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OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE Contents Intreduetion to'the standard Benefits of implementation POCA cycle Risk based thinking / audits ‘Annex SL 7 ‘SECTION 1: Scope SECTION 2: Normative references SECTION 3: Terms af definiton Po p22 SECTION 10: | a = eo oe nerve over % Get the most from your management 0 & a Next steps once implemented P32 How elescanweassist Pea nce 1% iso donor cocUPATONAL HEAL SAFE BIE ENTATION DE B ‘Scanned with CamScanner @) INTRODUCTION TO THE STANDARD USTo ets et RC MBO Curie Pai eM Leader ROL a LLL te Pence eee) CP Mun Unreal leeltiog Improve Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) within the organization. Re te ey De eae ee Fe Ae eee ed SR A Re een eu eee) Ce anion eee By adopting a systematic approach Including worker Pe aera ake geen cd Reece tone Rui Rea onc to prevention of accidents and lang and short term Wi health etects. The standard provides a plattorm to Ce ieee en Eas wellbeing. Cheeni ne along with processes to facilitate the organization's Se ee ee eee na Pee tue er ub) assessment of compliance obligations. This approach provides the organization with both pee rego r See Re Reg ey id ‘organization improve Internally; by embedding a CMR eo eke Maen OHSAS 18001:2007 (initial version OHSAS 18001:1999) is the predecessor to the recently released ISO standard ISO 45001:2018, The OHSAS standard was recognised internationally but Wis not an ISO standard. the’ same managemer 2 anes reflects the requirements ation guidance for OHS. been developed over a umber of years by inter and ineiustry Scanned with CamScanner BENEFITS OF IMPLEMENTATION With or without a formal OH&S management system, organizations have a moral and legal Cee Ree a nT ee ee od DE aE en mua Ouro Adoption of ine hagh-tevel structure of Annes Ee eet eld ral Neaueemes Leigelbomi teil Petre eee eerie S eetietldge dashncstbbediectansiied Se headed DoE ulna cia) oreo roen es eed eto ern ee reat See lukeunaiebbcdabacioaenia pene ee ere Derelhecielendl-sraeaireleeccuid ee taeien raed Cy aerate Geman) peer ee renee Et Peete tel eee Seal tehaetebed eupaliewvokaieses eee eee a een ee ere ey Ce tect See ere eee Cy Sree ee eee nT) Sr cuienthoaaiediccotheu kendo ed Se ee eee cl Se leaiare Tneenstainadntel heme Se eee LD pel alanaeaieaka aati ele Trend Cee eee) ee cet) pee tee ee ad peeseeeerensier eer a Cee heecl ede itd ee ee neta Cede ebcakopetantccaiced eee ee eens eed isticknbateneiotesertedelinaiod Plein kee nead ceed Seid cereale sheaiemubiowea) pe en eee Le causakchukceeatchoielbastertend eesti nie Ce ay Both miwmnal and external mci prograrnmes Cipebectuciteichenesteabmackiedin cd Cee at ede ae [oe eiaeneateneatined ee elbe ata ademas) ee eee Lids beiicheorkedirdetedead dlerted ee duces alate) eee ee reer en eee keel Nee er ge een ar’ Cee ee en eras ee eee eel cslueekecumadihtnertLieckeal eee eed See ne CR ELE) Cee Reed PDCA CYCLE 1SO 45001 haz adopted the four stage Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycie for achieving continual Improvement. This is an inborent part af the syalematic approach to determine workable solutions, assessing the resulis, and Implementing ones that have been shown to work. SuPrORT 8 OPERATION 7.85 teanen: 4 WORKER PERFORMANCE PARTICIPATION evaLuaTion Establish OHAS objectives, processes and resources requitad to deliver reaults in accordance with the organizations OHSS Policy 3 eee) cos “Take actions to continually improve to Pee teeta eae Identification and emergency preparedness Ce ee elerace eke ene epen naar ened Scanned with CamScanner RISK BASED THINKING/AUDITS Any company that operates an OH&S management system must ensure there are effective measures to evaluate performance which enables continual Improvement internally, This section outlines tho different methodologies of auditing in relation to the OH&S system to ensure itis ‘ffective at all tovels of the organization and meets the requirements of the standard. Risk Based Thinking Risk Based Thinking (R87) is'a central tenat of ISO 45001 ABT requires the Management Team fo continually assess the issues that alec! OHSS aopects of wn organization ard enero that appropriate targets, resources and controls are in place. RBT empowers organizations to make dynamic changes to thet estos ay haus neue eee hep see fat ecsiee espn herd aarmern tasers ‘Sreunsiances In eaor fe GHGS. si-based Yurking eens ‘to areas outside at the organization which may influence safety. For example, procurement of products and services (inlucing Contractors) and the impact of supplied products and services. ‘Ths organization must determine the methodology for risk-based thinking wih consideration of compliance obligations and the participation of workers, For operational aspects the standard lea catines tha hierarchy of eantrol for hazard identieaton ‘and the recuction of risks wih the invalverent of werkers. This methodology requires the organization to reduce risks ascociated ‘with hazards to a reasonably practicable level 4st Party - Internal Audit Internal aus a taken at arent in te to determine poleses nd practcas are etfecive and achieving te toned aim. The intemal aueit is an opportunity to engage with workers: and to capture a trie reflection of processes, Audits may identity poeliveevdente ol contoraty chu compliance obligations however through inspection and observation they may identity inprorenunt opportuniies and nofvcomplence a breach of ip management eadard Audit Planning Developing an sl plan cons cot hapa boa Spat process. Through tisk based thinking a sees of aut can be scheduled to focus areas of higher risk and to engage with identified groups of workers. it’s up to the organization to determine the frequency provided itis defined. In aciditian to ‘eperational aspects the plan wil cover core processes Including compliance obligations, management review and socierted forabion ‘A less formal approach maybe adopted in atdtion to the auc plan by conducting ‘walkthrough’ aucits, This may be conducted by senior lendership ot at operational lavel to inspct areas of the organization fo pre-determined questions, This isa further ‘oppertundy to engage with workers, promote communication and blld a positive safely cuture within the organization. 2nd Party - External Audits ‘Second party eutits are usually conducted by customers or ‘organizations an ther beh, noweverthey may be conducted bby reguiators to enaure the organization complies with legal requirements Exemal auc are auzetl way to cubstantate an ‘organization OHSS clam and a gather frsthard information arc centact th viseker pric to earnmimentt 2 femal businese tlatloship. Second party aucis may ba Pld: Rowbve notice may not be provided from regulators emphasising the requirement fo ensure OHBS organizational tequirernents, sre prepares 3rd Party - Certification Audits ‘Thiel pat aucits are conccied by LAS acorecin eartcion ‘adios sush as NGA in complanee othe [$0 46001 ONES standard, Depending on the number of employees, sites, risk and complexity at the organization, the certification body will determine the number of audit days required to cover the full ‘scope ol the standard. Prior to certifcation, the organization may consider a gap analysis conducted by either consultant or Certification body to identity gaps against the OHBS standard, FE reece ccc warn careraranenionoe ‘Scanned with CamScanner ANNEX SL Prior to the introduction of Annox SL (praviously known as [SO Guide 83), organizations who implemented 1SO 9001 Quatity, ISO 14001 Environmental and !SO 27001 Information Security standards had difficulty integrating management systems. Based on different clause siructures and terms of definition, the absence of Annex SL could lead to potential gaps between multiple harmonise 10 care clauses, making It easier to Integrate common management atl The fst thee caises provide a background to the standard th High Level Structure Useful intermation nelucing tera of dafizon. The rationale ot ‘Context of the Organization’ (etause 4) is that the system focuses on. ‘Annex SL consists of 10 processes an requreresta reeced 3 echieve rgart=aional Poko baie slatoee: ‘objectives. This is achieved by understanding the organization and the content in which it operntes. The Clause seis out the requirements 1. Scope forthe organization to eafne the Scope oF the sysern. and the 2. Normative references amet nt ES oS weer 3. Terms of definition Clause 5 to 10 are common ts al management system standards, SO - 4500! specifically relates to occupatonal health and salety issues. BS oe So, whist there is cammonaity, tere are OHBS processes to be 5. Leadership established, implemented and maintained inclucing understanciing 6. Planning tthe poey farnewerk, ilenifcation of hazards, management 7. control of risks and worker participation. A: . Support ‘Annet SL enables an integrated managernant syaiam (MES) which 8. Emergency preparedness —— smutaneously hancies te requremenss of SO 45001, SO 9001 anc iesearvamn ania ISO 14001, Typical, hs would include & harmoneed documented ee _ information, procurement, aucit and management review process: 10. improvement (iu tre resale of deptcaton PLAN bo CHECK ACT i680 480012010: ‘Scanned with CamScanner SECTION 1: SCOPE For registration all clause requirements must be applied. This section sets the intent and eu ene Ree ae ee ae Re ke holy Peters ots ‘The Intended outcome of the OH&S management system is for the organizalion to: Bee ence} nahh theta eal ee eo Oe ae ea ee Ei) Se On sae cee see oe Cerro os need Se reas Peco eee eres ee Cee ate teen ae cere rd Mites eR Rhee et ere te Re og ee a} ene eee ete ee ee een eee eee eae SECTION 2: NORMATIVE REFERENCES Reference to ‘normative references’ are common across all management system standards however in the case of ISO 45001 there are no normative references. applicable to a standard, normative references are essential documents used for the application of the document. In other, words, the reference document it considered essential forthe application of the referenced ctandard, 180 45001 provides a bibliography with futhar information including assoeiated ISO managoment standavels, 180 45001-2018 00 Scanned with CamScanner SECTION 3: TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ISO standards are written In such a way that their meaning can be open to interpretation. As. with all standards, this interpretation can lead to confusion. To assist the user section 3 of the standard provides prescriptive terms of definition to prevent the wrong interpretation. iz highly mcommensled that persons responsible for implementation ofthe standard clarity and have a clear Lunderstancing of wards described in this section For example, worker’ may be interpreted without guidan fn operator wha works in tector. hen in realty a worker ‘covers many diferent occupational aspects including agency. contractors, all employees including Top Management and . e ‘external provider stat et artic) Each term is fisted in accordance with the hierarchy of Ait if concepts rtiecting the sequencing ofthe introduction of Deters elas oe Seren, SPCC cM CME ti) In adcition to the tm oF definion, notes provide further information and clarity, Ian electronic version of the staicard ha been purchased the defritions are hypartinked to ather definitions to that interrelationships ean be seen Scanned with CamScanner 4.1 Understanding of the organization and context Scanned with CamScanner 4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of workers and other interested parties ‘Interested parties’ the prelerred term introduced by ISO however commonly referred to at "Sinkeholdées” Unlike other comenen standards this clause inbocuces the torm Workers’ which ie a broad tax x describad in secton 3 of the: standard Terms and definitions This section requires the etarmination of in addition to workers. interested parties that can intuence OH&S postvely nd negatvely, Once thas been Secides which intresteg partes 0 reimart and agntcent ther ness fd expectations wthin the OH&S: rranagement system should be sicreries Ramemer amen conzcenng interested parties, some neecis and leipectations ave mangatory anc Incorporated ts iaw ang reguistory tequirements therefore must be ‘considered. Having detined who your Interested Parton are, 150 45001 requires that yOu determine their potential and actual eects 4.3 Determining the scope of the OH&S management system FFrom the contest information gathered in 4.1 anc Lnderstancing of needs and expectations of workers and Intecented parties in 4.2 the ‘scope’ can be developed, ‘The Scope sets out the areaa of the business that are gaing to bbe managed in the OHBS Management System. ‘Usually, this wt nclue the key processes and actwbes that ‘ara engaged in the service o production of goods, moiuding sany custorner facing activity and post-dlelivery warranty work, “Where an erganicaton is complex, the scope i uted to ring: ‘fence only the activites or locations where the system is being ‘used. This can be referred to as tboundatles of applicabilty” However, areas ot the business cannot be excluded fom the ‘scope fo avoid OHSS processes or evade legal compliance. Wen the application ta NGA ig macte to have the system auaited tor certiication, is necessary fo deciare the scope in 180

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