Adria Inv - Letter Austria

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SUBJECT: Call for proposals for Union Civil Protection Mechanism Exercises 2016 – Invitation
for participation in the project proposal “ADRIA 2017”

Dear Mr. Bezdeka,

I would like to inform You that the National Protection and Rescue Directorate (NPRD) intends
to submit a project proposal under the EU Civil Protection Financial Instrument Call for
Proposals for Union Civil Protection Mechanism Exercises 2016:

With this letter we kindly invite You to express Your interest in the participation in the below
outlined project as one of the project beneficiaries.

ADRIA 2017 project plans to provide a testing environment to Croatia, Montenegro, FYRoM,
Hungary, Slovenia, Austria, Italy and France to improve their preparedness and response
capacities in fighting forest fires.

Throughout a three-day exercise and the combination of TTX and CPX, the aim is to test HNS
plan, deploy international assets and teams through EERC, test ERCC procedures and
communication as well as communication between ground and aerial teams.

The main project objective, therefore, is to improve civil protection preparedness and response
capabilities in fighting forest fires through a real-life scenario that offers opportunity to practice
operational procedures of the Mechanism, improve cooperation between the MS, share best
practices and knowledge regarding modern communication tools and applications. Namely, in
the recent years, new analogue and GIS tools have been developed with the aim to facilitate the
management of the firefighting interventions by commanding officers. One of the project goals,
therefore, is to familiarize end users with modern technological tools and identify those that
could be suitable to all the project partners.

The expected results of ADRIA 2017 project are:

- enhanced information sharing between Participating States and project partners,

- enhanced preparedness of all respective countries to respond to forest fires,

- existing procedures enhanced and/or new procedures established,

- improved interoperability of the intervention teams,

- improved relevant timely and updated information exchange,

- Participating States are better prepared to receive and provide assistance through the

We would be glad and honoured to have You as a partner in our project.

The deadline for submitting the project proposal is 20 May 2016. We would highly appreciate if
you could inform us as soon as possible or at the latest by 26 th April 2016 about your kind
decision. The contact person for any additional information is Mr. Ranko Britvic, head of
Specialized Training Department of the National Protection and Rescue Directorate, tel: +385 21
798 850, e-mail:

Yours sincerely,

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