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Module 7
Digital Divide, Addiction, and Bullying
Most Essential Learning Competencies

What I Need to Know

My warmest greetings to my beloved learner! This module is here to help you gain understanding about digital divide, addiction and
bullying which commonly happened in social media. It gives you to have awareness of the pros and cons it can bring to our life. And
this knowledge could guide us face the challenges we can encounter with these different issues which involve with the use of internet.
The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary level of the learners. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

 Create a campaign add to combat digital divide, addiction and bullying

Specifically, you will

1. Define the following: digital divide, computer addiction and cyber bullying;
2. Discuss current issues about digital divide, computer addiction and cyber bullying and explain the proper netiquette to
address these situations; and
3. Develop a campaign ad to combat digital divide, computer addiction and cyber bullying.

 Create a campaign add to combat digital divide, addiction, and bullying

Semester: 1st Semester
Quarter: 2nd Quarter
Number of Hours: 4 Hours

Don’t you worry; your teacher will help you throughout your learning journey. So, have fun!
Lesson 1
Digital Divide, Computer Addiction and
Cyber Bullying

Technology is very significant in our life specially in using the internet. It makes our works in schools, offices and
at home easier and faster in communication, researches, doing business and other online transactions. It greatly helps
continue education despite of the pandemic. The world in the internet is not a hundred percent safe for us users. We
should bear in mind to follow laws and rules in order to be protected from any cybercrime. This issue shall be discussed
in detail in the succeeding activities of this module and how to conquer these problems.

What’s In

Before we proceed further, it is necessary to remember the concepts and ideas in on your past lessons that are important in
your current topic on digital divide, addiction and bullying. These lessons could be taken from the previous chapter of the subject in
Media and Information

Technology. Are you ready! It’s a fun learning! Let’s begin!

Using the Anticipation guide, write YES on the blank if you agree and NO if you disagree the statement. Read the statement

The statements in the Anticipated Guide Sheet somehow activated your learning about the issues in accessing the
information and communication technology via internet and its underlying ideas. You will find out later on that these ideas
are somehow connected to our current topic to be discussed.
What is It
Digital Divide (DD)
Are all members in the family having skills in digital manipulation? How your parent does enroll you in the school
this year? In what way, you communicate your family and friends afar from you?

Some of you may answers differently like not all members have the ability to use technology while other family members
can, some experience enrolling via online while others went to their respective barangay to get the enrolment forms and
lastly, others may be through letters or basic phone call while other can have video call as a form of communication. These
are simple scenarios that we experience of what we called digital divide.
Digital divide pertains to the social and economic imbalance of the opportunities to access to, use of or knowledge of
information and communication technology (ICTs). It is referring to a gap between sector in the community who can access,
has the skills and has desire to the internet and those who cannot. The unequal opportunity of the internet acquisition is
caused by the differences of skills, motivations and preferences of use based on category such as personal category
(gender, age, race/ethnicity, personality, intelligence and Health), positional category (education, occupation, household
and nation) and the resources category (economic, social and cultural capital) status of a person. The divides arise due to
lack of knowledge on how to manipulate the technology and understanding of its benefits as well and some cannot afford to
access because the income is low.
We can able to overcome this phenomenon by:
1. Lowering the cost of internet connection in the house

2. A law should be created to make all public places should have free internet access set by the government.

3. The different LGUs and NGOs should conduct a forum about the advantage of technology and how to use the
advance technology in rural areas.
4. The parents should be given with trainings related to technology by the schools and libraries.

Computer Addiction (CD)

Internet is significant to man’s life. It widens the spectrum of communication and accessing information. It’s easy to connect
to the people far from us.

Let me ask you these following questions.

1. Are you absentminded because you are thinking of an online activity?

2. Do you spend more time in the internet before you are satisfied?
3. Have you tried to stop using the internet (like playing online games) chatting but fail to do it?
4. Is your education, relationship of the family and friends or works affected by using the internet?
5. Is your behavior becoming moody, irritable or depressed if you cannot use the internet?
6. Are you escaping meal or sleep late in using the internet?
7. Does internet give you comfort in times of problem or having bad mood?

When your answers have many YES, then it’s a sign that you are experiencing Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) or known
as Computer Addiction.

What is Computer Addiction?

Computer Addiction means the inability to control the desire of using the technology (like computers, smartphones and
internet) or an extreme use of the computer which makes the person uneasy or anxiety in the absence of the gadgets.
Wherein the daily routine in life like work, eating or sleep are affected that could lead to social problem, change in behavior,
relationships and though process. The three reasons why computer addiction exists are depression, loneliness and social
acceptance where young people commonly experience.
What I Have Learned

✓ Copyright is a legal device authorizing the creator of a literary piece, artistic work, musicals or other creative
compositions the sole right to publish and sell such work.
✓ Plagiarism is an instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization
✓ Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place online
✓ Computer addiction is the excessive use of computers to the extent that it interferes with daily life.
✓ Phishing is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted by email, telephone or text message by someone
posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing sensitive data
✓ Digital divide is an economic inequality between groups in terms of access to, use of, or knowledge of ICT.

What I Can Do
CASE ANALYSIS: Computer addiction
1. Read the news article on computer addiction: “Four in ten teenage girls 'are addicted to internet: Youngsters increasingly
showing signs of compulsion with their tablets and smart phones.”
2. Access this website
3. After reading the article, answer the following questions:
• From the research, do boys and girls share the same Internet usage? Explain your answer. Cite statistics or data.
• Cite one real life example in your school or community of teenagers who have experienced computer addiction.
What happened to them? Have they recovered from their addiction?
• Give two pieces of advice from tablets for schools to avoid computer addiction.

Prepared by: SHERHAN S. LAARIN

MIL Subject Teacher

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