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Psychology Assignment

Q1. What is functional fixedness?

Q2. What are the two types of thinking according to J.P. Guilford?
Q3. What is mental image?
Q4. How language can be developed? Take help of a theoretical proposition to explain
language acquisition.
Q5.Write down the stages of the development of language in children.
Q6. What is problem solving? Explain the steps of problem solving with the help of an example.
Q7.Explain the major components of divergent thinking.
Q8. Is language and thought related? Take help of hypotheses to explain the relationship.
Q9.Explain motivational cycle with the help of an example.
Q10. How biological motives differ from psychosocial drives?
Q11.What do you mean by biological motives? Discuss different types of biological motives.
Q12.What is the role of culture in the expression of emotion? Elaborate with examples.
Q13.Establish a relationship between curiosity and exploration.
Q14.What is the frustration aggression hypothesis? Explain.
Q15.Discuss basic form of conflicts with examples?

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