Effects of Population Explosion

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TOPIC: Different effects of population explosion in Pakistan

Thesis statement

Over population leads to several socio-economic problems for country and the people.


1. Introduction

2.Historical background of population explosion in Pakistan

3.Socio-economic impacts of population explosion

3.1 Food insecurity

3.2 Unemployment

3.3 Poverty

4. Conclusion

Development of a country depends on its resources. When population is more, resources

are less and people are unable to get basic life facilities that country cannot be called a
developed country. Same is the case with Pakistan, where population growth has badly
affected the social and economic condition. It gave birth to food insecurity,
unemployment and poverty. Which cause adverse effects on the development of the

Pakistan has been faced with the issue of overpopulation since its inception. Moreover,
arrival of refugees from India and Afghanistan added fuel to this fire. At the time of
independence the population of west Pakistan was 30 million and it was 13th largest
populated country in the world. According to United Nation's data, in 1976 population
growth rate was 3,02% in Pakistan. Another study shows that birth rate was 0.27% in
1951 which started to increase year by year. Currently, Pakistan is known as 5th largest
populated country in the world. According to the data of UN growth rate is increased up
to 1.90% in 2022 and population is reached to 229 million.

Population explosion hit multiple sectors of economy in many ways. Food insecurity in
one of them. According to the World Food Program (WFP) survey out of 120 districts in
the country, 38 districts are extremely food insecure. People use agricultural lands for
settlements because urban areas are more crowded. It decrease the agricultural production
and lower Gross Domestic Production (GDP) of Pakistan. Consequently, economy get
adversely effected by uncontrolled population.

Along with food insecurity, unemployment is increasing because of population growth.

Due to the lack of resources people cannot get source. Thousands of students pas out
from universities every year but very few of them can make chances to get jobs or better
career opportunities. Studies show that unemployment rate is increased to 4.40% in 2020
from 4.10% in 2019. As a result, country's production get effected and it face social and
economic downfall.

Together with food insecurity and unemployment, poverty is another responsible factor
for economic and social collapse. According to the Asian Development Bank 21.9%
population live below the poverty line in 2018. Overpopulation decreases Per Capita
Income growth which increase poverty. According to the data of World Bank, In
Pakistan poverty is increased from 4.4% to 5.4% in 2020. Poverty raises crime ratio,
inflation and mental issues. Resultantly, progress of the country get hindered by

Population explosion is responsible for so many economic and social issues in Pakistan
which are barriers for development of the country. It is required to tackle these problems
to acquire evolution. As said by B.F Skinner ''If the world is to save any part of its
resources for the future, it must reduce not only consumption but the number of
consumers''. However, it is not a dead end. This problem can easily be controlled by
taking measuring steps.

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