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Marika wrote a cover letter in response to the above job ad, but her young niece cut it

up! Help Marika to put it back together.

Currently I’m working with a family called Taylor as an au pair. I

work part-time in the evenings and am responsible for looking after
their three children and helping out with the housework. They are
moving abroad in 2 weeks’ time, so my contract will come to an end.

I’d like to put into practice what I learnt during my studies in

Moldavia, where I did a nursing diploma, with a specialism in
caring for the elderly. I feel I have the relevant skills and
qualifications for this position.

Frank Piper
10 Rose Crescent
Inverness IV1 LLT Marika Pigionu
5/3 Castle Street
Inverness IV1 C9S
Dear Mr Piper, Tel. 01463 88734
Mobile. 077987725

I am writing to apply for the position of carer advertised in the

Inverness Courrier on 27/09/2012.

I am available for interview during the day and could start work
immediately. Please find enclosed my C.V. for your consideration.

I have always enjoyed caring for people and have a special

affinity with the elderly. I am often described as warm,
considerate, attentive and well-organised.

Yours sincerely,

28 September 2012
Marika Pigionu
A curriculum vitae
Complete the CV using the
information on the right.


1. Surname ………………………………………………………………….

2. First names …………………………………………………………………. a) +33 141 58 96 20

3. Address …………………………………………………………………. b) 20 November 1985

4. Tel. N°. …………………………………………………………………. c) Dupont

5. Mobile N°. …………………………………………………………………. d)

6. Email …………………………………………………………………. e) Baccalaureate Professionale ;

BEP certificate in Tourism
7. Date of birth ………………………………………………………………….
f) Sociable, conscientious, quick
Education - Lycée St. Exupery
worker & reliable
- Business School, Nice
g) +33 76031455267

h) G.O. (Gentil Organisateur)

8. Qualifications -
Club Med Ibiza
Front office – Hilton London –
9. Work Experience – 2 years

- i) Jean Pascal

10. Personal qualities ……………………………………………………… j) 55 rue de France, 83600


References: The Principal, Lycée St. Exupery

Head of Business School, Nice

Using the above CV as a model, write your own.

Invent if you have no qualifications or job experience.

Latihan Pilihan Ganda

1. What are the relationships between the speaker? ....

dialog_offering help and the responses

A In a doctor's room
B In a bus station
C In the office
D At school
E At home

2. What are the relationships between the speaker? ....

dialog_offering help and the responses

A Tourist - ticket seller

B Docter - patient
C Teacher - student
D Colleagues
E Friend

3. What does Dhea express?....

dialog_offering help and the responses

A Giving suggestion
B Invitation
C Offering help
D Refusing help
E Accepting help

4. What does Riza express? ....

dialog_offering help and the responses

A Giving suggestion
B Invitation
C Offering help
D Refusing help
E Accepting help

5. Who is offering a help in the dialog? ....

dialog_offering help and the responses

A Rizal
B Riza
C Rizan
D Dea
E Rijal

6. Hello, may I ……….. you? ....

A Let
B Need
C Help
D Get
E Excuse

7. Below are expressions of offering help, except ....

A Would you like some help?
B Can I give you a hand?
C Do you need any help?
D May I offer my assistance?
E Could you help me please?

8. Usually a shopkeeper say ……… when they want help customer

A “Are you busy? I need some help”
B “Is there anything I can help you with?”
C “Excuse me, do you work here?”
D “Do you want to buy our product or not?”
E “No thanks, I can do it myself”

9. Informal way to offer something is….

A Would you like a piece of cake?
B May I offer you a cup of hot tea?
C Can I get you some fresh fruits?
D Are you up for some chips?
E Would you like me to get you some cokes?

10. How do you say when you want to refuse a help from someone?...
A Thanks a lot for your help. I’m so grateful.
B Yes, sure.
C I’m sorry, but I’d rather to do it on my own. Thank you.
D Sure I will do you a favor.
E No problem.

⌂ Daftar Isi

e-Modul 2019
Direktorat Pembinaan SMA - Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

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