Passive Voice Transformation Exercise

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Passive voice transformation exercise

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The dustmen collect the The president opened the new Someone has stolen my
rubbish every morning at 7 airport last week. wallet.

morning at 7 a.m. by the president last week.

The rubbish is collected every The new airport was opened My wallet has been stolen.

4 5 6

The police are questioning two We import all of our products Our workers make all of our
men at the police station. from Switzerland. bakery products from the finest
natural ingredients.

at the police station. imported from Switzerland. made from the finest natural
Two men are being questioned All of our products are All of our bakery products are

7 8 9

They are going to build a new We expect that the workers The police have arrested four
swimming pool next to the will complete the renovation men in connection with
football stadium. work by the end of the month. yesterday’s robbery.

stadium. the end of the month. robbery.

to be built next to the football expected to be completed by in connection with yesterday’s
A new swimming pool is going The renovation work is Four men have been arrested

10 11 12

The garage mechanic is I don’t like people telling me Unfortunately, our staff hadn’t
servicing my car, so I am I’m lazy. packed the goods properly,
taking the bus this week. and they broke in transit.

and they broke in transit.

am taking the bus this week. hadn't been packed properly,
My car is being serviced, so I I don't like being told I'm lazy. Unfortunately, the goods
13 14 15

People around the world The goods were damaged Someone will meet you at the
consume over 66 billion while the workers were airport and take you to your
gallons of alcohol every year. unloading them from the truck. hotel.

year around the world. unloaded from the truck.

alcohol is consumed every while they were being and taken to your hotel.
Over 66 billion gallons of The goods were damaged You will be met at the airport

16 17 18

All customers must settle their We will tow away (any) cars We are processing your
bills within three days. (that are) parked here. request. Please wait.

three days. away. processed. Please wait.

All bills must be settled within Cars parked here will be towed Your request is being

19 20 21

The teacher has been A large animal must have You must wear protective
teaching us grammar. made the footprints. clothing in the testing area.

been studying grammar.

passive voice. Say: we have
continuous tenses have no made by a large animal. worn in the testing area.
Trick question! Perfect The footprints must have been Protective clothing must be

22 23 24

If you do not settle the bill I was not happy when they told The Chinese invented the first
within three days, we will me they had lost my luggage. toothbrushes in the 15th
disconnect the electricity century. They were made of
supply. pig's bristles.
of pig's bristles.
supply will be disconnected. 15th century. They made them
three days, the electricity luggage had been lost. invented by the Chinese in the
If the bill is not settled within I was not happy to be told my The first toothbrushes were

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