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Embodiments of Lady Nada

( Mary Magdalene)
• On Atlantis, Nada served as a priestess in the Temple of Love. The Sisterhood of that temple
directed healing through love by the use of light rays for those who required and could receive them
anywhere on Earth. That temple was patterned after a rose, each petal being a room. It still remains
in the ethers, even to this day.
• Lady Nada was also a high priestess in the Temples of Isis and received her training in full
mastery over several prior embodiments from that highly evolved "mystery school." These mystery
schools no longer exist today; they will likely be restored in the new energy after the Ascension of
the Earth into the fifth dimension.
• As Mary Magdalene, she incarnated with her beloved twin flame, Jesus, in his mission as the
"embodiment of the Christ." She came to be his beloved companion to fully support his mission.
Sananda told me that the account in the bible of the wedding at Cana is the true story of his official
marriage to Mary Magdalene.
• It is extremely important for this Truth to be revealed now, that Mary Magdalene was a high
initiate and priestess of the Sacred Fire during her lifetime with Jesus. She had a very high degree of
evolutionary attainment.
Along with Mother Mary, she was with Him to hold the energies of the Divine Feminine on his
behalf during his ministry in the Land of Galilee and at his crucifixion. She was certainly NOT the
"sinner and prostitute" as depicted by scholars of the early churches. This denial of the divine
feminine is one of the greatest lies that has been unjustly imposed and imprinted on humanity's
consciousness for the last 2,000 years.
She was unfairly discriminated against by the early "fathers of the church" in their attempt to
subdue, once more, the energies of the divine feminine for generations to come. They sought to
maintain control over what they feared the most, the energies of "Divine Mother," that Mary
Magdalene represented at that time, along with Mother Mary, the mother, of Jesus. Both were very
high initiates of the Temples of Isis and had the required attainment to hold that energy while Jesus
was performing his Sacred Mission. It is time for humanity to open their hearts to the loving
energies of Mary Magdalene, seeing her for who she really is and forgetting the lies maliciously
invented against her.
( From The Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia

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