Nutri Basics

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Calculating energy needs:


Male: REE = 10 × weight (kg) + 6.25 × height (cm) – 5 × age (year) + 5

Female: REE = 10 × weight(kg) + 6.25 × height (cm)-5 × age (year) – 161

For overweight and obese:
Table of PA:

AF Factor)      
driving, typing, sewing, ironing,
1.3 Very Light cooking
walking 3 mph, house cleaning,
1.5 Light golf
walking 4 mph, dancing, tennis,
1.6 Moderate cycling
running, soccer, basketball,
1.9 Heavy football
Ideal body weight (IBW) and adjusted body weight (ABW):

Calculating IBW:

Males: 48.18 kg for 150 cm + 1.1 kg/cm over 150 cm OR - 1.1 kg/cm under 150 cm

Females: 45.45 kg for 150 cm + 0.91 kg/cm over 150 cm OR - 0.91 kg/cm under 150 cm

Add 10% for large-framed subject and subtract 10% for small- framed subjects

 Recall:

Frame size: r = height (cm)

Wrist circumference (cm)

Calculating % IBW:

%IBW = Actual weight x 100

Ideal body weight

Calculating ABW:

For patients > 125-130% ideal body weight or BMI > 30

ABW = ((Actual weight – Ideal Weight) x 0.33) + IBW

% Weight loss:
Dietary table:
PES Statement:

Problem (P) related to etiology (E) as evidenced by signs and symptoms (S)

(P)roblem: the problem is the Nutrition Diagnosis

(E)tiology: the etiology is the underlying cause(s) and contributors of the problem
(S)igns/symptoms: the signs and symptoms are the evidence that the problem exists.


"Excessive Energy Intake (Problem) related to frequent consumption of high-calorie

meals and snacks (Etiology), as evidenced by 10kg weight gain in past 3 months

"Excessive Energy Intake (Problem) related to consumption of fast food meals once a
day (Etiology), as evidenced by BMI of 31 (Signs/symptoms).
Biochemical values:

Assessment Tissue Expected Level

  Glucose  Whole blood  <100 mg/dL is normal
   100-125 mg/dL = prediabetes

  Albumin  Serum  3.5-5.5 mg/dL

 Total protein  Plasma  6-8.5 g/dL

 0.8 g/kg/d

  Ascorbic acid  Plasma  23µmol/L (0.40 mg/dL) = marginal

ascorbic acid status
   <0.3 mg/dL = Scurvy (Hodges, 1971)
(Maximum plasma ascorbic acid appears
 Whole to be ~1.6 mg/dL except immediately
blood following ingestion of a large dose)

  Folate  Serum  >5.4 ng/mL = Normal

  3.4-5.4 ng/mL = marginal def,
 <3.4  ng/mL = deficiency

   Red cell  >200 ng/mL = Normal

  Vitamin B-12  Serum  200-800 pg/mL

   <300 pg/mL may be viewed as marginal

 Vitamin A ( Grubb,  Serum  30-70 µg/dl = Normal

1990)  Plasma  >300 µg/dl Vit A toxicity
 SGOTa may  N= 10-40 IU/L
be elevated
 SGPT  may
be elevated  N= <40 IU/L

  Vitamin D  Serum  Hypovitaminosis: (Sauberlich, 1999a)

when 25-hydroxyvitamin D < 30 nmol/L
 N= 48-100 pmol/L (20-40 pg/mL)
 Iron  Serum  35-155 mg/dL

  Hemoglobin  Whole blood  11.5-15.0 g/dL

  Hematocrit  Whole blood  34.0% to 44.0%

 Calcium  Serum  8.5-10.6 mg/dL

  Magnesium  Serum  1.8-2.4 mg/dL

 Zinc                      Serum  Adult M: 17.9 ± 6.4 mcmol/L

 Adult F: 16.2 ± 0.3 mcmol/L

  Sodium  Serum  Hyponatremia = < 115 mmol/L

  Cholesterol  Serum  100-199 mg/dL

  Triglycerides  Serum  0-149 mg/dL

 High-density  Serum  40-59 mg/dL

 LDL  Serum  Optimal<100 mg/dL
 Borderline hihg: 130-159 mg/dL
 High: 160-189 mg/dL
 Very High: >190 mg/dL

(Shils, 2006)
  Essential fatty  Serum  Ratio of 5,8,11-eicosatrienoic acid (a
acids derivative of ?-9 oleic acid) to
arachidonic acid (20:4 ?-6)
 N= <0.2 is considered a normal ratio.
  >0.4 is indicative of deficiency of
essential fatty acid

(Sauberlich, 1999b).
Fluid needs:

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