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Part B
25. You hear a school nurse briefing staff about a new policy.

The information she wants them to communicate to students relates to

a) checking for ingredients

b) sharing food during breaks

c) carrying medical equipments

26.You hear part of a consultation between a psychologist and an occupational therapist.

What does the occupational therapist say has helped the patient?

a) minimising distraction in the environment

b)repeating information from the session

c)asking her about her feelings

27. You hear a paediatrician briefing her colleagues about a patient.

When does the paediatrician say the patient can go home?

a)when he can consume fluids independently

b)when he has the appropriate medication

c)when she has received some test results

28.You hear a pharmacist talking to a patient about her medication.

What does the pharmacist say about the new medicine?

a)it should be taken after a meal

b)it is unlikely to cause muscle pain

c)it interacts negatively with grapefruit juice

29.You hear a dentist discussing treatment options with a nurse who has been caring for a nervous

The dentist says that the patient may consent to a particular treatment because

a)it will allow him to avoid stress

b)a great deal of work is necessary

c)his teeth are in very poor condition

30. You hear a geriatric nurse briefing her team about a patient.

Why is she concerned?

a)because the patient is reluctant to receive treatment

b)because the patient may try to walk because she is ready

c) because the patient is having difficulty remembering thing

Part C
Extract 1

31. Dr Chung says that people who grow up in warmer climates are more prone to melanoma because

a) they tend to have lighter skin and freckles

b) the sunlight is more extreme in those places

c)they spend time in the sun when they are young

32. Dr Chung describes a type of melanoma that is hard to detect because

a)it is similar in size and shape to a harmless mole

b)it is the same colour as the surrounding skin

c)its appearance changes as time goes by

33. Why was Alan’s cancer not found sooner?

a) his wife mistook it for something else

b) it didn't have the typical signs of melanoma

c) he thought it was a normal mark on his skin

34. How does the treatment described by Dr Chung aim to prevent the spread of the disease?

a)by performing a biopsy

b)by injecting proteins

c)by using radiation

35. How does Dr Chung recommend reducing the risk of melanoma?

a)using protective sun cream

b)avoiding sunlight altogether

c)covering the skin, head and eyes

36. Dr Chung says that the cancer risk of artificial tanning

a)is poorly understood by some sunbed users

b)is lower than that of exposure to the sun

c)is balanced by the protection it provides

Extract 2

You hear an interview with a midwife called Amena Nasri, who talks about the rewards and challenges
of her profession.

37. What misconception did Amena have before she became a midwife?

a) that doctors were responsible for deliveries

b)that midwives mainly worked with babies

c)that only women can be midwives

38.Amena uses the story of Elsie to illustrate

a)the wide range of responsibilities she has as a midwife

b)the importance of helping a mother make informed choices

c) the challenge of working with women from different backgrounds

39. Why did Amena advise Elsie to give birth in hospital rather than at home?

a)because it is generally safer

b)because of her medical history

c)because this is her first pregnancy

40. Elsie is considering giving birth without an epidural because

a)she believes she is strong enough to cope with the pain

b)she is worried about the side effects of the medication

c)she wants her experience to be as natural as possible

41.How does Amena say new mothers often react to postnatal depression?

a)they are reluctant to admit that they have it

b)they are not convinced that they can be helped

c)they are unwilling to accept advice of friends and family

42. What does Amena say is an underlying principle of her profession?

a) employing a combination of theoretical and practical abilities

b)delivering the appropriate help to each of her patients

c)improving the lives of the women she works with

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