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Problem statement: 1

The effective jet exit velocity from a jet engine is 2700m/s.The forward flight velocity is 1350m/s and air flow rate
is 78.6k/s. Calculate i) Thrust ii) Thrust Power iii) Propulsiove Efficiency.

Plot a graph to show, how thrust varies with massflow rate and jet velocity and state the inferences.

Schematic Layout of Turbofan Engine

Thrust is the force which moves an aircraft through the air. Thrust is generated by the engines of the airplane

Thrust Power is what a propeller-driven engine produces & Thrust is what a jet engine produces.

Propulsive efficiency ηp, is the portion of the available energy that is usefully applied in propelling the aircraft
compared to the total energy of the jet stream.


Cj = 2700m/s

U= 1350m/s

mdot = 78.6kg/s

To Find:

i) Thrust

ii) Thrsut Power

iii) Propulsive Efficiency

% Cj - effective jet velocity in m/s

% u - flight velocity in m/s
% mdota - mass flow rate of air in kg/s
% sigma - u/cj no unit

cj= linspace(1000,5400,100);
u= 1221;
mdot = 80;
thrust_power = f*u;
sigma = u./cj;
hold on;
xlabel("Jet velocity in m/s");
ylabel("Thrust in N")
title("Jet velocity vs Thrust")
grid on
grid minor

close all;

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