ethical guidelines of evolutionary utilitarianism

ethics are based on the evolutionary changes that take place during organic


c) John Dewey - experience

ANSWER: The phrase "Learning through Experience" is frequently associated

with John Dewey since he based his educational theory on the notion that

students should be exposed to the stimuli of the real world in order to better

prepare them for participating members of society.

d) George Counts - building a new social order

ANSWER: George Counts is associated with "Building a New Social Order"

because he pushed educators and schools to change the current social


e) Theodore Brameld - the Social Reconstructionist

ANSWER: Theodore Brameld is associated with social reconstructionism

because his ideology focuses on creating a new society by allowing the school to

examine and settle the problems, inconsistencies, and conflicts that already exist

within the community.

f) Paulo Freire-Critical pedagogy vs. Banking method

ANSWER: Because he prefers the use of critical pedagogy, which promotes

equality between teachers and students, over banking methods, which promote
an authoritarian relationship between teachers and students, Paolo Freire is

frequently associated with the critical pedagogy vs. banking method debate.

Let’s Reflect

Double Entry Journal

Two Things I learned from this My Thought/s or Reaction/s


Both educators and students can benefit Education philosophy can help those of

from the fresh knowledge that was us who hope to become teachers by

learned about diverse educational helping us to develop a variety of

philosophies from many outstanding strategies for interacting with the

philosophers, especially in terms of students we will one day teach. This is

teaching tactics and approaches. because we are aware that there are

Similar to what George Counts stated, numerous different types of behaviors,

schools and teachers should be the situations, and potential conflicts to deal

driving force behind change because it with in a classroom. I agree with the

is thought that they are the vehicles for message that George Count is

the societal advancements that we are attempting to get over with his

looking for. philosophical approach because we as

educators are one of the stepping

stones that children utilize in the

process of achieving societal progress

and because we hone them by being a

part of their path as individuals.

Herbert Spencer's "survival of the fittest" When I first started college, this served

theory explains how a person can as my guiding principle because I was

endure the process of evolutionary confident that if I could just get through

change while surviving in a complex the inevitable challenges, I would

society. This fortifies the children become a stronger, more competent

physically and psychologically so that teacher in the future. I need to become

they can withstand even the most trying better than I am now in order for me to

situations. succeed.

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