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Project Management

Lecture 1
Rise of Projects
Projectification of Work

 Projects and project management orientation was limited to sectors such as

construction and development.
 It has now spread over all avenues of work.

 PMI Membership Statistics:

 1996 Less than 3,000
 2002 93,000
 2016 478,000
 Today More than 600,000
What is a Project?
Defining Project

“A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a

unique product, service or result.” (PMI)

 New product
 New service
 Organizational Change
Major Characteristics of a Project

 An established objective
 A defined life span with a beginning and an end
 Usually, the involvement of different departments and professionals
 Typically, doing something that has never been done before
 Specific time, cost and quality requirements
What is not a Project?
Project, Program & Portfolio
Project, Program & Portfolio

 Program: A program is a group of related projects designed to

accomplish a common goal over an extended period of time.

 Portfolio:
 A group of programs
 Selection of projects / programs
Project Life Cycle
Project Phases

 Initiating / Defining: Why?

 Planning: How?

 Executing: Performing

 Closing: Wrapping Up
Project Phases
What is Project Management?
Projects Vs Functions

 Function Managers usually have:

 More authority
 More technical knowledge

 Project Team members usually are:

 Part timers (multiple projects / project + functional role)
 More technically sound than their managers
Science or Art?

 Key Areas of Project Management:

 Processes & Tools

 People
Project Canvas
More Examples of Projects

 Your Projects:

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