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System Architecture for

<Customer Name>-
<Program Number>
Version: <X.YY>
Release Date: DD-Mmm-YYYY

Prepared By:
System Architecture Team
Nexteer Automotive

Artifact ID: SYA_017 System Architecture for <Customer Name>-

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Table of Contents
1 Modeling Methodology.............................................................................................4
2 Scope.........................................................................................................................5
2.1 Functional Scope..........................................................................................................................5
3 Alternative Architecture.............................................................................................6
4 Features List...............................................................................................................7
5 EPS Operational Domain............................................................................................9
6 EPS Physical Domain................................................................................................11
7 EPS Functional Domain............................................................................................15
7.1 Connect driver to road wheels...................................................................................................18
7.2 Monitor driver input..................................................................................................................18
7.3 Monitor environment system characteristics.............................................................................18
7.4 Communication with external environment..............................................................................18
7.5 Provide Assistance.....................................................................................................................18
7.6 Protect System...........................................................................................................................19
7.7 Provide power supply................................................................................................................19
7.8 Exhibit dynamic system behavior...............................................................................................19
7.9 Support EPS Logic Processing.....................................................................................................19
8 EPS System Dynamic Behavior (System State Machine)............................................20
9 Table Views..............................................................................................................21
9.1 Table - Interface Signal Description............................................................................................21
9.2 Table - System Function Interfaces.............................................................................................21
9.3 Table - System Function – Subsystem Function Interfaces.........................................................21

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1 Modeling Methodology
bdd [Package] _1_Modeling Method [Modeling Methodology1]

«EP S Sy sF unction»
Standard Ports Eps System
are used Function
interface with
«EP S Sy stem» System Functions
EPS System
«MechanicalA ctuatorF uncion» «P ow erpck F unction» «Driv rSensingSubsy stF unction»
Mechanical Powerpack Driver Sensing
1 Actuator Function Subsystem
«EP S Subsy stm» Composition Function Function
EPS SubSystem relation is used to
decompose the
system into small «Motor Sensing F unction» «C ontrol M odule F unction» «MotorA ssembly F unction»
Motor Sensing Control Module Motor Assembly
«full» Subsystem Function Function
«P ow erpack Subsy stem»
:EPS SubSystem Function
«proxy» «Softw are F unction» «Electronic Hardw are F unction»
Full ports are :StubInterfaceBlock
Software Electronic
used to interface
Function Hardware
with external
«C ontrolmodule Subsy stem»
Control Module

These are the stereotypes of SysML 'Block' used to represent the EPS functions,
These are the stereotypes of SysML individual stereotypes created to represent the each function group.
'Block' used to represent the EPS system
physical domain. EPS System stereotype
is used to represent the EPS and
EPS Subsystem stereotype is used to
represent EPS subsystems like
Mechanical Actuator, Powerpack,
Driversensing Subsystem. Likewise
powerpack subsystems are rpresented «EP S F eature»
by Powerpack Subsystem and EPS Feature
This stereotype is used to represent the EPS features.
control module subsystems are
represented by Controlmodule
Subsystem stereotype.

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2 Scope
2.1 Functional Scope
This System architecture document list down all features and functions applicable for <Customer Name>
<Program Number>.

Features: Customer controlled
Function: Nexteer controlled

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3 Alternative Architecture
<Team to select one of the below applicable approach>
EPS core system architecture is a legacy system with well proven and defined architecture. Program <name>
uses the existing core architecture <as is/ with a few configuration & variation>. Hence an alternative
architecture evaluation is not required.
A new system architecture was developed for Program <name>. Hence an alternative architecture analysis was
conducted. <This is stored at Location/ This is available in embedded file/ This is available below for reference
(Paste the analysis)>
Note: Above strategy needs review and approval from System Architecture Workshop Group <Remove this
statement before baselining this work product>

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4 Features List

Vehicle Speed Dependent Assist

Active Return
Steering Wheel damping & Inertia compensation
Friction learning and compensation
Pull Compensation
Wheel Imbalance rejection
Brake Disturbance Rejection
Torque Steer Compensation
End of Travel Protection
Battery Current Provision
EPS Personalities
System wake up and sleep
EPS steering State
EPS Start/Stop
EPS Steering Gear loss of Steering Assist mitigation
EPS services
Software download
Customer Vehicle Configuration
Parking Assistance
Driverless Angle Control
Lane Keeping Assistance
Lane Centering Assistance
ADAS command management
EPS Vibration Driver Notification
Dynamic Driver Steer Recommendation
Handwheel location monitoring
System Monitoring for Customer Use
EP State of Health
EPS Hands on/off detection
Note: This feature list needs to be customized as per program specific requirements
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5 EPS Operational Domain

The operational domain model is a central part of any model-based approach and describes the system
in the context of its environment. This includes the humans that are intended to operate and interact with the
system, external objects that might influence the system, and environmental elements that could impact the
system. The operational domain model is a useful starting point to get an overview of a system and how it will

ADD [Vehicle] Automobile [ADD#1 Of Automobile]

«V ehicle»


«EP S Sy stem»

«V ehicle Subsy stem» 1
Steering Wheel itsSteering Wheel
* «V ehicle S ubsy stem»
itsSteering knuckle Steering knuckle
«V ehicle Subsy stem» *
Vehicle ECU itsVehicle ECU

«V ehicle S ubsy stem»

Vehicle Battery
«V ehicle Subsy stem» itsVehicle Battery
Vehicle Chassis
itsVehicle Chassis
«V ehicle S ubsy stem»
4 Wheels

This diagram shows operational domain of the EPS, i.e., the EPS in the context of its environment. This
includes the humans that are intended to operate and interact with the system, external objects that might
influence the system, and environmental elements that could impact the system.

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IAD [Vehicle] Automotive Power Stee ring Doma in [IAD#1 Of Automotive Powe r Steering Domain]

1 «EPSSysUsage»
:EPS 1..* «VehicleSubsysUsage»
:Powe rSupply :Vehicle Batte ry
:Powe rSupply
:Exte rnalForces

:Communication * «V ehicleS ubsy sU sage»

:Communication :Vehicle ECU
4 «V ehicleS ubsy sU s age»
:Exte rnalForces :EpsEnable
:Whe els :EpsEnable

:Stee ringInput

* «V ehicleS ubsy sU sage»

:Stee ringOutput
:Stee ring Knuckle
:Stee ringOutput

1 «V ehicleS ubsy sU s age»

:Stee ringInput
:Stee ring Whe el
:Mount 1 «V ehicleS ubsy sU sage»
:Vehicle Chass is

This diagram shows how EPS is interacting with another systems/subsystem in its operational domain. It shows
the external interfaces of the EPS.
Note: This section needs to be customized as per program specific requirements

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6 EPS Physical Domain

The Physical Model is a consistent description of the physical realization of a system. It explains how EPS
system is decomposed to smaller subsystems and how those subsystems interact with each other.

This diagram shows the physical decomposition of the EPS, i.e., how EPS is decomposed to smaller
subsystems and subsystems decomposition. EPS is decomposed to Powerpack, Mechanical Actuator and Driver
Sensing Subsystem.
Powerpack is further decomposed to Control Module, Motor Sensing Subsystem and Motor Assembly. Control
Module is decomposed to Electronic Hardware and Software.

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This is the Physical Internal Architecture Diagram for the EPS System. This diagram shows how the parts of
"EPS" are connected internally and interfaces between its parts (subsystem / subfunction).

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IAD [EPSSubsystem] Powerpack [IAD#1 Of Powerpack]

1 «P ow erpack Subsy stem U sage»

:Motor Sensing Subsystem



1 «P ow erpack Subsy stem U sage»

:Control Module
:~SensedMotAg :DistributedSupplyVoltage

:Communication :MotorPhaseVoltage

:PowerSupply «full»

«full» «full»
:EpsEnable :EpsEnable

1 «P ow erpack Subsy stem U sage»

:Motor Assembly
:~MotorPhaseVoltage :GeneratedMotorTorque

This is the Internal Architecture Diagram for the EPS Subsystem called Powerpack. This diagram shows how the
parts of "Powerpack" are connected internally and interfaces between its parts (subsystem / subfunction).

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IAD [Powerpack Subsystem] Control Module [IAD#1 Of Control Module]

1 «C ontrolmodule Subsy stem U sage» 1 «C ontrolmodule Subsy stem U sage»

:Electronic Hardware :Software

«full» «full» :SerComm_Rx_Tx :~SerComm_Rx_Tx

:Communication :Communication
:MotAgHW2SW :~MotAgHW2SW

«full» «full»
:PowerSupply :PowerSupply
:PwrSpplyRailsStat :~PwrSpplyRailsStat


:~SensedMotAg :~SensedMotAg
:FilteredEPSEnable :~FilteredEPSEnable

:FltrdSplyVltgHW2SW :~FltrdSplyVltgHW2SW

:~SensedHwTq :~SensedHwTq :FltrdSplyVltSwtchdHW2SW :~FltrdSplyVltSwtchdHW2SW


:MotCurrentHW2SW :~MotCurrentHW2SW


:~SensedHwAg :~SensedHwAg

:~SineVoltageSignal :SineVoltageSignal

:~MemoryServices :MemoryServices

«full» :~SystemServices :SystemServices


:~CommunicationServices :CommunicationServices




«full» :TxSecuredData
:EpsEnable :~TxSecuredData




:MotorPhaseVoltage :MotorPhaseVoltage

:DistributedSupplyVoltage :DistributedSupplyVoltage

This is the Internal Architecture Diagram for the Powerpack Subsystem called Control Module. This diagram
shows how the parts of "Control Module" are connected internally and interfaces between its parts
(subsystem / subfunction).
Note: This section needs to be customized as per program specific requirements

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7 EPS Functional Domain

This section consists of functional model of the system. It comprises the system functions and the interfaces
between functions. It shows how a system function is decomposed to sub functions and their allocation to
physical elements (subsystems) of the system.

FDD [Package] EPS_Function_Definition [FDD_EPS_Functional_Decomposition]

«E P S S y stem»

«E P S S y sF unction»
1_Connect Driver to road wheels

«E P S S y sF unction»
2_Monitor Driver Input

The driver's steering intent is monitored by means of sensors

and the sensed signals are interpreted by the system in terms
of torque and angular displacement of the steering wheel. «E P S S y sF unction»
Also, the monitored driver input's validity is provided 3_Monitor Environment system characteristics

«E P S S y sF unction»
4_communication with external environment

The steering system communicates with the external

environment (vehicle ECU or external devices) and provides
«E P S S y sF unction»
the validity of the received / transmitted information 5_Provide Assistance

«E P S S y sF unction»
6_Protect system

«E P S S y sF unction»
7_Provide power supply

«E P S S y sF unction»
8_Exhibit dynamic system behaviour

«E P S S y sF unction»
9_Support EPS logic processing

This diagram shows the functional decomposition of the EPS, these are the different functionalities of EPS to
fulfill the customer requirements. These functions are referred as system functions.

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IAD [EPSSystem] EPS [IAD#2 Of EPS]

Connections with Function 2

Connections with Function 3 Connections with Function 7
Connections with Function 4 Connections with Function 8
Connections with Function 5 Connections with Function 9
Connections with Function 6

«E PS S y sF uncUsage»
«full» «full» 1
:SteeringOutput :SteeringOutput :1_Connect Driver to road

:SteeringInput 1 «EPS Sy sF uncU sage» 1 «EPS Sy sF uncU sage»
:2_Monitor Driver Input :3_Monitor Environment system characteristics

«full» :ExternalForces

_7PrvdPwrSup_2 _4CommWithExtEnv_2 _3MntrEnvSysChar_2 _2MntrDrvInp _2MntrDrvInp_3 _4CommWithExtEnv_3 _6PrtcnSys_3 _8ExhbtDynBhvr_3

_5PrvdAssist_1 _1CnctDrvRdWhl
_1CnctDrvRdWhl_2 _5PrvdAssist_3 _7PrvdPwrSup_3
_3MntrEnvSysChar _9EPSPrcLgc_3

1 «E PS S y sF uncUsage» 1 «EPS Sy sF uncU sage»
:4_communicat :8_Exhibit
ion with dynamic system
external behaviour
environment _2MntrDrvInp_8

_3MntrEnvSysChar_4 _3MntrEnvSysChar_8



:Communication _7PrvdPwrSup_4

_8ExhbtDynBhvr_4 _7PrvdPwrSup_8



1 «E PS S y sF uncUsage»
1 «EPS Sy sF uncU sage»
:9_Support EPS
_2MntrDrvInp_9 logic processing

_4CommWithExtEnv_5 _3MntrEnvSysChar_9






_5PrvdAssist_6 _9EPSPrcLgc_6 _8ExhbtDynBhvr_6 _3MntrEnvSysChar_6 _2MntrDrvInp_6

_6PrtcnSys _4CommWithExtEnv_7 _7PrvdPwrSup _9EPSPrcLgc_7
1 «E PS S y sF uncUsage» 1 «EPS Sy sF uncU sage» «full»
:6_Protect system :7_Provide power supply :PowerSupply

This is the Internal Architecture Diagram for the EPS System called EPS. This diagram shows how the parts of
"EPS" are connected internally and interfaces between its parts (subsystem / subfunction).

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7.1 Connect driver to road wheels

Click on Pdf to see the function definition diagram (FDD) and Internal Architecture Diagram IAD(s) of Function 1.

7.2 Monitor driver input

Click on Pdf to see the function definition diagram (FDD) and Internal Architecture Diagram IAD(s) of Function 2.

7.3 Monitor environment system characteristics

Click on Pdf to see the function definition diagram (FDD) and Internal Architecture Diagram IAD(s) of Function 3.

7.4 Communication with external environment

Click on Pdf to see the function definition diagram (FDD) and Internal Architecture Diagram IAD(s) of Function 4.

7.5 Provide Assistance

Click on Pdf to see the function definition diagram (FDD) and Internal Architecture Diagram IAD(s) of Function 5.

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7.6 Protect System

Click on Pdf to see the function definition diagram (FDD) and Internal Architecture Diagram IAD(s) of Function 6.

7.7 Provide power supply

Click on Pdf to see the function definition diagram (FDD) and Internal Architecture Diagram IAD(s) of Function 7.

7.8 Exhibit dynamic system behavior

Click on Pdf to see the function definition diagram (FDD) and Internal Architecture Diagram IAD(s) of Function 8.

7.9 Support EPS Logic Processing

Click on Pdf to see the function definition diagram (FDD) and Internal Architecture Diagram IAD(s) of Function 9.

Note: This functional architecture(section 7) needs to be customized as per program specific requirements

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8 EPS System Dynamic Behavior (System State Machine)

s tm [EPSSystem] EPS [Nexteer_States ]

Wake up Siagnal is via CAN communication

C 11[[C ontinued reception of wake up s ignal
C 10[[C ontinued reception of wake up signal && ( No fault identified OR Fault identified is non-safety critical )]]
&& System hardware power up incomplete]]

C 2[[C ontinued reception of wake up s ignal &&

Sys tem hardware power up complete && V ehicle EC U reques t to trans ition to Enable &&
(No fault identified OR Fault identified is non-s afety critical )] || System draws power supply from the vehicle battery
S2_initialization [System hardware power up complete && Service request received to transition to Enable]]
System assists in reducing the steering effort
System recieves the wake up signal (Ignition) System assists in damping undesirable forces acting on the steering system
System draws power from the vehicle battery System assists by executing vehicle commands
C 6[[C ontinued reception of wake up s ignal &&
System performs hardware power up Recovery from safety critical fault && (No fault identified OR Fault identified is non-s afety critical )] ] System assists in both reducing the steering effort and also executes vehicle commands at the sametime
System communicates with the vehicle System assists for Start/Stop features
System communicates with the vehicle

C 3[[C ontinued reception of wake up signal &&

(Safety critical fault identified || V ehicle EC U reques t to trans ition to Disable)] ||
[Service reques t received to trans ition to Disable (Provided the reques t
to enable came through a service reques t) ]]

C1[[Continued reception of wake up

signal && Syst em hardware powe r up
incomple te]]

C7[[Rece ption of a request for immediate

transition to OFF ||
No reception of wake up signal]]

C 5[[C ontinued reception of wake up signal S4_Disable

&& Safety critical fault identified ]]

C 8[[Reception of a request for immediate transition to OFF ||
No reception of wake up signal]]

C 4[[No reception of wake up s ignal ||

Reception of a reques t for immediate trans ition to OFF ]]

C 12[[C ontinued reception of wake up signal

&& Safety critical fault not recovered ]]

C 9[No reception of wake up s ignal ]

Note:This System Dynamic Behavior needs to be customized as per program specific requirements

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9 Table Views
This package contains different table views of the system like list of functions with description, list of features,
contracts between the functions, external interfaces data, Interface block descriptions etc.
Note: These tables needs to be customized as per program specific requirements

9.1 Table - Interface Signal Description

This table shows the long names for the interface signals used in Internal Architecture Diagrams (IAD’s).

9.2 Table - System Function Interfaces

This table shows the Interfaces between the system functions of EPS system

9.3 Table - System Function – Subsystem Function Interfaces

This table shows the Interfaces between the system functions and subsystem functions of EPS system

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Template Version History

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1.00 Initial version Babu Shankar PCWG 05-Oct-2021 Released

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