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The InsightOut Map – Digital competitiveness of Home e-commerce players


The InsightOut Map

Home players in Romanian e-commerce

The Home category is one of the highest growing Romanian e-commerce categories, featuring two very strong
leaders (Vivre and IKEA), two innovators (Mobexpert and Bonami) and multiple notable challengers (Mobilier1,
vidaXL, SomProduct, and The Home). The InsightOut Map looks at the top players in the category, evaluating
their Digital Presence and Digital Maturity. The report is based on InsightOut Analytics’ methodology considering
7 dimensions and 15 subdimensions, computed by measuring more than 37 features of each player.

Fig. 1 – InsightOut Map – Home (MAP-RO-HM-2021)

This rest of this report covers a detailed scorecard for all players, complete player profiles, and the used
methodology with details about measured dimensions and sub-dimension.

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The InsightOut Map – Digital competitiveness of Home e-commerce players

InsightOut Map Scorecard – Home


The Home



Digital Presence 4.75 4.25 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00
Website Visitor Traffic 70% 5.00 5.00 3.75 3.50 3.00 2.50 1.50 1.00
Native App Downloads 20% 5.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00
Social Media Presence 10% 1.25 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Digital Maturity 3.50 3.75 4.00 2.75 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.00
Advertising and Nurturing 20% 4.25 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.00 2.75 3.50 4.00
Performance Marketing 50% 3.50 1.50 2.00 5.00 4.25 3.75 3.25 3.25
E-Mail Marketing 50% 5.00 4.50 4.50 1.75 1.50 1.50 3.50 4.50
Visitor Engagement 30% 3.00 3.50 4.50 1.25 1.25 1.00 2.00 1.25
Visit Duration 40% 2.75 3.25 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.00
Pages per Visit 40% 2.75 3.25 5.00 1.25 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.50
Bounce Rate 10% 3.50 5.00 5.00 2.00 1.75 2.00 2.50 1.00
Native App Rating 10% 4.75 3.25 1.00 1.00 2.50 1.00 5.00 1.00
Customer Experience & Customization 40% 4.00 3.75 4.00 3.25 2.25 3.50 3.50 3.25
Recommendations Quality 25% 3.50 5.00 4.50 2.75 1.00 2.75 3.00 3.50
Search Quality 25% 4.00 4.00 3.50 3.50 2.75 3.50 2.50 3.00
Breadcrumbs and Backlinks 10% 5.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Ease of Sign-up 20% 4.50 2.25 4.50 3.50 3.25 3.75 4.50 2.25
Ease of Purchase 20% 4.00 2.25 3.50 4.00 2.25 3.00 3.25 3.75
Page Load Times 10% 1.00 5.00 3.75 4.50 4.00 4.25 4.75 4.00
First Contentful Paint 50% 1.00 5.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.00 4.75 3.75
Largest Contentful Paint 50% 1.00 5.00 3.00 4.50 3.50 3.50 4.75 4.25

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The InsightOut Map – Digital competitiveness of Home e-commerce players

Category insights
The Home category features many types of players, from large international ones, like IKEA, to regional ones, like
Mobilier1, and local ones, like Mobexpert. Moreover, some of the players feature both a physical and online
presence (e.g., IKEA and Mobexpert), while some are only present online (e.g., Bonami). The category as a
whole has a smaller digital presence on their websites than the Electronics and Fashion categories, but is highly
active on the Social Media side, with many followers and a high engagement (especially due to large players like
IKEA). In the Home category, the InsightOut Map places two players in the Leaders quadrant (IKEA and Vivre),
two players in the Innovators quadrant (Mobexpert and Bonami) and four players in the Challengers quadrant
(Mobilier1, VidaXL, SomProduct, The Home).

Player Profiles



Vivre has the highest Digital Presence in the category, with a similar number of website visitors like IKEA, but a
much more present native application. In terms of Digital Maturity, Vivre is rating very high, trailing only Mobexpert
and Ikea. The strongest features of Vivre’s Digital Maturity are its Advertising and Nurturing performance
(especially driven by great E-mail Marketing), its best-in-class Ease of Sign-up (with the fewest fields to complete
and steps to go through, but lacking social login functionality), and its good Quality of Search (handling word
variations and misspelled words well). The Visitor Engagement is positively influenced by the well-rated native
application (4.1/5 on iOS and 4.6/5 on Android), but negatively influenced by the slightly shorter visits (33%
shorter than the best on this dimension, Mobexpert). Where Vivre is lagging the other players is Page Load Time,
taking 5x more time to fully load the webpage than the best on this dimension, IKEA and SomProduct.


IKEA has a strong physical as well as Digital Presence. It drives the most visits to the website in the category and
has a significant presence on social media. At the same time, although featuring a native application, its usage is
still limited. In terms of Digital Maturity, IKEA has a very strong E-Mail Marketing performance (driving a significant
part of its sizeable traffic via e-mails), and very mature Customer Experience Customization tools like its
recommendation engine (with highly relevant recommendations for substitutes and complements at item, basket,

© InsightOut Analytics 2021. Unauthorized copying and distribution prohibited. Not to be licensed commercially.
The InsightOut Map – Digital competitiveness of Home e-commerce players

and category level) and its site search engine (with very good handling of misspelling and word variations).
Moreover, IKEA features the fastest page, fully loading in under 2 seconds. Where IKEA is lagging some of the
other players is the Ease of Purchase and Ease of Sign-up (not offering a social login, and the entire process
requiring 2x more fields than best-in-category players). Lastly, IKEA is less active on Performance Marketing,
driving 2.5x less traffic from this source than the best-in-category.



Mobexpert is positioned as an Innovator in this year’s InsightOut Map, right on the border with the Leaders
quadrant. Mobexpert has a significant Digital Presence, especially in terms of website traffic, and features a strong
physical presence in the market. In terms of Digital Maturity, Mobexpert has the highest score, due to its best-in-
category Visitor Engagement (website visitors spend up to 25% more time than at the next-best player, Vivre),
Ease of Sign-up (providing a social login and only two fields to be filled out), as well as E-mail Marketing (with
the highest traffic proportion from this source in the category). The Quality of Recommendations is also highly
scored, due to great relevance and placement in all key areas (the only detractor being the many substitutes
offered on the shopping cart). At the same time, Mobexpert is lagging on the Page Load Time (taking 2.5x longer
to fully load than the best-in-category), and on Performance Marketing (driving 3x fewer visitors than other
players with similar website traffic). Lastly, Mobexpert is one of only three players not offering backlink


Bonami is an Innovator in the InsightOut Map. Despite featuring strong native mobile applications (with high
ratings of 4.6 on Android and 4.7 on iOS), its overall Digital Presence is relatively low due to the few website
visitors and social media presence. Regarding Digital Maturity, Bonami features a best-in-category Ease of
Sign-up (with only 1 step and available social login options), as well as good Advertising and Nurturing (with
sizeable efforts on both display advertising and PPC, driving traffic to the website). In terms of Ease of Purchase,
Bonami is one of only two Challengers to offer visitors the option of purchasing without having an account. Where
Bonami is lagging other players is Visitor Engagement (with website visits 2.3x shorter than best-in-category),
and Quality of Search (with no semantic awareness and struggling with misspelled words).

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The InsightOut Map – Digital competitiveness of Home e-commerce players



Mobilier1 is a Challenger on the InsightOut Map. Within its quadrant, it has the highest Digital Presence, driven
mostly by the Website Visitor Traffic. In terms of Digital Maturity, Mobilier1 features one of the stronger
Performance Marketing results, with a very strong display network strategy (driving 2x more visitors than the
second-best player on this dimension), and a very strong PPC strategy. Moreover, Mobilier1 has the best-in-
category Ease of Purchase, with only two steps to be completed for a purchase, and the option to complete the
purchase without an account. At the same time, Mobilier1 features a lower performance on E-mail Marketing than
other players, and a lower Visitor Engagement (with relatively short visits). Lastly, Mobilier1 is lagging on the
Quality of Recommendations side, with product recommendations not appearing on all detail pages, nor on the
shopping cart page.


vidaXL is featured as a Challenger in the Home category. However, the player is also active across other
categories, like sports, baby products and toys. vidaXL has a medium Digital Presence, mostly driven by its
Website Visitor Traffic. In terms of Digital Maturity, vidaXL drives good Performance Marketing results (with the
second highest traffic from PPC in the category) and has a good Ease of Sign-up (with only one step, but no
options for a social login). The dimensions that negatively impact vidaXL’s Digital Maturity are related to Visitor
Engagement (due to the sub-par website visit duration and pages per visit), and to E-Mail Marketing (where
vidaXL drives the lowest traffic from this source). Moreover, vidaXL is the only player not featuring a product
recommendation engine on either detail, shopping cart, or category pages.


SomProduct is a Challenger in the 2021 InsightOut Map for the Home Category. Its Digital Presence is positively
impacted by the Website Visitor Traffic. At the same time, the player relies less on social media, and does not
feature native applications. On the Digital Maturity side, SomProduct drives great Performance Marketing
(featuring the second highest effectiveness on display network traffic), good Ease of Sign-up (with best-in-class
social login options, but more than the average number of fields to fill in), and good Quality of Search (handling
both misspellings and word variations well but struggling with semantic awareness). Where SomProduct’s Digital
Maturity is negatively impacted is E-Mail Marketing (with among the lowest proportions of traffic from this source
in the category), and the Quality of Recommendations (which are not very consistent and do not appear on the
shopping cart).

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The InsightOut Map – Digital competitiveness of Home e-commerce players

The Home

The Home is featured as a Challenger on the InsightOut Map and is the smallest player by Digital Presence in
this year’s report (with up to 5x fewer monthly visitors than best-in-category, IKEA). At the same time, the high
Digital Maturity score places The Home on the border to Innovators. The Digital Maturity of The Home is positively
influenced by the great Performance Marketing (especially on the PPC side, and less on the display advertising
side), the great Ease of Purchase (with the fewest fields to be completed for a purchase in the category) and
good Quality of Recommendations (always featuring both substitute and complementary products, but not
recommendations on the shopping cart). At the same time, the Digital Maturity lags behind other players on
dimensions like the Visitor Engagement (with shorter visits, but medium pages per visit) and Ease of Sign-up
(with the highest number of fields to be completed and no newsletter checkbox, which could drive significant
traffic given the great performance on E-mail Marketing).

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The InsightOut Map – Digital competitiveness of Home e-commerce players

To assess Digital Presence and Digital Maturity, InsightOut Analytics’ proprietary methodology considers 7
dimensions and 15 subdimensions, computed by measuring more than 37 features of each player. InsightOut
Analytics builds its dataset from public data only and does not use any internal data from the players in the report.
All data was collected in March and April 2021. All score evaluations are made intra-category.

Player selection

The InsightOut Map focuses on the largest players in the selected category (judged by Digital Presence) and
does not aim to be an exhaustive comparison of all players. Moreover, the report considers one player each entity
that has a stand-alone digital presence, regardless of ownership structure. Players are categorized based on their
main category, although some players offer products in multiple categories.

The following players have been considered for this report: Bonami, Elvila, Ikea, Mobexpert,,
Somproduct,, The Home, VidaXL, Vivre, Zondo.

Digital Presence

Digital Presence assesses the prevalence of a player’s digital channels in the market. The digital channels
considered are websites, native mobile applications (both Android and iOS) and social media (Facebook only).
For each channel’s score, the number of users is estimated.

Digital Maturity

Digital Maturity is driven by Advertising and Nurturing, Visitor Engagement, Customer Experience & Customization
and Page Load Times.

Advertising and Nurturing

Advertising and Nurturing consists of two subdimensions: Performance Marketing and E-Mail Marketing.
Performance Marketing is computed based on the player’s ability to drive traffic to its digital channels through
paid search and display advertising. E-Mail Marketing is computed based on the user’s ease of newsletter
subscription and the player’s ability to drive traffic to its digital channels through e-mail newsletters.

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The InsightOut Map – Digital competitiveness of Home e-commerce players

Visitor Engagement

Visitor Engagement is scored by estimating the website visitor engagement based on Bounce Rates, Time per
Visit and Average Number of Pages Viewed per session. Moreover, the App Rating is considered based on
the average rating of the Android and iOS apps of the players.

Customer Experience & Customization

The Customer Experience & Customization is the most complex dimension, covering 5 sub-dimensions as follows.
The Recommendations Quality is scored based on the completeness and complexity of personalized
recommendations offered on detail pages, check-out pages and home pages. The Quality of Search is driven
by the ability to handle word variations (e.g., plural vs singular), the semantic awareness (e.g., synonyms and
attributes not listed in the product title or description), and the ability to deal with common typos. The
Breadcrumbs and Backlinks subdimension evaluates the existence of such features on the player’s website.
The Ease of Sign-up is computed by evaluating the ease of buyer registration (existence of social logins, number
of fields and steps). The Ease of Purchase is computed by evaluating the number of steps and fields necessary
for users to complete a purchase, as well as the option to purchase without registering a user, and the number
of payment options offered.

Page Load Times

The Page Load Times considers the time for the website to load on both mobile and desktop. This dimension is
driven by sub-dimensions both within the Core Web Vitals and other web vitals, which shall decisively impact the
website’s ranking on Google Search after Google’s ranking algorithm’s change scheduled for June 2021. It is
driven by the First Contentful Paint (i.e., the time from when the page starts loading up until any meaningful
content has been rendered on screen), and the Largest Contentful Paint (i.e., the time from when the page
starts loading up until the largest text or image component has been fully rendered on screen).

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The InsightOut Map – Digital competitiveness of Home e-commerce players

About InsightOut Analytics

InsightOut Analytics is a Data Science, Machine Learning & AI company focusing on the Internet, Media, and E-
Commerce verticals. InsightOut Analytics develops and implements complete business solutions which enable
clients gain significant competitive advantages. Our offering includes Recommendation Engines, Site Search
Engines, Churn Prediction, Inventory Optimization, Promotion and Ads Optimization as well as Data Warehousing
and Data Integration solutions. InsightOut Analytics is a brand of Machine Learning Solutions SRL, having its
headquarters in Timisoara, RO and offices in Osnabrück, DE and Bucharest, RO.


For information about this and other reports, as well as sales enquiries, please reach out to us at or find us at

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