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Disclaimer from Sarsen Games ltd. The contents of this book is designed to enhance and elevate your Dungeons and Dragons experience. Sarsen Games Ite implores players and Game Masters to adopt a fair and respectful playstyle when using any content that refers to alcohol and/or organic substances that alter, influence or debilitate. We urge gamers to use this content sensibly and respectfully; we do not condone the use of this material for any fictional story-telling that reflects the abuse or violation of a character and are not responsible for any misuse of content by players or Game Masters. Dear Reader, My name is Cicely Longbottom, and this is my story. As a girl, I loved plants. Cooking, growing, tending - I was always outdoors, in nature. Growing up, well somethings never change... L spent my youth traveling the world, documenting the most fascinating, deadly, and peculiar plants trom all across the land. From the ocean's coast to the Underdark, I discovered the hidden world of Hora and I recorded what they do, how they grow and where to find them! L met butchers, bakers, and botanists alike that cooked incredible things with these plants - L studied their recipes in their kitchens and made many a friend along the way. My Herbal Journal is record of my tite-long adventures, it’s full of plants herbs and recipes that cure, curse, and even kill. But youth does not last forever, and age has caught up with me That is why I'm giving it to you now. Take it, enjoy it, try the recipes on your friends and your foes, Happy Foraging! Love, Cicely WoodLaND 10.11. BLoop Iw 12-13 BurstBerry 14-15 Secrer Lear 16-17 Scarter Mitk Cap 18-19 Ootewooo & 20.21 Servant Rose 22-23 Deno Witow 24-25 EartTw Toncue GRASSLAND 28-29 Fuooteserry 30-31 CHaRM-BREAKER 32-33 Seer Lear 34-35 Fear Poppy 36-37 Lire Lear 38-39 Dear Seoce 40-41 Sour Sight Swamp 44-45 Boo's Bane 46-47 Acio Reeo 48-49 Snake WHEAT Contents 50-51 VeNom Vine 52-53 Four Mattow JUNGLE 56-57 Druio's Fist 58-59 DeatH Dream 2 60-61 Love Tree 62-63 Gras Grass & 64-65 Worto Root 66-67 ALoe Satve Mountains 70-71 Merat Petar 72-173 Bott Bloom 74-75 Rock Lear 76-77 Rock Breaker 78-179 THUNDER THORN 80-81 Cumaine DeatH & Fey PLanes 84-85 Emper TREE 86-87 Macnum OrcHio S Contents 88-89 Fev Fur 90-91 CHILD oF EARTH 92-93 Travet Pansy 94-95 Sky Roor URBAN 98-99 BansHee Moss 100-101 Guosrt Rice 102-103 Tavern FLoweR 104-105 Winter's Kiss” 106-107 Hex Rose TunorA 110-111 Moon Fern 112-113 Fiurry Blossom 114-115 Livy oF THe Mist 116-117 Winter Rose 118-119 Witch Berry 120-121 BreatH Buia Aquatic 124-125 RiveRweeo 126.127 Tioe Lear 128-129 Flow Flower 130-131 Sense STEALER 132-133 ANcHoR Trap & 134-135 Po.vweeo Desert 138-139 PHOENIX FeRN 140-141 Betcy Ba 142-143 WitHerine Lire 144-145 Jumewort 146-147 Battie Cactus 148-149 Desert River 1950-151 Button Rock UNDERDARK 954-155 Litvy Lame 156-157 Maoweeo 158-159 Mace Cae 160-161 GLowstone 162-163 Map SHackLe &,- Piants For compat Contents & Creatures 164-165 Hosste Potten 189 ALpHaBeTicAL GLossARY 166 Perat BuicHT 190 AvPHaseTicat GLossaRY 167 Yucca Bome 191 ALPHaBeTicaL GLossarY 168-169 KeLr BuicHT 192 ALpHaBeTicaL Glossary 170-171 Trae Hyora 172-173 Myconio BeHemoTH Boranist Cass 174-179 Derans 179 PHyTocHEMmisTRy SuBcLAss 196 Eno Pace 180-182 Toxicotocy Susctass 183-184 PHarmacotocy Susctass 185 -188 Bio-morPHoLocy Susciass 188 - THe Botanist TasLe The Biome Key These markers tell you where you're most likely to find the plants growing, and what environments they tend to favour. wD | ne ee Hedera tox 100 Aa] poojg 10 Name: Hedera tox Nickname: Blood Ivy Distinguished Creeper Vine Fami Descriptions/Notes: Hedera tox is a thick growing, luscious ivy that sprawls across any surface porous enough for its shallow roots to grip on to. It's large red leaves and thick stems make it a hardy, fast growing creeper vine, quickly engulfing entire tree trunks, ruined buildings and entire forest floors. Poison: Forest's Fury This type of Ivy can be boiled down into a potent solution that makes for a nasty poison. Simply collect the leaves, grind them into a powdery paste, and boil in a large pan of water until the water has almost entirely evaporated. The grainy, solution will have a consistency like sand and syrup, which can be slipped into any meal or drink for devastating effect. The Effect: When in its natural habitat, movement through Hedara tox is treated as difficult terrain and eyery Sf of movemen! spent moving through it deals 1 poison damage. Whomever consumes Forest's Fury Poison must make a Constitution saving throw; On a fail they take 4d8 poison damage. You take half damage on a successful save and regardless of the saving throw, you are now yulnerable* to poison damage for A hours or until cured. *takes double damage Size Furta fruticosa 002 Ze) Size Name: Furta fruticosa Nickname: Burstberry Family: Fruiting Shrub Descriptions/Notes: Furta fruticosa is an exotic fruiting shrub. The large, strange looking berries are filled with a type of organic, custardy goo which, upon the slightest touch, will burst and spray seeds and liquid in a 10ft area around itself. Botanists have studied Burstberries and realised that the fragility of their casing is intentional - as a form of seed dispersal, and it is effective. It often bursts on mammals and birds, harmlessly sticking to their fur and feathers. This means it can travel quite far before falling of and attempting to grow again Recipe: Burstberry Pie If you are careful enough, you can collect Burstberry fruit for harvest. The fruit's custardy inside is sweet and full of citrus, with a strong floral aroma. Perfect for a flan or open pie filling. Simply add to an already prepared case or crust and allow to set in a cold store or cellar. The Effect: Because of the delicate nature of Burstberry shrubs, and the aromatic filling of their fruits, they give the consumer advantage on Sleight of Hand checks and Perception Checks based on Smell, for 2 hours. «| Ocotillo secretum hd £00. # Ipayheloes Name: Ocotillo secretum Nickname: Secret Leaf \ Family: Semi-Succulent Woodland Plant Descriptions/Notes: Ocotillo secretum gets its reputation from its unique interaction with water. It grows amongst the forest undergrowth where, to the untrained eye, it looks like nothing but a bunch of dead sticks. The only time it changes, is when it is exposed to water. If it rains, or if it is exposed to water by magical means, it blooms almost immediately into a lush multicoloured bouquet of beautiful flowers that open and close like urchins on a coral reef. The flowers are quite difficult to obtain, due to tke difficulty in identifying the plant, but they do hold an incredible ability to alter the minds of those that consume it. Potion: Secret Leaf With a pestle and mortar, a little time and a careful set of hands, you can make a vial of Secret Leaf potion. A vial of Secret Leaf potion must be ingested for the effects of the potion to take effect. Once it is, the consumer is unable to lie for 1 hour. They cannot magically hide their true form, they cannot say anything but the truth, they cannot deceive, falsify or distort facts in any way. Making Secret Leat Potion requires both a successful Sleight of Hand check and a successful Nature check. Lactarius rubrum etal BD YIIW 49] my > NS = y RS (fX 4 2D) Name: Lactarius rubrum Nickname: Scarlet Milk Cap invasive Fungi Descriptions/Notes: Lactarius rubrum, better known as Scarlet Milk Cap, is a wild, strangely capped fungus that grows tall from the deadwood and fallen trees of forests, heathlands and swamps It's central stalk acts as a pillar from which many heads and caps grow. The colour is thought to be linked to the acidity of soil and surrounding ground; it grows in a variety of different shades of red, clay brown and magenta The Scarlet Milk Cap has a pungent odour, it's thick fleshy caps release a small spore cloud that deters predators but also acts as a network of nerves and sensors for the fungus. Through this symbiotic relationship with its spores, it can sense its surroundings and gauge the threat level it is under. Should it feel threatened, the caps will shrink into the stalk and the spores will intensify to mask its location. ‘Scarlet Milk: The caps of Lactarius rubrum hold a milky water that flows through the body of the fungus and helps it grow. You can cut the caps open and drink the milk from inside for sustenance. Drinking the natural milk of a Scarlet Milk Cap grants you +5 Perception for ability checks for 12 hours. However, the odour is so strong that you simultaneously suffer -5 to all Charisma checks for 12 hours. as well. a 5 8 = 8 Q yy aa Vita drosera 005 NV TY 7 ‘iad ' lala Pal es = te SS SS’ FAI \NAS > F soo eee: POOMeZ0Q 18 Name: Vita drosera Nickname: Oozewood Family: Carnivorous Tendril Plant Descriptions/Notes: Oozewood is a carnivorous plant with a thick woody trunk and dozens of branch- like tendrils. The tendrils can grow up to 5 feet long and ooze a sticky substance that restrains anything it touches. It is found in the dark depths of swamps, bogs, woodlands and rainforests where there is little orno soil nutrients. Once restrained, the arms roll up their victim into a central mouth at the plant's base. The plant cannot eat its prey whole, so the ooze paralyzes whatever it catches and holds it aloft the woody beak that slowly bites at its victim, eating it alive piece by piece. The Effect: This Plant acts out of instinct, but for the sake of combat it has: Armor Class: 12 (natural armour) Hit Points: 58 (8d10 + 5) Movement speed: 0 Senses Tremorsense (30ft) Range: l0ft for Bite and Restrain Challenge Rating: 2 (400 xP) Restrain: Oozewood plants can use their sticky arms to try and restrain a creature. They have 1d4 large arms for restraining. Any creature restrained will be dragged to the beak ‘on the plant's next turn. Bite: The woody beak at the centre of the plant can make a bite attack. Make a melee attack against a target, with advantage if they are restrained. On a hit they take 2d6 piercing damage. ae ASL Rosa capio — 7 900 SOY JUDAIOS 20 Name: Rosa capio Nickname: Servant Rose Family: Extremely rare and sensitive perennial Descriptions/Notes: Rosa capio is unmistakable. A single perfect blocm on a budding, beautiful Rose bush is your first warning; as you move closer, a sweet, mouth-watering aroma draws you in, but do not be fooled. Rosa capio, now known as the Servant Rose, is a perennial plant, but if is extremely rare, and require constant attendance to ensure + doesn't wilt and die. This is the reason it uses its pollen spores to infiltrate the minds of its victims; ensnaring all who get too close and turning them into a Servant of the Rose, if you succumb to it, you're only purpose becomes to protect it and feed it. The Effect A creature that moves within 10ft of the Rose bloom must make a DC 25 Wisdom Saving throw or become Enthralled for 24 hours. When Enthralled the pollen spores of the Rose have hijacked your body and your sole function Is to protect the Plant. This includes feeding, watering, protecting and in some extreme circumstances, relocating the plant fo a safer location. When Enthralled you view all creatures that come within 15ft of the rose as hostile and attack them. You cannot rest, and you do not voluntarily move more than 30ft away from the rose. If you are forcibly removed, you suffer 1 short term madness every 3 hours until you return to plant's aura. After 24 hours you must make the DC Wisdom Saving throw again or become Enthralled for another 24 hours: Each suseqieammntea \ a, -3 from the last. Ry S RS NS ) Sy a Ss 5 SI s iS N S Sy g Q 22 Name: Salix mortalitas Nickname: Dead Willow Family: Carnivorous Tree Descriptions/Notes: In the darkest corners of the world, the forests hove evolved into strange, unnerving creatures, In these dead woods, there broods a tuly abominable tree that has learnt from the carnivorous plants that litter its desolate floor. Over time it has evalved to consume mare than just water and sunlight. The Salix mortalitas, or Dead Willow as it is known, is a fell, sentient, tree that grows in uniquely bleak and nutrient-baron woodlands. It's long, barbed willow branches sway in the wind and latch onto anything they touch, mummifying prey in ribbons of vine and leaf - digesting it atop its gruesome blood-soaked canopy. Dead Willow Tree: Armor Class: 16 (natural armour) Hit Points: 80 (I0d10 + 4) Movement speed: 0 Range: 15ft for Tendril and Restrain Senses: Tremorsense (30ft) Challenge Rating: 4 (850 XP) Restrain: Dead Willow trees can use their barbed vines to try and restrain a creature within range. A restrained creature must pass a DCI6 save to no longer be restrained. Tendri Dead to hit and deal 1d8 acid damage on a successful attack. w trees can use their barbed vines to attack a creature. They gain a +2 Innate Cantrips: Dead Willow trees can cast Acid Splash, Thorn Whip and Sapping Strike. They can cast each cantrip three times a day and these refresh at dawn. 23 Size Gaia lycoperdon 800 anbuo] YiIo7 Ry J S = 8 ~ yy ie Name: Gaia lycoperdon Nickname: Earth Tongue Family: Magical Fungus Descriptions/Notes: Gaia lycoperdon, also known as Earth Tongue is a common stalked fungus that is found in magical forests. It's part of the natural circle of recycling the magics of the land, back into the earth after the trees age and die. It is magical in nature and is known to elevate the senses and aid in the casting of and protection from spells. It's red spotted cap can grow to the size of a human hand, but size and shape varies a lot from one fungus to another. It is not without side effects either; it does indeed possess magical properties that aid the mind, but in doing so it can cause acute tiredness and fatigue to the body. Because of this they are not recommended for use in a close quarters fight. Magic users prefer to forage them and consume them when intending to cast spells ina safer environment, for example, scrying, or supporting a battle from a safe distance Cooked Earth Tongue Earth Tongue is edible and can be fried, grilled o- roasted. When cooking be sure to cook until brown. Consuming Earth Tongue grants you +2 Wisdom cnd proficiency with Nature skill checks and saving throws for one week. You also have advantage of wisdom saving throws for 24 hours, but you suffer -2 to Strength skill checks and saving throws for ‘one week. Paes A Tae ee : Perterbia ribes 009 Auagejppny 28 Name: Perterbia ribes Nickname: Fuddleberry : Wild Lowland Shrub Descriptions/Notes: Perterbia ribes can be found in most lowlands and heathlands. It is a short, scratchy bush covered in purple berries, easily distinguished by their bright pink flecks. Fuddleberries are widely known for their confusing properties, if ingested you are easily confused and easily persuaded. They are not recommended for eating due to their side effects but are a highly sought after ingredient in many potions and alchemical brews. Recipe: Fuddleberry wine Fuddleberry Wine is a botanical concoction that drugs the drinker into an early daze. Trick someone into drinking this and they will be dazed and confused for hours. Crush the berries and strain the juice. Add to your wine or waler and heal for 30 minutes with spices in it so they infuse. Fuddleberries have a distinct colour that can give them away so mix with berries or red wine to mask the colour. The Effect: If consumed, you are charmed by whomever made the potion for 8 hours. The charmer has advantage on any ability check to interact socially with you, aS iS es J Sg <= | Name: Abduco hortensia Nickname: Charm-breaker Family: Clouded Flowering Shrub Descriptions/Notes: Abduci hortenisa, better known as Charm-breaker, is commonly found in lowland and grassland thickets. To the average person, it's no different from its mundane cousin, the Hydrangea. But to a Botanist, it can be the source of a valuable and inexpensive anti-poison. Charm-breakers emit a pink-purple haze when it comes into contact with fog or mist. They normally grow mixed in with other Hydrangeas so without this method of identification it is nearly impossible to know which plants you need. The aura caused by fog and mist reveals which flowers are magical and allows easy cultivating. It is not the plant you want; it is the cloud around it - the airborne pollen is what you'll need to bottle for the anti-poison below. Inhalant Antidote: Charm-breaker Mist Bottling a vial of Charm-breaker Mist gives you one use of an Inhalant Anti-Poison, it is administered just like a poison, except, it cures, not curses. Accreature exposed to this Anti-Poison is immune to the charmed effect for 10 hours, which breaks any charm effects they are currently influenced by. MLE LLL Animus majoram LO 4097 1288S 32 Name: Animus marjoram Nickname: Seer Leaf Family: Perennial Herb Descriptions/Notes: e Animus marjoram, also known as Seer Leaf, is a perennial herb low, grassy biomes with good weather. It cannot grow in the cold, and so dies back in the winter months, returning in spring. Seer Leaf is a natural anti-hollucinogen and so is cultivated by the magical world as a form of protection against illusion and psychic spells. It's sweet citrus flayour and tender leaves make it a great culinary ingredient for sauces, soups and meat glaze. Recipe: Seer Sauce Seer Sauce is a rich, citrus gravy that is perfect for a table of lavish meats and vegetables. To make it you need butter, flour, water and Seer leaf. Melt the butter and combine with flour to make a smooth paste. Whisk in the warm water so it blends. Crush half of your Seer leaf with a pestle and mortar and mix into the sauce, finely chop the other half and fold into the sauce as it thickens, The Effect: Any meal served with Seer Sauce grants the consumer a resistance to psychic damage for 12 hours. Additionally, they also gain advantage when making a saving throw against spells from the school of illusion for 2 hours Timor papaeva Name: Timor papaeva Nickname: Fear Poppy Family: Extremely rare cereal Descriptions/Notes: Timor papaeva, better known as Fear Poppy, is a grassland flowering plant identifiable by its large black petals and distinct red centre. It grows in amongst the fields and hillsides of its red-petalled cousin, standing out in it's contrasting colour, making it easy to find It is, of course, a poppy; a species of plant from which both hallucinogens and seeds are derived. However, the seeds of this species have unique and consequential side effects. Fear Poppy seeds have hallucinogenic properties which only effect the brain's Amygdala; the Amygdala controls the brain's fear response. Inhaled Poison: Mist of Nightmares To make a vial of Mist of Nightmares you must collect the seeds of a Fear Poppy. burn them in a heat proof glass jar over a high flame and capture the fumes of the process Continue until the smoke turns from black to red. Discard the husks and siopper the red fumes immediately, The Effect A creature subjected to this poison must make a DC 20 Constitution save. On a fail it suffers 4d6 psychic damage and is frightened for 1 hour. ere Ee Jay a rubiaceae 013 f087 OfI7 36 Name: Java rubiaceae Nickname: Life Leaf Family: Evergreen Shrub Descriptions/Notes: Java rubiaceae, otherwise known as Life Leaf, is a relative of the coffee plant. itis an evergreen shrub identifiable by its bright orange berries. Like a traditional coffee plant, it's fruit has especially potent seeds. When dried and crushed they make you extremely lucid and energized, breathing life back into even the most exhausted of adventurer. Java rubiaceae grow in valleys where they are protected from grazing animals and hard weather. Beware, the seeds are not without side effects - they can leave you vulnerable if you aren't careful with your consumptions. Recipe: Liquid Life oll should do The seeds rst bo'cisesbotouMieyeietsed || Mad Mesrlon ich This can be done by leaying them in the sun or by exposing them to fire in order to roast them then grind using a pestle and mortar. Add the ground beans to hot water and boil. Strain the water through a cloth and serve. The Effect: Drinking this brew removes one exhaustion point and makes you immune to any effects magical or non magic that would make you unconscious for 12 hours. This immunity means you cannot be knocked out, but neither can you sleep, meditate or perform any other restful activity. Surdi carex vlo Mt ebpas joeq 38 Name: Surdi carex Nickname: Deaf Sedge Family: Woodland Sedge Descriptions/Notes: Deaf Sedge is a hardy woodland sedge with thin peaks and scratchy flower heads that grow high from a thick grassy base. It thrives in sunny, open conditions but is a particular nuisance in windy climates such as coastlines and open plains. The Effect: Surdi carex offers little sustenance and nutrition, after several failed recipes | have deemed it unsuitable for consumption. It does however have side-effects in the wild which | have seen used in very intelligent and creative ways. Nomadic tribes in the open plains and small villages along the coast use the pollen from Deaf Sedge as a deterrent to trespassers and invaders. The pollen travels through the air and eventually lands on the skin and ears of those who do not know the lay of the land or the path of the wind. The clans have learnt how it travels on the wind and they avoid certain patterns of the breeze; but anyone who doesn'l know this plant's behaviour and siumbles into it's path must pass a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be deafened for 4 hours. A successful Nature Check of 12 or higher may reveal this plant's abilities. down wind. es - most effective errent of local trib A satoval Wel ER me 3 8 S Ny ot} Ss ig Caeco lupinus O15 40 Name: Caeco lupinus Nickname: Sour Sight Family: Herbaceous Perennial Descriptions/Notes: Caeco lupinus, otherwise known as Sour Sight is ronically a beautiful flowering plant that grows abundantly in stable climates. Ifleft to grow, they can form bushes and natural hedges across any region which doesn't suffer from extreme temperatures. Thay have soft green and gray leaves and long multi-coloured flowering heads. Sour Sight gets its name from the effects it causes on anything that consumes it. Because of the debilitating nature it is often « favoured hunting ground for wolves and eagles who lay in wait for easy prey... Injury Poison: Sour Sight Oil This plant's appearance is anything but sour, it is a very pretty plant; but any whom consume it raw will suffer from temporary blindness. As such, the petals are often used to create oils and tinctures thal, when applied 10 a needle or darl, can severely debilitate from range. To make Sour Sight Oil, collect petals that are in full bloom and crush in a pestle and mortar. Strain off the extracted oil and collect in a small vial. The Effect: Any creature subject to this Injury poison must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or suffer 5 hours of temporary blindness. Poisonous i =e jhe — 4 BH SOUL] XON A horrid thing, but it must be documented, for the good of botanists everywhere... Size Name: Nox lianas Nickname: Bog's Bane Fami Invasive Creeper Vine Des. Nox lianas is a horrid but fascinating plant. Poisonous to the touch, it gets its ptions/Notes: nickname from the watering holes and surroundirg flora that it slowly invades, taints and kills. Bog's Bane grows wherever It wants in the wild but is usually found by stagnant water, marshes and bogs. Only the hardiest of herbivores can graze on it so it is very common. As such it is frequently sold at black markets under the name ‘poor man's poison’ by the desperate and needy who risk their lives to harvest it... Recipe: Bog's Bane Soup It has earnt it's name as a ‘poor mans poison’, the vines can easily hide in a root vegetable soup, and a single bowl is enough to seriously injure or even kill anyone who consumes it. It would never get passed the checks of a chef unnoticed, but to the commoner's eye, it's just a hearty meal... Enough to kill any poor commoner. The Effect: When harvesting wild Bog's Bane, you must make a Sleight of Hand check. On a failed check you take 1D4 of poison damage and are poisoned. On a successful check nothing bad happens and you successfully harvest it Whomever consumes a bowl of Bogs Bane Soup will immediately need to make a Constitution savint throw. On a failed save they take 2D12 poison damage: Dangerous and Poisonous apopoun! alo Size Name: Acere juncacae Nickname: Acid Reed Family: Flowering Marsh Rush Descriptions/Notes: Acere juncacae, also known as Acid Reed, is a water-side rush with tall thin leaves. It grows along the banks and ditches of rivers and waterways, stretching its roots into the water and creating a naturally woven cage of roots where algae and small fish form tiny colonies. The Acere juncacae uses the root cage as bait by attracting predators to the small colonies of fish that live in the water at its side. When disturbed by the predators, the rush secretes a sticky acid that sprays out and burns into the passing animal and sears its seed into the matted fur and feathers of its victim, thus dispersing it's pollen far and wide as they run away. Poison: Shambler's Breath: The Acid secreted from this reed does not need distilling. As a raw ingredient it deals acid damage to anyone who comes into contact with it. Harvesting requires passing a DCI4 Sleight of Hand check. The Effect: Acid from the plant can be directly applied to any blade or weapon as an Injury Poison and deals 4d6 acid damage. Alternatively, you can bottle the acid in a glass vial and it will keep for 15 days. a potent poison that's useful for Chee likely to run into battle on the road. Snake Wheat DUEPDLIOD WNUSUSA Name: Venenum cortaderia Nickname: Snake Wheat Family: Pampas Grass Descriptions/Notes: Venenum cortaderia is a species of grass known well by common folk. It is similar to its relative, the common pampas grass, but can cet quite a bit taller, reaching almost 10 feet in height at full growth. Snake Wheat gets its names from a common-folk tradition of using it's grassy heads as a replacement for wheat in the kitchen and a repellent for the farmers in the field. Though bitter and gritty in texture, it is much cheaper than flour; some have even begun to cultivate it in poorer regions where demand is high. Recipe: Snake Wheat Dough Snake Wheat Dough is a multi-purpose mix that frequently sits on farmer's tables and tavern menus. It's bitter, purple appearance makes it less appealing fo those who can afford better quality, but it's nothing to dismiss. Combine water, salt and Snake Wheat in a bowl, mix it into a dough then rest the dough. Shape into rolls, loafs or any other medium and rub salt and spices on the outside to form a flavoured crust. Bake with an oven or pit fire. The Effect: Asingle Snake Wheat Roll will heal the consumer ID6 and grant resistance to poison damage for 3 hours. A loaf of snake wheat bread can travel for 30 days without ©.=s * TS Size Hedera mordere 019 nN N ay iN a Size Name: Hedera mordere Nickname: Venom Vine Family: Perennial Creeper Vine Descriptions/Notes: Hedera mordere, better known as Venom Vine, is an extremely poisonous creeper plant that spreads underneath dead leaves, fallen trees, and other areas where it is not often disturbed. It does not flower, and its roots are very shallow so it uses all its energy to grow long ‘and thin, stretching up to 50 feet long in amongst the foliage if unchecked. Venom Vine is extremely poisonous but is not often used as it is well camouflaged on the forest floor and near impossible to identify before it is too late. Only a very skilled Botanist will approach this plant as it is possible to reverse engineer it's poisonous properties for a cure in the wild. Wash your hands after cooking! Recipe: Vine Jerky If consumed raw, Venom Vine is a death sentence, but in the proper hands, it's poisonous sugars and fibres can be broken down into a remedy. As it grows in dank, dark undergrowth, Venom Vine is very susceptible to fire, which is all you need Io this recipe. Carefully cul some small lengths _ of Venom Vine and leave in the sun to dry. Once dehydrated, cook the outside of the vine over the open flames until well charred. Eat while. hot, do not store. The Effect: If eaten raw a creature takes I0DI0 poison damage. If cooked, the creature is immune to the Poisoned condition and resistant a= to non-magical poison damage for 48 hours. Edible and Poisonou. Debilis digitalis 020 MO|/OW [nod 52 Name: Debilis digitalis Nickname: Foul Mallow Family: Secreting Flowering Perennial Descriptions/Notes: Debilis digitalis is a curious flower, that grows in boggy, marshy lowland. It's cone- shaped flowers bundle together in bright heads that attract insects and herbivores. What makes it different, is that instead of granulated pollen, these flower heads secrete a thick, syrup-like pollen. The milky substence is similar to sap. There is, however, a nefarious side effect, which makes this particular substance a converted favourite of the rich and royal. Nobility and high-ranking officials use this substance at dinner parties to trick their guests into a false sense of security before they inevitably ‘disappear’ or ‘have an accident’. Recipe: Marsh Mallow To make Marsh Mallow, you mix Foul Mallow into stiff creamy peaks and add animal fat and tree sap over a low heat until thick and s‘icky. The Effect: ‘Anyone who consumers Marsh Mallow becomes paralyzed for 2 hours. There is no DC save to stop the paralysis, however a successful Nature or Perception check based on smell, or a Passive Nature or Perceptior of 14 or higher, can reveal the dessert's true identity. 38) IZO SIS pindg 56 Name: Pachypodium telum Nickname: Druid's Fist Family: Woody Jungle Plant Descriptions/Notes: Pachypodium telum, better known as Druid's Fist, is a hardy plant that grows in rocky, jungle biomes and dense mountain forests. It gets its name from the fact that it's favoured by Druids to form wooden armour that is just as strong as metal. The trunk of the plant is extremely thick and its leafy tendrils emit a constant plume of soft green spores into the air. It is frequently harvested by Druids and used to make staffs, shields and armour that is much more durable than most other mundane wooden equipment. It is often surrounded by a fog of its own spores which it spews into the air for seed dispersal Blacksmiths and Wooderafters pay a pretty price for the wood, as they can use it to. make fine equipment from scratch: Druid's Fist also has a secondary use, exclusive te the petals that grow from the flowering crowns found at the top of the plant. Recipe: Raw telum Petals Eating the petals of Pachypodium telum raw grants you proficiency with any weapon of your choice, providing that weapon is mostly made from the wood of a Pachypodium telum plant. The proficiency lasts for 1d10 days. During this time you add your Proficiency Bonus to the Attack roll for any Attack you make with that weapon. Additionally, you are also more skilled at making armour, melee weapons and ammunition at a workshop or forge; During this time you can add your Proficiency Bonus to any crafting-based roles the DM requires you to make at a forge, fletcher, or smithy. Alternatively, you can craft improvised versions of equipment as you travel and become proficient in improvised weapons for the duration. an syuobIb DeDUOIG Death Dream Name: Dionaea gigantis Nickname: Death Dream Family: Carnivorous Descriptions/Notes: Be warned, seeking the riches of a Death Dream is no easy feat. This gargantuan Plant sleeps under the earth, waiting. Above ground you see a tree. In this tree is a small ball of yellow fog. In the fog you see that which you desire most. It is of course, an Illusion. The yellow fog is pollen. pollen which you've already breathed in as you're too close and so it is playing tricks on you; like the angel fish this plant sets its lure in plain sight. You must make a Wisdom saving throw; on a fail you believe that what you are seeing is real. Once the podium is triggered the behemoth that lays underground awakens 5-foot-high teeth spring from the ground in a 25-foot radius around the pedestal. The earth shakes and in one swift movement the ‘wo semi-circular jaws of the Death Dream snap upwards, shutting in and consuming all within range. This Plant acts out of instinct, but for the sake of combat it has: Armor Class: 16 (natural armour) Hit Points: 158 (18d12 + 20) Movement speed: 0 Senses: Tremorsense (50ft) Bite The Death Dream snaps its jaws shut and all creatures inside the mouth must make a Dexterity Saving throw (DC18) or suffer 10d10 piercing damage. It can Bite 3 times per day. Innate Spells A Death Dream can cast Entangle and Grasping Vine at will. SE 59 Ficus sano 023 | €20 29] GACT] > £ = ar Pay i S ms = aX Name: Ficus sano Nickname: Love Tree Family: Seasonal Fruiting Tree Descriptions/Notes: e- Ficus sano is a medium sized fruit-bearing tree found in warm and weather-diverse climates. It requires heat, sun, rain, good soil, and herbivores for seed dispersal; as such it is grown very well in tropical climates. 2% Recipe: Love Fruit The fruit of a Love Tree, Love Fruit, are a delicacy. They are small, ripe, berry-like parcels that are sweet and fragrant. They are often coveted as a sign of affection and have been known to be given as royal gifts, wedding presents, or confessions of love. They are usually omately laid out in a box made of Love Wood and dusted with lemon juice and sugar to compliment the natural flavours. Other ways of cooking include being dried, chocolate coated, or even ground into power. The Effect: Love Fruit are thought to be a potent aphrodisiac. Eating at least one ina single meal gives you advantage on Charisma checks and Charisma saves. Eating more than two of them in asingle meal gives you proficiency in Performance and Acrobatics checks for | hour. However, during this time you gain disadvantage on Stealth and Intimidation checks. x Size ET ete AE SSDIE) gol. Name: Capto phormium Nickname: Grab Grass Family: Jungle Sedge Descriptions/Notes: Capto phormium is a large, towering grass that crows thick and dense in humid, tropical climates. Its towering stature is the result of it's need to compete for sunlight and space amongst the high canopies and dense floors of the jungles and rainforests where it grows. It is a semi-sentient grass that has grown an acute awareness of its surroundings, but with no pollen, flowers, or particularly impressive root system it is vulnerable and almost defenceless. The Effect: Capte phormium is not edible, but its semi-sentient nature make it a very useful plant. The plant tries to grapple any creature that moves within l0ft of it. Once grappled it drags the subject to the centre of the brush where, as the grass is so dense, the crealure begiris lo sulfocale, This is offen used 10 dispose of unwanted passengers and travelling companions on an adventure or trek. Additionally, you can capture a piece of Capto phormium (if you're lucky). To capture a piece of Grab Grass you must pass both a DC 10 Nature check and a DC 10 Sleight of Hand check. If successful, you collect a single stem of Grab Grass and wrap it up like a rope. This grants you one free cast of 'Grasping Vine’, after which the grass is consumed. This cut stem lasts for 1 week. 4004 POM a=" = me re) a = aS S im.) Name: Liana major Nickname: World Root ncient Underground Creeper Descriptions/Notes: Liana major is the official name for the oldest and toughest plant life still in existence, These ancient roots carve their way though mountains and continents with ease. As thick as a purple wyrm, and as long as the continents themselves, these ancient structures once carried nutrients between the forests of the world, but now they are almost all dormant. Be warned, the ancient roots that dwell deep in the magical jungles and forests of the world are often considered holy so desecrating them is not wise. They're usually guarded by Elves, Druids, or Spirits of the Wood... Recipe: World Root Tubers World Roots are so old that they themselves are inedible, but great for direct and quick travel. The small trickle of nutrients that still flow through them often form small tubers which can be boiled, mashed, roasted or stewed. Once picked they last for 30 days before spoiling. The Effect: World Root Tubers, are infused with a tiny amount of the ancient, natural magic that once surged through these hulking underground causeways. If you cook and eat them you'll gain resistance to bludgeoning damage until your next long rest. Aloe pulchritudo @A/DG Bol 66 Name: Aloe pulchritudo Nickname: Aloe Salve Family: Succulent Invasive Perennial Descriptions/Notes: Aloe pulchritudo is an evergreen perennial that grows in tropical, semi-tropical, and arid climates. It is technically an invasive plant that grows easily and quickly in dry climates, but its restorative properties make it highly sought after and thus, it is heavily cultivated and dees not overtake the lane. Traders and Botanists can make a decent living fom Aloe; it is coveted by middle- and upper-class citizens for its cosmetic use and emotional protection, but they seldom seek it out themselves. It is common to find it in the wild if you're in the right biome, but it's not particularly useful right away. It doesn't offer much sustenance or benefit to tackling the heat in which it grows. It's true value is in keeping it to sell. Recipe: Aloe Gel The smartest amongst the aristocracy never go into a ballroom or formal event without having sampled Aloe Gel. When charm, charisma and dynamism matter most this extract elevates your presence and magnetism so that you're the life of the party - the one they'll remember. Aloe Gel is the natural substance found in the leaves of the Aloe Plant. The milky jelly fills the leaves and can be eaten fresh from the leaves or bottled and sold - either way it is valued for its effect on the body. Anyone that consumes Aloe Gel gains a permanent +] to their max hit points (once per month). Aloe Gel also grants the consumer +2 Charisma and advantage on Charisma saving throws for 8 hours, however, you have disadvantage when participating in group checks during this time. Ss oT Buel — asteraceae Metallum wa Si Name: Metallum asteraceae Nickname: Metal Petal Fami lowering Perennial Descriptions/Notes: Metallum asterceae is a curious flower that has learnt to tap into underground ores and metals and adopt the elemental properties of what it finds. As such the Metal Petal ean come in many different shades and values including Copper, Silver, Iron, even Gold. Its diversity means that different regions give it different names; Gold Leaf, Silver Stem, Iron Rose - it has many names. Itis a sign of rich land value and usually predicates a rush of miners or commoners who will try to ravage the land for some quick con The Effect: Metal Petals are not edible, but they are incredibly valuable. They can give away the location of raw materials, which you can harvest if you want, but the flowers themselves, if cultivated correctly, can offer even more wealth. The elements found in Metallum asterceae can bs used to make magical weapons and armour if combined with other materials. If you want to create a custom magical weapon, then the petals of this plant are your foundation. Asilver dagger, an iron sword, a golden ring - anything made from this plant will automatically be magical without any further work. You can customize it's power by exposing it to different elements, rituals, or spells during smelting and forging. A great way to forge new magic items. 71 Edible & Magical Fulguris allium 028 woojg 40g Size Name: Fulguris allium Nickname: Bolt Bloom Family: Hardy Flowering Bulb Descriptions/Notes: Fulguris allium is an incredible plant. It acts like an antenna, drawing lightning strikes down from the clouds, into its conductive ‘issues and through its vast root system below ground. It's usually found just below the cloud-line on mountains; harvesting in a thunderstorm is not recommended but the lightning strikes do usually reveal the plant's locations. Be warned, once you sever the blossom from the stem you will destabilize the plants conductive powers and become a target for any wayward bolts of lightning. Recipe: Battered Bolt Bloom You need Fulguris flower heads, flour, eggs and oil A delicious and creative recipe. You batter and fry the blossom whole and pick it apart as a sharing platter. Whisk the eggs and ccat the Bolt Bloom in the wash, then roll in flour until covered. Heat a pan of oil until bubbling. Drop in your battered Bolt Bloom and turn over regularly until the batter is crunchy and golden brown. The Effect: Half a battered Bolt Bloom gives you resistance to lightning damage for 48 hours. pretty plant, but a useful the less! one none Not a 029 fO2E7] JOOY ako known as Gorgan's Bane n some parts of the world, Name: Petriteris gunnera Size Nickname: Rock Leaf Hardy Mountain Fern Fami Descriptions/Notes: Rock Leaf is a coarse ugly plant found amongst rocky mountain trails and hillside crags. It's large, grey-coloured leaves can easily grow taller than a fully grown human, but their mottling can make them difficul to spot in the wild when naturally camouflaged against the stone it grows from. Rock Leaf is unique as it has evolyed to imbue the properties of stone, from which it draws sustenance. Over time the plant has learnt to break down the stone in order to grow and feed itself. As such, it has become a natural cure for petrification. Recipe: Rock Paste This simple salve can be applied to any petrified creature. Simply wrap the leaves around the victim and wait. Mix a thickener and oil together to form a sticky paste. Coat one side of the leaves with the mixture and wrap it around the victim. Young Rock Leaves are normally around four feet long, but they can grow as large as eight feet in the wild. How many you need depends on the size of the victim. The Effect: Creatures wrapped in Rock Paste will be cured of petrification after 15 minutes. Additionally, creatures cured of petrification in this way are immune to restraint for 4 hours and cannot be petrified again for 3 days. Rock Breaker DBD IXOS oco Name: Soxi Fraga Nickname: Rock Breaker Family: Mountainous Alpine Bush Descriptions/Notes: Saxi fraga, which means Rock Breaker, is the name of this delicate Alpine flower that grows in abundance over damp rocks and mountain sides. It's bushy base and dense foliage has become very hardy, piercing through rock and stone to access the nutrients of the sail below. It often grows in similar locations to Petiteris gunnera, but unlike our other entry, this delicate flower is not friendly. Saxi fraga causes Petrification. Page 14 Recipe: Stone Tea Stone Tea is a very simple mix of herbs, leaves ard Saxi fraga. Simply pick the petals and boil them in water, then serve. It is technically a poison, as the tea causes the consumer to adopt the Petrified condition. However, the Mountain Monks that reside locally to where it is often fourd, have adopted a strange right-of passage which has made it an accepted drink. The monks purposely drink the tea in a ritual, turnng to stone in order to become “one with the mountain" where the plant is always found. Being so close to Petriteris gunnera, which cures pettification, means the community can quickly cure them. This ‘baptism of earth’ has become quite the pilgtimage for mountain monks and bohemian nobles and a method of almost-immortality for the ancient monks who. are only brought back in dire times. The Effect A creature who drinks Stone Tea must make a DC20 Constitution Save or become Petrified. You can choose to fail the save if you wish. > rd J pe > a ~ a a bs Fragor falactum l€O 18 Name: Fragor falactum Nickname: Thunder Thorn Family: Thorny Alpine Bush Descriptions/Notes: Thunder Thorn is a low growing spikey bush that hugs steep cliffs and rock faces. Cliffs, mountains and steep valley slopes offer protection from the elements and act as a foothold for the thors to spin and sway in the open air. The thorns, which can grow up to the size of a small human, turn in the air towards the closest source of thunder. They often predict incoming storms before they happen, and so are used by coastal towns and mountain villages as a warning system to prepare for bad weather. Recipe: Thunder Thorn Bites Thunder Thom is edible, but it's so hard and sharp that it is often diced and part boiled before eating. Treat it like a root vegetable; raw or cooked it's a perfectly acceptable snack. ust be careful of the barbs! The Effect: Half a large Thunder Thorn will give you resistance to thunder damage for 6 hours. During this time, as a bonus action, you can add ID4 thunder damage to a successful melee attack made that same turn. Size Ettingera gh rigor ge ) " yjpag BuUIguiiD PT ea Name: Ettingera glomerorum Nickname: Climbing Death Family: Sporous Flowering Perennial Descriptions/Notes: Climbing Death is a dark, twisted plant that hijacks the mind and body in an effort to spread its spores and lead you to your demise. It is a perennial flowering plant with an incredibly heavy, but dense spore cloud. The plant can grow almost 10 ft high, and it is often mistaken for a tree due to it's thick, barked stem. But it is not the flower that makes Climbing Death so vile. It is the spores. The spores override the body's nerve system - completely hijacking your motor functions. If you are exposed to the spores of Climbing Decth you are a puppet, doing only what it wants; and what it wants is to climb. From the tallest trees to the steepest mountain peaks, it will lead its new-found host as high as it can make it. Once in a suitable location it will force the creature to latch onto any surface it can and begin to petrify it from the inside. If the hold over the creature is too strong, it will stay there and petrify completely, cracking or crumbling to release a burst of new spores in the heavy winds that blow at that altitude. All it leaves behind is the humanoid shaped husk of its victim. The Effect Climbing Death spores circle the plant in a 10ft radius. If exposed, you must pass a DC23 Wisdom Saving Throw or suffer the actions above. You must remake the save every 24 hours until you either succeed or die. The spores normally take 2 days to find a suitable locatiogggnd full petrification takes a further 2 days. & @ ent Bn Be ae . a J Size Name: Ignis anise / Ignis verum Nickname: Ember Breath / Ember Tree Family: Tree Spice Descriptions/Notes: Ignis anise is harvested from the fruit of Ignis verum, the Ember Tree. Ember trees are very, very rare outside the Plane of Fire, but cre quite common through-out the red realm and certain parts of the Feywild. They are one of the only naturally occurring plants able to survive in the red realm and so have become a luxury to outsiders through trade with the Brass City. On the Material Plane, they require a source of immense heat, like a voleano or lava pit, to survive. Recipe: Ember Bread The fruit of Ignis verum is a hot spice cultivated from its seeds. Once the seeds have cooled, they cannot grow into new trees, which makes growing Ember Trees extremely hard. They do however make an extremely tasty bread a Ember Bread simply requires you to add ground Ignis Anise to an existing bread mix The Effect: Very Spit One or two slices of Ember Bread will grant you resistance to fire damage for 8 hours. However, upon consuming you must make a constitution saving throw; On a failed save you take 1 D4 fire damage, on a successful save nothing happens. aa Magnum Orchid 86 Name: Unknown Nickname: Magnum Orchid Family: Giant Carnivorous Orchid Descriptions/Notes: Deep in the dense jungles of the world, there grows a flower so large and obscure, that the handful of people who have seen it, dont even know it is there. The Magnum Orchid is so rare it doesn't have a common name. It's size dwarfs the highest trees - it is a true giant of nature. The specimen | saw was 100 ft high, and twice aslong. The natural camouflage of the petals, combined with how thick and firm they are give the illusion of a cliff- face. Without being able to see the top of the flower, which crests above the jungle's canopy, it truly looks like a mountain side from the ground. Other flowers and vines grow on the petals jagged surface, further camouflaging the plant. The most noteworthy part of the Magnum Orchid, is tne formation of its ‘Labellum' and ‘Column’ in the middle - where the pollen is kept. The central part of the flower can only be described as a large ‘cave’ in the cliff-face fagade of the petals. It draws you in with the promise of shelter, which it grants in exchange for your life... Pressure-sensitive petals on the floor of the ‘cave’ snap shut an impervious ‘lid’ behind any who enter. Then, 5ft high acidic follicies brush the subject down into the underground belly of the plant where a pool of sticky digestive juices wait. If you do not escape, you will die - more accurately you will dissolve. The only hope of life once in this situation, is to find one of the many small tunnels that the Orchid roots create when burrowing through the earth; follow one and it will lead you to safety. The Effect: There is a reward for those brave enough to enter of their own accord. Though the plant dissolves organic matter with ease, it cannot digest the armour, weapons and loot of whom it catches. It pushes this bounty down underground into a second stomach where it is stored. Not for the faint-of-heart. It's the closest I came to demise... 87 Name: Sano bryophyta Nickname: Fey Fur Wetland Moss Descriptions/Notes: . Sano bryophyta is immediately distinct by its bright and vibrant colour..It grows on trees, stones and branches in all across the Fey Planes and in some rare place on the Material Plane too. It is often what gives the Fey Wilds it's distinct look. It gets it's nickname, Fey Fur, from its bright pink colour and spongey, hair-like texture that evokes the magical realms. Its bright colour deters predators from eating it, as it is usually a sign of poison or toxicity, but look are deceiving. It makes it easy to spot and better yet, it's very nutritious. Recipe: Fey Cakes Fey Cakes are mossy, spongey cakes lightly fried in suger. Simply roll Fey Fur into balls, flatten, and lightly fry on a campfire pan or hot stone. The Effect: Fey Cakes reslore 25 HP each, wilh excess healing forming temporary hit points until used or your next long rest. _— Ss = S) = y 9€0 Naturae prodigium YO out jo PIYD 90 Name: Naturae prodigium Nickname: Child of the Earth Family: Giant Trumpet Flower Descriptions/Notes: Naturae prodigium is an incredible plant that has the ability to change organic matter on a molecular level. It hangs from the thick, low branches of large trees, emitting a slow, constant shower of glittering, iridescent pollen. It is impossible not to see it, the showering pollen looks like sparks, seeping into the ground and fading away. The pollen is a passive symbiote and it fuses with anything who walks beneath the showering flower. It doesn't harm them, but it does change them, in ways we never thought possible. The Effects of Child of the Earth Pollen It is not enough to simply be exposed to this pollen, you must be completely showered in it, like the plant intends. Any creature who consciously choses to expose themselves to the pollen of this plant for’ minute becomes a 'Child of the Earth’. Their race is permanently changed to Plant. As part of this process you lose all previous race traits, but retain your appearance, with the exception of a few changes. Your hair turns into moss or grass, your skin gains a green tint and your legs gain a woody, bark-like texture. You are immune to poison, vulnerable to fire, indistinguishable from a plant or tree when standing still, and can speak to plants at will. You gain Darkvision, Tremorsense, can speak Terran, and can cast ‘transport via plants’ once a day. Your other stats such as proficiencies, health, and modifiers, remain the same. This strange metamorphosis has given birth to entire jungle cults who have transformed themselves into Children cf the Earth. Most use their powers to protect the Fey or the Jungle, but some brainwash people and grow in number - hoping one day the whole world will be one with nature... Iter hortensia 037 LEO ee LAE Asud¢ [@A01] om Name: Iter hortensia Nickname: Trovel Pansy Family: Multicoloured Seasonal Bloomer Descriptions/Notes: Iter hortensia is a beautiful plant. It's small, round flower heads bloom once a year in ‘an assortment of colours and sizes, all from the same seed. This plant is unique because of it's ability to talk to other plants over seemingly immeasurable distances. It's so good at doing so, that it can pinpoint the exact location of any plant in the same realm, and even communicate with those growing beyond its own plane. When combined with magic it can form a gateway to those plants that allows you to travel between them. The Effect: Travel Pansies get their name from their ability to teleport people and creatures between themselves. They are nature's teleportation circle; some say they are how Wizards discovered to teleport in the first place ond actually pre-date the common spell as the ancient way of travel. To teleport via these plants, you require a lot of them. You must either: * Be in a living field of Iter hortensia * Have 500 flower heads sprinkled in a circle You can then cast Teleportation Circle as normal. You may trayel to a teleportation circle that you're aware of, or alternatively you may ask the plants to guide you to a location you have in mind. The plants will use their connection to flora to transport you to a nearby meadow, glade, or forest where a similar plant grows. If no Travel Pansies are near to your destination then this is a one-way journey and you will need to either locate another meadow or teleportation circle to return. Be careful using this to travel between planes. Not all plants are the same, a'meadow' here is not the same asa ‘meadow’ in the Plane of Fire... 93 94 Name: Potentia rumex Nickname: Sky Root Family: Perennial Weed Descriptions/Notes: Potentia rumex is a short, sticky plant with huge intricate roots and thick leaves The fleshy, leathery leaves form a dense central base from which small pink flowers grow. The real miracle about Potentia rumex is the gravity-defying properties of its root system. During adolescence the plants cling to the ground for nutrients, but at some point after it matures the roots develop a unique anti-magnetism that rips them from the earth, perpetually suspending then between gravity and their new found levitation. The magnetism gets stronger with age, so much so that ancient Sky Root plants have been known to lift entire mountains into the clouds, creating fields of floating islands between the land and sky, which feed on rainwater and the micro-ecosystems they form. a Recipe: Sky Brew The delicate flowers that sprout from the young offshoots of Polenlia rumex relain a tiny amount of the plants power. Botanists have learnt to harvest these buds without damaging the plant itself to create a unique hot beverage. Pick the buds from the Sky Root and grind into powder.’ Mix into milk and heat until boiled. Add sugar to taste. Goats are usua 4 leund on the 4 Glands for m ts. My found on th ky islands fe U the milk The Effect: Drinking a cup of Sky Brew gives you resistance to force damage and a flying speed of 10 feet for 24 hours. the entire plant tha ane aoa Leland, it will fall, a on warne' Fi you will die. 124 of be Spiritus bryophya SSO/W eoysubg RS > eS ian 5 fp tat ~ Ss a S) its Name: Spiritus bryophya Nickname: Banshee Moss Family: Reclusive Hanging Moss Descriptions/Notes: A solemn, foreboding aura surrounds the land where Banshee Moss grows. Found atop unmarked graves, abandoned buildings and haunted houses, it marks the presence of spirits, and feeds off their energy. Clerics and cults pay good money for this moss, but if you see it, remember the rhyme; Spirits are tar, Spirits are near, Look for the moss and spirits be here. Cast tt in fire, inhale the breath, Bride, Mother, Naiden, Deny them my Death. Recipe: Banshee Breath If you're close enough to harvest this eerie and elusive moss, then you are already in danger. Restless spirits are most certainly watching, and if you want to survive, you must be quick. * Start a fire * Pluck a handful of Spiritus bryophya from where it hangs * Burn the moss in the open flames until it begins to smoke * Inhale the burning air ; The Effect: The smoke of burning Banshee Moss, known as Banshee Breath, grants you resistance to necrotic damage for 3 hours. T suggest you use that tine to some distance between yourself an gods-autul place you find yourself 99 Ll agical Specto poaceae 040 S2ly 4SOYS) 100 Name: Specto poaceae Nickname: Ghost Rice Family: Extremely rare plant Descriptions/Notes: Ghost Rice, also known by its botanical name Specto poacae, is almost extinct in the wild. Decades of unmonitored harvesting has driven the species to the brink, and it is almost impossible to find in the lands where it once grew abundantly. Vary little is known about this species of rice: it favours all the typical growing conditions of standard cereals, but its location remains a mystery. The one saviour is that, regardless of its status in the wild, it is held in high regard by Wizards and Royal courts around the world. There are rumours of private ghost rice fields growing underground in a kingdom to the east. It is said they use an intricate set of mirrors to photosynthesise the crops without detection Recipe: Boiled Ghost Rice You do not eat Ghost Rice for any old reason, it has no additional properties other than one - outside of this one incredible ability, it is normal. To harvest, cut the mature panicles and straw, then separate the grain. Remove immature stems and dry in the sun. To cook, boil in water for 8-12 minutes stirring constantly. The Effect One bowl of Ghost Rice makes you invisible for 3 hours. After any aggressive action you must make a Stealth saving throw DC 16 with advantage ~ on a success you are still invisible, on a failed save you are not, Now you know why they hide it. 101 Edible & Utility Fodio calluna 041 JOM O/4 UIBAD] 102 Name: Fodio calluna Nickname: Tavern Flower ~ Woodland Heather Descriptions/Notes: Fodio calluna is a low-growing evergreen shrub that grows amongst trees and thickets; it is often found mixed in amongst bushes and shrubs under the canopy of a mature forest. It is a form of Heather, and as such is exiremely cold-hardy, surviving severe exposure and freezing conditions, making it just as common in mountain forests as it is in summer valleys. Being such a hardy plant makes it easy to forage, commoners and townsfolk have adopted Fodio calluna as the universal favourite when making Gruit, which is mixture of herbs and spices used for bittering and flavouring beer Tavern owners love Gruit, it gives them different flavoured beers to sell and enables them to sell a barrel of ale that may be a bit 'off' by masking the smell with a herbal concoction. Tavern owners will always buy Fodio calluna or Gruit from you, as a raw herb you may be offered a single night's lodgings as payment, but for Gruit that youve made from seratch youll get proper coin. Easy money in a new fown Recipe: Tavern Gruit Simply bring | pot of water to a boil, add sugar, Tavern Flower and extra herbs. Cover and steep for one hour. Strain and cool. Pour the liquid into a Barrel or bottle and tap it when ready for use. When adding Herkal Gruit to Ale or Beer use a ratio of 70% alcohol 30% Gruit. The Effect: A few pints of Tavern Flower Gruit will give you resistance to cold damage for 3 hours. But you're more than likely drunk by then! 103 Poisonous Malus calluna | CVO 042 SSIY SJOLUI\A Name: Malus calluna Nickname: Winter's Kiss Z Family: Woodland Heather Descriptions/Notes: Malus calluna is the sister plant of Fodio calluna. It grows in all the same places and has all the same traits and is just as cold-hardy. However, during its evolution it became aggressive, forming its own defences against predators and grazers... The only distinction between the two plants, is the colour, Malus calluna is a rich, icy blue, whereas it's sister, the Fodio calluna is a dusty pink. Mistaking this plant as its counterpart is deadly. Whereas the Tavern flower grants a resistance to cold damage, Winter's Kiss does the opposite, inflicting cold damage. Many tavern owners have accidently used Winters Kiss in their Gruit by mistake, only to watch as one by one their customers freeze from the inside. This is why tavern owners pay for a botanist that knows the difference. Poison: Winter's Kiss Of course, if you're trying to hurt someone or commit the mass slaughter of an ale house, then Malus calluna is perfect. You can meke a Gruit and mix it into beer like ils sisler plan, or you can distil he flowers in a sinmering pot of water for a concentrated vial of poison, also known by the name, Winter's Kiss The Effect: Consuming any amount of Malus calluna, whether that be raw, in ale or as a poison, immediately suffers 3d6 cold damage. If a creature falls to 0 hit points from the damage they begin to freeze and automatically fail their first death save. 105 verlocked by a true botanist. - ft fascinating plant with an intriguing backstory. PL & Ae) Lt's often tng: judged by people, but it's real oe valu winjolpejou DsoYy Hex Rose Name: Rosa maledictum, Nickname: Hex Rose 7: Invasive Woody Perennial Descriptions/Notes: Rosa maledictum is a fascinating subspecies of Rose, originating from the grave of ‘an extremely powerful witch whose arcane power seeped into the soil and mutated the flora. Often tabooed because of its grewsome backstcry, the Hex Rose is left alone to grow wild and unkept across graves, battlefields and burials but a skilled botanist will recognize that it can be used to cure that wich it is accused of... Recipe: Hex Rose bathing salts The Hex Rose is not edible, but can be used to renedy curses, hexes and other afflictions. Like the witch and the soil in the story, you must let the magigal roperties of the Rose seep into you. P prop ee OW tle: cook should do iP Mix salt and gemstone dust in a dry bowl. Shred Hex Rose petals and immediately add to a bath y so they infuse the water. The Effect: oe Acreature that bathes cast in Hex Rose salts has all curses and magical diseases removed. Additionally, any unwanted afflictions or side effects caused by magical toalemtemeicr beinde eS are temporarily nullified en while in the water. he seful to slow ti ae of lycanthrop4~ Beautiful in a full moon. ATL)

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