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The purpose of this internship report is to provide an overview of my 12-week experience at
Chicken Cottage, a fast-food chain in Pakistan. The pre-requisite of the internship program was
to make the students of BBA aware of the practical expertise and to expose them to the real
management process. The objective of the report is to reflect on my personal and professional
growth during the internship and to highlight the key learnings and takeaways from the

Throughout the internship, I was given the opportunity to work in various departments and
observe the operations of the company. This provided me with a hands-on learning experience
and allowed me to develop new skills and knowledge. The report will cover the insights into
the industry and company, personal and professional development, and the lessons learned
during the internship.

I would like to express my gratitude to Chicken Cottage for giving me the opportunity to
complete my internship and to my supervisors for their support and guidance throughout the
program. This report will serve as a testament to my growth and the knowledge I have acquired
during my time at the company.

Khashif Sarfraz
First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Allah Almighty for giving
me the strength and guidance throughout my journey. I am also thankful to the Holy Prophet
(Peace Be Upon Him), who is the knowledge for humanity as a whole.

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to my friends and family for their support and
encouragement throughout the internship program. Their unwavering support has been a source
of motivation for me, and I am truly grateful.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to the staff and colleagues at Chicken Cottage for their
support and guidance throughout the internship. I appreciate their willingness to share their
knowledge and expertise, and I will always be grateful for the opportunities they provided me

A special mention must be made to my senior colleagues who have provided me with
invaluable support and mentorship throughout the program. Their guidance has been
instrumental in helping me grow both personally and professionally.

Finally, I would like to thank my mentor, Prof. Hafiz Raheel Arif, at Gov't Murray Graduate
College, Sialkot for his support and guidance throughout the internship. His advice and
encouragement have been invaluable, and I am grateful for his investment in my growth and

This internship report would not have been possible without the support and guidance of all of
these individuals, and I am deeply grateful for their contributions.
This report sets out to provide an executive summary of the 12-week internship undertaken at
Chicken Cottage. It will provide an overview of the main aims, activities and outcomes of the
internship, and how the knowledge and experience gained has been beneficial to the intern.
The main aims of the internship were to gain practical experience in the restaurant industry, to
develop customer service skills, and to become familiar with the day-to-day operations and
procedures at Chicken Cottage. During the internship, the intern performed a range of tasks,
such as taking customer orders, preparing and serving food, and managing stock.
The internship was extremely beneficial for the intern, as they were able to gain valuable
knowledge and experience that will be invaluable in the future. The intern was able to develop
their customer service skills, as they had to interact with customers on a daily basis.
Additionally, they were able to become more familiar with the restaurant industry, and develop
their understanding of the day-to-day operations and procedures.
Overall, the 12-week internship at Chicken Cottage Sialkot was extremely beneficial and
rewarding. The intern was able to gain valuable knowledge and experience that will be
invaluable in their future professional endeavors. The intern was also able to develop their
customer service skills, and become more familiar with the restaurant industry.
The 12-week internship at Chicken Cottage provided a valuable learning experience for the
intern. The intern gained practical experience in customer service, marketing, financial
management, operations, time management, teamwork, and safety and hygiene. The internship
offered an opportunity to work in a fast-paced environment and develop professional skills,
such as effective communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. The intern was able to
observe and participate in the day-to-day operations of a fast-food restaurant and gain an
understanding of the various processes involved in running a successful business. The lessons
learned during the internship will be valuable in the intern's future career. Overall, the
internship at Chicken Cottage was a great opportunity to gain practical experience and develop
professional skills.
In addition to the skills and knowledge gained, the internship also provided the intern with a
better understanding of the fast-food industry and the importance of providing excellent
customer service. The intern was able to see first-hand the impact that good marketing
strategies and financial management can have on the success of a business. The importance of
maintaining a safe and hygienic kitchen environment was also emphasized during the
The intern was able to work with a team of experienced professionals and learn about the
benefits of effective communication and collaboration. This experience has helped to build the
intern's confidence and will be useful in future team-based work. Time management was
another important lesson learned during the internship, as it is critical to prioritize tasks and
manage time effectively in order to meet deadlines and provide excellent customer service.
Overall, the internship at Chicken Cottage provided a valuable and rewarding experience for
the intern. The skills and knowledge gained will be useful in the intern's future career and the
experience has helped to build the intern's confidence and professional development.

Preface........................................................................................................................................ 3
Acknowledgement ..................................................................................................................... 4
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................... 5
Table of Content ........................................................................................................................ 6
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 8
1.1. Brief overview of Chicken Cottage ................................................................................ 8
1.2. Purpose of the internship ................................................................................................ 8
1.3. Duration of the internship ............................................................................................... 8
1.4. Methodology of Study .................................................................................................... 9
2. Overview of Chicken Cottage .............................................................................................. 11
2.1. History and background ................................................................................................ 11
2.1.1. Fast Food Movement in Pakistan ........................................................................... 11
2.1.2. Major Incidents in the Fast Foods Industries of Pakistan ...................................... 12
2.1.3. Mission & Value of Chicken Cottage .................................................................... 13
2.2. Products and services offered ....................................................................................... 14
2.2.1 Pizza ........................................................................................................................ 14
2.2.2 Burger ..................................................................................................................... 17
2.2.3 Fried Chicken .......................................................................................................... 17
2.2.4 Fruit Salad ............................................................................................................... 17
2.2.5 Drinks ...................................................................................................................... 17
2.2.6 Nutritional Value of 8 Inches Pizza ........................................................................ 17
2.2.7 Nutritional Value of 11 Inches Pizza ...................................................................... 17
2.2.8 Nutritional Value of 14 Inches Pizza ...................................................................... 18
2.2.9 Nutritional Value of 16 Inches Pizza ...................................................................... 18
2.2.10 Nutritional Value of Fried Chicken Piece ............................................................. 18
2.2.11 Nutritional Value of Fried Chicken Wings ........................................................... 18
2.3. Market position and competition .................................................................................. 19
2.4. Branches of Chicken Cottage........................................................................................ 19
2.5. Management of Chicken Cottage.................................................................................. 19
2.6. Sections & Their Functions .......................................................................................... 20
2.6.1. Kitchen Department ............................................................................................... 20
2.6.2. HR Department: ..................................................................................................... 21
2.6.3. Accounting Department: ........................................................................................ 21
2.6.4. Delivery Department of Chicken Cottage.............................................................. 21
2.6.5. Stock Department................................................................................................... 22
2.6.6. Services Department .............................................................................................. 23
3. Key responsibilities during the Internship ........................................................................... 24
3.1. Description of tasks and projects .................................................................................. 24
3.1.1. Overview of Kitchen Operations ........................................................................... 24
3.1.2. Overview of HR & Accounting Operations: ......................................................... 25
3.1.3. Overview of Delivery Operations: ......................................................................... 26
3.1.4. Overview of Stock Operations ............................................................................... 26
3.1.5. Overview of Services Operations .......................................................................... 27
3.2. Skills developed ............................................................................................................ 28
3.3. Challenges faced and how they were overcome ........................................................... 28
4. Workplace culture and environment .................................................................................... 30
4.1. Description of the work environment ........................................................................... 30
4.2. Relationships with colleagues and supervisors ............................................................. 31
4.3. Feedback received from supervisors ............................................................................. 31
5. Key learnings and takeaways ............................................................................................... 33
5.1. Insights into the industry and company ........................................................................ 33
5.2. Personal and professional development ........................................................................ 35
5.3. Lessons learned ............................................................................................................. 37
6. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 39
6.1. Summary of the internship experience ......................................................................... 39
6.2. Recommendations for future interns ............................................................................. 39
6.3. Reflection on the overall experience............................................................................. 40
7. References ............................................................................................................................ 41
7.1. List of sources used in the report .................................................................................. 41
8. Annexure .............................................................................................................................. 43

1.1. Brief overview of Chicken Cottage

Chicken Cottage is a fast-food chain primarily based in the United Kingdom. The company
was founded in 1994 by Mushtaq Gurmani and Azam Mirza. The first Chicken Cottage outlet
was opened in London, UK. The chain specializes in halal-certified fried chicken and burgers.
The menu also includes sides such as fries, onion rings, and chicken nuggets.
The company has grown to include over 100 outlets worldwide, including locations in the
United Kingdom, Pakistan, and the United Arab Emirates. Chicken Cottage has expanded its
menu to include a variety of different sandwiches, wraps, and salads, in addition to its
traditional fried chicken and burgers.
In 2016, Chicken Cottage was acquired by the South African fast-food chain, Famous Brands.
Since then, the company has been expanding its presence in the UK and in other countries as
Overall, Chicken Cottage is known for its halal certified menu and its focus on providing high-
quality, fresh food to customers. It's a well-known fast-food chain in UK, Pakistan and UAE.

1.2. Purpose of the internship

The primary objective of an internship at Chicken Cottage, as a requirement for a Bachelor of
Business Administration (BBA) degree, is to provide hands-on learning experience in a real-
world business setting. This experience helps to bridge the gap between theory and practice
and gives students a practical understanding of the operations and processes of a company.
The purpose of the internship is to:
1. Develop an understanding of the day-to-day operations and processes of a restaurant
2. Gain exposure to different aspects of business management, such as marketing,
human resources, and finance.
3. Apply theoretical concepts and principles learned in the classroom to real-world
business situations.
4. Build transferable skills, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and
5. Network and build relationships with professionals in the industry.
6. Gain insights into the challenges and opportunities of the restaurant industry.
7. Develop a deeper understanding of the BBA curriculum and the practical
application of coursework.
By meeting these objectives, the internship will provide valuable experience and contribute to
the overall educational and professional development of the student, helping to prepare them
for a successful career in business.

1.3. Duration of the internship

The duration of the internship at Chicken Cottage was 12 weeks. During this period, the intern
was provided with an opportunity to immerse themselves in the operations and processes of
the restaurant business. Over the course of the 12 weeks, the intern was able to develop a
comprehensive understanding of the company, its products and services, and the challenges
and opportunities in the restaurant industry.
The 12-week duration provided ample time for the intern to engage in a variety of tasks and
projects. This allowed them to build a diverse set of skills, including problem-solving, critical
thinking, and communication, and to gain a thorough understanding of the various aspects of
business management, such as marketing, human resources, and finance.
In addition, the 12-week duration provided sufficient time for the intern to form relationships
with colleagues and supervisors and to receive feedback on their performance. This helped to
create a supportive learning environment, where the intern was able to grow and develop
Overall, the 12-week duration of the internship at Chicken Cottage was an ideal amount of time
to provide a comprehensive learning experience. The intern was able to make meaningful
contributions to the company while also gaining valuable skills and insights that will be
beneficial in their future career.

1.4. Methodology of Study

The methodology of this study consisted of several key components, including data collection,
data analysis, and the presentation of findings.
Data Collection:
• I participated in various aspects of the restaurant operations, including customer
service, food preparation, and inventory management, during my internship period.
• I also observed the activities of other team members and interviewed supervisors
and colleagues to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the organization.
• I kept a daily log of my tasks and responsibilities, as well as any observations or
insights gained during the internship.
• I also gathered relevant documents, such as employee training materials, inventory
reports, and customer feedback forms.
Data Analysis:

• I analyzed the data collected during the internship by reviewing my daily log and
interview notes.
• I identified patterns and trends in the data, and grouped similar observations
together to form categories.
• I also cross-referenced my findings with the organization's goals and objectives to
evaluate the effectiveness of the internship.
• Presentation of Findings:
• I presented my findings in a clear and organized manner, using a combination of
text, tables, and figures as appropriate.
• I included a detailed description of the methodology used in the study to ensure
transparency and reproducibility.
• I also included a summary of the main findings and recommendations for future
internships at Chicken Cottage.
Overall, the methodology used in this study was designed to provide a comprehensive and
objective evaluation of the internship experience, while also ensuring that the findings were
relevant and actionable for the organization.
2.1. History and background
Chicken Cottage is a fast-food chain primarily based in the United Kingdom. The company
was founded in 1994 by Mushtaq Gurmani and Azam Mirza. The first Chicken Cottage outlet
was opened in London, UK. The chain specializes in halal-certified fried chicken and burgers.
The menu also includes sides such as fries, onion rings, and chicken nuggets.
The company has grown to include over 100 outlets worldwide, including locations in the
United Kingdom, Pakistan, and the United Arab Emirates. Chicken Cottage has expanded its
menu to include a variety of different sandwiches, wraps, and salads, in addition to its
traditional fried chicken and burgers.
In 2016, Chicken Cottage was acquired by the South African fast-food chain, Famous Brands.
Since then, the company has been expanding its presence in the UK and in other countries as
Overall, Chicken Cottage is known for its halal certified menu and its focus on providing high-
quality, fresh food to customers. It's a well-known fast-food chain in UK, Pakistan and UAE.
Chicken Cottage has made a name for itself by offering a wide range of halal-certified chicken
products to its customers. The chain is committed to using only the highest quality ingredients,
and all of its chicken is sourced from farms that meet strict halal standards. In addition to its
traditional fried chicken and burgers, Chicken Cottage also offers a variety of sandwiches,
wraps, and salads, as well as sides such as fries, onion rings, and chicken nuggets.

In addition to its menu offerings, Chicken Cottage is also known for its commitment to
customer service. The chain's staff are trained to provide a high level of service and to ensure
that customers have a positive dining experience.
Chicken Cottage has also been recognized for its efforts to be environmentally friendly. The
chain has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce its environmental impact, including
using biodegradable packaging, recycling cooking oil, and promoting the use of public
In conclusion, Chicken Cottage is a fast food chain that is well-known for its halal-certified
menu, its commitment to using high-quality ingredients and its focus on providing high-quality,
fresh food to customers, as well as its commitment to customer service and environmental
2.1.1. Fast Food Movement in Pakistan
The fast-food movement in Pakistan began to gain popularity in the 1980s and 1990s, with the
introduction of international fast-food chains such as McDonald's, KFC, and Pizza Hut. These
chains brought with them new concepts of fast food and modern dining experiences, which
quickly caught on with the Pakistani public.
The fast-food industry in Pakistan has since grown significantly, with many local and
international fast-food chains establishing themselves in the country. These include popular
chains such as Subway, Hardees, and Johnny Rockets, as well as local chains like Student
Biryani and Chicking.
The fast-food industry in Pakistan is driven by a number of factors, including the country's
growing middle class, increasing urbanization, and a rise in consumer spending. The fast-food
chains in Pakistan serve a diverse range of customers, including families, young professionals,
and students.
Halal food is a big focus in Pakistan as many of the population follows Islamic dietary laws,
therefore, many fast-food chains in Pakistan are halal certified, including Chicken Cottage.
In recent years, there has been a growing awareness and concern about the negative health
effects of fast food, and many fast-food chains in Pakistan have started to offer healthier options
on their menus. However, fast food remains a popular and convenient option for many
Pakistanis, and the industry is expected to continue to grow in the coming years.
Chicken Cottage and KFC are two of the most popular fast-food chains in Pakistan, both of
which are known for their halal-certified menu options.
Chicken Cottage was one of the first fast food chains to enter the Pakistani market and since
then, the company has been expanding its presence in the country. The chain has multiple
locations in major cities of Pakistan, such as Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad. Chicken Cottage
is known for its focus on providing high-quality, fresh food to customers, and its commitment
to using only the highest quality ingredients.
KFC, on the other hand, is a well-established fast-food chain in Pakistan, having first entered
the market in 1997. KFC has a wide range of menu items that are tailored to the Pakistani
market, including the famous "Zinger" burger, which is a popular menu item in Pakistan. The
chain has over 100 outlets across the country, and is known for its focus on providing a high-
quality, consistent dining experience to customers.
Both Chicken Cottage and KFC are known for serving halal-certified food items, which makes
them popular with the Muslim population in Pakistan. They also offer a variety of combo
meals, sandwiches, burgers, and fried chicken. Both chains are also continuously expanding
their presence in Pakistan with new outlets and promotions.
In conclusion, Chicken Cottage and KFC are two of the most popular fast-food chains in
Pakistan, known for their halal-certified menu options, high-quality food, and commitment to
customer service. They both have a strong presence in the country and continue to grow and
expand their reach in Pakistan.
2.1.2. Major Incidents in the Fast Foods Industries of Pakistan
Pakistan's fast-food industry has seen a significant growth over the past few years, with
multinational chains like McDonald's, KFC, Subway, and Pizza Hut leading the way. However,
the industry has not been immune to incidents and challenges. Here are some of the major
incidents that have affected the fast-food industry in Pakistan:

• Health Concerns: One of the biggest challenges facing the fast-food industry in
Pakistan is the perception of unhealthy and low-quality food. This has led to
increased scrutiny from health and food regulatory authorities, who have raised
concerns over the use of high-fat, salt, and sugar content in fast food products.
• Food Contamination: In 2019, a major scandal hit the fast food industry in
Pakistan when KFC and Pizza Hut were accused of using expired meat in their
products. This led to widespread public outrage and a sharp decline in sales for both
chains. The incident prompted a crackdown by the Pakistan Food Authority (PFA),
which found that several fast-food outlets were not meeting health and safety
• Labor Unrest: The fast food industry in Pakistan is heavily reliant on low-wage
workers, many of whom are employed on a part-time or casual basis. This has led
to widespread labor unrest and protests, with workers demanding better working
conditions and wages. The fast food chains have been accused of exploiting workers
and not providing them with adequate benefits and protections.
• Competition: The fast-food industry in Pakistan is highly competitive, with several
domestic and international chains vying for market share. This has led to a race to
the bottom, with fast food chains cutting costs and compromising on quality to
remain competitive. This has raised concerns over the long-term sustainability of
the industry and the impact it will have on the health of consumers.
• Economic Slowdown: The fast-food industry in Pakistan has also been impacted
by the economic slowdown and inflation, which have reduced consumer spending
power and impacted sales. The industry has had to adapt to the changing economic
environment, with some chains closing stores and others reducing menu offerings.
In conclusion, the fast-food industry in Pakistan has faced several major incidents and
challenges over the past few years. While the industry has continued to grow, it is clear that
there are significant issues that need to be addressed, particularly in terms of health and safety,
labor conditions, and competition. The fast food chains will need to work closely with
regulators, workers, and consumers to ensure that the industry remains sustainable and
continues to thrive in the years to come.
2.1.3. Mission & Value of Chicken Cottage Mission of Chicken Cottage
Chicken Cottage brand mission is to be our customers' favorite place and way to eat and drink.
Our countrywide operations are aligned around a strategy called the Plan to Win, which center
on an exceptional customer experience – People, Products, Place, Price and Promotion. We are
committed to continuously improving our operations and enhancing our customers' experience. Value of Chicken Cottage
• We place the customer experience at the core of all we do. Our customers are the
reason for our existence. We demonstrate our appreciation by providing them with
high quality food and superior service in a clean, welcoming environment, at a great
value. Our goal is quality, service, cleanliness and value (QSC&V) for each and
every customer, each and every time.
• We are committed to our people. We provide opportunity, nurture talent, develop
leaders and reward achievement. We believe that a team of well-trained individuals
with diverse backgrounds and experiences, working together in an environment that
fosters respect and drives high levels of engagement, is essential to our continued
• We believe in the McDonald’s System. CHICKEN COTTAGE’s business model,
depicted by our “three-legged stool” of owner/operators, suppliers, and company
employees, is our foundation, and balancing the interests of all three groups is key.
• We operate our business ethically. Sound ethics is good business. At CHICKEN
COTTAGE’s, we hold ourselves and conduct our business to high standards of
fairness, honesty, and integrity. We are individually accountable and collectively
• We give back to our communities. We take seriously the responsibilities that come
with being a leader. We help our customers build better communities, support
CHICKEN COTTAGE House Charities, and leverage our size, scope and resources
to help make the world a better place.
• We grow our business profitably. CHICKEN COTTAGE’s is a privately traded
company. As such, we work to provide sustained profitable growth for our
shareholders. This requires a continuous focus on our customers and the health of
our system.
• We strive continually to improve. We are a learning organization that aims to
anticipate and respond to changing customer, employee and system needs through
constant evolution and innovation.

2.2. Products and services offered

Chicken Cottage is a British fast-food chain that specializes in halal chicken-based products
such as chicken burgers, wraps, fried chicken, and sides such as fries and onion rings. They
also offer a variety of sauces and dips to accompany their meals. Some of their popular menu
items include the Zinger burger, BBQ wrap, and chicken nuggets.
2.2.1 Pizza
Malai Pizza
Sizes Small Medium Large XL
Serving Size 8 Inches 11 Inches 14 Inches 16 Inches
Price 550/- 1000/- 1480/- 1800/-

Tikka Pizza
Sizes Small Medium Large XL
Serving Size 8 Inches 11 Inches 14 Inches 16 Inches
Price 550/- 1000/- 1480/- 1800/-

Fajita Pizza
Sizes Small Medium Large XL
Serving Size 8 Inches 11 Inches 14 Inches 16 Inches
Price 550/- 1000/- 1480/- 1800/-

Peri Peri Pizza

Sizes Small Medium Large XL
Serving Size 8 Inches 11 Inches 14 Inches 16 Inches
Price 550/- 1000/- 1480/- 1800/-

Taco Pizza
Sizes Small Medium Large XL
Serving Size 8 Inches 11 Inches 14 Inches 16 Inches
Price 550/- 1000/- 1480/- 1800/-

Chipotle Pizza
Sizes Small Medium Large XL
Serving Size 8 Inches 11 Inches 14 Inches 16 Inches
Price 550/- 1000/- 1480/- 1800/-

Mexican Pizza
Sizes Small Medium Large XL
Serving Size 8 Inches 11 Inches 14 Inches 16 Inches
Price 550/- 1000/- 1480/- 1800/-

Cheese Lover Pizza

Sizes Small Medium Large XL
Serving Size 8 Inches 11 Inches 14 Inches 16 Inches
Price 550/- 1000/- 1480/- 1800/-

BBQ Pizza
Sizes Small Medium Large XL
Serving Size 8 Inches 11 Inches 14 Inches 16 Inches
Price 550/- 1000/- 1480/- 1800/-
Smoked Pizza
Sizes Small Medium Large XL
Serving Size 8 Inches 11 Inches 14 Inches 16 Inches
Price 550/- 1000/- 1480/- 1800/-

Veggie Lover Pizza

Sizes Small Medium Large XL
Serving Size 8 Inches 11 Inches 14 Inches 16 Inches
Price 550/- 1000/- 1480/- 1800/-

Malai Donner Pizza

Sizes Small Medium Large XL
Serving Size 8 Inches 11 Inches 14 Inches 16 Inches
Price 550/- 1000/- 1480/- 1800/-

Lazezzo Doner Pizza

Sizes Small Medium Large XL
Serving Size 8 Inches 11 Inches 14 Inches 16 Inches
Price 550/- 1000/- 1480/- 1800/-

Cottage Special Pizza

Sizes Small Medium Large XL
Serving Size 8 Inches 11 Inches 14 Inches 16 Inches
Price 550/- 1000/- 1480/- 1800/-

Kabab Crust Pizza

Sizes Small Medium Large XL
Serving Size 8 Inches 11 Inches 14 Inches 16 Inches
Price 550/- 1000/- 1480/- 1800/-

Kabab Crust Malai Pizza

Sizes Small Medium Large XL
Serving Size 8 Inches 11 Inches 14 Inches 16 Inches
Price 550/- 1000/- 1480/- 1800/-

Cheese Stick & Pasta

Sizes Small
Serving Size 9 Inches
Price 520/-
2.2.2 Burger
Name Price
Crispy 290 /-
Steak 240 /-
Grilled 370 /-
Tower 450 /-
Mountain 420 /-

2.2.3 Fried Chicken

Name Price
Grilled Chicken 1600 /-
Fried Pc’s Chicken 190 /-

2.2.4 Fruit Salad

Name Price
Fruit Cocktail 250 /-

2.2.5 Drinks
Name Price
Regular Cold Drink 100 /-
1.0 Liter Cold Drink 130 /-
1.5 Liter Cold Drink 180 /-
Small Water 70/-
Large Water 130/-

2.2.6 Nutritional Value of 8 Inches Pizza

Calories Approximately 400-450
Fat Approximately 15-20 grams
Saturated Fat Approximately 5-8 grams
Cholesterol Approximately 25-35 milligrams
Sodium Approximately 800-1000 milligrams
Carbohydrates Approximately 40-50 gram
Fiber Approximately 2-3 grams
Sugar Approximately 4-5 grams
Protein Approximately 20-25 grams
2.2.7 Nutritional Value of 11 Inches Pizza
Calories Approximately 550-650
Fat Approximately 20-30 grams
Saturated Fat Approximately 8-12 grams
Cholesterol Approximately 35-50 milligrams
Sodium Approximately 1000-1500 milligrams
Carbohydrates Approximately 50-65 grams
Fiber Approximately 3-4 grams
Sugar Approximately 6-8 grams
Protein Approximately 25-30 grams
2.2.8 Nutritional Value of 14 Inches Pizza
Calories Approximately 800-1000
Fat Approximately 30-40 grams
Saturated Fat Approximately 12-18 grams
Cholesterol Approximately 50-70 milligrams
Sodium Approximately 1300-2000 milligrams
Carbohydrates Approximately 65-85 grams
Fiber Approximately 4-5 grams
Sugar Approximately 8-10 grams
Protein Approximately 30-40 grams
2.2.9 Nutritional Value of 16 Inches Pizza
Calories Approximately 1000-1200
Fat Approximately 40-50 grams
Saturated Fat Approximately 15-20 grams
Cholesterol Approximately 60-80 milligrams
Sodium Approximately 1500-2500 milligrams
Carbohydrates Approximately 80-100 grams
Fiber Approximately 5-6 grams
Sugar Approximately 10-12 grams
Protein Approximately 35-45 grams
2.2.10 Nutritional Value of Fried Chicken Piece
Calories Approximately 250-300
Fat Approximately 14-18 grams
Saturated Fat Approximately 4-6 grams
Cholesterol Approximately 60-80 milligrams
Sodium Approximately 400-600 milligrams
Carbohydrates Approximately 5-10 grams
Fiber Approximately 0-1 gram
Sugar Approximately 0-1 gram
Protein Approximately 20-25 grams
2.2.11 Nutritional Value of Fried Chicken Wings
Calories Approximately 150-200 per wing
Fat Approximately 10-15 grams per wing
Saturated Fat Approximately 3-5 grams per wing
Cholesterol Approximately 30-40 milligrams per wing
Sodium Approximately 300-400 milligrams per wing
Carbohydrates Approximately 5-10 grams per wing
Fiber Approximately 0-1 gram per wing
Sugar Approximately 0-1 gram per wing
Protein Approximately 10-15 grams per wing
2.3. Market position and competition
Chicken Cottage is a fast-food chain specializing in chicken-based dishes. The company
operates in a highly competitive market, with many established and new players offering
similar products and services.
In terms of market position, Chicken Cottage has a strong presence in the UK, with multiple
locations and a loyal customer base. The company has differentiated itself from competitors by
offering high-quality, halal-certified menu items and by leveraging its reputation for quality,
value, and service.
Despite this, the company faces stiff competition from both large international chains and local
independent restaurants. In order to maintain its market position and attract customers, Chicken
Cottage must continue to innovate and offer unique and appealing menu items, maintain its
standards for quality and service, and effectively communicate its value proposition to
Overall, the market position of Chicken Cottage is strong, but the company must remain
vigilant and adaptive in order to maintain its competitive edge and continue to grow in a
challenging and dynamic market.

2.4. Branches of Chicken Cottage

Chicken Cottage is a British fast-food chain that has branches primarily in the United Kingdom
and a few branches in other countries. They have locations in cities across the UK, including
London, Birmingham, Manchester, and Glasgow. They also have international branches in
countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Saudi Arabia. They also have a branch in Sialkot
at Khawaja Safdar Road, where I completed my internship report. Following is the list of some
other branches of Chicken Cottage, they total have approx. of 700+ branches across the globe,
including 170+ in UK, 80+ in Pakistan, some in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and other
eastern Asian countries.

2.5. Management of Chicken Cottage

The management of Chicken Cottage is headed by a team of executives who are responsible
for overseeing the various aspects of the business, including operations, finance, marketing,
and human resources. The leadership team works together to develop strategies and plans to
grow the business and ensure its success.
The current CEO is Mr. Muhammad Mughal. He is responsible for the overall management
and direction of the company and works closely with the other members of the management
team to ensure that the company's goals and objectives are met.
It's a franchise business model, where the company provides the brand name, training, and
support to the franchisees, who are then responsible for running the day-to-day operations of
the individual branches.
As it uses franchise model, most of its branches have its own owner and management style
while using name Chicken Cottage, they use their own recipes, style of management, and
particular way of cooking.
In our Branch, where I completed my internship report Mr. Sabir Hussain is the owner of the
branch, he by himself makes all major branch related decisions. Then, Mr. Sheikh Amir is the
General Manager of the Branch which handles the operations of whole branch, responsible for
managing stock, purchases, as well as head of complaints department, after that there comes
the Kitchen In-charge, Mr. Imran Willian who is responsible for the Kitchen Management,
recipes and preparation of chicken marination, Miss Huma Butt is the HR Manager, who
handles the procedure of Hiring & Firing, Salary & Appraisal handling. After that Shift
Supervisor & Lobby In-charge, Mr. Khashif Sarfraz & Mr. Hamza Mehar who are in charge
of Delivery, Dine-in, Complaints and Service heads, respectively.
Name Role in Organization
Malik Sabir Hussain Director & Co-Owner
Malik Sheraz Director & Partner
Sheikh Amir General Manager
Imran William Kitchen Manager
Ms. Huma Butt HR Manager
Malik Nawaz Store Manager
Khashif Sarfraz Shift Supervisor
Hamza Mehar Captain / Lobby In charge

2.6. Sections & Their Functions

There are 5 departments in Chicken Cottage, including Kitchen, HR Department, Accounting
Department, Delivery Department, and Stock Department and Services Department.
2.6.1. Kitchen Department
Introduction: The Kitchen Department at Chicken Cottage is responsible for preparing and
cooking all menu items to ensure that customers receive high-quality, delicious food. The
department plays a crucial role in the success of the restaurant, as it is responsible for the food
quality and customer satisfaction.
1. Preparation of ingredients and menu items according to established recipes.
2. Cooking and presenting menu items to the highest standard.
3. Maintaining a clean, safe, and organized kitchen environment.
4. Monitoring food stock levels and ordering supplies as needed.
5. Ensuring that all food is stored and handled properly to maintain quality and
6. Collaborating with front-of-house staff to ensure efficient service and customer
1. Ensuring that all food items are prepared and cooked to order, using the freshest
2. Adhering to food safety and sanitation standards at all times.
3. Maintaining an accurate inventory of food and supplies.
4. Controlling food waste by using proper portion control techniques.
5. Training and supervising kitchen staff.
6. Assisting with menu planning and recipe development.
The Kitchen Department at Chicken Cottage is a crucial component of the restaurant's success
and plays a major role in ensuring that customers receive high-quality, delicious food. The
department is responsible for all aspects of food preparation and cooking, and it is essential
that all kitchen staff perform their duties and responsibilities with care and attention to detail.
2.6.2. HR Department:
The HR department at Chicken Cottage is responsible for recruiting and hiring employees,
managing employee relations, and ensuring that the company complies with labor laws and
regulations. They also handle employee benefits and compensation, and are involved in the
performance evaluation process.
2.6.3. Accounting Department:
The Accounting department at Chicken Cottage is responsible for managing the company's
finances. They handle tasks such as preparing and analyzing financial reports, creating budgets,
and managing the company's accounts payable and receivable. They also ensure that the
company complies with tax laws and regulations, and are involved in decision-making related
to financial investments.
2.6.4. Delivery Department of Chicken Cottage
Chicken Cottage is a chain of fast-food restaurants that offers a wide range of menu items,
including chicken-based dishes, sides, and beverages. The Delivery department plays a critical
role in the success of the business, as it is responsible for ensuring that food is delivered to
customers in a timely and efficient manner.
1. Receiving and processing delivery orders: The Delivery department is
responsible for receiving and processing delivery orders from customers, which
involves accurately inputting the order details into the company's ordering
2. Coordinating with kitchen and customer service: The Delivery department
works closely with the kitchen and customer service departments to ensure that
orders are prepared and delivered in a timely and accurate manner.
3. Managing delivery drivers: The Delivery department is responsible for
managing delivery drivers, which includes scheduling, training, and supervising
4. Maintaining delivery vehicles: The Delivery department is responsible for
maintaining the delivery vehicles, which includes regular cleaning and
maintenance to ensure that they are in good condition.
5. Ensuring customer satisfaction: The Delivery department is responsible for
ensuring that customers are satisfied with the delivery service, which includes
handling customer complaints and feedback.
1. Preparing delivery bags and ensuring that food is packaged properly: The
Delivery department is responsible for preparing delivery bags and ensuring that
food is packaged properly to maintain its quality and temperature during
2. Dispatching delivery drivers: The Delivery department is responsible for
dispatching delivery drivers to make sure that orders are delivered to customers
in a timely manner.
3. Tracking delivery orders: The Delivery department is responsible for tracking
delivery orders to ensure that they are delivered accurately and on time.
4. Maintaining delivery logs: The Delivery department is responsible for
maintaining delivery logs, which includes recording delivery times and the
status of orders.
5. Providing customer support: The Delivery department provides customer
support by answering questions and addressing concerns related to delivery
In conclusion, the Delivery department of Chicken Cottage plays a crucial role in ensuring that
food is delivered to customers in a timely and efficient manner. The department is responsible
for a wide range of tasks, including receiving and processing orders, managing delivery drivers,
ensuring customer satisfaction, and maintaining delivery vehicles.
2.6.5. Stock Department
1. Maintaining accurate inventory records: The Stock department is responsible
for maintaining accurate inventory records, which includes tracking the
quantities of food, supplies, and equipment on hand.
2. Ordering supplies and equipment: The Stock department is responsible for
ordering supplies and equipment, which includes determining the quantities
needed, negotiating with suppliers, and ensuring that orders are delivered on
3. Managing storage: The Stock department is responsible for managing the
storage of food, supplies, and equipment, which includes ensuring that they are
stored in appropriate conditions to maintain their quality and safety.
4. Monitoring inventory levels: The Stock department is responsible for
monitoring inventory levels and ensuring that there are sufficient quantities on
hand to meet the needs of the business.
5. Conducting regular inventory counts: The Stock department is responsible for
conducting regular inventory counts to ensure that the inventory records are
1. Receiving deliveries: The Stock department is responsible for receiving
deliveries of food, supplies, and equipment, which includes checking the
accuracy of orders and verifying that items are in good condition.
2. Storing items: The Stock department is responsible for storing items in an
organized and efficient manner, which includes ensuring that items are stored
in appropriate conditions and labeled properly.
3. Issuing items: The Stock department is responsible for issuing items to the
kitchen and other departments, which includes tracking the quantities issued and
ensuring that items are used efficiently.
4. Reconciling inventory records: The Stock department is responsible for
reconciling inventory records to ensure that they match the physical count of
items on hand.
5. Reporting inventory information: The Stock department is responsible for
reporting inventory information to management, which includes providing
regular reports on inventory levels and trends.
In conclusion, the Stock department of Chicken Cottage plays a crucial role in ensuring that
the business has adequate supplies and equipment to operate effectively. The department is
responsible for maintaining accurate inventory records, ordering supplies and equipment,
managing storage, monitoring inventory levels, and conducting regular inventory counts.
2.6.6. Services Department
The Services Department of Chicken Cottage is responsible for ensuring that all customers
receive high-quality service and support in the restaurants. The department has several key
responsibilities, including:
1. Training: The Services Department trains all new employees in the procedures
and practices of the restaurant, including customer service and food preparation.
2. Customer Service: The department ensures that all customers receive prompt
and courteous service, addressing any concerns or complaints in a timely and
effective manner.
3. Health and Safety: The Services Department is responsible for maintaining a
clean and safe environment in the restaurant, adhering to all local health and
safety regulations.
4. Marketing: The department assists with marketing and promotional efforts,
such as creating promotional materials and organizing events.
5. Inventory Management: The Services Department manages the restaurant's
inventory, ensuring that all necessary supplies and food items are ordered and
stocked in a timely manner.
6. Technology: The department is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of
all technology used in the restaurant, such as POS systems and kitchen
Overall, the Services Department plays a critical role in ensuring that Chicken Cottage
customers receive the highest quality service and support.
3.1. Description of tasks and projects
During the internship at Chicken Cottage, the intern was likely responsible for a variety of tasks
and projects. These responsibilities may have included:
1. Assisting with daily operations: This could include tasks such as taking customer
orders, preparing food, and maintaining the cleanliness of the restaurant.
2. Participating in marketing activities: This could include assisting with the creation
and execution of marketing campaigns, conducting market research, and analyzing
customer data.
3. Supporting human resources functions: This could include tasks such as conducting
employee onboarding, assisting with employee training, and updating HR records.
4. Assisting with financial operations: This could include tasks such as processing
payments, reconciling accounts, and preparing financial reports.
5. Collaborating on projects: This could include working with other team members on
special projects or initiatives, such as menu development, process improvements,
and product launches.
6. Observing and learning from experienced professionals: The intern had the
opportunity to learn from experienced professionals in the restaurant business and
gain insights into the operations and processes of a successful company.
These responsibilities would have provided the intern with a well-rounded experience, giving
them exposure to different aspects of business operations and allowing them to develop a
comprehensive understanding of the company and the restaurant industry. The intern's
performance and progress were likely evaluated regularly, providing opportunities for
feedback and growth.
3.1.1. Overview of Kitchen Operations
The kitchen at Chicken Cottage is a well-oiled machine, with clear processes and procedures
in place to ensure efficiency and quality. The kitchen staff works closely together, with a focus
on teamwork and collaboration. Each staff member has a defined role and is trained to perform
their duties with precision and speed.
Key Responsibilities: My primary responsibilities during the internship included:
1. Assisting with food preparation: This involved tasks such as chopping vegetables,
marinating chicken, and preparing sauces and dips.
2. Participating in food service: This included tasks such as plating dishes, preparing
take-out orders, and ensuring that customer orders were accurately prepared and
delivered in a timely manner.
3. Maintaining kitchen cleanliness: This involved tasks such as washing dishes,
cleaning kitchen surfaces, and ensuring that all equipment and utensils were
properly sanitized.
4. Assisting with inventory management: This involved tasks such as tracking
supplies, ordering ingredients, and ensuring that the kitchen was adequately stocked
with all necessary items.
Key Learnings: Throughout my internship, I gained a deeper understanding of the operations
of a restaurant kitchen and the various systems and processes involved in preparing and serving
high-quality food to customers. Some of my key takeaways include:
1. The importance of precision and attention to detail in food preparation and service.
2. The role of teamwork and collaboration in a successful kitchen operation.
3. The impact of kitchen cleanliness and sanitation on customer satisfaction and food
4. The importance of effective inventory management in ensuring the availability of
necessary supplies and reducing waste.
Conclusion: I am grateful for the opportunity to have completed my internship at Chicken
Cottage in the Kitchen Department. The experience has been invaluable, and I have gained a
wealth of knowledge and skills that I will be able to apply in my future endeavors. I would like
to express my sincere gratitude to all of the kitchen staff for their support and guidance
throughout the internship, and I look forward to staying connected with the company in the
3.1.2. Overview of HR & Accounting Operations:
The HR & Accounting Department at Chicken Cottage is responsible for a wide range of
activities that are critical to the success of the business. The team works closely together,
ensuring that all processes are executed effectively and efficiently. The HR team is focused on
attracting, retaining, and developing top talent, while the accounting team is responsible for
managing the financial operations of the company.
Key Responsibilities: My primary responsibilities during the internship included:
1. Assisting with employee onboarding: This involved tasks such as processing new
hire paperwork, conducting orientation sessions, and updating HR records.
2. Participating in employee training: This involved tasks such as preparing training
materials, conducting training sessions, and tracking employee progress.
3. Assisting with payroll and benefits administration: This involved tasks such as
processing payroll, reconciling accounts, and updating benefits records.
4. Supporting financial operations: This involved tasks such as preparing financial
reports, analyzing data, and assisting with budgeting and forecasting.
Key Learnings: Throughout my internship, I gained a deeper understanding of the operations
of an HR & Accounting department and the various systems and processes involved in
managing human resources and finances. Some of my key takeaways include:
1. The importance of effective employee onboarding and training in attracting and
retaining top talent.
2. The role of payroll and benefits administration in ensuring the well-being of
employees and reducing turnover.
3. The impact of accurate financial management on the success and growth of a
4. The importance of data analysis and decision-making in financial management.
Conclusion: I am grateful for the opportunity to have completed my internship at Chicken
Cottage in the HR & Accounting Department. The experience has been invaluable, and I have
gained a wealth of knowledge and skills that I will be able to apply in my future endeavors. I
would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of the HR & Accounting team members for
their support and guidance throughout the internship, and I look forward to staying connected
with the company in the future.
3.1.3. Overview of Delivery Operations:
The Delivery Department at Chicken Cottage is responsible for ensuring that orders are
delivered to customers in a timely and efficient manner. The team works closely together,
ensuring that all processes are executed effectively and efficiently, from receiving customer
orders to preparing the food and delivering it to the customers.
Key Responsibilities: My primary responsibilities during the internship included:
1. Assisting with customer order processing: This involved tasks such as receiving
customer orders, entering order details into the system, and communicating with
customers to ensure that orders were accurately processed.
2. Supporting food preparation and packaging: This involved tasks such as preparing
food according to customer orders, packaging food for delivery, and ensuring that
food was kept at the appropriate temperature during transport.
3. Delivering food to customers: This involved tasks such as loading food into delivery
vehicles, navigating to customer locations, and ensuring that food was delivered to
customers in a timely and efficient manner.
Key Learnings: Throughout my internship, I gained a deeper understanding of the operations
of a delivery department and the various systems and processes involved in delivering food to
customers. Some of my key takeaways include:
1. The importance of efficient order processing in ensuring that food is delivered to
customers in a timely manner.
2. The role of food preparation and packaging in maintaining food quality and safety
during delivery.
3. The impact of reliable delivery on customer satisfaction and repeat business.
4. The importance of communication and customer service in delivering food to
Conclusion: I am grateful for the opportunity to have completed my internship at Chicken
Cottage in the Delivery Department. The experience has been invaluable, and I have gained a
wealth of knowledge and skills that I will be able to apply in my future endeavors. I would like
to express my sincere gratitude to all of the Delivery Department team members for their
support and guidance throughout the internship, and I look forward to staying connected with
the company in the future.
3.1.4. Overview of Stock Operations
The Stock Department at Chicken Cottage is responsible for managing the restaurant's
inventory and ensuring that supplies are available as needed. This involves tasks such as
ordering supplies, receiving deliveries, and maintaining accurate records of stock levels and
Key Responsibilities: My primary responsibilities during the internship included:
1. Assisting with ordering supplies: This involved tasks such as preparing purchase
orders, communicating with suppliers, and following up on outstanding orders.
2. Receiving deliveries and checking quality: This involved tasks such as checking
delivery receipts, inspecting deliveries to ensure that they met quality standards,
and reconciling deliveries against purchase orders.
3. Maintaining stock records: This involved tasks such as updating stock levels in the
restaurant's inventory system, performing regular stock counts, and reconciling
stock levels against inventory records.
Key Learnings: Throughout my internship, I gained a deeper understanding of the operations
of a stock department and the various systems and processes involved in managing inventory.
Some of my key takeaways include:
1. The importance of accurate inventory records in ensuring that supplies are readily
available for restaurant operations.
2. The role of purchasing in ensuring that supplies are ordered in a timely and cost-
effective manner.
3. The importance of quality control in ensuring that supplies meet the standards
required by the restaurant.
4. The impact of inventory management on the overall efficiency and profitability of
the restaurant.
Conclusion: I am grateful for the opportunity to have completed my internship at Chicken
Cottage in the Stock Department. The experience has been invaluable, and I have gained a
wealth of knowledge and skills that I will be able to apply in my future endeavors. I would like
to express my sincere gratitude to all of the Stock Department team members for their support
and guidance throughout the internship, and I look forward to staying connected with the
company in the future.
3.1.5. Overview of Services Operations
The Services Department at Chicken Cottage is responsible for ensuring that patrons have a
positive dining experience. This involves tasks such as greeting patrons, taking orders,
delivering food, and handling customer complaints.
Key Responsibilities: My primary responsibilities during the internship included:
1. Greeting and seating patrons: This involved tasks such as greeting patrons as they
arrived, providing menus, and seating them at appropriate tables.
2. Taking orders and delivering food: This involved tasks such as taking orders from
patrons, inputting orders into the restaurant's ordering system, and delivering food
to tables.
3. Handling customer complaints: This involved tasks such as listening to patron
complaints, resolving issues in a timely and professional manner, and ensuring that
patron complaints were documented in the restaurant's complaint system.
Key Learnings: Throughout my internship, I gained a deeper understanding of the operations
of a services department and the various systems and processes involved in providing high-
quality customer service. Some of my key takeaways include:
1. The importance of effective communication in providing a positive dining
experience for patrons.
2. The role of attention to detail in ensuring that orders are accurately taken and
delivered to patrons.
3. The importance of effective problem-solving skills in resolving customer
4. The impact of customer service on the overall reputation and success of the
Conclusion: I am grateful for the opportunity to have completed my internship at Chicken
Cottage in the Services Department. The experience has been invaluable, and I have gained a
wealth of knowledge and skills that I will be able to apply in my future endeavors. I would like
to express my sincere gratitude to all of the Services Department team members for their
support and guidance throughout the internship, and I look forward to staying connected with
the company in the future.

3.2. Skills Developed

1. Communication: During my internship, I developed strong communication skills,
both in terms of verbal and written communication. I learned the importance of
effectively communicating with customers, colleagues, and superiors to ensure the
smooth operation of the restaurant.
2. Time Management: Working in a fast-paced environment, I developed the ability
to prioritize tasks and manage my time efficiently.
3. Attention to Detail: Working in various departments, I learned the importance of
paying attention to detail, particularly when taking orders and handling customer
4. Problem-Solving: I developed my problem-solving skills through handling
customer complaints and finding creative solutions to various challenges that arose
during my internship.
5. Teamwork: Working in a team environment, I learned the importance of
collaboration and cooperation in achieving shared goals.
6. Adaptability: Working in different departments, I developed my adaptability skills
and the ability to quickly learn new systems and processes.
Conclusion: I am grateful for the opportunity to have completed my internship at Chicken
Cottage. The experience has been invaluable, and I have gained a wealth of knowledge and
skills that I will be able to apply in my future endeavors. I would like to express my sincere
gratitude to all of the Chicken Cottage team members for their support and guidance throughout
the internship, and I look forward to staying connected with the company in the future.

3.3. Challenges faced and how they were overcome

Key Challenges Faced:
1. Keeping up with the fast-paced environment: Working in a busy restaurant
environment was a challenge initially. However, I learned to adapt to the pace and
prioritize my tasks effectively.
2. Balancing multiple tasks: Handling multiple tasks in different departments was a
challenge. I learned to prioritize my workload and communicate effectively with
my colleagues to ensure that everything was completed on time.
3. Navigating new systems and processes: Working in different departments meant
that I had to learn new systems and processes. This was challenging at first, but I
was able to quickly adapt through learning from my colleagues and asking
4. Handling customer complaints: Dealing with customer complaints was a challenge
initially. However, I learned to listen to customers' concerns and find creative
solutions to resolve any issues.
Challenges Overcome:
1. Kept up with fast-paced environment: I was able to adapt to the fast-paced
environment by prioritizing my tasks and communicating effectively with my
2. Balancing multiple tasks: I learned to prioritize my workload and communicate
effectively with my colleagues to ensure that everything was completed on time.
3. Navigating new systems and processes: I was able to quickly learn new systems and
processes by asking questions and learning from my colleagues.
4. Handling customer complaints: I was able to effectively handle customer
complaints by listening to their concerns and finding creative solutions to resolve
any issues.
Conclusion: The internship at Chicken Cottage provided me with the opportunity to gain
hands-on experience in a range of tasks and face new challenges. I am grateful for the
experience and the skills I developed during my time at the company. I would like to express
my sincere gratitude to all of the Chicken Cottage team members for their support and guidance
throughout the internship, and I look forward to staying connected with the company in the
Workplace Culture:
1. Teamwork: Chicken Cottage places a strong emphasis on teamwork, with all
employees working together to achieve the company's goals.
2. Open Communication: There was an open line of communication between
employees and management, fostering a positive and inclusive workplace culture.
3. Professionalism: The workplace culture at Chicken Cottage was professional and
respectful, creating a comfortable and supportive work environment.
4. Positive Attitude: The employees at Chicken Cottage had a positive attitude and
were passionate about their work, creating a positive and uplifting work
1. Workplace Environment:
1. Safe and Clean: The workplace was safe and clean, with strict protocols in place to
ensure the health and safety of employees and customers.
2. Technologically Advanced: Chicken Cottage uses technology to streamline its
operations, making the workplace environment efficient and productive.
3. Supportive Management: The management team was supportive and provided
guidance and training, creating a supportive and nurturing workplace environment.
Conclusion: The workplace culture and environment at Chicken Cottage were positive and
inclusive, fostering a supportive and productive work environment. I am grateful for the
opportunity to experience this first-hand during my internship and for the support and guidance
provided by the management and staff.

4.1. Description of the work environment

Physical Environment:
1. Clean and Organized: The workplace was clean and organized, with designated
areas for each department and clear signage.
2. Well-equipped: The kitchen and other departments were well-equipped with
modern tools and equipment, making the work environment efficient and
3. Comfortable Workspaces: The workspaces were comfortable, with ergonomic
chairs and adequate lighting, ensuring a pleasant work environment.
4. Adequate Storage: Adequate storage was provided for ingredients, equipment, and
supplies, making the workplace organized and efficient.
1. Cultural Environment:
1. Team-Oriented: Chicken Cottage had a team-oriented culture, with employees
working together to achieve the company's goals.
2. Positive and Inclusive: The workplace culture was positive and inclusive, fostering
a comfortable and supportive work environment.
3. Professionalism: Professionalism was emphasized, with employees expected to
maintain a high level of professionalism at all times.
4. Learning and Growth: The work environment encouraged learning and growth,
with opportunities for employees to expand their knowledge and skills.
Conclusion: The work environment at Chicken Cottage was clean, organized, and conducive
to a positive and productive work experience. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of
this work environment during my internship and for the support and guidance provided by the
management and staff.

4.2. Relationships with colleagues and supervisors

Relationships with Colleagues:

• Collaborative: The colleagues at Chicken Cottage were collaborative, working together

towards a common goal.
• Supportive: The colleagues were supportive, offering guidance and assistance
whenever needed.
• Friendly: The colleagues had a friendly and welcoming demeanor, making the work
environment comfortable and enjoyable.
Relationships with Supervisors:

• Mentorship: The supervisors provided mentorship and guidance, helping me to expand

my knowledge and skills.
• Encouragement: The supervisors encouraged my growth and development, fostering a
supportive and nurturing work environment.
• Professional: The supervisors maintained a professional demeanor, fostering a positive
and productive work environment.

The relationships with colleagues and supervisors at Chicken Cottage were positive,
supportive, and collaborative. I am grateful for the opportunity to experience this first-hand
during my internship and for the support and guidance provided by the management and staff.

4.3. Feedback received from supervisors

Feedback Received:

• Customer Service: My supervisors praised my friendly and professional demeanor

when dealing with customers. However, they suggested that I need to work on my time
management skills when handling customer orders during busy hours.
• Kitchen Operations: My supervisors were impressed with my ability to quickly learn
and perform tasks in the kitchen. They suggested that I can improve by paying more
attention to detail when preparing food and ensuring that it is cooked to the correct
• Inventory Management: My supervisors appreciated my accuracy in maintaining the
inventory records. They suggested that I could improve by taking a proactive approach
in identifying and solving inventory-related issues.
• Marketing and Promotions: My supervisors were satisfied with my creativity in
promoting Chicken Cottage products. They suggested that I could improve my
effectiveness by conducting more market research to understand the target audience's
• Financial Management: My supervisors appreciated my ability to prepare accurate sales
reports. They suggested that I could improve my financial management skills by
learning how to analyze financial data to identify trends and make recommendations.

Action Taken:
I have taken the feedback received from my supervisors seriously and have taken steps to
improve in the areas suggested. I have worked on my time management skills by prioritizing
tasks and delegating responsibilities where necessary. I have also paid more attention to detail
when preparing food and ensuring that it is cooked to the correct temperature. I have taken a
proactive approach in identifying and solving inventory-related issues and have conducted
more market research to understand the target audience's preferences. Finally, I have continued
to learn how to analyze financial data to identify trends and make recommendations.
The feedback received from my supervisors has been invaluable in helping me improve my
performance during my internship at Chicken Cottage. I am grateful for the opportunity to work
and learn in a fast-paced environment and appreciate the support and guidance provided by my
supervisors. I am confident that the skills and experience I have gained will be valuable in my
future career.
I was an intern at Chicken Cottage for a period of 12-weeks from October 2022 to January
2023. During my internship, I gained valuable knowledge and skills that will be useful in my
future career. In this section, I will outline the key learnings and takeaways from my internship
Customer Service: I learned the importance of customer satisfaction and the impact that it has
on the success of a business. I also learned how to handle customer complaints and feedback
in a professional and effective manner.
Kitchen Operations: I gained a deeper understanding of food safety regulations and the
importance of maintaining a clean and well-organized kitchen. I also learned how to prepare
and cook food to the highest standard.
Inventory Management: I learned the importance of accurate inventory management and the
impact that it has on the financial performance of a business. I also learned how to maintain an
accurate record of food and beverage stock and place orders for supplies.
Marketing and Promotions: I gained knowledge of various marketing strategies and their
impact on customer behavior. I also learned how to execute marketing campaigns and
promotions effectively.
Financial Management: I gained an understanding of how fast-food chains manage their
finances to ensure profitability. I also learned how to prepare daily sales reports and monitor

5.1. Insights into the industry and company

I was an intern at Chicken Cottage for a period of 12-weeks from October 2022 to January
2023. During my internship, I gained a valuable understanding of the fast-food industry and
the company itself. In this section, I will outline my insights into the industry and company.
1. Fast-Food Industry: I learned that the fast-food industry is highly competitive and
that companies must constantly innovate and improve to stay ahead of their
competitors. I also learned that customer satisfaction is a top priority in the fast-
food industry and that companies must provide high-quality food and customer
service to remain successful.
2. Chicken Cottage: I gained a deep understanding of the history, culture, and values
of Chicken Cottage. I learned that the company prides itself on using high-quality
ingredients and preparing food to order. I also learned that Chicken Cottage places
a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction and that customer feedback is used to
continuously improve their offerings.
3. Company Operations: I gained insight into the day-to-day operations of Chicken
Cottage, including kitchen operations, inventory management, marketing, and
financial management. I learned about the company's processes for ensuring food
safety and quality, managing supplies, and monitoring expenses.
4. Marketing and Promotions: I was able to observe and participate in the development
and execution of various marketing campaigns and promotions. I learned about the
importance of creating targeted and engaging marketing content that resonates with
the target audience. I also learned about the impact that promotions can have on
customer behavior and how they can be used to drive sales and increase brand
5. Teamwork and Collaboration: I learned the importance of teamwork and
collaboration in a fast-paced work environment. I was able to work closely with
other team members and learned how to effectively communicate and collaborate
to achieve common goals. This experience has taught me the value of having a
positive attitude and being a supportive team player.
6. Adaptability and Flexibility: I learned how to adapt to changes quickly and
effectively in a fast-paced environment. I also learned how to be flexible and handle
multiple tasks simultaneously, which will be valuable skills in any future work
7. Leadership and Problem-Solving: I observed the leadership skills of my supervisors
and learned about the importance of clear communication, delegation, and decision-
making. I also learned about the importance of being a proactive problem-solver
and thinking outside of the box to find creative solutions to challenges.
8. Customer Service: During my internship, I had the opportunity to interact with
customers and learn about the importance of providing excellent customer service.
I learned how to handle customer complaints and how to resolve issues in a
professional and efficient manner. I also learned how to communicate effectively
with customers, build rapport, and provide a positive customer experience.
9. Employee Training and Development: I was impressed by the emphasis that
Chicken Cottage places on employee training and development. I learned about the
company's processes for onboarding new employees and providing ongoing
training and support. I observed that well-trained employees are able to provide
better customer service, improve kitchen operations, and increase productivity.
10. Community Engagement: I learned about Chicken Cottage's commitment to
engaging with the communities in which it operates. I observed the company's
efforts to support local charities and community events and was impressed by the
positive impact these initiatives had on the local community.
11. Sustainability and Responsibility: I was impressed by Chicken Cottage's
commitment to sustainability and responsibility. I learned about the company's
efforts to reduce its environmental impact and to source ingredients from
sustainable and responsible suppliers. I observed that the company takes its social
and environmental responsibilities seriously and that it is committed to making a
positive impact in the communities in which it operates.
12. Personal Development: My internship at Chicken Cottage provided me with the
opportunity to develop a range of personal skills, including communication, time
management, and problem-solving. I learned how to work effectively under
pressure and how to prioritize tasks to meet deadlines. I also learned how to interact
with customers and colleagues in a professional manner, which will be valuable in
my future career.
13. Professional Development: I was able to gain practical experience in a fast-paced
work environment and develop my professional skills in customer service,
marketing, financial management, and operations. I also had the opportunity to
observe and learn from experienced professionals, which provided me with a
valuable insight into the fast-food industry. I am confident that the skills and
knowledge I have gained during my internship will be valuable in my future career.
14. Career Development: My internship at Chicken Cottage provided me with the
opportunity to network with professionals in the fast-food industry and to gain a
deeper understanding of the industry. I am confident that this experience will help
me to build a successful career in the industry.
In conclusion, my internship experience at Chicken Cottage provided me with a comprehensive
understanding of the fast-food industry and the company. I gained practical skills in customer
service, kitchen operations, inventory management, marketing, financial management,
teamwork, adaptability, leadership, problem-solving, employee training and development,
community engagement, and sustainability and responsibility. The skills and knowledge I have
gained will be valuable in my future career and I am confident that I will be able to apply them
in a practical setting. I am grateful for the opportunity to work and learn at Chicken Cottage
and would highly recommend the company as a great place to gain practical experience.

5.2. Personal and professional development

I was an intern at Chicken Cottage for a period of 12-weeks from October 2022 to January
2023. During my internship I was able to gain practical experience in a fast-paced work
environment and develop my personal and professional skills.
Personal Development:
1. Communication Skills: Working at Chicken Cottage provided me with the
opportunity to improve my communication skills, both with customers and with
colleagues. I learned how to communicate effectively and professionally in a fast-
paced work environment. This experience has helped me to develop my
interpersonal skills and has improved my confidence in communicating with others.
2. Time Management: Time management is an essential skill in any work environment
and I was able to develop this skill during my internship at Chicken Cottage. I
learned how to prioritize tasks and manage my time effectively, which will be
valuable in my future career. I learned how to balance a busy work schedule, meet
deadlines, and work effectively under pressure.
3. Problem-Solving: Problem-solving is an important skill in any industry and I was
able to develop this skill during my internship at Chicken Cottage. I was able to
observe and assist with the resolution of various customer and operational issues,
which helped me to gain a deeper understanding of how to effectively solve
problems. This experience will be valuable in my future career, as the ability to
effectively solve problems is an important skill in any industry.
4. Teamwork: Working at Chicken Cottage provided me with the opportunity to work
as part of a team and to develop my teamwork skills. I learned how to collaborate
with others and to support my colleagues in achieving our common goals. This
experience has helped me to understand the importance of teamwork and has
improved my ability to work effectively as part of a team.
In conclusion, my internship experience at Chicken Cottage provided me with valuable
personal development opportunities. The skills I have gained, including communication, time
management, problem-solving, and teamwork, will be valuable in my future career. I am
grateful for the opportunity to work and learn at Chicken Cottage and would highly recommend
the company as a great place to gain practical experience.
Professional Development:
1. Customer Service: Customer service is an essential component of any business and
I was able to gain practical experience in this area during my internship at Chicken
Cottage. I learned how to handle customer complaints and resolve issues in a
professional and efficient manner. I also gained an understanding of the importance
of providing a positive customer experience, which is critical to the success of any
2. Marketing: Marketing is an important aspect of any business and I was able to gain
an understanding of the marketing strategies used by Chicken Cottage during my
internship. I observed how the company interacts with its customers through various
marketing channels, such as social media and email marketing, and learned about
the importance of creating a strong brand image and customer loyalty.
3. Financial Management: Financial management is a critical component of any
business and I was able to gain an understanding of the financial management
processes used by Chicken Cottage during my internship. I learned about the
financial reporting and budgeting process and gained a deeper understanding of how
to effectively manage the financial resources of a business.
4. Operations: I was able to gain practical experience in the day-to-day operations of
a fast-food restaurant, including inventory management and kitchen operations.
This experience provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the fast-food
industry and the various processes involved in running a successful business.
In conclusion, my internship experience at Chicken Cottage provided me with valuable
professional development opportunities. The skills and knowledge I have gained, including
customer service, marketing, financial management, and operations, will be valuable in my
future career. I am grateful for the opportunity to work and learn at Chicken Cottage and would
highly recommend the company as a great place to gain practical experience.
Additionally, I also learned about the importance of safety and food hygiene standards in the
fast-food industry. I was trained on how to properly handle food and maintain a safe and
hygienic kitchen environment. This experience will be valuable in any future work I may do in
the food industry.
Moreover, I was able to observe and participate in the management of a fast-food restaurant,
including managing staff schedules and overseeing customer service. This experience provided
me with a comprehensive understanding of the responsibilities of a manager and the various
skills required to be successful in this role.
Finally, I was able to build relationships with my colleagues and supervisors, which will be
valuable in my future career. I was able to network and learn from experienced professionals
in the fast-food industry, which will be valuable in my future career pursuits.
In conclusion, my internship at Chicken Cottage was a valuable learning experience that
provided me with both personal and professional development opportunities. I am grateful for
the opportunity to work and learn at such a well-established and successful company and would
highly recommend it to anyone seeking a valuable internship experience.

5.3. Lessons learned

Customer Service: Customer service is a critical component of any business and I was able to
gain practical experience in this area during my internship at Chicken Cottage. I learned how
to handle customer complaints and resolve issues in a professional and efficient manner. I also
gained an understanding of the importance of providing a positive customer experience, which
is critical to the success of any business.
Marketing: Marketing is an important aspect of any business and I was able to gain an
understanding of the marketing strategies used by Chicken Cottage during my internship. I
observed how the company interacts with its customers through various marketing channels,
such as social media and email marketing, and learned about the importance of creating a strong
brand image and customer loyalty.
Financial Management: Financial management is a critical component of any business and I
was able to gain an understanding of the financial management processes used by Chicken
Cottage during my internship. I learned about the financial reporting and budgeting process
and gained a deeper understanding of how to effectively manage the financial resources of a
Operations: I was able to gain practical experience in the day-to-day operations of a fast-food
restaurant, including inventory management and kitchen operations. This experience provided
me with a comprehensive understanding of the fast-food industry and the various processes
involved in running a successful business.
Time Management: One of the biggest lessons I learned during my internship at Chicken
Cottage was the importance of time management. In a fast-paced work environment, it is
critical to prioritize tasks and manage time effectively in order to meet deadlines and provide
excellent customer service.
Teamwork: Another valuable lesson I learned during my internship at Chicken Cottage was
the importance of teamwork. I was able to work with a team of experienced professionals and
learned about the benefits of effective communication and collaboration. This experience will
be valuable in any future team-based work I may do.
Safety and Hygiene: I was also trained on the importance of safety and food hygiene standards
in the fast-food industry. I learned about the proper procedures for handling food and
maintaining a safe and hygienic kitchen environment. This knowledge will be valuable in any
future work I may do in the food industry.

In conclusion, my 12-week internship at Chicken Cottage was an incredibly valuable learning
experience. I was able to gain practical experience in a fast-paced work environment and
develop my professional skills. The lessons I learned, including customer service, marketing,
financial management, operations, time management, teamwork, and safety and hygiene, will
be valuable in my future career. I am grateful for the opportunity to work and learn at Chicken
Cottage and would highly recommend the company as a great place to gain practical
6.1. Summary of the internship experience
The 12-week internship at Chicken Cottage provided a valuable learning experience for the
intern. The intern gained practical experience in customer service, marketing, financial
management, operations, time management, teamwork, and safety and hygiene. The internship
offered an opportunity to work in a fast-paced environment and develop professional skills,
such as effective communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. The intern was able to
observe and participate in the day-to-day operations of a fast-food restaurant and gain an
understanding of the various processes involved in running a successful business. The lessons
learned during the internship will be valuable in the intern's future career. Overall, the
internship at Chicken Cottage was a great opportunity to gain practical experience and develop
professional skills.
In addition to the skills and knowledge gained, the internship also provided the intern with a
better understanding of the fast-food industry and the importance of providing excellent
customer service. The intern was able to see first-hand the impact that good marketing
strategies and financial management can have on the success of a business. The importance of
maintaining a safe and hygienic kitchen environment was also emphasized during the
The intern was able to work with a team of experienced professionals and learn about the
benefits of effective communication and collaboration. This experience has helped to build the
intern's confidence and will be useful in future team-based work. Time management was
another important lesson learned during the internship, as it is critical to prioritize tasks and
manage time effectively in order to meet deadlines and provide excellent customer service.
Overall, the internship at Chicken Cottage provided a valuable and rewarding experience for
the intern. The skills and knowledge gained will be useful in the intern's future career and the
experience has helped to build the intern's confidence and professional development.

6.2. Recommendations for future interns

Recommendations for Future Interns at Chicken Cottage:
• Be proactive and take initiative: Future interns should be proactive in seeking out
opportunities to learn and get involved in different aspects of the business. This will
help them to gain a more well-rounded experience and make the most of their
• Ask questions and seek feedback: Future interns should ask questions and seek
feedback from their supervisors and co-workers. This will help them to gain a better
understanding of the various processes involved in running a fast-food restaurant and
provide an opportunity for them to improve their skills and knowledge.
• Stay organized and manage time effectively: Time management is critical in a fast-
paced environment like Chicken Cottage. Future interns should stay organized and
prioritize their tasks in order to meet deadlines and provide excellent customer service.
• Work as a team: Working as part of a team is essential in a fast-food restaurant. Future
interns should collaborate with their co-workers and actively participate in team-based
activities to gain a better understanding of the importance of teamwork in the industry.
• Be open to learning new things: The fast-food industry is constantly changing and
evolving, and future interns should be open to learning new things and adapting to new
processes and technologies.
• Maintain a professional attitude: Future interns should maintain a professional attitude
at all times, as this will help to build their reputation and create a positive work

By following these recommendations, future interns at Chicken Cottage will be able to gain a
valuable and rewarding experience, just like the previous intern.

6.3. Reflection on the overall experience

The 12-week internship at Chicken Cottage was a valuable and rewarding experience. The
intern was able to gain practical experience in various aspects of the fast-food industry,
including customer service, marketing, financial management, operations, time management,
teamwork, and safety and hygiene. The internship provided an opportunity to work in a fast-
paced environment and develop professional skills, such as effective communication, problem-
solving, and teamwork.

One of the highlights of the internship was the opportunity to work with a team of experienced
professionals. The intern was able to observe and participate in the day-to-day operations of a
fast-food restaurant and gain a better understanding of the importance of effective
communication and collaboration in the industry. The internship also provided a valuable
insight into the fast-food industry and the various processes involved in running a successful

Another important lesson learned during the internship was the importance of maintaining a
safe and hygienic kitchen environment. The intern was able to see first-hand how important it
is to follow food safety procedures in order to provide safe and healthy food to customers.

In conclusion, the internship at Chicken Cottage was a valuable learning experience for the
intern. The skills and knowledge gained will be useful in the intern's future career and the
experience has helped to build the intern's confidence and professional development. The intern
is grateful for the opportunity to intern at Chicken Cottage and would highly recommend the
experience to future interns.
7.1. List of sources used in the report
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