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1. A nurse is collecting date from a pregnant client. The hold the growing baby.

ing baby. It contracts during labor to push the

client asks the nurse about the purpose of the fallopian baby out.)
tubes. The nurse responds to the client, knowing that the
fallopian tubes:
4. When performing a pelvic examination, the nurse
a. Secrete estrogen and progesterone (The observes red swollen area on the right side of the vaginal
ovaries maintain the health of the female reproductive orifice. The nurse would document this as enlargement of
system. They secrete two main hormones—estrogen and which of the following?
b. Are the organ of copulation (female: The a. Clitoris (The clitoris is female erectile tissue
vagina is the female organ for copulation (sexual found in the perineal area above the urethra)
intercourse), Male: The penis. The penis, the male organ of b. Parotid gland (parotid glands are open into the
copulation, is partly inside and partly outside the body.) mouth)
C. Are where the fetus develops (uterus, the c. Skene's gland (Skene’s glands open into the
blastocyst implants in the wall of the uterus, where it posterior wall of the female urinary meatus)
develops into an embryo attached to a placenta and d. Bartholin's gland
surrounded by fluid-filled membranes.)
ANS. D (D. Bartholin’s glands are the glands on either side
d. Are where the fertilization occurs
of the vaginal orifice)
ANS. C (Each Fallopian tube is a hallow muscular tube that
5. A nursing student is assigned to care for an adolescent
transport a mature oocyte for final maturation and
female client in the health care clinic. The instructor reviews
fertilization. Fertilization typically occurs near the boundary
the menstrual cycle with the student. The instructor
between the ampulla and the isthmus of the tube.)
determines that the student understands the process of
2. A nursing instructor has given a lecture on the secretion of the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and the
reproductive cycle of the female asks a nursing student to leuteinizing hormone (LH)bif the student states:
identify the anatomical structure that supports and protects
a. FSH and LH are released from the anterior
the internal reproductive organs. The student correctly
pituitary gland b. FSH and LH are secreted by the corpus
responds by identifying which structure?
luteum of the ovary (secretes estrogens and progesterone
a. Ovaries (produce and store ovum and make c. FSH and LH are secreted by the adrenal glands
hormones that control your menstrual cycle and pregnancy) (secretes steroid hormones such as cortisol and
b. Pelvis aldosterone.
c. Vagina ( It's the pathway (the birth canal) through d. FSH and LH stimulate the formation of milk
which a baby leaves a woman's body during childbirth) during pregnancy (Suckling stimulates an increase in
d. Fallopian tubes (where fertilization occurs) prolactin levels, important for initiation of milk production,
maintenance of milk production)
ANS. B (supports and protects the internal reproductive
organs) ANS. A (six major hormones: (1) prolactin (PRL), (2) growth
hormone (GH), (3) adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH),
3. A nurse is providing information to a client on the female (4) luteinizing hormone (LH), (5) follicle-stimulating
reproductive system. While discussing the uterus and it's hormone (FSH), and (6) thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
different layers, the unique muscle fibers that make it (Table 401e-1).
ideally suited for the birth process. The nurse would
describe this layer to the client as: 6. A couple trying to conceive asks the nurse when
ovulation occurs. The woman reports a regular 32 day
a. The inner layer of the muscle that is in the uterus cycle. Which response by the nurse is correct?
(Endometrium. This is the inner lining. It is shed during your
period.) a. Days 7-10
b. The middle layer of thick muscle in the uterus C. b. Days 10-13
The outer layer of muscle that covers most of the uterus c. Days 14-16
(Perimetrium is the outer serous layer of the uterus. The d. Days 17-19
serous layer secretes a lubricating fluid that helps to reduce
ANS. B (10 - 16 days before period starts)
d. The functional layer that lies above the basal 7. When teaching a group of pregnant teens about
layer of the uterus (The endometrium two layers: During the reproduction and conception, the nurse is correct when
menstrual cycle, stratum functionalis (expands and stating that fertilization occurs:
vascularizes and is subsequently sloughed off and stratum
basalis (remains relatively constant) a. In the uterus
b. When the ovum is released
ANS. B (Myometrium. This is the thick middle muscle layer c. Near the fimbriated end
of the corpus or fundus. This expands during pregnancy to d. In the first thir of the fallopian tube
ANS. D (In the first third of the fallopian tube. 11. A client scheduled for amniocentesis. When preparing
Fertilization occurs in the first third of the fallopian tube. her for the procedure, the nurse should do which of the
After ovulation, an ovum is released by the ovary into the following?
abdominopelvic cavity. It enters the fallopian tube at the
fimbriated end and moves through the tube on the way to a. Ask her to void
the uterus. Sperm cells "swim up" the tube and meet the b. Instruct her to drink 1L of fluid
ovum in the first third of the fallopian tube. The fertilized c. Prepare her for 1.V. anesthesia
ovum then travels to the uterus and implants. Nurses must d. Place her on her left side
know where fertilization occurs because of the risk of an 12. A postartum client admits to alcohol use throughout the
ectopic pregnancy.) pregnancy. Which of the following newborn assessments
8. When teaching a group of adolescents about variations suggests to the nurse that the infant has fetal alcohol
in the length of the menstrual cycle, the nurse understands syndrome?
that the underlying mechanism is due to variations in which a. Growth retardation is evident
of the following phases? b. Mlultiple anomalies are identified
a. Menstrual phase (The menstrual, secretory and c. Cranial facial abnormalities are noted
ischemic phases do not contribute to this variation) d. Prune belly syndrome is suspected
b. Proliferative phase (The first phase of the
menstrual cycle, occurs from day one to day 14 of the 13. The nurse uses nitrazine paper to determine whether a
menstrual cycle, based on the average duration of 28 pregnant client's membranes have ruptured. If the
days.) membranes have ruptures, the paper will turn which color?
c. Secretory phase
a. Pink
d. Ischemic phase
b. Blue
ANS. B. (Variations in the length of the menstrual cycle are c. Yellow
due to variations in the proliferative phase) d. Green

9. Spinnbarkeit is an indicator of ovulation which is 14. The nurse is obtaining a prenatal history from a client
characterized as: who's 8 weeks pregnant. To help determine whether the
client who's 8 weeks pregnant. To help determine whether
a. Thin watery mucus which can be stretched into a the client is at risk for a TORCH infection, the nurse should
long strand about 10 cm ask: a. Have you ever had osteomyelitis? b. Do you have
b. Thick mucus that is detached from the cervix any cats at home? Do you have any birds at home C. d.
during ovulation (cervical mucus) Have you recently had a rubeola vaccination 15. Which of
c. Thin mucus that is yellowish in color with fishy the ff. refers to the single cell that reproduces itself after
odor (Trichomoniasis Frothy, yellow discharge may be a conception? a. Chromosome c. Zygote b. Blastocyst 16. A
sign of trichomoniasis, a type of sexually transmitted nurse is providing instructions to a pregnant client who is
infection (STI).) scheduled for an amniocentesis. The d. Trophoblast nurse
d. Thick mcus vaginal discharge influence by high tells the client that: a. Strict bed rest is required ff the
level of estrogen (When levels are high (estrogen, procedure b. An informed consent will need to be signed
stimulates cervix) vaginal discharge can result from before the procedure c. Hospitalization is necessary for 14
normal changes in estrogen levels. hours ff the procedure d. A fever is expected ff the
procedure because of the trauma to the abdomen 17. A
ANS. A (Similar to raw egg white pregnant client in the first trimester calls a nurse at a health
consistency. Stretchable. At the time of ovulation, care clinic and reports that she has a thin, colorless, vaginal
you have 2 or 3 days of egg white cervical mucus and drainage. The nurse should make which statement to the
then temperature will take a little dip) client? a. Come to the clinic immediately b. Report to the
emergency room at the maternity center immediately c. The
10. When teaching a group of adolescents about male vaginal discharge may be bothersome but is a normal
hormone production, which of the following would the nurse occurrence d. Use tampons if the discharge is bothersome
include as being produced by the Leydig's cells? but to be sure to change the tampons every 2 hours 18. A
a. Follicle-stimulating hormone nurse is conducting a prenatal class on the female
b. Testosterone reproductive system. When a client in the class asks why
c. Leutineizing hormone the fertilized ovum stays in the fallopian tube for 3 days, the
d. Estrogen nurse responds that the reason for this is that it: a.
Promotes the fertilized ovum's chances of survival b.
ANS. B (testosterone and androgens) Promotes the fertilized ovum's exposure to estrogen and
progesterone c. Promotes the fertilized ovum's normal
implantation in the top portion of the uterus d. Promotes the
fertilized ovum;s exposure to luteinizing hormone (LH) and
follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) 19. A nurse explains from the pregnant client about potential maternal
some of the purposes of the placenta to a client during a physiological risk factors. The nurse would be sure to
prenatal visit. The nurse determines that the client obtain data about which of the ff at this time? a. Self-care
understands some of these purposes when she states that needs c. Support systems
the placenta: a. Cushions and protects the baby b.
Maintains the temperature of the baby c. Is the way the Enter
baby gets food and oxygen d. Prevents all antibodies and You sent
viruses from passing to the baby 20. A pregnant client tells
the clinic nurse that she wants to know the sex of the baby b. Weight d. Life-stress 27. When questioned, a pregnant
as soon as it can be determined. The nurse knows that the client admits she sometimes has several glasses of wine
client should be able to find at 12 weeks gestation because with dinner. Her alcohol consumption puts her fetus at risak
by the end of the twelfth week: a. The sex of the baby can of which condition? a. Alcohol addiction c. Down syndrome
be determined by the appearance of the external genitalia d. Learning disability 28. At what gestational age would a
primigravida expect to feel quickening? b. Anencephaly a.
Enter 12 weeks c. 20-22 weeks b. 16-18 weeks d. By the end of
You sent the 26th week 29. A woman in her third trimester complains
of severe heartburn. What is appropriate teaching by the
b. The sex of the baby can be determined because the nurse to help the woman alleviate these symptoms? a.
external genitalia begin to differentiate c. The sex of the Drinks small amounts of liquids frequently b. Eat the
baby can be determined because the testes are descended evening meal just before retiring c. Take sodium
into the scrotal sac d. The sex of the baby can be bicarbonate after each meal d. Sleep with head popped on
determined because the internal differences in males and several pillows 30. A woman whose 10 weeks pregnant
females become apparent 21. A nurse is providing tells the nurse that she's worried about her fatigue and
instructions to a pregnant client with genital herpes about frequent urination. The nurse should: a. Recognize these
the measures that are needed to protect the fetus. The as normal early pregnancy signs and symptoms b.
nurse tells the client that: a. Total abstinence from sexual Question her further about theses sign and symptoms c.
intercourse is necessary during the entire pregnancy b. A Tell her that she'll need blood work and urinalysis d. Tell
caesarean section will be necessary if vaginal lesions are her that she may excessively worried 31. Which of the ff
present at the time of labor c. Sitz baths need to be taken instructions should the nurse give to a client who's 26
every 4 hours while awake if vaginal lesions are present d. weeks pregnant and complains of constipation? a.
Daily administration of acyclovir (Zovirax) is necessary Encourage her to increase her intake of roughage and to
during the entire pregnancy 22. A nurse is performing an drink at least 6 glasses of water per day b. Tell her to ask
assessment on a client who is at 38 weeks gestation and her caregiver for a mild laxative c. Suggest the use of a
notes that the fetal heart rate (FHR) is 174 beats/min. On over-the-counter stool softener d. Tell her to do the
the basis of this finding, the appropriate nursing action is to; evaluation unit because constipation may cause
a. Notify the physician b. Document the finding c. Check the contractions 32. A newly pregnant woman tells the nurse
mother's heart rate d. Tell the client that the fetal heart rate that she hasn't been taking her prenatal vitamins because
is normal 23. To differentiate as a female, the hormonal they make her nauseated. In addition to telling the client
stimulation of the embryo that must occur involves which of how important taking the vitamins are, the nurse should
the ff? a. Increase in maternal estrogen secretion b. advice her to: a. Switch brands b. Take the vitamin on a full
Decrease in maternal androgen secretion c. Secretion of stomach c. Take the vitamin with orange juice for better
androgen by the fetal gonad d. Secretion of estrogen by the absorption d. Take the vitamin first thing in the morning 33.
fetal gonad 24. When preparing to listen to the fetal heart The nurse is caring for a client in the first 4 weeks of
rate at 12 weeks gestation, the nurse would use which of pregnancy. The nurse should expect to collect which
the ff? a. Stethoscope placed midline at the umbilicus b. assessment findings? a. Presence of menses b. Uterine
Doppler placed midline at the suprapubic region c. enlargement c. Breast sensitivity d. Fetal heart tones 34. A
Fetoscope placed midway between the umbilicus and the pregnant client in her third trimester asks why she needs to
xiphoid process d. External electronic fetal monitor plaed at urinate frequently again, as she did during the first
the umbilicus 25. The pregnant client who is anemic tells trimester. What should the nurse tell her? infection a. This
the nurse that she is concerned about her baby's condition symptom is abnormal during the third trimester and may
ff delivery. The nurse makes which statement that will best indicate a urinary tract
address the client's concern? a. You will not have any
problems if you follow all the advice the doctor has given Enter
you b. Your baby will need to spend a few days in the You sent
neonatal intensive care unit following delivery c. Don't worry
about your baby, complications are rare d. The effects of b. This symptom is a normal variation and is easily
anemia on your baby are difficult to predict, but let's review managed by limiting fluid intake This symptom is normal
your plan of care to assure you are providing the best and results from the fetus exerting pressure on the bladder
nutrition and growth potential 26. A nurse is gathering data d. This symptom is abnormal and should subside after the
present 35. A pregnant other asks the nurse whether she 44. A nursing instructor asks a nursing student to describe
can take castor oil for her constipation. How should the the process of quickening. Which of the following
nurse respond? a. Yes, it produces an adverse effects b. statements, if made by the student, indicates an
No it can initiate premature uterine contractions c. No it can understanding of this term? a. It is irregular, painless
promote sodium retention d. No it can lead to increased contractions that occur throughout pregnancy b. It is soft
absorption of fat-soluble vitamins 36. A woman whose 10 blowing sound that can be heard when the uterus is
weeks pregnant tells the nurse that she's worried about her auscultated It is the fetal movement that is felt by the
fatigue and frequent urination. The nurse should: mother d. It is the thinning of the lower uterine segment 45.
Recognize these as normal early pregnancy signs and A client arrives at the clinic for the first prenatal
symptoms Question her further about theses sign and assessment. The client tells a nurse that the first day of her
symptoms c. Tell her that she'll need blood work and menstrual period was Octoer 19, 2008. Using Nagele's rule,
urinalysis d. Tell her that she may excessively worried 37. A the nurse determines the estimated date of confinement as:
client 11 weeks pregnant is admitted to the facility with a. July 12, 2008 b. July 26, 2009 c. August 12, 2009 d.
hyperemesis gravidarum. She tells the nurse she has never August 26, 2009 46. During her first prenatal visit, a client
known anyone who had such severe morning sickness. The expresses concern about gaining weight. Which of the
nurse understands that hyperemesis gravidarum results following would be the nurse's best action? a. Ask the client
from; a. A neurologic disorder b. Inadequate nutrition An how she feels about gaining weight and provide instructions
unknown cause d. Hemolysis of fetal red blood cells about expected weight gain and diet b. Be alert for a
(RBCs) 38. A pregnant client asks how she can best possible eating problem and do a further in-depth
(prepare her 3-year-old son for the upcoming birth of a assessment c. Report the client's concerns to her caregiver
sibling. The nurse should make which suggestions? Tell d. Ask her to come back to the clinic every 2 weeks for a
your son about 1 month before your due date b. Reassure weight check 47. A nurse is preparing to perform a fundal
your son that nothing is going to change Reprimand your assessment on a postpartum client. The initial nursing
son that nothing is going to change d. Involve your son if he action in performing this assessment is which of the
displays immature behaviour 39. When auscultating the following? a. Ask the client to turn on her side b. Ask the
heart sounds of a client who's 34 weeks pregnant, the client to urinate and empty her bladder c. Massage the
nurse detects a systolic ejection murmur, which action fundus gently before determining the level of fundus
should the nurse take? Document the finding which is
normal during pregnancy b. Consult with a cardiologist Enter
Contact the client's primary health care provider d. Explain You sent
that this finding may indicate a cardiac disorder 40. A
pregnant client comes to the facility for her first prenatal d. Ask the client to lie on her back with the knees and legs
visit. After obtaining her heakth history and performing a flat and straight 48. A woman visits her obstetrician for a
physical examination the nurse reviews the client's pregnancy test that is positive. In taking her history, she
laboratory test results. Which findings suggest iron reports that she has been pregnant four times before. She
deficiency anemia? Heb 15 g/L (HCT) 33% b. Heb 13 g has two children a home, one of which was born at 32
(HCT) 32% Heb10 g/L: (HCT) 35% d. Heb 9 g/: (HCT) 30% weeks gestation. She lost a set of twins at 14 weeks and
another baby at 12 weeks, what is her para, gravid and
Enter TPAL? AGS, P4 (F1, P1, A2, 12) b. 65, P2 (T1, P1, A3, 12)
You sent CG3, P2 (T1, P2, A2, L1) d. G3, P4 (T2, P3, A3, L2) 49.
The obstetrician asks the nurse to determine the due date
41. The nurse is caring for a 16 year old pregnant client. for a pregnant client on her fist due date for a pregnant
The client is taking an iron supplement What should this client on her first prenatal visit. The client reports that her
client drink to increase the absorption of iron? a. A glass of last menstral period began on February 5, 2010 and ended
drink c. Liquid antacid d. A glass of orange juice b. A cup of on February 10, 2010. What is her due date? a. November
hot tea 42. While caring for a pregnant adolescent, the 5, 2010 b. November 12, 2010 c. November 10, 2010 d.
nurse should develop a plan of care that incorporates which November 17, 2010 50. A pregnant client is seen in the
health concern? a. Age of menarche b. Family and home health care clinic for a regular prenatal visit. The client tells
life c. Healthy eating habits d. Level of emotional maturity the nurse that she is experiencing irregular contractions,
43. A pregnant client is seen in the health care clinic for a and the nurse determines that the client is experiencing
regular prenatal visit. The client tells the nurse that she is Braxton Hicks contractions. Which of the following nursing
experiencing irregular contractions. The nurse determines actions should be appropriate? Instruct the client to
that the client is experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions. maintain bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy b.
Based on this finding, which nursing action is appropriate? Instruct the client that these contractions are common and
a. Instruct the client to maintain bed rest for the remainder may occur throughout the c. Contact the physician d. Call
of the pregnancy b. Instruct the client that these are the maternity unit and inform them that the client will be
common and may occur throughout the pregnancy C. admitted in a prelabor condition 51. The nurse is assisting
Contact the physician d. Call the maternity unit and inform in developing a teaching plan for a client who's about to
them that the client will be admitted in a prelabor condition enter the third trimester of pregnancy. The teaching plan
should include identification of which danger sign that must You sent
be reported immediately? a. Haemorrhoids b. Blurred vision
c. Dyspnea on exertion d. Increased vaginal mucus 52. A a. Monitors the contraction pattern b. Checks the fetal heart
client, 8 weeks pregnant, has a history of lactose rate (FHR) c Notes the amount, color, and odor of the
intolerance. To prevent a nutritional deficiency as a result of amniotic fluid d. Prepares the client for immediate delivery
lactose intolerance, the nurse teaches her about lactase 58. A client, age 19, has an episiotomy to widen her birth
replacement. a. Which teaching point is appropriate? b. Ask canal. Delivery extends the incision into the anal sphincter.
the physician for a lactase prescription that allows unlimited This complication is called: a. A first degree laceration b. A
refills c. Add lactase replacement drops to milk at least 24 second degree laceration CA third degree laceration d. A
hours before drinking it d. Warm milk to room temperature fourth degree laceration 59. A nurse is reading the
before adding lactase replacement tablets 53. A nurse physician's documentation regarding a pregnant client and
explains the purpose of effleurage to a client in early labor. notes that the physician has documented that the client has
The nurse tells the client that effleurage is: a. The a platypelloid pelvic shape. The nurse understands that this
application of pressure to the sacrum to relive a backache pelvic shape is: a. Rounded and most favorable for a
b. A form of biofeedback to enhance bearing down efforts vaginal birth b. Narrow and oval and not the most favorable
during delivery for a vaginal birth Wedge shape and narrow and
nonfavorable for a vaginal birth d. Flat and nonfavorable for
Enter a vaginal birth 60. A maternity nurse inspects the amniotic
fluid from a client following an amniotomy. The nurse.
You sent documents that the amniotic fluid is normal if which of the
c. Light stroking of the abdomen to facilitate relaxation following is noted? a. It is light green with no odor b. It is
during labor and provide tactile stimulation to the fetus d. thick white with no odor c. It is clear and dark amber d. It is
Performed to stimulate uterine activity by contracting a pale with flecks of vernix 61. A nurse is caring for a woman
specific muscle group while other parts of the body rest 54. in labor. The nurse is monitoring the baseline fetal heart
Assessment of a pregnant client reveals that she feels very rate (FHR) and would document that the FHR is normal it
anxious because of lack of knowledge about giving birth. which of the following were noted? a. 105 BPM b 150 8PM
The client is in her second trimester. Which intervention by e. 170 BPM d. 180 BPM 62. A client has had a midline
the nurse is appropriate for this client? a. Provide her with episiotomy. In relation to clients with other types of
the information and teach her the skills she'll need to episiotomies, the nurse anticipates that the client will
understand and cope during birth. b. Provide her with generally experience: a. Greater blood loss b. No blood
written information about the birthing process. c. Have more loss c. greater pain d. less pain 63. A nurse observes a
experienced pregnant woman assist her. d. Do nothing in client following childbirth for normal maternal physiological
hopes that she'll begin coping as the pregnancy changes that are anticipated. The nurse would document
progresses. Winner's Blueprint for Achievement: BELIEVE which expected changes in vital sign? a. Altered respiration
while others are doubting. PLAN while others are playing b. Increased pulse rate c. Altered level of consciousness d.
STUDY while others are sleeping. DECIDE while others are Slowed pulse rate
delaying. PREPARE while others are daydreaming. BEGIN Enter
while others are procrastinating WORK while others are
wishing SAVE while other are wasting. LISTEN while others You sent
are talking. SMILE while others are frowning. COMMEND
while others are criticizing. Bar 55. The nurse has been 64. A nurse assisting in the care of a woman in labor should
teaching an apprehensive primipara who has difficulty in focus primary attention on which of the following at the
initial nursing of the newborn. What observation at the time same time of delivery? a. Mother b. Primary health care
of discharge suggest that initial breast feeding is effective? provider c. Infant d. Support person Complications of Labor
a. The mother feels calmer and talks the baby while and delivery 65. The nurse is caring for a client who's on
nursing. b. The mother awaken the newborn to feed ritodrine therapy to half premature labor. What condition
whenever it falls asleep c. The newborn fall asleep after 3 indicates an adverse reaction to ritodine therapy? a.
minutes at the breast d. The newborn refuses the Hypoglycemia c. bradycardia b. Crackles d. hyperkalemia
supplemental bottle of glucose water 56. The nurse is 66. Methylergonovine (Methergine) is prescribed for a client
monitoring the contractions of a woman in labor. A with postpartum hemorrhage. Before administering the
contraction is recorded as beginning at 10:00 AM and medication, a nurse contacts the health care provider who
ending at 10:01 A.M. another begins at 10:15 AM what is prescribed the medication if which of the following
the frequency of the contractions? a. 14 minutes b. 10 conditions is documented in the client's medical history? a.
minutes c. 15 minutes d. 9 minutes 57. A client is brought to Hypotension c. DM b. Hypothyroidism d. peripheral
the labor unit and as the nurse is attaching the fetal heart Vascular Disease 67. A nurse performs a vaginal
monitor, the client's membranes rupture spontaneously. assessment on a pregnant client in labor and notes the
The nurse immediately. presence of the umbilical cord protruding from the vagina.
The nurse immediately: a. Places a gloved hand into the
Enter vagina and holds the presenting part off of the umbilical
cord b. Transports the client to the delivery room c. Gently them against pressure from my hand." c. "I will ask the
pushes the cord into the vagina d. Summons for help other client to extend her legs flat on the bed, and I will grasp her
staff members 68. A client experiences postpartum foot and gently dorsiflex it forward." d. "I will ask the client
hemorrhage eight hours after the birth of twins. Following to extend her legs flat on bed, and I will grasp her foot and
administration of IV fluids and 500 ml of whole blood, her sharply extend it backward." 75. A nurse planning care for a
hemoglobin and hematocrit are within normal limits. She postpartum client who had a vaginal delivery 2 hours ago.
asks the nurse whether she should continue to breast feed The client had a midline episiotomy and has several
the infants. Which of the following is based on sound hemorrhoids. What is the priority nursing diagnosis for this
rationale? a. "Nursing will help contract the uterus and client? a. Acute pain
reduce your risk of bleeding." b. "Breast feeding twins will
take too much energy after the hemorrhage." C. "The blood Enter
transfusion may increase the risks to you and the babies." You sent
d. "Lactation should be delayed until the "real milk" is
secreted." 69. While caring for the client during the first b. Disturbed body image c. Impaired urinary elimination d.
hour after delivery, the nurse determines that the uterus is Risk for imbalanced fluid volume 76. A nurse on a
boggy and there is vaginal bleeding. What should be the postpartum unit is instructing a client regarding lochia and
nurse's first action? a. check vital sign c. offer a bedpan b. the amount of expected lochia drainage. The nurse
massage the fundus d. check for perineal lacerations instructs the client that the normal amount of lochia may
vary but should never exceed the need for: a. One peripad
Enter a day b. Two peripads a day c. Eight peripads a day d.
You sent Three peripads a day 77. A nurse is developing a plan of
care for a postpartum woman with a small vulvar
70. The clinic nurse is counselling a substance abusing hematoma. The nurse indicates which specific intervention
postpartum client on the risks of continued cocaine use. In in the plan during the first 12 hours following delivery? a.
order to provide continuity of care, which nursing diagnosis Assess vital sign every 4 hours. b. Measure fundal height
is priority? a. Social isolation c. Altered parenting d. Sexual every 4hours. c. Prepare an ice pack for application to the
dysfunction b. Ineffective coping 71. A nurse in the area. d. Inform health care provider of assessment findings,
postpartum unit is assigned to care for a client who 78. A nurse is providing instructions about measures to
delivered a full term healthy baby. The nurse receives prevent postpartum mastitis to a client who is breastfeeding
report and is told that the mother has lost 500 ml of blood her newborn. Which of the following, if stated by the client,
during the delivery. When checking the vital signs, the would indicate a need for further instructions? a. "I should
nurse notes that the woman's pulse is 90 beats per minute breastfeed every 2-3 hours." b. "I should change the breast
(BPM) and is weak and thready. This finding would indicate pad frequently." c. "I should wash my hands well before
which of the following to the nurse? a. A normal pulse rate breast-feeding." d. "I should was my nipples daily with soap
following delivery b. A normal pulse rate following a loss of and water." 79. A nurse performs an assessment on a client
500 ml of blood The mother is very excited about the who is 4 hours postpartum. The nurse notes that the client
delivery of the baby d. This may be a sign of hemorrhage or has cool, clammy skin and is restless and excessively
shock 72. A nurse is reinforcing instructions to a client who thirsty. The nurse prepares immediately to: a. Begin hourly
had an episiotomy during the birthing process. Which pad counts and reassure the client. b. Begin fundal
statement by the client would indicate a need for further massage and start oxygen by mask. c. Elevate the head of
instructions? Ca. "I can apply a local anesthetic spray to the the bed and assess vital signs. d. Assess for hypovolemia
area." b. "I can apply ice to the area." c. "I should tighten and notify the health care provider. 80. In assessing a
the perineum before I sit and then relax it slowly after being postpartum client, the nurse palpates a firm fundus and
seated." d. "I should take sitz bath three or four times a day observes a constant trickle of bright red blood form the
and test the water temperature to be sure that it is at 115 F. vagina. What is the most likely cost of these findings? a.
73. The nurse should anticipate that hemorrhage related to Uterine atony b. Genital laceration c. retained placenta d.
uterine atony may occur postpartally if this condition was clotting disorder for an a with the cretion of b t erior pituitar,
present during the delivery: a. Excessive analgesia was rum of the ds ong pregn tion Family Planning and
given to the mother b. Placental delivery occurred within Contraception 81. A couple ask the nurse about risks of
thirty minutes after the baby was c. An episiotomy had to be several birth control methods. What is the most appropriate
done to facilitate delivery of the head d. The labor and response by the nurse? a. Norplant is safe and may be
delivery lasted for 12 hours 74. A nursing student is removed easily
preparing to perform a cardiovascular assessment on a
postpartum client. A nursing instruction asks the student Enter
about the procedure to elicit Homan's sign. Which response You sent
by the nursing student would indicate an understanding of
his assessment technique? a. "I will ask the client to raise b. Oral contraceptives should not be used by smokers c.
her legs up to her waist and then to lower her legs slowly." Depo-Provera is convenient with few side effects d. The
b. "I will ask the client to raise he legs and to try to lower IUD gives protection from pregnancy and infection 82.
Vasectomy is a procedure done on a male for sterilization. overhears that a prenatal client is at risk for placental
The organ involved in this procedure is a. Prostate gland b. abruption. The nurse would expect to find which risk factor
Seminal vesicle c. testes d. Vas deferens S 08 hurse ent documented in the client's record? a. Gestational diabetes
this. d. Bartl ent fer at The le st High Risk Pregnancy 83. c. maternal hypertension d. oliguria b. Hyperemesis
When evaluating a client's knowledge of symptoms to gravidarum 92. The client calls the nurse hotline to ask for
report during her pregnancy, which statement would advice. She states "I have had the worst headache for the
indicate to the nurse that the client understands the past 2 days. It pounds and by the middle of the afternoon
information given to her? a. "I'll report increased frequency everything I look at looks wavy. Nothing I have taken
in urination." b. "if I have blurred or double vision, I should helps." What should the nurse do next? a. Advise the client
call the clinic immediately." c. "if I feel tired after resting, I that the swings in her hormones may have that effect.
should report it immediately." d. "Nausea should be However, suggest for her to call her health care provider
reported immediately." 84. A client 12 weeks' pregnant within the next day. b. Advise the client to have someone
come to the emergency with abdominal cramping and bring her to the emergency room as soon as possible c.
moderate vaginal bleeding. Speculum examination reveals Ask the client to stay on the line, get the address and send
2 to 3 cms cervical dilation. The nurse would document an ambulance to the home d. Ask what the client has
these findings as which of the following? a. Threatened taken? How often? Ask about other specific complaints. 93.
abortion b. Imminent abortion c. complete abortion d. A nurse assessing the newborn of a mother with diabetes
missed abortion 85. A client makes a routine visit to the understand that hypoglycemia is related to what
prenatal clinic. Although she's 14 weeks pregnant, the size pathophysiological process? a. Disruption of fetal glucose
of the uterus approximates that in an 18 to 20, week supply b. Pancreatic insufficiency c. Maternal insulin
pregnancy. The physician diagnoses gestational dependency d. Reduced glycogen reserves
trophoblastic disease and orders ultrasonography. This
nurse expects ultrasonography to reveal: a. An empty Enter
gestational sac b. Grapelike cluster c. A severely You sent
malformed fetus d. Extra uterine pregnancy 86. A nurse is
caring for a client who had a cesarean section to deliver a 94. The nursing is teaching a client who's 28 weeks
nonviable fetus due to abruption placenta. The client pregnant and has gestational diabetes how to control her
develops signs of disseminated intravascular coagulopathy blood glucose levels. Diet therapy alone has been
(DIC). The spouse asks the nurse what is happening, and unsuccessful in controlling this client's blood glucose levels,
the nurse explains the condition. The spouse becomes so she has started insulin therapy. The nurse should
upset and says to the nurse, "I lost my baby and now my consider the teaching effective when the client says: a. "I
wife? What am I going to do?" which problem most won't use insulin if I'm sick b. "I need to use insulin each
appropriately addresses the situation? a. Grieving related to day" c. "if I give myself an insulin injection, don't need to
loss of the baby b. Deficient knowledge related to the watch what eat." d. "I'll monitor my blood glucose levels
disease process C. Anxiety related to the reason the baby twice a week." 95. a client has meconium-stained amniotic
died d. Hopelessness related to the loss of baby and illness fluid. Fetal scalp sampling indicates a blood pH of 7.12;
of the spouse 87. The nursing assessment a client for signs fetal bradycardia is present. Based take which action? a.
and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy. What is the most Administer amnioinfusion b. Prepare for caesarian delivery
common finding associated with this antepartum c. Reposition the client d. Start I.V oxytocin infusion as
complication? prescribed 96. A client in her 15th week of pregnancy has
presented with abdominal cramping and vaginal bleeding
Enter for the past 8 hours. She has passed several clots. What is
You sent the primary nursing diagnosis for his client? a. Knowledge
deficit b. Fluid volume deficit c. anticipatory grieving d. pain
a. Temperature elevation b. Vaginal bleeding c. nausea and 97. A woman in her 34" week of pregnancy presents with
vomiting d. abdominal pain 88. A nurse planning care for a sudden onset of bright red vaginal bleeding. Her uterus is
client with placental abruption would plan to: a. Prepare the soft, and she's experiencing no pain. Fetal heart rate is 120
client for cesarean birth b. Administer frequent enemas until beats/minute. Based on history above, the nurse should
clear c. Prepare the client for a stress test d. Reposition the suspect which of the following conditions? a. Abruption
client to the left side 89. The nurse is caring for a client after placenta b. Preterm labor c. placenta previa d. threatened
evacuation of a hydatidiform molar pregnancy. The nurse abortion Infertility and Vital Statistics 98. A client comes to
should tell the woman to: a. Wait 1 month before trying to the clinic for treatment of recurrent pelvic inflammatory
become pregnant again b. Make an appointment for follow disease. The nurse recognizes that this condition most
up human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) level monitoring at frequently follows which type of infection? a.
the end of 1 year. c. Discuss options for sterilization with Trichomoniasis b. Chlamydia c. staphylococcus d.
the physician d. Use birth control for at least 1 year 90. streptococcus 99. Infertility can be attributed to male
What is the primary nursing diagnosis for a client with causes such as the following, EXCEPT: a. Cryptorchidism
ruptured ectopic pregnancy? a. Anxiety b. Pain c. fluid b. Orchitis C. Sperm count of about 20 million per milliliter
volume deficit d. anticipatory grieving 91. A nurse d. Premature ejaculation 100. When describing dizygotic
twins to a couple, on which of the following would the nurse
base the explanation?


You sent

a. Tow ova fertilized by separate sperm b. Sharing of a

common placenta c. Each ova with the same genotype d.
Sharing of a common chorion


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