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Environmental Science

Assignment #1

A Reflection paper
Mother Nature and Us

Mrs. Ann Raner Nacpil

Subject Professor

Lian Jensina Gwynneth V. Cleto


BA PoS-1

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

As As a Steward of God’s Creation

To be truly honest, I’ve always believed that the so-called “Mother Nature” in Julia Robert’s
narration has a Creator, an intelligent designer, a higher being. GOD to be precise. I’ve always believed
that he is the one who governs all that is around us. the land, the sky, the animals, the trees, the vast
oceans of the world. And this wonderful creation of his is his gift to us humans, he is providing us
everything that we need through his creation or nature rather. Even though we keep doing things that
destroy our surroundings. Simply because we know that everything will always be provided for.

As a Steward of GOD’s Creation, I would like to consider this video as a reminder that
nature is only a gift that is being lent to us. And we should remember that us stewards of the creation of
GOD. we should be the ones who will lead an initiate on doing the right way on how to take care of

Furthermore, as I continue to watch the video, I realize that not everyone who has watched it
will be compelled to do the right thing, to immediately change their negative attitudes toward their
surroundings. Some people, I believe, will be concerned at first. However, they would soon forget the
video's important message and continue to do things that would harm the environment.

As a citizen and a steward of the creation of our GOD, I think the best way to teach and be
a good role model to a person is by setting a good example. We should be the ones who should first set a
proper example for others to follow, and I believe that by doing this we would subconsciously integrate a
question into a person’s mind. They may think “Why should I take care of my surroundings? Is it that
really important? ” they might ask a question like these to themselves that will lead them to initiate
change in how they live and treat the environment.

I believe that small acts are only the beginning of creating change not just in your life but
also in other people’s lives. Another thing that I would like to add that I want to do is to spread the word
that nature has a Creator. The reason why I thought of this is that some humans do not think that they are
accountable for anything that happens in their environment. They continue to treat their surrounding as
they please. Simply because they do not know God. And some chose not to because it gets rid of moral
accountability. It absolves us of the responsibility to care for our surroundings because it is thought to be
more convenient. but since GOD has given us a conscience I believe that there is still hope in humanity
and in changing how people treat nature.

In conclusion, Nature or the Creation of our GOD is in desperate need of change. And as
I've said before. Our mission as stewards of his creation is o set an example to people. What example you
might ask? Simply start to segregate your garbages, and conserve your electricity, water, and many other
things. You see it may be considered a small act but it gradually instill change little by little not just in
one’s life but also in the lives of others.

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