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Beauty and the Beach My favorite place is Sunset Beach.

It's a place where you can be free and happy,

enjoying the beauty and happiness it brings. At this place you can feel welcome, enjoy the scenery and
relax on the sand. The feeling of letting go of all worries hits me like a whispering wind blowing across a
tree. There's no place I'd rather be than Sunset Beach. As I walked along the sidewalk, the salty scent of
the sea breeze tickled my nostrils. The sidewalks are covered with sand and children run around. Some
people have an excited expression like a child in a candy store, while others have a sad expression
because they have to go. On the other hand, I am always so blessed and grateful to be there.If you go to
a place that overlooks the whole beach, you can see the sun slowly setting on the horizon. As it sets, the
sun's scorching light is dulled and looks like a giant yellow and red disk. The scene is really beautiful. The
faint light of the sun gives off an unimaginable brilliance. Everything is quiet and the lighting effects
make the landscape look like a painting. Standing at the top of the dunes, I could see the shimmering
beach in the distance. In front of me lay a quiet city with miles of golden sand and an endless blue sea. I
go there often and I can't take my eyes off the incredible beauty of the city's skyscrapers. Its height is
several hundred meters. It will probably catch the eye of many other tourists. The fastest way to reach
the beach on foot is by climbing a long, narrow staircase. The stairs look so big! But this is just my
opinion and others may have a different opinion. It reminds me of the stairs in the movie "Karate Kid". I
may be exaggerating a bit, but you get the idea.

Since Sunset Beach officially opened to the public, there has been a significant increase in the number of
tourists attending.The TV program concluded that at least 1,000 people visit the beach every day. The
reasons for staying here include the comfortable environment around the beach, the people on the
beach being cheerful and having a lot of activities to do, and the refreshing scent of the sparkling water
making the visitor feel calm and comfortable. So I decided to travel there.

As I walked along the sidewalk, the salty scent of the sea breeze tickled my nostrils. Looking ahead, I
could see the shining beach in the distance. Before me lay a quiet city with an endless blue sea between
miles of golden sand. Then my eyes fell on the incredible beauty of the city's hundreds of meters high
skyscrapers, which many other tourists have probably already seen.

A double rainbow can be explained as an optical phenomenon. These optics shape the spectrum of light
from the radiating sun to water droplets in the atmosphere. Technically, most are claimed to be
experiencing a double rainbow. But to see it clearly, the sun must be strong and the spectral rays must
be bright, so we can't see it.
This clearly explains why double rainbows are not always visible, but remains an unproven hypothesis.
His proof is in advanced stages.

A double rainbow is a spectacular sight that gives you two spectacular natural sights for the price of one.

Surprisingly, this phenomenon is actually quite common, especially during times when the sun is low in
the sky, such as early morning or late afternoon. The secondary rainbow is paler and more pastel than
the primary rainbow because more light escapes from two reflections than from one.

The secondary rainbow also spreads over a wide area of the sky. It is almost twice as wide as the main
Thunderstorms are a force of nature and can be terrifying at times. They are the most violent
expressions of power on earth, and they are reminders of all the forces of nature. But with violence
comes beauty. One of the most beautiful features of a thunderstorm is its cacophony of devastating
elements, its strong undulating winds, its pounding rain, its maddening bolts of lightning, its intense
pounding thunder. Together these elements can embody the fleeting anger that thunderstorms describe
as tantrums.
First of all, thunderstorms can bring very strong howling winds. These winds can break and destroy
trees, homes, and even cars. A strong wind blows the leaves like a tornado. Tall trees sway back and
forth as if arching their backs. Branches scatter everywhere, pounding very hard and rough ground. It
was like a monster truck in an arena trying to get over a steep hill.Colorful leaves—orange, yellow,
bright red—wound in the wind and spiraled stiffly through the air.

A tornado is defined as a violently spinning pillar extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. The
most violent tornadoes can wreak havoc with winds of 250 miles per hour or more. Damage paths can
be over a mile wide and over 50 miles long. Every year, 800 tornadoes are reported nationwide, killing
80 people and injuring more than 1,500. The main part of my essay will cover the types of tornadoes,
where they occur, when and where they occur, the damage they do, the variations of tornadoes, and
how to recognize tornadoes.

A tornado is defined as a violently spinning pillar extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. The
most violent tornadoes can wreak havoc with winds of 250 miles per hour or more. Damage paths can
be over a mile wide and over 80 miles long. Every year, 800 tornadoes are reported nationwide, killing
80 people and injuring more than 1,500. In the main essay, I will explain the types of tornadoes, where
tornadoes occur, when and where tornadoes occur, the damage that tornadoes cause, variations in
tornadoes, and how to recognize tornadoes.

The Sunset A Sunset. The first impression is of a beautiful and mysterious creation of nature that leaves
a wonderful picture in the mind. However, these images may be associated with opposing emotions
such as fatigue and anger.

It was around 4pm. I was sitting on the beach looking at the sea and the sun waiting for my friend. I
enjoyed watching the sea horizon where the sky and water merge, how the waves cover and the sun
reflects off the water. The sun rose high in the sky and spread its rays everywhere, trying to touch every
object in the area. The color of the sun was creamy yellow, easily distinguishable from the light blue of
the sky. There were very few clouds, but they were so far away that the sun occupied all the space on
the horizon. As the sun set, the sun slowly set, changing color from creamy yellow to bright orange. The
rays no longer reached land. Parts of the landscape darkened as if the sun was setting. The difference in
ranking in a short period of time is obvious. In a few seconds, the sun was already completely red, and
its red color spread across the sky. Reddish clouds looked like cotton candy in the sky. Even the sea has
changed. It started to get more dynamic as there were more waves and the waves were higher. The
color of the sea changed from pale to dark blue to almost black. from the waves? The splash sea looked
like beer in a glass because the foam covered it.Sometimes the foam covered almost everything and the
sea looked snow white but the water is not. When the sun reached the horizon line, it was a deep blood
red. The sun seemed to sink into the water like a mass of living embers, and the heat seemed to make
the air shimmer around it.The sky was almost dark and the first stars were visible.

When the last rays appeared, the sun slowly disappeared under the waves, leaving only a hint in the
reddish sky.The sea became more lively and violent. A storm seemed to be approaching, and I wondered
what would happen if it really happened. I was scaredhh and didn't want to spend the night on the
beach. I started crying like a lost child.

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