Review of Related Literature

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This chapter presents survey of related literature and writing of recognized

experts, both of which have significant bearing or relation to the problem under



Attention to detail improves accuracy in performing tasks. Preventing errors is

valuable when completing all types of professional projects. Careful management of

details contributes to overall efficiency and success in business. Reducing errors also

contributes to customer satisfaction.Sufficient attention to detail helps to reduce the

potential for injuries. Frequently emphasized for accident prevention in workplaces,

attention to detail is crucial in industries such as medicine, law enforcement,

construction and manufacturing. Making a positive first impression is part of the

foundation for building professional and personal relationships. Attention to detail when

meeting someone for the first time involves considerations such as physical

appearance, body language and attitude. Noticing details also helps individuals

recognize common interests and opportunities for collaboration (Roberts, 2016).

The way people cope as victims of crime depends largely on their experiences

immediately following the crime. As a law enforcement officer, you are usually the first

official to approach victims. For this reason, you are in a unique position to help victims

cope with the immediate trauma of the crime and to help restore their sense of security

and control over their lives. Circumstances of the crime and the crime scene determine

when and how the first responding officers are able to address victims and their needs.

This publication recognizes that each crime and crime scene is different and requires
officers to prioritize their performance of tasks in each situation. Generally, officers must

attend to many tasks, including assessing medical needs, determining facts and

circumstances, advising other personnel, and gathering and distributing suspect

information. It is helpful to keep in mind that apprehension of the suspect is the primary

duty of law enforcement and that accomplishing this task helps not only the suspect

current victims but potential victims as well. Sometimes the first responders must delay

their attendance to the victims if the situation requires. For example, if the crime is

ongoing, or if the collection of evidence or investigation of the crime is extremely time-

sensitive, first responders may not be able to direct their immediate attention to the

victims. However, as soon as the most urgent and pressing tasks have been addressed,

officers will focus their attention on the victims and their needs. At this point, how the

officers respond to the victims, explain the competing law enforcement duties, and work

with the victims is very important (Reno, 2018).

It is essential for police officials to show good work performance, especially the

police officers in the Metropolitan Police Bureau, a government sector handling the main

responsibilities of keeping peace and law enforcement in Bangkok. Ineffective work

performance by police officials could negatively influence people's confidence in being

safe and secure in the city, and foreign business and investors' confidence in business

entities could suffer, which would degrade Thailand's economic system and inevitably

lead to social problems (Hongto, 2006).

Security officers are the first people that visitors or employees come in contact

with at an organization. They serve to protect the organization and help those who are

in need of assistance. Since the security officers are often the first contacts, they also
serve to provide the first impressions of their security department and the organization

as a whole. It is for this reason that human relations is another major role for security

officers to fulfill (Strausbaugh, 2013).

Globally, the private security and community policing approach was expected to

transform the experience of law and order by cultivating trust between the police and

the people. The private security industry in Africa has grown tremendously in recent

years. Its growth is both a product of privatization and response to its consequences.

Public budgets in some African nations were slashed as a requirement for loans from

international donors in the so-called Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) of the

1990‟s. All sorts of public services, including police, declined. The resulting

unemployment and increased economic insecurity fuelled an increase in crime. Private

companies stepped into the void and created thousands of security jobs. Unfortunately,

these jobs were characterized by poor working conditions, low wages and rampant

casualization. These jobs are important to workers who value them as a crucial source

of income. However the ready pool of unemployed labor coupled with industry

competition for contracts which are largely based on costs make some companies take

the view that their workers can be hired and fired at will, (Ritchie, 2017).

A safe and secure environment is a top responsibility of the community leaders.

Without adequate protection, market place maybe threatened, harmed and could be

inappropriate content that could put the well-being of the community at risk. The most

effective strategy is one of the combines physically and networks controls, not in

isolation but rather collaboration and with a common purpose. Whether it is network

security, video surveillance, unified communication services, or activities such as

business interruption, school activities and renovation. It is the convergence of these

solutions that delivers the best results (Pueblos, 2009).

In addition Green (2006) also state that, its approach is based on the formation of

multi-agency partnership between public, private and voluntarily sectors to formulate

and introduced community-based measures against crime.

Establishing public safety is among local government’s fundamental obligations

to its citizens. The safety of one’s person and security of one’s property are widely

viewed as basic human rights and are essential to the community’s overall quality of life.

When the citizenry is not, and does not feel, reasonably safe, other critical local

government functions such as economic development, government finance, public

education, stable housing, and basic local government services become that much

more difficult to provide. In short, a community’s reputation for public safety heavily

influences its appeal as a place to raise a family or open a business (Sanders, 2016).

Crime control involves reducing crime within a specific place or area; specifically,

risky facilities give contingency for prevention. In order to regulate crime control and

take preventive measures, one must develop different concepts that are aimed to

helping deter crimes. These different concepts include crime hotspots, crime generators

and crime attractors. Hot spots are places with high crime rates. Crime generators have

high crime in places because they are generally really busy and crime attractors are

places that consist of many crime targets and not much protection provided for these

targets at these places. When referring to the two types of strategies of regulatory crime

control, Eck goes into more detail about ends-based strategies having policies that are

differentially influenced by the costs of production among the competing firms. In

contrast, means-based strategies have policies that have firms that are all subject to the

same commands. Ends-based strategies are not likely to be the primary regulatory

instrument when dealing with crimes that are rare or serious; however, means-based

strategies are more useful for those types of crimes (Eck, 2012).


The core mission of the police is to control crime. No one disputes this. Indeed,

professional crime fighting enjoys wide public support as the basic strategy of policing

precisely because it embodies a deep commitment to this objective. In contrast, other

proposed strategies such as problem-solving or community policing appear on the

surface to blur this focus.' If these strategies were to leave the community more

vulnerable to criminal victimization, they would be undesirable alternatives. In judging

the value of alternative police strategies in controllingcrime, however, one should not be

misled by rhetoric or mere expressed commitment to the goal; one must keep one's eye

on demonstrated effectiveness in achieving the goal (Kelling, 2015).

Security officers should be as part of a complete protection plan rather than a stand-
alone resource. The security plan is based on an understanding of the risks it is
designed to control, and officers are but one strategy in the plan. Because they are
expensive, their use should be evaluated periodically. Other protection resources, such
as hardware and electronics, should also be considered. It can most effectively
demonstrate to other stakeholders the need for security by quantifying and prioritizing
the loss potential with a strategic plan that applies to the entire organization. In fact,
security officers are being used in more environments than ever before. In some cases
they are replacing public police or soldiers. Security officers may patrol downtown areas

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