Company Profile PT. SRB

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A a Tee Kecamatan Sei Suka, Kabupaten Batubara 0 Jin. Makmur, Dusun V, Desa Kuala Tanjung Sumatera Utara Indonesia 21257 4 @ +62 811 1222 007 PT. SAMODA RAYA BAHARI PROFILE A. COMPANY DATA Company: PT. SAMODA RAYA BAHARI Office : Jin. Makmur, Dusun V, Desa Kuala Tanjung Kecamatan Sei Suka, Kabupaten Batubara Sumatera Utara Indonesia 21257 Phone 1 +62 811 1222 007 Email : B. LEGAL DOCUMENT Akta Notaris :“01" 10 Agustus 2020 Notaris Gunawan, S.H, M.Kn Kep. Men Hukum & HAM : AHU- 0038839.AH.01.01. Tahun 2020 NPWP 195.604.754.2-115.000 NIB 1 0220001831315 SIUPKK : No. AL.310/183/DA-2020 C. OFFICE 1. Kuala Tanjung (Head Office) 2. Belawan (Branch Office) JI. Veteran No. 14 Belawan |, Medan Kota Belawan, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia, 20411 3. Muntok (Branch Office) Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kp. Jawa Baru, Muntok Bangka Barat, Bangka Belitung, Indonesia 33311 TT TETANY PT. SAMODA RAYA BAHARI One of the Indonesian National companies engaged in Ship Agency Services, both foreign ship agencies, domestic ships, offshore drilling ==" ship agencies in all ports in Indonesia which was established since “ August 2020 in accordance with the Deed of Establishment from Notary ~~ ___| Gunawan, S.H. , M.Kn No. 01 dated August 10, 2020 and ratified by the e 4 ‘Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No. AHU-0038839.AH.01.01. Year 2020 On August 11, 2020 under the name Limited Liability Company PT. SAMODA RAYA BAHARI Ship Agency In terms of carrying out its duties as a Ship Agency company, PT. Samoda Raya Bahari, is committed to providing fast, effective and efficient service for its customers. Effective and efficient services cannot be separated from the company’s good relationship with every relevant agency that is directly related to ship activities in the port. PT. SAMODA RAYA BAHARI Vision Become an agency company Reliable National Ship of choice Main Customers Managing a good ship increase income oe ie uaa contribution for support government ae = company programs In improving Gunslenees Gel far the Indonesian maritime 5 _ industry the country Increase company value through innovation, and development of Human Resource Competence PT. SAMODA RAYA BAHA SEL One of the advantages of our company’s services is that there are many in the Indonesian maritime world, especially in the field of Ship Agency, both for the agency of domestic ships and foreign-flagged ships that enter Indonesian ports so that with sufficient experience the company can complete the work quickly and effectively without any delays. * Ship agency company © Shipping Company * Ship owners ° Owner © Surveyor * etc fare PUN UT UY Our Agency Service + Ship agency services both as General Agent (GA) and as a local agent + OPA (Owner Protective Agent) service + Service as a husbandry agent Services for managing ship crew change documents, managing on and off certificates for crew documents + Oil and fresh water bunker management services + Goods document management service claim problem solving service, entertain + Ship crew document management services such as Seaman's Book Management, extension of the validity period of Seaman's Book, processing of ship Crew Passports + Ship certificate management service + Emergency call handling service + Ship navigational aids repair services + Supply provision service (food for crew) + Crew change accommodation services (transportation and hotel) PT. SAMODA RAYA BAHARI Customer & Reference z= & pt AKR corporindo Thk @ MEDCOENERGI # PT Bahtera Pandu Persada PT. SAMODA RAYA BAHARI Customer & Reference PT. BUNGA NUSA PERKASA --FE\ ri ieee PERSADA Ma 5

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