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Tapescript U7 L2:

Task 1:

Hello 5 star caterers can I help you?

Yes I spoke to you an hour ago about the arrangements for end of term party

That's right. It's Mr Saunders isn't it?

Actually it's Sanders that's S. A. N. D. E. R. S. Oh I'm sorry I'll just get that down
correctly on the form. Okay Mr Sanders, sorry about that.

No problem. Well I've got the details you asked for so I thought I should call you
back quickly and book.

Good. Let's fill in the form shall we great. First of all, can you give me a telephone
number somewhere, where you can be contacted during the day?

Yes it's 4456786. Double 4 56786 okay. And do you have a number where you can
be contacted outside of office hours?

Well I'm at work till late in the evening so use the same number and if I'm not there
you can leave a message.

Thanks, I'll make a note of that. And how many guesses shall I put down?

Okay that's changed. So instead of the figure I gave you before of 85 it's now only
50, it's much lower I'm afraid, because a lot of people can't make that date.

That's not a problem. Can you remind me of the date we set?

Yes it's June 25.

Okay that's fine.

Now did you have the chance to look at the tables on the website?

Yes I did and I think the rectangular tables would be good.

The long thing one?

Yes you could have 2 of those. The only problem is that they are for 24 people so
you'd only seat 48 people that way. And if you have 50 guests…
I see what you mean. 2 people have nowhere to sit. What about the square ones?

You'd have the same problem with numbers. Usually for 50 people, we find the
round tables work well. Not the smaller ones. They only seat 6 people. The ones
that seat 10. The large ones.

So do you think we should have 5 of those?

I think that would work well.

Task 2:

Man: Hello Edwina, is it? Have a seat?

Edwina: Yes Edwina. Thanks. I'm looking for a job as a nanny. I like working with
children. I talked to you yesterday.

Man: Oh, yes. Well, we covered most of the ground on the phone yesterday. I've
got a form I need to complete for my records. So you're Edwina Riley and how
should we contact you?

The woman's name is Edwina Riley. So Riley has been written in the space. Now,
we shall begin. You should answer the questions as you listen, because you will
not hear the recording a second time. Listen carefully and answer questions 1 to 6.

Man: Hello Edwina, is it? Have a seat?

Edwina: Yes Edwina. Thanks. I'm looking for a job as a nanny. I like working with
children. I talked to you yesterday.
Man: Oh, yes. Well, we covered most of the ground on the phone yesterday. I've
got a form I need to complete for my records. So you're Edwina Riley and how
should we contact you?

Edwina: By email. I check it regularly.

Man: What's the address? It's Edwina, like my name then r-i the first two letters of
my surname at e-d-w-i-n-a-r-i at

Edwina: Yes

Man: Good. And you're from Australia?

Edwina: Actually, I'm a New Zealander.

Man: Oh, I'm sorry. I bet it's really irritating being told you're an Australian. Like
Canadians being asked for part of the states they are from.

Edwina: I'm used to it. It happens to us all the time.

Man: And now you said on the phone, that you could bring me some references.
One from someone who's known you in a professional capacity and one personal

Edwina: Yes, here's one from John King who was the manager at the play centre in
Wellington where I worked for three years after I left school. It's got all his contact
details on.
Man: Thank you. So this was your last employer?

Edwina: Yes apart from a bit of waitressing recently, but that was just temporary.
I'm sure John will answer any questions if you contact him.

Man: We do run checks. Yes, and a personal reference?

Edwina: You can contact the friend of my mother's I'm staying with here in
London Eileen Darson She's a professor. She's known me all my life because she
used to be our neighbor back home when she was a primary school teacher there.
Now, she's working here at the Institute of Education.

Man: Oh good.

Edwina: I've got her contact details, here for you.

Man: Thanks. I think I have some jobs to suit you. Oh, do you have any practical
qualifications by the way, life-saving, music or anything?

Edwina: Um, I've got an up-to-date first aid certificate. I did a course when I was

Man: That's good. First aid. Anything else?

Edwina: Well, I've got a driving licence as I told you on the phone, but that's not
special, you said, almost everyone needs that really. I've got a sailing qualification.
It's a certificate of competence.
Man: So you're a yachtswoman.

Edwina: I love sailing.

Man: Well. I’ll note you have a certificate.

Before you hear the rest of the conversation you have some time to look at
questions 7 to 10.

Pause the recording for 30 seconds.

Now listen and answer questions 7 to 10.

Man: Now, as I mentioned yesterday, there are three families and the job
description is much the same for all of them, as I explained. There are a few other
things you need to know. Anyway, the first family is here in London.

Edwina: Yes. I did make a few notes, London. That's the Benton's with two

Man: Yes, that's right. A girl of three and her brother who is 8. The little boy has a
quite serious food allergy. Did you learn about things like that on your course?

Edwina: Well, I know what to do if someone has an allergic reaction.

Man: Good, but what they mainly want is someone with an interest in sports as
that's the kind of family they are.
Edwina: Oh, that's okay. I'll enjoy that.

Man: Good. Now, the next people are in the country near Oxford.

Edwina: Oh, yeah, the Granger's.

Man: So they have twin boys of five who are a bit of a handful, I suspect. But it's a
lovely place, quite a grand house and the family is extremely welcoming. They
keep horses. Do you ride?

Edwina: I did when I was younger. I like animals generally.

Man: Well animal lover was their special request. So you'd be fine there. The last

Woman: Yes.

Man: I don't think I told you they live in Scotland.

Edwina: Really? What's their name?

Man: Campbell

Edwina: Oh, yes. And they have four girls under 10.
Man: That's it. They have lovely city flats and they own a small island.

Edwina: Wow.

Man: Actually, you might get on with them very well. They particularly wanted
someone who would be prepared to cook when they go camping on the island.

Edwina: Camping would really suit me and I'm used to taking my turn doing the
food, but it is a long way from London.

Man: Yeah. Well you can think about it .Then as soon as I've checked your
references, we can arrange for you to talk to all of the families.

Edwina: Right. Thanks very much.

Man: Thank you. I'll email you as soon as I can.

Task 3:

Man: Smart Electricals. Mike speaking. How may I help you today?

Woman: Ah, good morning. I’m calling to complain about an item I recently
purchased from your company. I’m not happy with it.

Man: Oh, I’m really sorry to hear that. I’ll take you through the company’s
complaints procedure. I’ll need to retrieve your files from our records so that we
can discuss the problem properly and find a solution. I’ll need to take some details
from you first. Is that okay?

Woman: Okay, but I don’t have a lot of time. Will it take long?

Man: Not long, madam. Can I first take your name?

Woman: Yes, it’s Susan Yorke. Y-O-R-K-E.

Man: Okay. Can I have the address, please?

Woman: Yes. it’s Flat 1,25 Alpine Avenue – that’s A-L-P-I-N-E Avenue. [1]
Harchester. The postcode is HA6 5LD.

Man: Okay, next, could you give me your telephone number? Preferably one that
we can call you on during normal working hours.

Woman: Well, the home one is 01734 525268 but you’re only likely to catch me
on that number in the evenings. I usually have my mobile phone with me during
the day, though.

Man: Its probably best to take that number, then.

Woman: All right, my mobile number is 0781 2-double-3 452.

Man: And do you have the order reference number on you, by any chance?

Woman: Well, I have the receipt that the camera came with in front of me.

Man: Ah, good.

Woman: Which number is it? Its a bit confusing…

Man: It should be the 7 digit number on the top left corner of your invoice.

Woman: Let me have a look. I need my glasses…Found it. Its D-M-X-8-double 4-

3. [2]

Man: Thanks. Now, when did you purchase the item?

Woman: Well, the camera was delivered last Monday, on the first of February. I
ordered it online about two weeks before that but I can’t remember the exact date.

Man: If you have another look on the invoice receipt, the date should be there.

Woman: Oh yes. Here it is. January the fifteenth.

Man: Okay, I’ll make a note of that. So, the item is a digital camera?

Woman: Yes. It’s the Aqua Powershot model in silver. [3]

Man: Thank you. Did you take out any kind of insurance when you bought it?
Woman: Well no, it was on special offer. I didn’t need to pay any extra for the
insurance because it came with a special Four Star policy. [4]

Man: Well, it means you’re fully covered for at least another three years. Right,
what is the problem?

Woman: Yes. The first thing is that it came with one memory card in the box when
there were supposed to be two. [5]

Man: Oh, dear. I’m terribly sorry about that. It must have been an oversight in the
packing department. I can do something about that straight away and get one sent
out to you.

Woman: Well, that’s not the only thing. I bought it as a present for my niece
because she loves swimming. It said on the website that it was waterproof. But
when she took it on holiday and tried to use it under water, it got ruined because
water got into the lens. You can imagine how disappointed my niece was. [6]

Man: I certainly can. Were those the only problems?

Woman: No. There was one other thing. It came with a case to protect it. When I
opened the box to take the case out, I saw that it had a big scratch on it. [7]

Man: Were really sorry about that. I can offer to have the camera repaired for you.
In the event that it can’t be repaired, we’ll send you a replacement.

Woman: Erm, I don’t think so. [8] Seeing as it was faulty in the first place, I
wouldn’t want another one. I think I’d rather have my money back. Can I get a
refund? [9]

Man: Yes. Of course. If you send it back to Customer Services, I’ll make sure it’s
dealt with.

Woman: Thank you very much. [10]

Task 4:


Woman: Oh hi. My name’s Chloe Martin. I was given your name and phone
number by Ben Winters. I work with him and he said you’re a member of Midbury
Drama Club.

Man: Yes, I am.

Woman: Well, I’ve just moved to the area and I’m keen to join a drama club.

Man: Great! Yes, I can give you some information. We’re one of the oldest drama
clubs in the area as (Example) the club started in 1957. We now have about 60
members. Our youngest member is ten and oldest member is 78.

Woman: I think I saw a picture in the newspaper the other day of some of your
members being presented with a prize.

Man: Yes, (1) the youth section did very well in a competition and won £100
which will help with their next production. Anyway, tell me a bit more about

Woman: well, I’ve done a bit of acting. I was in a couple of musicals when I was at
university and a historical play more recently.

Man: Mm… we mainly do (2) comedy plays. We get good audiences for that kind
of thing. We haven’t attempted a musical yet, but we might do one soon.

Woman: Oh! When do you usually meet?

Man: On Tuesdays.

Woman: Presumably I’ll need to do an audition?

Man: Yes, there were a few auditions last Tuesday and we’ll be doing more at our
next meeting which is in two weeks’ time, that’s on (3) Tuesday the 12th of
March. There’ll be another opportunity two weeks after that which will be on the
26th of March.

Woman: Oh, well I can come to your next meeting. And if I don’t get an acting
part in a play, I’d be happy to help with something else. (4) l’ve designed
publicity before.

Man: Great! We’re very short of people who can do that, so that would be really
good. There are a lot of people who like making scenery so we get plenty of help
with that, but we haven’t got enough people to do the lights at the moment so if
you think you can do that or you have any friends who would like to, do bring
them along. We can show you what to do if you haven’t got any experience.

Woman: Mm… I’ll have to think about it. So do you meet in the theatre?

Man: we do our performances in The Manor Theatre but we only hire that for the
nights of the actual performances. We meet to rehearse every Tuesday evening in
the (5) community hall. We rent a room there.

Woman: Oh, I’m not sure where that is. I’ll be coming by car because I don’t live
in the town centre.

Man: It’s in Ashburton Road. As you’re coming towards the centre down Regent
Street, you need to turn left at the crossroads.

Woman: Oh, I know, there’s a big car park down there, just before you get to a
hotel. It’s on the other side of the road from the (6) sports centre.

Man: That’s it. That’s the closet place to leave your car and you don’t have to pay
in the evening to park there. We meet at 7.30 and we usually finish by 9.30 or 10.

Woman: OK!

Before you hear the rest of the conversation, you have some time to look at
questions 7 to 10.


Man: I haven’t mentioned that we have to make a charge. (7) Everyone pays a
subscription of £180 to be a member for a year. You can pay for the whole year at
once or you can pay £15 every month. It works out the same. There are reductions
for retired people and under-18s but I don’t think you come into either category?

Woman: No. I’m 26!

Man: Oh! That fee covers all the costs like photocopying of scripts and producing
the posters but (8) it excludes the costumes for the performances. We ask people to
pay for the hire of those themselves. It does mean they look after them properly as
they know they won’t get their deposit back otherwise.

Woman: Mm… can I come along to the next meeting then?

Man: Of course. We’d love to see you. And if you want know more about how we
run the auditions or the next play we’re doing, why don’t you give our secretary a
ring? She’ll be really pleased to help you.

Woman: What’s her name?

Man: It’s Sarah Sawdicott. (9) That’s S-A-W-D-I-C-O double T.

Woman: Got that. And her phone number?

Man: I’ve only got a mobile number for her. Um… just a minute…let me find it.
Ah! (10) It’s 07955 240063.

Woman: great. Thanks for your help.

Task 5:

Woman: Hello, how can I help you?

Man: Hi. I'm Carlton Mackay, and you booked me some flights recently, to
Australia - and some internal ones?

Woman: Oh, yes, Mr Mackay, I remember you now, of course.

Man: Well, I find that I'm going to need car hire while I'm in Sydney after all. I
think you said you could recommend a good-value company?

Woman: Yes, that's right. Costwise Cars. They're very good and don't charge lots
of extras. (Example) They have three offices in the Sydney area, including one
office right at the airport.

Man: So, I'll just book it online? Woman: Yes, you can book online but you should
have their phone number too, just in case.

Man: Mm, of course.

Woman: That's 1800 705 639. It's on the website. And you can get a discount if
you quote your booking reference from us.

Man: Oh, what's that?

Woman: I mean the one you got from me when we booked your flights. I have it
here - 743002.
Man: Oh, thanks. I guess I've got it at home, but I'll write it down again in case. A
discount is good. So where exactly is the office? I'll be coming to the domestic
terminal from Melbourne.

Woman: It's immediately outside the international terminal.

Man: OK. And, another thing I want to check is, will they be open when I arrive?
Or is it just office hours?

Woman: Mm ... they open at quarter to seven and close at 6.15 in the evening. So,
let's see, you're due to land at ten past six. By the time you've collected your bags
and so on, which will take a little while, they won't be open, but if you arrange it in
advance, they can wait for you. You do have to pay an extra $30 for that, though.

Man: OK. Well, I'm staying near the airport the first night, so I could go back in
the morning and save a day's hire?

Woman: Yes, that'd be better. That'd save you about $50.

Man: Do you know what kind of cars they have?

Woman: Quite a variety, I think. Er, the best value should be under $60 a day with
luck. That would be the 'Echo'. I guess.

Man: Sorry?

Woman: E-C-H-0, like when your voice bounces back?

Man: I suppose I have to book online before I leave?

Woman: Mm, that's the best way. Er, they won't deduct any charges until you
finish with the car, but they do need your credit card number when you book and
of course they'll want to see your driving licence when you collect. How long will
you need it?

Man: I'm in Sydney for seven days. I'll only actually need to use it on three or four
of those days. I hope, but I'll keep it for the whole week. I guess it's going to be a
few hundred dollars. Can you suggest anything I can do to keep the cost down?

Woman: Oh, you get quite a big discount if you do less than 1,000 kilometres in
the week.

Man: Oh, that's good. I don't suppose I will be driving that far, actually.
Woman: But, oh, yes, the other thing I should mention is the insurance. It's
included in the price.

Man: Oh, that is good value then.

Woman: Yes, but what you must remember is that it doesn't cover anything except
the car, so you must be careful not to leave anything at all in it when you park
because your luggage isn't insured, even if it's out of sight, locked in the boot.

Man: Yeah, well, I think my travel policy will cover that actually.

Woman: Good!

Man: OK. And can I return the car outside office hours? My flight home is very
early in the morning. Can I put the keys through the door, or something?

Woman: There's a secure box just outside the office on the pavement. You just
drop the keys in there.

Man: Oh, good.

Woman: And one other thing: you should remember to buy petrol before you leave
it. If you don't drop the car back with a full tank you get charged to fill it. I
recommend you go to a supermarket before you go out to the airport.

Man: Thanks for the tip!

Woman: Not at all. Do call in again if there's anything else I can help with.

Man: I will. Many thanks.

Task 6:

NINA: Hi, George! Glad you’re back. Loads of people have phoned you.

GEORGE : Really?

NINA: I felt just like your secretary!

GEORGE : Sorry! I went into the library this afternoon to have a look at a
newspaper and I came across something really interesting.

NINA: What? A book?

GEORGE : No, a brochure from a summer festival – mainly Spanish music. Look,
I’ve got it here.

NINA: Spanish music? I really love the guitar. Let’s have a look. So what’s this
group ‘Guitarrini’?

GEORGE : They’re really good. They had a video with all the highlights of the
festival at a stand in the lobby to the library, so I heard them. They play fantastic
instruments – drums and flutes and old kinds of guitars. I’ve never heard anything
like it before.

NINA: Sounds great.

GEORGE : Okay. Shall we go then? Spoil ourselves?

NINA: Yes, let’s.

GEORGE : The only problem is there aren’t any cheap seats…it’s all one price.

NINA: Well, in that case we could sit right at the front – we’d have a really good

GEORGE : Yeah, though I think that if you sit at the back you can actually hear
the whole thing better.

NINA: Yes, Anyway, we can decide when we get there.

NINA: So will you fill in the form or shall I?

GEORGE : I’ll do it. Name: George O’Neill. Address: 48 North Avenue,

Westsea. Do you remember our new postcode? Still can’ remember it.

NINA: Just a minute – I’ve got it written down here. WS6 2YH. Do you need the
phone too?

GEORGE : Please. I’m really bad at numbers.

NINA: 01674553242. So, let’s book two tickets for Guitarrini.

GEORGE : Okay. If you’re sure £7.50 each is right. How do you feel about the

NINA: I haven’t quite decided. But I’ve noticed something on the booking form
that might just persuade me!
GEORGE : What’s that then?

NINA: Free refreshments

GEORGE : Really?

NINA: Yes, look here. Sunday 17th of June. Singer, ticket £6.00 includes drinks
in the garden.

GEORGE : Sounds like a bargain to me!

NINA: Yes, let’s book two tickets for that. So, what else? I’m feeling quite keen
now! How about the pianist on the 22nd of June?

GEORGE : Anna Ventura? I’ve just remembered that’s my evening class right.

NINA: That’s okay. I’ll just have to do it on my own – but we can go to the
Spanish dance and guitar concert together, can’t we?

GEORGE : Yes – I’m sure Tom and Kieran would enjoy that too. Good heavens -
£10.50 a ticket! I can see we’re going to have to go without food for the rest of the
week – we’ll need to book four!

NINA: Wish we were students – look! Children, Students and Senior Citizens get a
50% discount on everything.

GEORGE : If only!

Task 6:


JUDY: Good morning. Total insurance. Judy speaking, how may I help you?

MICHAEL: I recently shipped my belongings from overseas back here to Australia

and I took out insurance with your company. Some items were damaged during the
move so I need to make a claim. What do I have to do?

JUDY: Okay, well first I need to get a few details about this. Can you give me your
name please?

MICHAEL: Yes, It’s Michael Alexander.

JUDY: Okay. And your address please?

MICHAEL: My old address or my current one?

JUDY: Your current one.

MICHAEL: It’s 24 Manly Street, Milperra near Sydney.

JUDY: What was the suburb, sorry?

MICHAEL: Milperra. M-I-L-P-E-R-R-A.

JUDY: Right. Now, who was the shipping agent Mr. Alexander?

MICHAEL: You mean the company we used?

JUDY: Yes, the company who packed everything up at the point of origin.

MICHAEL: Oh, it was…er…First Class Movers.

JUDY: Okay … where were the goods shipped from?

MICHAEL: China, but the ship came via Singapore and was there for about a

JUDY: Don’t worry, all of that information will be in the documentation. Now, the
dates. Do you know when the ship arrived?

MICHAEL: It left on the 11th of October and got to Sydney on the 28th of

JUDY: Okay, I need one more thing. There’s a reference number. It should be in
the top right-hand corner of the pink form that they gave you.

MICHAEL: Let me have a look. I have so many papers. Yes, here it is. It’s 601

JUDY: Thanks.

MICHAEL: Yes, well four things actually. I’ll start with the big things. My TV
first of all. It’s a large one…very expensive.
JUDY: I need to take down a few details of the actual damage over the phone
before you put in a full report. Can you tell me how many items were damaged and
what the damage was?

MICHAEL: Well, I had an estimate done on this actually because it is a very

special table to us. They quoted us 200 dollars which is really pricey so I hope the
insurance will cover the total cost

JUDY: I am assured that will be fine. What was the last item, Mr. Alexander

JUDY: Our insurance doesn’t cover electrical problems.

MICHAEL: It isn’t an electrical problem. The screen has a huge crack in it so it’s

JUDY: I see. Any idea of the price to repair it

MICHAEL: No, Well. I don’t think it can be repaired. It will need a new one.

JUDY: Okay. I’ll make a note of that and we’ll see what we can do. Now, what
was the second item?

MICHAEL: The cabinet from the bathroom was damaged as well. It's a lovely
cabinet, we use it to keep our towels in.

JUDY: And what is the extent of the damage?

MICHAEL: Well, the back and the sides seem okay but the door has a huge hole
in it. It can’t be repaired. I’m really not very happy about it.

JUDY: And how much do you think it will cost to replace it?

MICHAEL: Well, when I bought it last year I paid $125 for it. But the one I’ve
seen here in Sydney is a bit more expensive, it’s $140.

JUDY: Right, and what was the third item?

MICHAEL: My dining room table. It’s a lovely table from Indonesia. It must have
been very hot inside the container because one leg has completely split down the
middle. The top and the other three look okay thank goodness.

JUDY: Any idea of the price to repair it?

MICHAEL: Well, we have a lovely set of china plates and dishes, you know, with
matching cups, saucers, the lot. They were all in the one box which must have got
dropped because some plates were broken – six actually.

JUDY: And can you tell me the replacement value of these?

MICHAEL: Well, it’s hard to say because they were part of a set but they can be
up to $10 each as it’s such a good set.

JUDY: Okay, so that would be around $60 altogether?

MICHAEL: Yes, that’s right.

JUDY: And is that all of the items?

MICHAEL: Yes. So what do I have to do now?

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