Personal Achievement Reflection

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Taya B Feb 16, 2023

Personal Achievement
Learning to Drive

In 2021 I resided with my aunt and uncle for just over a year; they taught me how to drive
during my stay in the Kootenays with them. I learnt in their Toyota Tacoma mostly on back
roads and small cities like Castelgar and Nelson. I worked hard to learn how to drive, I would
practice every other day for around an hour or more, this helped me gain a lot of useful and
vital skills I need for driving on my own in the future.

Personal Relevancy
Learning to drive in the Kootenays was one of the more positive things that happened there, I
was very eager to learn and now that I know how I can have a lot more freedom. Learning to
drive is especially important in a more rural area like where I used to live due to the minimal
buses and everything being far away.

Skill Development
Regarding skills, I gained many from learning to drive. I learnt awareness and coordination, I
also learnt how to react quickly to situations behind the wheel. I practiced how to control a
vehicle while hydroplaning and how the different types of materials the road is made from can
drastically change how your vehicle drives. I also learnt about inertia and how fast dangerous
situations like that can occur.

While learning to drive I learnt a couple things about myself, I don’t like to drive in the dark, I
enjoy driving for long periods of time, and I love to drive through the mud and big puddles.
Being able to drive has opened many doors for me, giving me the ability to drive safely to
destinations, give friends and family rides, and not having to rely on my mom or the buses to
take me places.

Future Connections
Learning to drive connects to my future plans because I plan to travel all over Canada, it will
also help me go skiing, hiking etc., on my own. I learnt a lot as I went and made a lot of mistakes
at first, this helped me see my mistakes for myself and correct them to become a safe and
smart driver. I hope to be able to get my full license and take my friends to my favorite places.

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