Dewi Saputri - Academic Written Language Skills - TA 2022-2023

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Pertemuan ke 16 Jenjang S1

Semester Ganjil SKS 2

Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023 Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) Kode -
Academic Written Language Skill 10.00 – 11.00
Hari/Tgl Rabu, 06/12/22 Waktu
(60 menit)
Dosen Pengampu: Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd
Dewi Saputri : 2213121036

Observe this picture and read the sentences below the pictures carefully then answer the
following questions:

1. What conversation does this argument join? What is the issue or controversy? What is at stake?
(Sometimes “insider knowledge” might be required to understand the argument. In such cases,
explain to an outsider the needed background information or cultural context.)
Answer :
 the conversation does tell about the more important time together than hold the Iphone like
John did during the ceremony be held. Also, John should put his iphone away because he
has the promise schedule in that wedding ceremony.
 The issue controversy based on the picture above is Jhon holds his iphone while he has an
important promises schedule of that wedding ceremony. It seems like John ignores to
the priest who asked him about John’s promise of the schedule. Then the priest said “the
iphone will never be more important than your times together.”
 The stake based on the picture that I have observed above is the picture tells about the
wedding ceremony. In the wedding ceremony there is John, his wife, and the priest. When
the priest asked john about his promise, john was holding his iphone. Then the priest said to
John “it will never be important than their times together (John and his wife). So, the
argument is the iphone can make everyone shows ignorance and impolite to people around

2. What is the argument’s claim? That is, what value, perspective, belief, or position does the
argument ask its viewers to adopt?
Answer :
The argument’s claim based on the picture above is I agree if the iphone can show people
ignorance and impolite. Because generally we lived where the people are being well and respect
manner. My perspective if people has an iphone then they showing impolite to the others it is mean
they do not know about manner or etiquette in their socialize. I believe that if people can paying
attention and give respect to the others like not holding iphone during ceremony it is mean they
know about manner. So, my position for this argument is the iphone can make people do not know
about manner and also showing impolite.
3. What is an opposing or alternative view? What views is the argument pushing against?
Answer :
An opposing alternative view is sometimes iphone helps people to working and help to do some
activities in daily life. However, iphone makes people disrespect to the others especially during
gathering, communicating in their socialize.
4. Write argumentative essay of 800 words based on your answers to questions 1 – 3 above with 1.5
line space, 2.54 cm top and bottom margins, 2 cm right and left margins.
The answer in below.
Iphone can Make People Disrespect and Do Not Know About Manner
Recently , technology has been developing more and more rapidly. Many of the latest products
issued by the company. One of the newest products, namely the iPhone. The iPhone is known as
one of the most sophisticated types of technology and many people use it today. People use the
iPhone because of its function which can help people in working or doing their daily activities.
Among them are the iPhone camera which is very good and communication with others.
However, the iPhone can make people not know manners and respect. People who own iPhones
tend to do things that are impolite or disrespectful to others. Usually they do this by doing a
comparison of the iPhone they have as a stratum or hierarchy in their socializing environment.
Besides that, those who own an iPhone will underestimate other people who have smartphones.
iPhone is like a hierarchy in socialization levels. However, that of course makes people ignorant of
manners. In this case, as in the previous picture above, the picture shows that someone is not
showing enthusiasm when other people communicate with him. In this case, he was holding an
iPhone. Then, someone said that the iPhone will not be more important than time together.
Therefore, the sophistication contained in an iPhone will make people no closer and feelings with
loved ones become less.
Besides that, manner is something that is very important for everyone to have. By showing
good manners, it means that someone understands how to respect others. Because manners are that
we must know wherever we are. Thus, the iPhone, of course, we have to manage to use the iPhone
when socializing. Because if we focus too much on the iPhone that we hold, it will reduce our
respect for the people around us. In this case, of course, we have to use the iPhone at the right time.
People do plexing with their iPhones are sometimes just indicating their level within their social
class. This means, they choose to socialize with people who are equal or have the same social level
as them. That way, if they meet people who don't have an iPhone or are not on the same social
level as them, they don't want to communicate or socialize with that person. This shows that,
people who have an iPhone will discriminate indirectly.
Besides that, people who have an iPhone sometimes don't know how to take seriously a
ceremony. They are too focused on the iPhone they have. So they tend to ignore or belittle the
people around them. They think that having an iPhone will make everything younger regardless of
ethics, manners or procedures in an activity. This means that the iPhone can also show someone's
disrespect in participating in an important event, for example a wedding ceremony. Thus, the
iPhone should be kept away when carrying out/participating in an important event. Because of this,
it is related to our manners towards the people around us.
Therefore, to show a good manners or manners. Then one has to use their iPhone at the right
time. That is, a person has to stay away from their iPhone when they are carrying out certain
activities even if they have other important things on their iPhone. However, people should know
which ones they should prioritize. In this case, they must choose whether they tend to prioritize the
iPhone they have or focus on the events they are carrying out. That way, they must be able to
choose the right priority as a form of manners that they have. Because, we have lived where
manners and manners and respect are highly respected in the environment we live in. By showing
good manners, this shows that even though we have an iPhone, we can still show respect to each
other. In addition, prioritizing the people we love over an iPhone will also make us appreciate the
time we spend with them. Therefore, of course we as humans must have good manners, manner
and ethics, even if we are rich or have the latest iPhone. Because the iPhone might be able to show
our hierarchical levels in socialization.
However, the iPhone certainly cannot be a good parameter for ourselves in terms of respecting
others. Of course, we have to make sure that the people around us don't feel neglected because of
the iPhone that we hold. That way, we show our respect and care for others. Besides that, there is
also nothing more important than the time we spend with the people we love. The iPhone may be
able to help us in doing our activities, but the iPhone cannot replace the role of our loved ones.
Therefore, we must realize early that togetherness is more important than a sophisticated and
expensive iPhone. Because the iPhone is just an object that can make us ignorant or arrogant.
Realizing early on will make us know how to properly respect the people around us.
Of course, it will also make us love someone well too. That way, the people around us will
certainly give good feedback to us as a form of respect for us who respect them. So, it can be
concluded that the iPhone can make people ignore and ignore our loved ones if we don't use it at
the right time.

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