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1006 質均小考

 考試時間 10:20-11:10
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1 Please write the appropriate number in flowing answer for 1 atm 20%
Pressure Unit Conversion factor
Bar 1.013bar
Kpa 101.3kpa
Torr 760Torr
mm Hg 760 mm Hg
in Hg 29.92 in Hg
ft H2O 33.94 ft H2O
in H2O 407 in H2O
psi 14.69 psi
2. How do you convert a temperature difference, Δ, from Fahrenheit to
Celsius? 20%
Δ°F/(1.8) = Δ°C; therefore, divide change in Δ°F by 1.8 to get change in Δ°C
3 The heat capacity of sulfur is Cp = 15.2 + 2.68T, where Cp is in J/(g mol)(K)
and T is in kelvin. Convert so that Cp is given in cal/(g mol)(°F) with T in degrees

J 1 cal K
{15.2+ 2.68 [ ( T F −32 ) ÷ 1.8+273 ] } × × ×
(g mol)(K ) 4.18 J 1.8° F
¿ CP (¿ ) =93.05+0. 198T F
( g mol )( F )
4 What is the specific volume & specific gravity(statement & unit)
Specific volume is the inverse of density
V where V is volume, M is mass
Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density
of a reference material

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