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Factory Medical Officer Job Responsibility

 Check to see that employees have adequate     medical care, wages & benefits, health and
safety facilities, social security. Medical fitness test for new worker’s
 Medical Check-up for pregnant workers
 Medicine maintenance as per doctor’s prescription and instruction.
 Check the health status of babies in child care centre
 Handle employee grievance for ensuring good work place environment. Give First-Aid to workers
when necessary
 Check First-aid box medicines are in place and not expired, if medicine expired than replace
 Factory Medical Officer Job Responsibility Assist to doctors to arrange First-aid training.
 Medical test for new worker’s
 All kinds of medical test for new workers (Such as height, weight, pulse, Lunge, Eruption of teeth,
age, eye test etc. and prepare report.
 Medical Check-up to pregnancy workers
 During the pregnancy period check the health status of pregnancy worker’s in weekly basis and
keeps register.
 Interview employees to get an idea of the work situation and then negotiate with management to
get the amenities that the workers need most. Medicine maintenance
 Prepare requisition for medicine as per doctor’s demand and submit to the administration
 After got the medicine from administration keep it in proper stock.
 Medicine distribution and keep register.
 Check the health status to babies of child care centre
 Check the health status of child care babies in weekly basis and keep register.
 Medical fitness test for new worker’s
 Medical Check-up for pregnant worker’s
 Medicine distribution as per doctor prescription.
 Do first-aid work
 Maintain accident register.
 Weekly Activities
 Check the health status babies of child care centre and keep register.
 Form committees so that the employees have to achieve training and amenities. Monthly
 Counseling and motivate employees on absenteeism, migration, rights and responsibilities.
Arrange the first-aid training and keep the register.

 Check First-aid box medicines are in place and not expired, if medicine expired than
replace medicine.
 Factory Medical Officer Job Responsibility Assist to doctors to arrange First-aid training.
 Medical test for new worker’s.
 All kinds of medical test for new workers (Such as height, weight, pulse, Lunge, Eruption
of teeth, age, eye test etc. and prepare report.
 Interview employees to get an idea of the work situation and then negotiate with
management to get the amenities that the workers need most. Medicine maintenance
 Prepare requisition for medicine as per doctor’s demand and submit to the administration.
 After receiving the medicine from administration keep it in proper stock.
 Medicine distribution and keep register.
 Medicine distribution as per doctor prescription.
 Maintain Incident / accident register.
 Weekly Activities.
 Form committees so that the employees have to achieve training and amenities. Monthly
 Counseling and motivate employees on absenteeism, migration, rights and
responsibilities. Arrange the first-aid training and keep the register.
 Medical Check-up for pregnant workers.
 During the pregnancy period check the health status of pregnancy worker’s in weekly
basis and keeps register.
 Prepare trend analysis reports.
 Handle Bio Medical waste as per the Rule and maintain the records.
 Support EHS & HR team during Audits.
 Any other work assigned by the management related to health & Safety.
 Maintain Form 32 & 33 and other forms as applicable.


Assessment of Training Needs :This is first step / Element of any training cycle.

Following four questions should be considered:

1. Any Hindrance to performance? (Viz. unsafe conditions, acts, Personal
Factors & efficiency).
2. Is it important to the Company? (w.r.t. of cost of accident, hazards, losses etc.).
3. Is it important to the employees? (viz. basic training to new employees,
refresher course for old employees, Tr. to Accident Prone persons )
4. Whether above 3 points are correctable through training? (If yes, then only
the training becomes useful and cost effective.
How General training needs are assessed ?
Gen. Tr. needs are assessed on following ground:
1. Tr. is must for new employees as they don’t know about routine work.
2. Old employees require knowledge of new topics, new technology, process
revision, new methods and forgotten old items. Training for emergency
preparedness, safety audit, fire fighting, HIRA (Hazard Identification &
Risk Assessment), OHSAS, EMS, BBS & Sustainability.
3. Transferred employees in new Depts.
4. Technological changes in the organization. Addition of new material,
machine, method, process, equipment etc.
5. Multi machine operation/Jobs involved (safety supervision, computer data
feeding & accident analysis).
6. When Safety performance, productivity and efficiency fall down at any
level, training may improve them.
7. For creating Retainers to give Training to other.
8. Safety Records & Productivity Graphs are not satisfactory

When safety training programmes needed?

1. New recruitments
2. New plant with 3Ms (Machine, material, method) or equipment are introduced
3. Change in procedures (Improvement n method)
4. New information of hazard is received after any Accident or Incident
5. When Accident Rates hiked.
6. When safe behavior need Improvement
7. When Employee strength increased.
8. When Hazardous & Non- Hazardous Waste increases.

common methods in use are mentioned below:

1. Lecture Method: Oldest and most basic method. Large amount of
information in a short time. for big mob.
2. Discussion Method: Useful for small group. All involved and don't feel
3. Case-study Method : Accident case study- Q & A discussion for
CAPA. It is effective.
4. Role playing method : A play of Mock-drill by giving a situation of an
Emergency & different roles acted by a separate Trainee.
5. Business Games Method: More useful for business people to sell a
product / Services with the details of safety. It may be purchasing with
correct details.
6. Sending at training Centers: Like Institutes, seminars, workshops,
special courses etc. utilises external resources for required training.
7. Job instruction training: Train the Trainer to teach other employees.
Train for Job safety Training with HIRA (Hazard Identification & Risk
Assessment) (JST) involves four steps
a) Preparing the trainee (Planning)
b) Demonstrating the job (Doing)
c) Having the trainee performed the job and (Doing)
d) Checking frequently the trainee’s performance. (Checking)
8. Programmed instructions: In Book form or Quiz Type (Q-A Type)
9. Project work: Project writing is given to trainees. They apply their
knowledge to practical situations.
Other methods: Job rotation, New assignments, HRD training, BBS trainin

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