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Part 3: Unit 3 (15 pts)

1.Computers perform many jobs that previously were performed by people. Will
computer-based transactions and expanded e-commerce eventually replace person
to-person contact? From a customer’s point of view, is this better? Why or why not?

-I believe it is doable in the future. It is more efficient from a business standpoint

because it will be easier to maintain than a conventional employee. However, from the
perspective of the consumer, I believe that having an employee rather than a
computer-based system will be preferable. It will be more convenient for them because
some people are unfamiliar with using computer-based systems. I believe it is preferable
to meet in the middle, where people will still be working, and computers will assist them
in making faster transactions. Also, if you only use computers, some will not know how to
use them, and if there are instructions, some people will not understand them, so having
both is preferable. Economically, if all businesses use computers, other people will lose
their jobs, raising the country's unemployment rate.

2. What types of information systems might a large company use?

-Information systems are used by large enterprises to improve productivity and

efficiency. They are most likely utilizing various types of office automation, operation,
transaction, processing, decision, and management support systems.

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