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ICLC 1st Plenary session

with Pastor Chidi Ezimako

Friday Morning.

Foundation school has a

tool for evangelism.
Foundation is the principle
that govern what we
believe.It's the bedrock,the
starting point of anything.In
foundation school,they
learn,they are equipped and
taught the basic principles
of the word of God and our
ministry.This is foundation
school of Loveworld,not the
one you got in another
ministry.I have discovered
when people argue about
certain questions,it shows
they haven't gone through
foundation school.There
are things you might not
understand but when you
go through foundation
school,you understand it.
It's a quick start for you to
flow and understand the
word of God.1Corinthians
4:17.The way God is leading
pastor is different from
other ministries.The way
Paul was leading his people
wasn't the way Peter was
leading his people.You
would get to understand
why we do the things we
do.Foundation school,It's
got several classes.And the
courses are loaded.Most
times,we take the
foundation school in
church,but we can take it to
where we want like the
inner city.In the weeks you
are engaged in foundation
school,you are transformed
and integrated into the cell
and church and such a
person becomes a soul
winner,then he
understands a lot of
things,he can join the
department and the
graduation is a big thing
and a very important
landmark.It should be used
as a tool to bring others
in.The church hall should be
decorated and every
graduants should look for a
minimum of three unsaved
people to church.The hall
should be prepared for the
number of
people.Everything we are
doing that day should be
geared towards evangelism
and soul winning.After
graduation,we follow up
two categories of
people,those who gave their
lives to Christ and those
who didn't.Every pastor or
leader should be soul
winning conscious.Ministry
transforms and we have to
become more strategic in
soul winning.The
atmosphere had to look
different and it brightens
people up.Foundation
school graduants and their
invitees should be invited
into the cell and church
again and invite them for
the next set of foundation
school and should be
monitored by the the first
timers ministry.We are
involved in multi-level
evangelism.Think about
people who are presently in
foundation school to talk to
them,tell them early enough
to bring people fir their
graduation.You tell them
,now you are being
blessed,bring others to also
enjoy what you 've
enjoyed.The souls you 've
won are the ones we see
around us in church not the
ones outside.

Rev Tom

Terminal Generation

We are not the ones to start

this thing .It didn’t begin
with us .
They called the first the Act
of the Apostles the next
phase will be the act of the

We live in a day where so

much is expected of us .The
clock is ticking the days are

Hen 11:39 -40

They without us should not
be made perfect
There is a race .This is like a
relay race ..they had to pass
the Barton they could not
be perfected without us
The Apostles talked so
much about the days we are
living in now
If we have opportunity plus
enablement then we have a
burden to deliver
“And do this, understanding
the present time: The hour
has already come for you to
wake up from your
slumber, because our
salvation is nearer now
than when we first believed.
The night is nearly over; the
day is almost here. So let us
put aside the deeds of
darkness and put on the
armor of light.”
Romans 13:11-12 NIV

There is no time for fighting

, jealousy ,complaining,
anger because there is a job
that needs to be done
.There are weightier
matters of the law why are
we dealing with that when
souls are perishing
“The end of all things is
near. Therefore be alert and
of sober mind so that you
may pray.”
1 Peter 4:7 NIV
“Dear children, this is the
last hour; and as you have
heard that the antichrist is
coming, even now many
antichrists have come. This
is how we know it is the last
1 John 2:18 NIV

“What I mean, brothers and

sisters, is that the time is
short. From now on those
who have wives should live
as if they do not; those who
mourn, as if they did not;
those who are happy, as if
they were not; those who
buy something, as if it were
not theirs to keep; those
who use the things of the
world, as if not engrossed in
them. For this world in its
present form is passing
away. I would like you to be
free from concern.
1 Corinthians 7:29-32 NIV

Happiness or sadness
should not stop you

What ever the situation go

and win soul …If you
applied for visa and they
denied you go and win souls
, if you are in America and
you don’t have a document
to come to Africa , go and
win soul ..if you are trying
to get married go and win
souls ..In whatever situation
you find yourself win soul
.That is the weightier
We were equipped for the
challenges of our day .We
are on the winning side

We are the ones with the

Barton at the very last lap of
this race we must deliver
the team a champion

We must be focused
because we are being
watched by so great crowd
of witnesses who went
ahead of us

Why we are saying we are

applauding the heroes of
faith you better know that
we are better equipped…
David is looking at us and
saying if I had a man of God
like Pastor Chris I would
not have needed a stone to
kill Goliath ..I would have
just blown on him

Don’t wish you lived in

those days …I blew away the
traffic when the driver
complained that there will
surely be traffic and I may
not catch the flight …the
driver screamed and said
he had never seen that
place without traffic at that
time before
Imagine what Paul would
have done with Rhapsody
Pastor Chris has not gone to
many parts of the world but
he is shaking them through
What are you doing on
social media ..you want
instagram to know you
shared some tears..you are
wasting resources
We will take advantage of
We will fulfill the Lords
agenda we have the victory

We are the ones to display…

seek opportunities to lead
people to Christ

If you don’t like me that is

not the issue
You have a catalogue of an
un answered prayers
..preach the gospel
That is all that matters

Day 2 - Morning
Foundation School as a
vehicle for Evangelism
Foundation School is an
avenue created by our
President to teach the
underlying principles of
God’s word as taught by our
When people argue about
somethings, the question is
have you gone through
Foundation School?
FS gives you the basic
foundation of why the
ministry is the way it is. It’s
a very important course.
Don’t say I’m already a
leader so it’s no longer
necessary, No! Still go
through the course, it’s just
7 weeks and it’s a MUST for
every member of Christ

At graduation, the student

1. Full of the Holy Spirit
2. A Cell member
3. A giver
4. A member of a service
5. On kingschat & has basic
ministry app
6. Understands basis things
about the ministry


This ceremony can be a
vital outreach tool. Every
graduate should be given at
least 3 cards to invite
families and friends.
Everything we’re doing that
day should be geared
towards soul winning.
It’s important you have a
database of the invitees
with vital details so that
Followup can be easy. After
the meeting, we should
Followup on 2 groups of
1. Those that got saved
2. Those that attended the
meeting but didn’t get saved
A special team within the
FTM should focus on this
and the graduates should be
a part of this team

The graduates should

ensure that those that got
saved are incorporated into
the cell ministry and ensure
they’re established.

This should be monitored

by the FTM and within the
next 2 months, these people
must be established in
church and the report
In the church we’re
involved in multilevel

This invitation should be

taught in the classes from
class 3 so they’re
prayerfully bring these 3

Every celebration in the cell
system should be geared
towards evangelism

Be a leader that’s soul

winning conscious.
■●■ ICLC 2019.
■■ Day 1.
■ Morning Session

■ Pst Vale Odu-Thomas

□ The Cell Sysyem As A
Universal Success Strategy.

The cell ministry is God's

classroom for training in
every area of life. It's not
optional . This is scriptural.
Exodus 18:(1) 17-20
17 And Moses' father in law
said unto him, The thing that
thou doest is not good.
18 Thou wilt surely wear
away, both thou, and this
people that is with thee: for
this thing is too heavy for
thee; thou art not able to
perform it thyself alone.
19 Hearken now unto my
voice, I will give thee counsel,
and God shall be with thee: Be
thou for the people to God-
ward, that thou mayest bring
the causes unto God:
20 And thou shalt teach them
ordinances and laws, and
shalt shew them the way
wherein they must walk, and
the work that they must do.

It shows us d pattern of d cell

ministry in d old testament.
There are a lot of things in d
cell system that can only
count out in d cell. When God
wants to raise and train you,
he sends you to his school.

Acts 4:13 msg

13 They couldn’t take their
eyes off them—Peter and John
standing there so confident,
so sure of themselves! Their
fascination deepened when
they realized these two were
laymen with no training in
Scripture or formal education.
They recognized them as
companions of Jesus,

This is what d cell ministry

does to you.

There are no schools in d

world for training in d things
of d spirit.
Acts 1:8
8 But ye shall receive power,
after that the Holy Ghost is
come upon you: and ye shall
be witnesses unto me both in
Jerusalem, and in all Judaea,
and in Samaria, and unto the
uttermost part of the earth.

Those who don't have time to

be involved in d cell ministry
are d ones missing out and
not d cell ministry.

2 Chr 26; ( You can read from

5 And he sought God in the
days of Zechariah, who had
understanding in the visions
of God: and as long as he
sought the LORD, God made
him to prosper.
6 And he went forth and
warred against the Philistines,
and brake down the wall of
Gath, and the wall of Jabneh,
and the wall of Ashdod, and
built cities about Ashdod, and
among the Philistines.
7 And God helped him
against the Philistines, and
against the Arabians that
dwelt in Gurbaal, and the
8 And the Ammonites gave
gifts to Uzziah: and his name
spread abroad even to the
entering in of Egypt; for he
strengthened himselfexceedin

Later bible says he was

marvelously helped of God.

When God wants to get your

attention, he gives you his
responsibility and he can
begin to raise you 4 himself.

If it's not working, it's not

because of where you are. If
you can follow d revealed
principles and means, you'll
get the result.

It's d secret of success in your

life. You must give it time.
There's no school in d world
where you're taught how to
deal with demons

Practice d spirit of progress

from your responsibilities in d
house of God.

God raised Moses in Pharaohs

house and d wisdom of Egypt.
But he couldn't divide the red
sea with al that knowledge,
until he went to d School of
the spirit which is the cell
system at the back end of the

This is God's school 4 life. It's

not 4 church growth only.

□ It provides a platform for

training in Ministry.
Any one and anytime you get
involved with d cell ministry,
you're headed for the top.

The cell ministry is your life.

Celebrate your involvement.
It's God's training for your life.
It doesn't fail.
Pastor Chris day 3

We are overcomers !!
Congratulations we are

Are you a soldier ? Yes we are

I mentioned a few mysteries
of the kingdom yesterday and
we started with one that is
described as a great mystery ,
mega mystery
If we were to discuss that one
for the rest of the year we
won’t finish but there is
something that is close to it
which I want to touch and it is
good for you because it will
help you in your journey and
your work as a soldier
You know satan hates you .. he
cannot love it is not in him to
“Labour not for the meat
which perisheth, but for that
meat which endureth unto
everlasting life, which the Son
of man shall give unto you: for
him hath God the Father
John 6:27 KJV


Some have said stupid things
about the mystery of the seal
that caused the faith of so
many Christians

Have you ever seen a seal ?

We may be talking about two
kinds of seal or three now
..ceiling like under your roof ,
under a bottle and like a
stamp .
The one like a stamp is like a
mark of authenticity, security

It means approval ; Jesus was

approved by God . God the
father sealed Him meaning
that God has His mark on Him
as His Son and one with
authority to give life
What is that meat that
ensures unto everlasting life ?
The Word of God,
And he told us my flesh is
meat indeed and my blood is
drink so God the father
sealed..He is the one
appointed to give life

Because He was sealed by God

remember something the
Bible tells us several times
even when they wanted to lay
their hands on him when it
was not yet his time , they
couldn’t ….No one takes his
life He lays it down himself
He stands before anything of
nature and they obeyed Him
.If Jesus was sealed then
When was He sealed? How do
we know He was sealed at the
time ?
How do we know ? How can
we tell? Do you know?
On one occasion you would
remember that the Bible says
that Jesus was baptized by
John and when he came out of
water the Holy Spirit of God
defended on him and he was
filled with the Holy Ghost and
God said this is my beloved
son in whom I am well
pleased.God said it because he
has to prove it for the benefit
of those there, for demons
and all of nature

Remember when Jesus went

to the mountain..

“And after six days Jesus

taketh Peter, James, and John
his brother, and bringeth
them up into an high
mountain apart, And was
transfigured before them: and
his face did shine as the sun,
and his raiment was white as
the light. And, behold, there
appeared unto them Moses
and Elias talking with him.
Then answered Peter, and
said unto Jesus, Lord, it is
good for us to be here: if thou
wilt, let us make here three
tabernacles; one for thee, and
one for Moses, and one for
Elias. While he yet spake,
behold, a bright cloud
overshadowed them: and
behold a voice out of the
cloud, which said, This is my
beloved Son, in whom I am
well pleased; hear ye him. And
when the disciples heard it,
they fell on their face, and
were sore afraid. And Jesus
came and touched them, and
said, Arise, and be not afraid.
And when they had lifted up
their eyes, they saw no man,
save Jesus only. And as they
came down from the
mountain, Jesus charged
them, saying, Tell the vision to
no man, until the Son of man
be risen again from the dead.”
Matthew 17:1-9 KJV

After that the voice

disappeared meaning he was
not about to preach a sermon
and not just for Peter and
those there ..it was said
because he sealed him..

When man fell he lost his

authority to Satan he lost
control ..now God commands
everyone must hear Jesus .So
Jesus talks to the water , the
wind , bread , blind eyes. Even
the dead everything responds
to Jesus because he was
sealed by God .And as long he
was sealed by God no one
could touch Him

This is one thing I received

from my father he gave me
power to lay my life down…
Christainity is not a religion
those who think so are
making a huge mistake

Now let’s look at some verses

“For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten
Son, that whosoever believeth
in him should not perish, but
have everlasting life.”
John 3:16 KJV

This is one of my first verses I

threw the search light at …I
have known it all my life I
thought it was a promise …
they sang it…and I thought
wait a second the language
doesn’t sound like a promise

That is a law ..it is a sovereign

declaration of almighty God to
separate all that believes in
him from perishing

If you didn’t know that verse

then your parents didn’t go to
church .If you are a christain
you must know it

Who so ever believed in Him

should not Perish ..that is a
law meaning they are
appointed unto life
If you don’t use the word it
won’t work
The Bible didn’t say ..they are
life to everybody but to those
that find them
“My son, attend to my words;
incline thine ear unto my
sayings. Let them not depart
from thine eyes; keep them in
the midst of thine heart. For
they are life unto those that
find them, and health to all
their flesh.”
Proverbs 4:20-22 KJV
Mape(health) means they are
medicine to all their flesh ..use
the word and the pain cannot

Here is what God said anyone

who believes should not
There is an heavenly decree
over your life
It doesn’t matter what
happens to people, you are
I don’t know how to run
away ..run , run?
For ..? I don’t know how to do
that. remember he made us
Kings and Priest.
Remember …they shall reign
in life .
The word of God does not
work until you put it to work
Some may say why is this
happening to me am I not a
Christain ? He said work out
your salvation meaning do
your Christianity, do it .

It starts with your mouth..

Who concerning the truth

have erred, saying that the
resurrection is past already;
and overthrow the faith of
“Nevertheless the foundation
of God standeth sure, having
this seal, The Lord knoweth
them that are his. And, Let
every one that nameth the
name of Christ depart from
2 Timothy 2:18-19 KJV
This means there is a seal on

You should read the whole


Everyone that names the

name of the lord departs from
injustice , unrighteousness,
evil doing , bad treatment of
Now that you understood that
let’s read some verses

..deposit like a down

payment…down payment for
like a property .They deposit
is an assurance that you are
going to buy that thing

Anytime someone else come

for that property he will be
told it is sold because
someone paid a down
“And grieve not the holy Spirit
of God, whereby ye are sealed
unto the day of redemption.”
Ephesians 4:30 KJV

So you are sealed by the Holy

Spirit of God , okay it is getting
“In whom ye also trusted,
after that ye heard the word
of truth, the gospel of your
salvation: in whom also after
that ye believed, ye were
sealed with that holy Spirit of
Ephesians 1:13 KJV

Like some will call people to

come forward to be sealed
..they can’t come forward to
be sealed when they received
the Holy Spirit they were
So don’t let anyone promise
you a new seal..you were
already sealed when you
received the Holy Spirit
“Which is the earnest of our
inheritance until the
redemption of the purchased
possession, unto the praise of
his glory.”
Ephesians 1:14 KJV

If you have receive the Holy

Ghost ? All these blessings you
are enjoying are just a deposit
..and a deposit is a smaller
part wow �

The redemption here means

full payment.
The Bible is like someone
giving you a document and
you are just reading your
inheritance things belonging
to you ..and they are telling
you things belonging to you In
choice places and you are
wondering is this a fraud ? Or
Wondering if you are going to
pay for it ..then you find all
you have to do is sign the
dotted lines
Then you hear the Lawer
saying just append your
signature and you are
wondering is that all ? Too
good to be true ? It’s true
“Unto me, who am less than
the least of all saints, is this
grace given, that I should
preach among the Gentiles the
unsearchable riches of
Ephesians 3:8 KJV
Unsearchable riches is like
someone giving you a figure
with like 200 zeros and you
don’t even know how to call it
and you are asking what does
that mean and he is still
writing the zeros

Unending riches …boundless

land , incalculable, exhaustless
..I will never be broke..
Riches of Christ, wealth which
no human being can ever
search out
And we were told that the
Holy Ghost is just the deposit
When you speak in tongues it
reminds you that this is just
the manifestation …
I will never be poor
Those of you who think about
There was a time when there
was no Dolar, Pounds ,
Euro , ..people came together
to decide how it will be done
and the value it should be and
how to limit its supply
How can I be limited by
pounds ,?
They also high jacked the
system ..they created several
curricula so that when we
don’t study that we can’t get
into what they have set
But until you break free you
will be limited by them

They are going to call it a new

technique this life we have
..how can you explain we put a
hand in a dead ear and ask it
to open?

Who made the rule that

everyone must go through the
long road… ?
Some many people are
struggling to be a part of a
failed system .Tell someone
come out of the box Jesus
already made you free
Think differently..if you come
up with something that works
others will follow you because
the only one given the power
to rule this world is the seed
of Abraham
Where was social media
Ago ..we were all Yahoo ,
Hotmail, aol etc

How many remember Vboot ?

Now when you see one now
you don’t want to see it
anymore ..Remember 404,403
Am a child of God and I am
very different..
That is go and mark the
intercessors in Ezekiel 9:1..so
they began with the elders at
the temple
In the earth realm they didn’t
know what was happing but
at the realm of the Spirit
instructions where given not
to touch those with the mark
of God
Am sealed with the Spirit of
God ..I have got the mark of
God in me
Because of this seal you can
stand before anything ..and it
has been commanded to hear
You have to learn the
authority of the adopted son

Ezekiel 9:1-6
1 Then He called out in my
hearing with a loud voice,
saying, “Let those who have
charge over the city draw
near, each with a deadly
weapon in his hand.”
2 And suddenly six men came
from the direction of the
upper gate, which faces north,
each with his battle-ax in his
hand. One man among them
was clothed with linen and
had a writer’s inkhorn at his
side. They went in and stood
beside the bronze altar.
3 Now the glory of the God of
Israel had gone up from the
cherub, where it had been, to
the threshold of the temple.
And He called to the man
clothed with linen, who had
the writer’s inkhorn at his
4 and the LORD said to him,
“Go through the midst of the
city, through the midst of
Jerusalem, and put a mark on
the foreheads of the men who
sigh and cry over all the
abominations that are done
within it.”
5 To the others He said in my
hearing, “Go after him through
the city and kill; do not let
your eye spare, nor have any
6 Utterly slay old and young
men, maidens and little
children and women; but do
not come near anyone on
whom is the mark; and begin
at My sanctuary.” So they
began with the elders who
were before the temple.

Like your father’s worker will

not just listen to you when
you ask them to stop working
They will only stop when your
father has given them
instruction you are in charge
of that work
Like the rain may listen to you
when you were newly born
again …like the workers may
stop when the toddler son of
the owner of the company
comes ..they know the son is
till ignorant so they may just
stop for that reason ..not
because they obeyed your
instruction because they
know the son is still ignorant

Later when you grow up the

rain will not just stop because
you are expected to
understand authority …
I prayed for rain To stop at a
time it didn’t stop so I had to
preach under the rain ..then I
asked God Why didn’t the rain
stop after all my prayers but
God didn’t answer..then I
realized Satan never gave
rain it is from God and we are
all sons of God ..so then I
started doing negotiations..he
gave the seasons ..the rain
came for a blessing not a
So when you you fix your
program near rainy season
you should prepare
When I heard a Pastor fix a
program near that time of rain
..in the same location I had
that experience.? I prayed God
please hear his prayer
because I know he was
praying …so when we do our
programs near the rainy
season now I prepare with the
right equipment ..come rain
come shine you do it ..so
prepare like that so you won’t
be angry with God without a
When you are praying for a
program God might ask you to
shift from that date or ask you
to go ahead because it won’t
rain that day

“And after these things I saw

four angels standing on the
four corners of the earth,
holding the four winds of the
earth, that the wind should
not blow on the earth, nor on
the sea, nor on any tree. And I
saw another angel ascending
from the east, having the seal
of the living God: and he cried
with a loud voice to the four
angels, to whom it was given
to hurt the earth and the sea,
Saying, Hurt not the earth,
neither the sea, nor the trees,
till we have sealed the
servants of our God in their
foreheads. And I heard the
number of them which were
sealed: and there were sealed
an hundred and forty and four
thousand of all the tribes of
the children of Israel. Of the
tribe of Judah were sealed
twelve thousand. Of the tribe
of Reuben were sealed twelve
thousand. Of the tribe of Gad
were sealed twelve thousand.”
Revelation 7:1-5 KJV
These has not yet happen I
will tell you when they will
When they were holding back
the wind they came to harm
the earth..so not allowed to
harm the earth till we He has
sealed the servants
This is in the tribulation
period which will come right
after the rapture of the
There will be 7years of
tribulations. First 3.5years
tribulations the next 3.5 years
great tribulation …
144thousand jews will be
preaching then and they will
be sealed…

The time will be coming when

the plague will be released
and those that have not the
seal will be affected ..we read
that you have the seal of the
Holy Ghost meaning you
have..don’t miss fear with
your faith you have nothing to
fear .It doesn’t matter what
happens in the world refuse
to fear because there is a
decree, you are separated!
Remember whoever believes
should not perish ..if it is only
one person that should be
saved it should be you ..Do
you know what that word
means? the Lord is my
Salvation.. That means with
every problem you already
came with his salvation …Oh
Pastor Chris is in trouble no
ooo..the lord is my salvation is
not giving me salvation he is
my salvation…anyone
troubling you in your estate ?
Don’t fear , you are sealed by
When you pray , pray like
someone who knows he is
sealed by God
Remember 2tim 3:16?
That means that when you
purchase a device the
document that comes with it
is the instruction manual and
with that instruction manual
you can use that device to the
full capacity
The scripture is the
instruction manual and there
is no other way to live this life
without using the
instruction ..that is why I am
here to teach you

Am separated from every evil

touch they
have no power over me I am
sealed by God
DanGreatness Edjeba:
ICLC Day 3
Morning Session
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

We are overcomers !!
Congratulations we are

Are you a soldier ? Yes we are

I mentioned a few mysteries
of the kingdom yesterday and
we started with one that is
described as a great mystery ,
mega mystery
If we were to discuss that one
for the rest of the year we
won’t finish but there is
something that is close to it
which I want to touch and it is
good for you because it will
help you in your journey and
your work as a soldier
You know satan hates you .. he
cannot love it is not in him to
“Labour not for the meat
which perisheth, but for that
meat which endureth unto
everlasting life, which the Son
of man shall give unto you: for
him hath God the Father
John 6:27 KJV


Some have said stupid things

about the mystery of the seal
that caused the faith of so
many Christians

Have you ever seen a seal ?

We may be talking about two
kinds of seal or three now
..ceiling like under your roof ,
under a bottle and like a
stamp .

The one like a stamp is like a

mark of authenticity, security
It means approval ; Jesus was
approved by God . God the
father sealed Him meaning
that God has His mark on Him
as His Son and one with
authority to give life

What is that meat that

ensures unto everlasting life ?
The Word of God,
And he told us my flesh is
meat indeed and my blood is
drink so God the father
sealed..He is the one
appointed to give life

Because He was sealed by God

remember something the
Bible tells us several times
even when they wanted to lay
their hands on him when it
was not yet his time , they
couldn’t ….No one takes his
life He lays it down himself
He stands before anything of
nature and they obeyed Him
.If Jesus was sealed then
When was He sealed? How do
we know He was sealed at the
time ?
How do we know ? How can
we tell? Do you know?

On one occasion you would

remember that the Bible says
that Jesus was baptized by
John and when he came out of
water the Holy Spirit of God
defended on him and he was
filled with the Holy Ghost and
God said this is my beloved
son in whom I am well
pleased.God said it because he
has to prove it for the benefit
of those there, for demons
and all of nature

Remember when Jesus went

to the mountain..

“And after six days Jesus

taketh Peter, James, and John
his brother, and bringeth
them up into an high
mountain apart, And was
transfigured before them: and
his face did shine as the sun,
and his raiment was white as
the light. And, behold, there
appeared unto them Moses
and Elias talking with him.
Then answered Peter, and
said unto Jesus, Lord, it is
good for us to be here: if thou
wilt, let us make here three
tabernacles; one for thee, and
one for Moses, and one for
Elias. While he yet spake,
behold, a bright cloud
overshadowed them: and
behold a voice out of the
cloud, which said, This is my
beloved Son, in whom I am
well pleased; hear ye him. And
when the disciples heard it,
they fell on their face, and
were sore afraid. And Jesus
came and touched them, and
said, Arise, and be not afraid.
And when they had lifted up
their eyes, they saw no man,
save Jesus only. And as they
came down from the
mountain, Jesus charged
them, saying, Tell the vision to
no man, until the Son of man
be risen again from the dead.”
Matthew 17:1-9 KJV

After that the voice

disappeared meaning he was
not about to preach a sermon
and not just for Peter and
those there ..it was said
because he sealed him..

When man fell he lost his

authority to Satan he lost
control ..now God commands
everyone must hear Jesus .So
Jesus talks to the water , the
wind , bread , blind eyes. Even
the dead everything responds
to Jesus because he was
sealed by God .And as long he
was sealed by God no one
could touch Him

This is one thing I received

from my father he gave me
power to lay my life down…
Christainity is not a religion
those who think so are
making a huge mistake

Now let’s look at some verses

“For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only bego

tten Son, that whosoever

believeth in him should not
perish, but have everlasting
John 3:16 KJV

This is one of my first verses I

threw the search light at …I
have known it all my life I
thought it was a promise …
they sang it…and I thought
wait a second the language
doesn’t sound like a promise

That is a law ..it is a sovereign

declaration of almighty God to
separate all that believes in
him from perishing

If you didn’t know that verse

then your parents didn’t go to
church .If you are a christain
you must know it
Who so ever believed in Him
should not Perish ..that is a
law meaning they are
appointed unto life
If you don’t use the word it
won’t work
The Bible didn’t say ..they are
life to everybody but to those
that find them

“My son, attend to my words;

incline thine ear unto my
sayings. Let them not depart
from thine eyes; keep them in
the midst of thine heart. For
they are life unto those that
find them, and health to all
their flesh.”
Proverbs 4:20-22 KJV

Mape(health) means they are

medicine to all their flesh ..use
the word and the pain cannot
Here is what God said anyone
who believes should not
There is an heavenly decree
over your life
It doesn’t matter what
happens to people, you are
I don’t know how to run
away ..run , run?
For ..? I don’t know how to do
that. remember he made us
Kings and Priest.
Remember …they shall reign
in life .
The word of God does not
work until you put it to work
Some may say why is this
happening to me am I not a
Christain ? He said work out
your salvation meaning do
your Christianity, do it .
It starts with your mouth..

Who concerning the truth

have erred, saying that the
resurrection is past already;
and overthrow the faith of
“Nevertheless the foundation
of God standeth sure, having
this seal, The Lord knoweth
them that are his. And, Let
every one that nameth the
name of Christ depart from
2 Timothy 2:18-19 KJV

This means there is a seal on


You should read the whole


Everyone that names the

name of the lord departs from
injustice , unrighteousness,
evil doing , bad treatment of

Now that you understood that

let’s read some verses

..deposit like a down

payment…down payment for
like a property .They deposit
is an assurance that you are
going to buy that thing
Anytime someone else come
for that property he will be
told it is sold because
someone paid a down
“And grieve not the holy Spirit
of God, whereby ye are sealed
unto the day of redemption.”
Ephesians 4:30 KJV

So you are sealed by the Holy

Spirit of God , okay it is getting
“In whom ye also trusted,
after that ye heard the word
of truth, the gospel of your
salvation: in whom also after
that ye believed, ye were
sealed with that holy Spirit of
Ephesians 1:13 KJV

Like some will call people to

come forward to be sealed
..they can’t come forward to
be sealed when they received
the Holy Spirit they were
So don’t let anyone promise
you a new seal..you were
already sealed when you
received the Holy Spirit
“Which is the earnest of our
inheritance until the
redemption of the purchased
possession, unto the praise of
his glory.”
Ephesians 1:14 KJV
If you have receive the Holy
Ghost ? All these blessings you
are enjoying are just a deposit
..and a deposit is a smaller
part wow �

The redemption here means

full payment.

The Bible is like someone

giving you a document and
you are just reading your
inheritance things belonging
to you ..and they are telling
you things belonging to you In
choice places and you are
wondering is this a fraud ? Or
Wondering if you are going to
pay for it ..then you find all
you have to do is sign the
dotted lines

Then you hear the Lawer

saying just append your
signature and you are
wondering is that all ? Too
good to be true ? It’s true
“Unto me, who am less than
the least of all saints, is this
grace given, that I should
preach among the Gentiles the

riches of Christ;”
Ephesians 3:8 KJV

Unsearchable riches is like

someone giving you a figure
with like 200 zeros and you
don’t even know how to call it
and you are asking what does
that mean and he is still
writing the zeros

Unending riches …boundless

land , incalculable, exhaustless
..I will never be broke..
Riches of Christ, wealth which
no human being can ever
search out
And we were told that the
Holy Ghost is just the deposit
When you speak in tongues it
reminds you that this is just
the manifestation …
I will never be poor
Those of you who think about
There was a time when there
was no Dolar, Pounds ,
Euro , ..people came together
to decide how it will be done
and the value it should be and
how to limit its supply
How can I be limited by
pounds ,?
They also high jacked the
system ..they created several
curricula so that when we
don’t study that we can’t get
into what they have set
But until you break free you
will be limited by them

They are going to call it a new

technique this life we have
..how can you explain we put a
hand in a dead ear and ask it
to open?

Who made the rule that

everyone must go through the
long road… ?

Some many people are

struggling to be a part of a
failed system .Tell someone
come out of the box Jesus
already made you free
Think differently..if you come
up with something that works
others will follow you because
the only one given the power
to rule this world is the seed
of Abraham
Where was social media
Ago ..we were all Yahoo ,
Hotmail, aol etc

How many remember Vboot ?

Now when you see one now
you don’t want to see it
anymore ..Remember 404,403
Am a child of God and I am
very different..

That is go and mark the

intercessors in Ezekiel 9:1..so
they began with the elders at
the temple
In the earth realm they didn’t
know what was happing but
at the realm of the Spirit
instructions where given not
to touch those with the mark
of God

Am sealed with the Spirit of

God ..I have got the mark of
God in me
Because of this seal you can
stand before anything ..and it
has been commanded to hear
You have to learn the
authority of the adopted son
Ezekiel 9:1-6

1 Then He called out in my

hearing with a loud voice,
saying, “Let those who have
charge over the city draw
near, each with a deadly
weapon in his hand.”
2 And suddenly six men came
from the direction of the
upper gate, which faces north,
each with his battle-ax in his
hand. One man among them
was clothed with linen and
had a writer’s inkhorn at his
side. They went in and stood
beside the bronze altar.
3 Now the glory of the God of
Israel had gone up from the
cherub, where it had been, to
the threshold of the temple.
And He called to the man
clothed with linen, who had
the writer’s inkhorn at his
4 and the LORD said to him,
“Go through the midst of the
city, through the midst of
Jerusalem, and put a mark on
the foreheads of the men who
sigh and cry over all the
abominations that are done
within it.”
5 To the others He said in my
hearing, “Go after him through
the city and kill; do not let
your eye spare, nor have any
6 Utterly slay old and young
men, maidens and little
children and women; but do
not come near anyone on
whom is the mark; and begin
at My sanctuary.” So they
began with the elders who
were before the temple.

Like your father’s worker will

not just listen to you when
you ask them to stop working
They will only stop when your
father has given them
instruction you are in charge
of that work
Like the rain may listen to you
when you were newly born
again …like the workers may
stop when the toddler son of
the owner of the company
comes ..they know the son is
till ignorant so they may just
stop for that reason ..not
because they obeyed your
instruction because they
know the son is still ignorant

Later when you grow up the

rain will not just stop because
you are expected to
understand authority …
I prayed for rain To stop at a
time it didn’t stop so I had to
preach under the rain ..then I
asked God Why didn’t the rai
n stop after all my prayers but
God didn’t answer..then I
realized Satan never gave
rain it is from God and we are
all sons of God ..so then I
started doing negotiations..he
gave the seasons ..the rain
came for a blessing not a
So when you you fix your
program near rainy season
you should prepare
When I heard a Pastor fix a
program near that time of rain
..in the same location I had
that experience.? I prayed God
please hear his prayer
because I know he was
praying …so when we do our
programs near the rainy
season now I prepare with the
right equipment ..come rain
come shine you do it ..so
prepare like that so you won’t
be angry with God without a
When you are praying for a
program God might ask you to
shift from that date or ask you
to go ahead because it won’t
rain that day

“And after these things I saw

four angels standing on the
four corners of the earth,
holding the four winds of the
earth, that the wind should
not blow on the earth, nor on
the sea, nor on any tree. And I
saw another angel ascending
from the east, having the seal
of the living God: and he cried
with a loud voice to the four
angels, to whom it was given
to hurt the earth and the sea,
Saying, Hurt not the earth,
neither the sea, nor the trees,
till we have sealed the
servants of our God in their
foreheads. And I heard the
number of them which were
sealed: and there were sealed
an hundred and forty and four
thousand of all the tribes of
the children of Israel. Of the
tribe of Judah were sealed
twelve thousand. Of the tribe
of Reuben were sealed twelve
thousand. Of the tribe of Gad
were sealed twelve thousand.”
Revelation 7:1-5 KJV
These has not yet happen I
will tell you when they will
When they were holding back
the wind they came to harm
the earth..so not allowed to
harm the earth till we He has
sealed the servants
This is in the tribulation
period which will come right
after the rapture of the
There will be 7years of
tribulations. First 3.5years
tribulations the next 3.5 years
great tribulation …
144thousand jews will be
preaching then and they will
be sealed…

The time will be coming when

the plague will be released
and those that have not the
seal will be affected ..we read
that you have the seal of the
Holy Ghost meaning you
have..don’t miss fear with
your faith you have nothing to
fear .It doesn’t matter what
happens in the world refuse
to fear because there is a
decree, you are separated!
Remember whoever believes
should not perish ..if it is only
one person that should be
saved it should be you ..Do
you know what that word
means? the Lord is my
Salvation.. That means with
every problem you already
came with his salvation …Oh
Pastor Chris is in trouble no
ooo..the lord is my salvation is
not giving me salvation he is
my salvation…anyone
troubling you in your estate ?
Don’t fear , you are sealed by
When you pray , pray like
someone who knows he is
sealed by God
Remember 2tim 3:16?
That means that when you
purchase a device the
document that comes with it
is the instruction manual and
with that instruction manual
you can use that device to the
full capacity
The scripture is the
instruction manual and there
is no other way to live this life
without using the
instruction ..that is why I am
here to teach you

Am separated from every evil

touch they
have no power over me I am
sealed by God

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