Hemambika Malladi - Grooming Assignment.

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Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

Learner Name Hemambika Malladi Reference ID/ Batch Code C4-Batch.


Course Title FIVT

Assessor Name

Name of I.V.

I confirm that the work submitted for this assignment is my own.

Learner Signature Hemambika Malladi Date

Guidelines: Students to attempt the below questions for getting PASS/ MERIT/
1. Write your responses in the space provided below the questions
2. It is compulsory to attempt all questions of PASS – to clear the assignment
3. Review your answers before submitting the Assignment

TIMELINE: You can take up to Two days to submit the Assignments

Personal Grooming Treatments – (Pass)

Q1. What is Grooming? (Pass)

Examples of grooming behaviour may include: giving gifts or special attention to a child or
young person, or their parent or carer, making the child or young person feel special or
indebted to an adult. Making close physical contact sexual, such as inappropriate tickling
and wrestling or play fighting.

Why Grooming Important:

Grooming is typically defined as activities that include caring for one’s appearance and well-
being. It is the art of maintaining parts of the body like the face, hair, nails, skin, and so on.
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

Humans are not the only species that practice grooming; most animals have their methods
of grooming

Q2. Classify Grooming? (Pass)

These five different types of personal grooming help us understand why

personal grooming is important for everyone:
1. Personal Hygiene
2. Dental Care
3. Skin care
4. Hair care
5. Nail care
1. Personal hyhygiene:

One of the foremost types of personal grooming that is

required for better health and an exceptional image is good hygiene. The
World Health Organization (WHO) defines hygiene as “Hygiene refers to
conditions and practices that help to maintain health and prevent the
spread of diseases.”
Previously, hygiene products were limited to soaps, face washes, and
hair care products. During the Covid-19, consumer interest in personal
hygiene products increased, emphasizing the importance
2. Dental care:
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

Oral hygiene has a significant impact on overall health. Gum disease, for example, has
been linked to a number of health problems, including heart disease, stroke,
diabetes, preterm labor, and even Alzheimer’s disease.
It is the practice of preventing decay and infection in your teeth and other mouth
structures. This includes brushing and flossing on a regular basis. It is also advised to
see a dentist at least twice a year for a dental exam and cleaning in order to maintain
good oral hygiene.

3. Skin care:

Skincare is essential for the following reasons: It maintains the health of your
skin. Because you shed skin cells throughout the day, it’s critical to keep your
skin glowing and in good condition. These reasons make skincare one of the
most essential types of personal grooming on this list.

A good skincare routine can aid in the prevention of acne, the treatment of
wrinkles, and the maintenance of youthful skin.
4. Hair care :

Haircare is one of the foremost personal grooming tips recommended by experts. It is

essential not only for our appearance but also for our overall health. Having healthy
hair allows us to look our best while also ensuring the health of our hair and scalp.

To keep your hair as healthy as possible, it is important to visit a reputable

salon and use quality hair care products
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

5. Nail care:

Well-groomed nails help to project a positive image. Nails that are broken, bitten,
dirty, or have hangnails will ruin an image. Every day, we use our hands, and they are
also one of the first things that others notice about us. Having good-looking nails can
give you a boost of confidence throughout the day.
Fungus infections of the nail, painful ingrown fingernails and toenails, and skin
infections in the hands and feet can all be avoided with proper nail care.

Nail care is especially important for diabetics because infections of the feet are
particularly dangerous. Keep your hands, feet, and nails clean, short, and trimmed.
This makes nail care as one of the most significant personal grooming tips.

Q3. What are the qualities required for working in the Aviation, Hospitality, Travel &
Customer service Industries? (Pass)

1 Effective Communication Skills. …

2 Aviation. …

3 Grooming. …

4 Hospitality with Computerized Reservation Systems. …

5 Travel Management with Computerized Reservation Systems. …

6 Personality Development. …

7 Interviewing Skills. …

8 Swimming.

skills required in Aviation industry:

Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

1.A pleasing personality- Professionals in the aviation industry need to have a pleasant
personality as it requires them to interact with customers.

2.Interpersonal and communication skills-  The  job in aviation industry

requires good interpersonal and communication skills to exchange
information and avoid any confusion.

3.Willingness to travel- People in the aviation industry should be willing to

travel as the job profile involves travelling.

4.Patience and Tactful- When part of the aviation industry, one should be
patient and tactful to handle difficult customers and remain calm.

5.Interest of the aspirants- Institutes offering academic certifications in

aviation management can be found in every nook and corner of the
country however, sorting out the ideal learning campus can be a
challenging job

6.Technical skills- Skilled aviation managers should be able to multitask

and have knowledge of various technical aspects. He should be able to
work in airports, technical areas, transportation, resource management

Skills for the Hospitality Industry:

 Communication. Communicating clearly and professionally through

your speech, writing, and body language is essential to good
customer service in hospitality. …
 Resilience.
 Initiative.
 Compliance training.
 Multitasking.
 Adaptability.
 Attention to detail.
 Cultural awareness.

Eight top skills for travel and tourism careers:

Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

 Customer service.
 Communication.
 Adaptability and flexibility
 Language skills and cultural sensitivity.
 Business acumen and commercial awareness.
 Leadership and responsibility.
 Teamwork.
 Enthusiasm and dedication

Your List of the Most Important Customer Service Skills:

 Persuasive Speaking Skills. Think of the most persuasive speaker in your
 Empathy.
 Adaptability.
 Ability to Use Positive Language.
 Clear Communication Skills.
 Self-Control.
 Taking Responsibility.
 Patience.

Q4. Name the Layers of the Skin? (Pass)

As the body’s largest organ, skin protects against germs, regulates body temperature and
enables touch (tactile) sensations. The skin’s main layers include the epidermis, dermis and
hypodermis and is prone to many problems, including skin cancer, acne, wrinkles and
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

What is the skin?

The skin is the body’s largest organ, made of water, protein, fats and minerals.
Your skin protects your body from germs and regulates body temperature.
Nerves in the skin help you feel sensations like hot and cold.

Your skin, along with your hair, nails, oil glands and sweat glands, is part of the
integumentary (in-TEG-you-MEINT-a-ree) system. “Integumentary” means a
body’s outer covering.

What are the layers of the skin?

Three layers of tissue make up the skin:

1.Epidermis, the top layer.

2.Dermis, the middle layer.

3.Hypodermis, the bottom or fatty layer.

Q5. Name different types of skin? (Pass)

There are five types of healthy skin: normal, dry, oily, combination (both oily and dry skin)
and sensitive. Below, we describe the main characteristics of each type of skin.


This skin is neither too dry nor too oily. It has regular texture, no imperfections and a clean,
soft appearance, and does not need special care.


Sensitive skin is more prone to react to stimuli to which normal skin has no reaction. It is a
fragile skin, usually accompanied by feelings of discomfort, such as heat, tightness, redness
or itching. This type of skin loses its barrier (or protective) function, making it easy for
microorganisms and irritant substances to enter it, and increasing the possibility of having
an infection and allergic reactions. It is a delicate skin that needs more care to fight dryness,
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

roughness and its usual appearance. Sometimes, it is referred to as irritated skin instead of
sensitive, but these terms are synonymous and there are no dermatological differences
between them.

In many cases, dry skin is caused by external factors such as the weather, low air humidity
and immersion in hot water, and it is usually temporary. However, for some people it may
occur more often and even be a lifelong condition. Since dry skin can crack leaving it more
exposed to bacteria, although in general this is not serious, it may cause other skin
disorders, such as eczema, or be more prone to infections if not properly managed.

Dry skin signs and symptoms may vary depending on different factors such as age, health
status or their cause. It is generally characterized by a feeling of tightness and roughness. It
may also acquire an ashy gray color, with occurrence of desquamation, itching, redness and
small cracks. Cracked skin is usually observed in very dry skin and presents small cracks,
which, in more serious cases, may be deeper and even bleed.

Oily skin has a porous, humid and bright appearance. It is caused by excessive fat production
by sebaceous glands, and usually determined by genetic and/or hormonal causes. It is
frequent in adolescents and young people under 30 years old, and usually related with the
occurrence of acne.

Based on its location, it presents characteristics of both dry and oily skin since the
distribution of sebaceous and sweat glands is not homogeneous. The area with more oil is
usually the T- zone (forehead, nose, and chin), while the skin on the cheeks is normal or dry.

Q6. What are the causes of Acne and dark circle and also provide 02 remedies for each?

Oversleeping, extreme fatigue, or just staying up a few hours past your typical bedtime
can cause dark circles to form under your eyes. Sleep deprivation can cause your skin to
become dull and paler. The dark tissues and blood vessels beneath your skin can start to

What is acne?

Acne is a common skin condition where the pores of your skin become blocked by hair,
sebum (an oily substance), bacteria and dead skin cells. Those blockages produce
blackheads, whiteheads, nodules and other types of pimples. If you have acne, know you’re
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

not alone. It’s the most common skin condition that people experience. It’s estimated that
80% of people ages 11 to 30 will have at least a mild form of acne, and most people are
affected by it at some point in their lives.

Who does acne affect?

Though it mainly affects teenagers and young adults undergoing hormonal changes, many
people continue struggling with acne into their 20s, 30s and beyond. Some even develop
acne for the first time as adults.

What causes acne?

 Acne is largely a hormonal condition that’s driven by androgen hormones, which

typically become active during the teenage and young adult years. Sensitivity to
these hormones — combined with surface bacteria on the skin and fatty acids within
oil glands — can result in acne.
 Certain things can cause acne and/or make it worse:
 Fluctuating hormone levels around the time of a woman’s period.
 Picking at acne sores.
 Clothing and headgear, like hats and sports helmets.
 Air pollution and certain weather conditions, especially high humidity.
 Using oily or greasy personal care products (like heavy lotions, creams or hair
pomades and waxes) or working in an area where you routinely come in contact with
grease (such as working at a restaurant where there are greasy food surfaces and
frying oil).
 Stress, which increases the hormone cortisol, can also cause acne to flare.

Some medications.

 Genetics.

Dark circles under the eyes:

Dark circles under the lower eyelids are common. Often accompanied by bags, having dark
circles under your eyes may invite unwanted comments about how tired you look. In fact,
there are many reasons for dark circles. It’s not always from a lack of sleep.

 Though they can affect anyone, dark circles are more common in:
 Older adults
 People with a genetic predisposition to this condition (periorbital
hyperpigmentationTrusted Source)
 People with darker skin tones, who are more prone to hyperpigmentation around the
eye area
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

What causes dark circles?

There are a number of possible reasons for dark circles under your eyes. Some common
causes include:


Oversleeping, extreme fatigue, or just staying up a few hours past your typical bedtime
can cause dark circles to form under your eyes. Sleep deprivation can cause your skin to
become dull and paler. The dark tissues and blood vessels beneath your skin can start to
show.Lack of sleep may also cause fluid to build underneath your eyes, causing them to
appear puffy. The dark circles you see may actually be shadows cast by puffy eyelids.


Natural aging is another common reason for dark circles beneath your eyes.

As you get older, your skin becomes thinner. There may be a decrease in the fat and
collagen that maintains your skin’s elasticity. As this occurs, the dark blood vessels
beneath your skin become more visible, causing the area below your eyes to darken.


Staring at your television or computer screen may cause strain on your eyes. This strain
can enlarge the blood vessels around your eyes. As a result, the skin surrounding your
eyes can darken.


for dark eye circles depends on the underlying cause. However, there are some home
remedies that may help.

Here are some common methods: Remedies

Apply a cold compress. A cold compress may reduce swelling and shrink dilated blood
vessels to lessen the appearance of puffiness and dark circles. Wrap a few ice cubes in a
clean washcloth and apply it to your eyes. You can also dampen a washcloth with cold
water and apply it to the skin under your eyes for 20 minutes for the same effect.

Get extra sleep. Catching up on sleep may also help reduce the appearance of dark
circles. Sleep deprivation may cause your skin to appear pale, making the dark circles
more obvious.

Elevate your head. While sleep deprivation might play a part in producing those dark
bags under your eyes, sometimes it’s from how you sleep. Try elevating your head with a
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

few pillows. This may prevent fluid from pooling under your eyes, which makes them
look puffy and swollen.

Stay hydrated. Do your best to drink more water.

Q7. What are the types of hair? Highlight the causes of dandruff and provide 02 remedies?

Ans: these are mainly four types

1. straight Hair
2. Wavy hair
3. Curly hair
4. Coily hair

What Is Dandruff?

Dandruff occurs, essentially, when small bits of dry skin are shed from the scalp. You
might spy these flakes in your hair or on your shoulders. Dandruff may make your scalp
itchy, too. It’s a common problem, but it isn’t as simple as it seems. Dandruff is actually
quite tricky to define because it overlaps with seborrheic dermatitis (a chronic form of
eczema) and other skin conditions that lead to a scaly scalp. Here’s what you need to

Signs and Symptoms of Dandruff

The big tip-off that an individual may have dandruff are the telltale patches of white
flakes on the scalp, made up of dead skin, that come loose in your hair. According to the
Merck Manual, other signs include:right up arrow

At times, the scalp can be itchy

Greasy or dry scales on the scalp

Yellowish to reddish scaly raised bumps along the hairline (in severe cases)

How Is Dandruff Diagnosed?

A dermatologist can usually diagnose dandruff simply by looking at your scalp. If your
dandruff does not respond to treatment, your healthcare provider may opt to perform a
skin biopsy in order to rule out other possible issues, notes the Cleveland Clinic.right up

Duration of Dandruff
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

Dandruff due to seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic condition that warrants repeated or

long-term treatment. As for dandruff that arises from contact dermatitis, dry skin, or
shampooing habits, changing habits can clear up flakes fairly quickly.

Alternative and Complementary Therapies

Tea Tree Oil Shampoos or topicals that contain 5 percent tea tree oil (an antiseptic,
antibiotic, and antifungal) appear to be a safe and effective treatment for dandruff,
according to a small randomized study in the Journal of the American Academy of
Dermatology.right up arrow

Healthy Fats Increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, like those found in salmon,
tuna, and mackerel, help regulate oil production on the skin, notes Cedars Sinai.right up

Additional Approaches

Get some sun. Brief bouts of sunshine can help reduce yeast production on the
scalp.right up arrow But if you are also using a tar-based dandruff treatment, avoid
direct sun exposure, as your scalp is especially sensitive to sunlight.right up arrow

Cut back on hair products. Styling gels, sprays, pomades, and more can build up on the
hair and scalp, increasing oiliness and dandruff.right up arrow.

Q8. What are the Do’s and Don’ts of Personal hygiene and Grooming Hygiene? (Merit)

Ans:What are the dos and don’TS of personal hygiene and grooming hygiene?

Personal hygiene is keeping the body clean, and helps prevent the spread of germs.
Grooming is caring for fingernails and hair examples of these activities would be Styling hair,
shaving, trimming and painting fingernails.

Proper personal hygiene and good grooming are essential requirements for your job. Always
follow your organization’s hygiene and grooming policy. Come to work every day clean,
fresh, appropriately dressed, and well-groomed.

Do’s And Don’t’s Of General Hygiene

General and Personal Hygiene are important. They do not become a part of your personality
and personal grooming, but they also ensure that you are healthy and on the path of
preventing numerous diseases. Few points listed below should be included in your life and
routine. You should also sensitize the people around you, especially children, to adopt the
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

Keep your hands clean.

Our hands touch a dozen things a day and come into contact with a million germs. 26000
different bacteria can be found just on a single currency note. Drying your hands after
washing is also very important. It removes the residual germs to a great extent.

Improve oral hygiene

Apart from brushing your teeth every day, flossing is also needed daily to remove the plaque
between the teeth properly.

Regularly clean

You could use cotton buds and soapy water to make your belly button germ-free. Don’t
forget to rinse it with water at the end. For stubborn dirt, use oil to clean.

Your feet too need attention

The some of the great examples of personal hygiene are as follows:

1. Taking bath daily.

2. Cleaning teeth twice a day
3. Changing into cloths
4. Washing hair with shampoo at least twice a week.
5. Hanging clothes in sun to day nicely
6. Washing hand after going to toilet.
7. Turning away from other people and covering mouth with tissue or
the hand while coughing or sneezing.
8. And to keep our intimate areas is very important . For cleaning
intimate area you can use SIRONA INTIMATE WASH , which is
available on online in amazon or flipkart. It is made from natural
ingredients that does not cause harm to anyone.

Q9.Why do you think it’s important to present yourself as a professional in an interview?

Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

The way you dress for an interview gives potential employers their first impression of how
you present yourself professionally. Even if you look great on paper, if you don’t dress
appropriately for an interview, you give the impression that you lack respect for yourself and
those you are meeting with.


Your outward appearance in an interview is an employer’s first glimpse of your judgment

skills. If you’re applying for a high-level professional job in an industry in which wearing
tailored suits are the norm, showing up in anything else can indicate that you don’t know
what’s expected or that you don’t care and you’re flouting the standards. Likewise, if you’re
applying for a job as a kindergarten teacher and you show up to your interview in club wear,
you’re demonstrating that you aren’t reading the situation correctly.


Dressing appropriately for work isn’t simply a matter of looking professional; it’s also an
indication that you recognize that norms and standards exist because they are expectations
that need to be followed. Even if you believe that you should be judged on your talent and
ability and not on your appearance, dressing appropriately for the situation shows that you
have respect for your employer and clients, and you are willing to follow the directives in the

Being yourself in an interview is easier said than done for some job seekers. However,
trying to impress the interviewer by being someone that you’re not can add a lot more
pressure to you and the whole interview experience. Trying to impress someone can be
difficult, especially when you’re trying to get a job. You want them to see all your best
qualities and abilities, but you should sell yourself and not some character you made up
in your head. The interviewer really foes want to learn about you and what you are
capable of. We often try and live up to unrealistic expectations when we go into
interviews. We want to portray ourselves as the ‘perfect’ employee, but it’s just not
possible. It’s important to be yourself for many reasons, you should trust that you are
enough in the first place. So why is it so important to relax and just be yourself in an

Help you feel more comfortable

Believe it or not, being yourself in an interview will hopefully make you feel more
comfortable. You want the people you work for to like you for you and you need to know
if this role and the company are going to be a right fit for you and make you happy in
your job. The interviewer also wants to know whether you will be a good fit for their
team. The good thing about being yourself is you don’t have to go by a script, you can
talk freely and let your personality shine through, helping you to have a more relaxed
conversation with the interviewer.
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

Embrace your best traits

Some people are just too modest. There is a time and a place to talk about yourself and
your accomplishments and during an interview is the perfect time to do this. Everyone
has something that they can bring to the team, so make sure you know what you can
bring! You have talents and you have abilities that the company want, otherwise you
wouldn’t be sat in the interview. There is only one you and you might just be the person
they are looking for. Plus, you don’t want to boast about a skill that they really want,
and you don’t actually have. This will come back and bite you if you are given the role
and they want you to use that skill for a task. Don’t lie. Sometimes when you’re focusing
on impressing the interviewer, it can be easy to stretch the truth.

It’s much easier to adapt you’re anyou’re answers

You shouldn’t over think interview questions. You can prepare in advance, but you never
really know what you’re going to be asked until you’re in that situation. An interviewer
may ask the question “How would your past colleagues describe you?” You want to give
a good answer, such as “I have a positive attitude and can always try my best to find my
way out of a difficult situation.” When answering questions like this, it’s always good to
include examples of situations you have been in at work and how you have reacted to
them. Use real events you have been through and how you succeeded, it can really show
what kind of person and employee you are. Where some of these questions can be
prepared in advance, try not to recite it word by word, it defeats the point and the
interviewer might be able to see that you are not being sincere.

One of the main reasons professionalism is important for job candidates is that the
first impression the hiring manager has of you affects the interview. If you dress
professionally and present yourself well, he is more likely to see you as competent and
capable of doing the job

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