Voluntary Simplicity Summary

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The essence of the text was mainly about the idea of happines as a meanigful and

motivational element for human life.

According to the text, several organisations pointed that the affluent countries indicated lower
level of happines than the poorest countries and the relationship between material wealth of
the countries and happines declared inadequate results.
The significant part of the article was focused on the method called Voluntary Simplicity
defined as the idea of minimizing needless consumption and embracing simplified approach
to natural life.
The idea of trend initiated from American surveys that impacted on participants awareness of
Voluntary Simplicity movement declared that the main aim was to minimize the
consumption and reduce individual influence on environment.
The users of the trend needed to find the balance and focus on things that are described as
daily requirements (needs) and nonpractical fantasy and urges (wants).
The several points enumerated in the text enabled to practice that method setting the priorities
including personal simplified needs.
The Voluntary Simplicity as a method of true happines despite many obstacles concerning
community expectations and highly consumptive social acceptance,most people that
succesfully overcame excesive consumption could enjoy relaxed, stress free life, full of
happines and love.

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