Philo 2223 Preliminary Exam Questions

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1. Which of the following is an example of critical thinking?

a. Having open-ended situation
b. Cooking foods by following the directions
c. Giving opinion about the current issue
d. Doing the things that make your life easier

2. Which of the following is not an example of critical thinking?

a. Asking your own questions
b. Examining your own beliefs
c. Looking at a situation in multiple perspective
d. Doing the task accordingly what being told to

3. Which of the following situation below doesn’t show critical thinking?

a. A student defending their thesis
b. Teacher guiding their students how to craft with creative questions
c. Evaluating your actions
d. A mother organizes their grocery purchases in the pantry

4. An image of a political candidate standing over the body of a deceased elephant is shared by
a friend on one of the social media platforms. Your friend is livid at the suggestion that this
politician was responsible for the death of an elephant.

You need to be a critical thinker in this situation. Which of the following does not possess it?
a. Is it possible that this photograph has been altered?
b. Is there a particular reason why somebody would want you to have a pessimistic
opinion about this politician?
c. Does your friend typically verify the accuracy of things before posting them on their
social media?
d. How can a politician post that kind of photo?

5. Which of the following is an example of fact statement?

a. Pluto officially announced as a moon and not a planet.
b. Gordon Ramsay is the best food critic who can make any restaurant better.
c. Sinigang na baboy is top-tier when it comes to foods with soup.
d. Wearing baggy pants is much better than skinny jeans.

6. Which of the following is an analysis?

a. Breaking down of ideas
b. Ability to craft a well justified statement
c. Thinking a process before rendering results
d. Picking decision based on provided information

7. Which of the following is an example of fact statement?

a. Asia countries are much better than European countries
b. The death penalty is wrong
c. Some people keep dogs as pets
d. My philosophy teacher hates me

8. Which of the following is an evaluation?

a. Ability to craft a well justified statement
b. Thinking a process before rendering results
c. Making each ideas understandable
d. Decoding the given statements

9. Which of the following is an example of opinion?

a. Nike is much more environmentally friendly than Adidas.
b. The capital of the Philippines is Manila.
c. Most Filipinos are baptized Roman Catholic.
d. Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has already visited nine countries in the eight months since
taking office.

10. Which of the following is a fact statement?

a. In January 2023, the Philippines experienced 8.7% inflation.
b. There will be a salary increase as the lawmakers make this a priority.
c. Most of the bills presented in Congress are more on the topic of protecting the
d. One of the priorities of the current government is to help local farmers.

11. Which of the following describe argumentation?

a. Ability to craft a well justified statement
b. Thinking a process before rendering results
c. Making each ideas understandable
d. Decoding the given statements

12. Which of the following doesn’t show critical thinking?

a. identifying the weaknesses and strengths
b. Moderating a debate
c. Using intuition to decide
d. Determining the best solution to a problem

13. When you're being accused of something that you think you didn't do, what is the best way
to present your argument? Choose the best answer below.
a. Learn to evaluate the provided evidence.
b. Use your intuition to navigate your argument.
c. Ask someone to help you with the situation.
d. Avoid questions that will lead to your situation.

14. Social media is one of the most powerful sources of information, but on the downside,
some of the information provided is hard to tell whether it is valid or not. As a student, what
are the ways you can do to prevent misinformation and disinformation in social media?
a. Examining the sources provided to see if they are reliable.
b. Checking to see if the person who shared it is credible or not
c. Examining the provided images to see if they are consistent with the information
d. Checking to see if your friend has shared it or not

15. Simon is having trouble deciding what course he wants to take in college. He had a
girlfriend. Lisa asked him if he wanted to be at the same college, but that college is far from
where Simon lived and offers limited courses. When Simon asks Lisa why she chose that
university, she answers that it is near where her family lives. He was talking about this with his
parents about his thoughts in college, and his parents told him that it is better to choose your
future over Lisa because there is no guarantee if they will end up together or not. As the days
pass by, Simon is still thinking about what he really wants for his future, and of course, Lisa is
one of them, but his parents' claims open up another struggle for him. If you're Simon, which of
the following is the best way to resolve the dilemma?
a. Create scenarios that might happen and write a temporary solution to see if it is
achievable or not.
b. Consider multiple perspectives and decide which is better for yourself.
c. Try to talk with your parents and make an agreement that if your plan fails, you will
follow their choices.
d. Be brave to take a risk because, after all, this is your dilemma.

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