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1. Introduce yourself
2. Brief me about your previous experience
3. Explain about your Previous Project
4. How do you set the reminder that you have a meeting at a particular time.
5. How will you check whether the reminder is set and sent at scheduled time?
6. Test case Design techniques.
7. If the app is crashing at the reminder time what will be your approach?
8. How will you log the defect?.
9. Project details and roles and responsibilities.
10. Difference between front end and back end of an application.
11. How do you log the bug in the JIRA tool?
12. What are all the important points you will be considering, while logging the defects?
13. If the developer rejects the bug what will be your approach for that.
14. Your expectations: you give input 1 and your expected results should be output 2.
a. But actually you’re giving input as a 1 and output showing 1 but the developer saying let
it be. So as a test engineer what will be your approach for that?
15. What are the types of testing?
16. Difference between smoke testing and regression testing.
17. What is impact testing?
18. You are logged into Facebook. You are giving a valid username and valid password you still get an
error your password is wrong what will be your approach for that?
19. Write down the positive and negative scenarios of banking for these 3 fields
20. (a)Sender
21. (b)Receiver
22. (C) Amount.
23. If some amount you enter in the amount fields and click on the next button but page showing
blank what will be your approach.
24. If there is a text field that accepts 2 integers then what’s your approach of testing..
25. How do you take logs in a Web Application?
26. How do you take logs in a Mobile App?
27. In which environment have you tested?
28. How will you install APK on Mobile?
29. Difference between Emulator and simulator
30. Which are all the devices you have used for testing
31. Tell me different types of testing.
32. Scenarios about Add to cart.
33. How did you log the bugs in your project?
34. Have you got any Critical issues in your project?
35. About Agile.
36. About Jira.
37. How are you going to start the day in our company?
38. If you are facing any work pressure in your company, what will you do to stay or quit?
39. In which environment you will be testing the build.
40. If you are getting any bug that is not accepted by the developer then what’s your approach?
41. Write Test Scenarios:
Application: OLA
Promo Code=AIRPORT
✔ Applicable only for rides to/from airport
✔ Applicable only once per customer in a month
✔ Applicable for rides between 10AM – 10PM

42. Tell me the architecture of the project

43. How can you see that customer is facing that particular problem in the application as a test
44. How to see the error if a customer is seeing a blank page.
45. How do customers get the updated builds on every release of software?
46. What are the different statues of bug in Jira
47. Lift test cases
48. Cart test cases
49. What are the latest versions of Android and IOS?
50. How do you do IOS app testing? Will you use your phone or organization asset?
51. There are 100 bugs in your application. How will you convince the developer which is to be fixed
52. Can you tell the priority bugs?
53. How will you do the mobile testing?
54. Have you tested both Android and IOS?
55. Difference between smoke and sanity
56. Difference between test case and test scenarios
57. What is regression testing
58. We have to release software within 2 days what is your testing approach?
59. If you release the application in production how will you ensure that everything is working fine
for the end user.
60. If you find a defect, how do you communicate the defects to developers?
61. Positive and negative scenarios on parking.
62. Positive and negative scenarios on cart features in any e-commerce application.
63. Difference between retesting and regression testing.
64. What methodology are you using in your organization?
65. Explain the methodology.
66. How will you take crash logs for Android?
67. How many ways are there to install the app on mobile?
68. When a user gets a blank page when he is using the web application, what will be your approach
on it?
69. What is the procedure of Agile methodology?
70. What is Ad Hoc testing?
71. When do we do smoke testing?
72. Roles & Responsibilities In the previous company?
73. About Meetings?
74. Why did you exit from the previous organization?
75. Have you performed on non-functional testing?
76. What is performance testing?
77. What is your expectation from our organization?
78. Give examples for high severity & low priority?
79. Give examples for low severity & high priority?
80. What is the difference between Severity & Priority?
81. What is mobile specific testing?
82. Test cases for login page?
83. Explain bug life cycle?
84. Test steps to upload a profile picture on Instagram?
85. Write Critical scenarios on House?
86. What is STLC and please explain step by step?
87. How do you log defects and which tool you are using?
88. Have you found any Blocker issue in your previous project?
89. Write test cases on Facebook Notification module?
90. What is Ad Hoc testing & why we Ad hoc testing?
91. Why are you leaving your current company & any offers you have in your hand?
92. What have you done in your previous organization on Daily basis?
93. What is Integration testing?
94. What are the entry & exit criteria for the payment page?
95. About Black box testing (Functional, Integration, System, Regression, smoke, Adhoc, etc.?
96. What is Security testing?
97. Write a scenario on the Payment module?
98. Write scenarios on Internet banking in the payment module?
99. If the Developer doesn't fix the bug what will do & what is your next step?
100. When are you going to start writing test cases?
101. What is sprint planning?
102. Difference between Integration & system testing
103. what is meant by function testing
104. Workflow about IRCTC application
105. Functional Test cases for Home page (IRCTC)
106. Integration test cases (IRCTC)
107. System test cases (IRCTC)
108. How you did battery testing explain briefly
109. You are getting issue at 70 percent battery charge what is your approach
110. How do you get a build in your project
111. How have you done network testing?
112. Which platform did you use while testing?
113. Test cases for procto application
114. What is BVA
115. How will you find out the difference between front-end and backend issues (login page)
116. Tell me functionality test cases for login page
117. After Entering Username & Password and clicked on submit button but blank page is
displayed, what is your approach
118. Product added to the cart but it is displaying wrong price details How will you find out it is a
backend or frontend issue.
119. How you rate yourself for API testing
120. Charles proxy tool, breaking point?
121. Difference between web and mobile application?
122. JIRA Tool workflow
123. Explain how you take logs in IOS?
124. Which mobile you are using for testing In Android 12, I have told pixel then he asked what is
the screen size?
125. What is meant by OTT
126. How to test live TV
127. What is a hot fix?
128. As a QA, how could you be so sure that the product is bug free quality wise
129. How sure are you in test cases coverage of 100%
130. Difference between QA and QC
131. What are the documents required for a project
132. Difference between Verification and validation
133. What is exploratory testing
134. test cases and scenarios on whatsapp (Positive and negative flows)
135. Look around and tell me some defects that you see
136. Given a video, how do you test it – ask for requirements
137. They would ask few scenarios for which you will have to decide what will be priority and
severity for the same
138. What is Test plan? Explain
139. What is entry and exit criteria in testing
140. What is the Traceability Matrix? How do you use it?
141. what are the UI testing that you have performed
142. Explain STLC and SDLC OR difference between SDLC and STLC
143. Customer has ordered a product, money has been deducted, but hasn't received the
product. Amazon will refund money- write positive and negative cases
144. To execute test cases, what all is required? - Precondition and Test data to execute test cases
145. What is system-Integration testing
146. Difference between Error, bug and defect
147. What is trivial, fatal and latent defect
148. How do you interact with clients
149. What is Patch
150. When you get the first build, which testing do you perform?
151. Why should I hire you?
152. Mention some functional and non-functional testing
153. In your company, who will be deploying the builds
154. What is Priority and Severity
155. What do you do when the developer says that the bug you raised is not-reproducible
156. What do you do when the developer says that the bug you raised is invalid
157. Difference between Retesting and Debugging
158. How testers and developers communicate with each other
159. Is the Dev team and testing team both the same?
160. Name of your manager, lead, HR etc.
161. When we get a new requirement, what is your approach ?
162. When we get a new build what are the test types you will do?
163. Negative test cases for Amazon login?
164. What are all the sprint ceremonies you are aware of? Brief each one.
165. Difference between Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective.
166. How to calculate QA effort in Agile?
167. Have you heard of sprint velocity, capacity, user story points?
168. How do you estimate team effort in agile? -by calculating (individual work hours * no. of
resources).Calculating velocity ex: in the last 3 sprints if we have completed 90 stories, then
169. Define severity and priority of test cases and bugs.
170. If you have 150 test cases to be executed within 3 days, what is your approach in test
171. If there are 3 or more major bugs, then how do you convince customers to hold release?
172. What are all the artifacts that need to be published during QA signoff?
173. Is not the Test Closure document necessary for QA signoff?
174. What kind of data is mentioned in RTM?
175. What is the testing approach or main focus when testing a client/server and Web
176. Define Retesting, Regression Testing and Confirmation testing.
177. Difference between Exploratory and Adhoc testing.
178. Have you ever been involved in Exploratory or Ad testing?
179. If you are a new joinee and there are no documents available, then what is your approach to
180. Cycle of user story in jira.
181. How do you verify actual and expected results?
182. How do you get a build from the developer?
183. Which format do you get a build?
184. How to install the build?
185. Is there any other way to install build.?
186. How to take multiple logs on the web?
187. Can you explain how you test a new build?
188. Defect clustering
189. Bug triage meeting
190. Sprint retrospective meeting
191. 7 testing principles
192. Your company location and founder name?

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