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‘ORDER NO. AD900619702 Service Manual QQUARTZ synthesizer AM/FM Stereo Receiver SPECIFICATIONS (DIN 45 500) AMPLIFIER SECTION Power output DIN 1 kHz 2« sW(4Q 40 Hz~20 kHz continuous power output both channels driven 2x wen) Total harmonic distortion rated power at 40 H2~20 kHz 0.05 % (8) halt power at 1 kHz 0.03 % (80) Intermodulation distortion rated power at 60 Hz: 7 kHz: Power bandwidth ‘both channels driven, ~3 dB 1, SMPTE,BQ 0.8 % 10 Hz~40 KHz (8 9} Damping factor 4018.0) Input sensitivity and impedance PHONO 3 mvia7 KO CD, VCR 1, VOR 2, TAPE 200 mVi22 kA PHONO maximum input voltage (1 kHz, RMS) 150 mV SIN rated power (82) PHONO. 70 48 (IHF, A: 80 48) (CD, VCR 1, VOR 2, TAPE 80 dB (IHF. A: 90 48) Frequency response PHONO. RIAA standard curve 0.8 dB (20 Hz~15 kH2) ©, VER 4, VCR 2, TAPE 7 He~a0 kH2 (3 0B) Bass 50 Hz, + 10 dB~—10 dB Treble 20 KHz, +10 dB~— 10 48 Technics Receiver SA-GX200 Black Type Ar (EG) | F.R.Germany & italy. | Loudness control (volum Output voltage \t 30 dB) 50 Hz, +908, VCR 1 AUDIO OUT, TAPE REC OUT 200 mv Channel belance, 250 Hz~6,300 Hz £168 Channel separation 55 dB Headphones output level and impedance 490 mvi330. 0 Load Impedance Aor’ 49-160 Aand 8 8a~160 (HFM TUNER SECTION Frequency range 87 50~108.00 MHz Sensitivity SIN 30 4B 1.5 HV (75.0) SIN 26 4B 1.3 nV (75.Q) SIN 20 4B 1.2 WV (75 Q) IMF usable sensitivity 1.5 nV (IHF'S8, 75.) IHF 46 dB stereo quieting sensitivity 22 uwirs Total harmonic distortion MONO 02% STEREO 03% SIN MONO 660 0B (75 48, (HF) STEREO 58 dB (71 48, IHF) Frequency response 20 He~15 kHz, +1 dB~—2 6B Matsushita Electric industrial Co., Ltd. Central P.O. Box 288, Osaka 530-91, Japan ‘ 65.48 Selectivity (+ 9kH2) (9t 999kH2) 55.48 Capture ratio 1008 Image rejection (at 888kHz) 40 08 Image rejection at 40.48 IF rejection (at 999kH2) 55.08 IF rejection at 98 MHz 70.48 ‘Spurious response rejection at 98 MHz 70.48 [AM suppression 50¢B MIGENERAL Stereo separation 1 kH2 40 08 Power consumption 360 w Carrier leak Power supply ‘AG 50 HzI60 He, 220 V 19 kHz 55 dB (-60 0B, IHF) Dimensions (W x H xD) 430 « 124 x 300 mm 38 kHz =50 dB (-55 4B, IHF) Weight 65kg Channel balance (250 H2~6,300 Hz) #1548 Limiting point 12 uv Bandwidth Note: IF amplifier 100 Kitz 1. Specifications are subject to change without notice FM demodulator 1000 kHz Weight and dimensions are approximate. Antenne terminals 75.2 (unbalanced) 2: Total harmon distortions measuretby te dal spect analyzer HIAM TUNER SECTION Froquency range 522 kH2~1611 kHz (Hz steps) 530 kH2~1620 kHz (10-%Hz steps) Sensitivity (SIN 20 4B) 20 pV, 330 vim CONTENTS Past Page ACCESSORIES... 2 BLOCK DIAGRAM... 22 16~ 18 CONNECTIONS TO EQUIPMENT | | : 13 TERMINAL GUIDE GF IC's, TRANSISTORS AND DIODES .....19 FRONT PANEL CONTROLS AND FUNCTIONS ...---- "4,5 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM... a 20-27 REMOTE-CONTROL OPERATION cee +6.7 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS . Sma PROTECTION CIRCUITRY . ... 1:7 WIRING CONNECTION DIAGRAM | -. 38 BEFORE REPAIR AND ADJUSTMENT .- 7 EXPLODED VIEW 34,35 REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST PACKING... RESISTORS & CAPACITORS . DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS . MEASUREMENTS AND ADJUSTMENTS . TERMINAL FUCTION OF IC... INTERNAL CONNECTION OF FL’ li ACCESSORIES AC power supply cord (1) © FM indoor antenna {1) AM loop antenna (1) (SFDACOSE03) (SSA270M) (SPB1163T) @ AM antenna holder (1) @ Screws (2) @ Remote-control transmitter (1) @ Batteries (2) (SMA233—1M) (XTN3+10AFZ) (RAK-SA301E) (UM—4NE/2S) I CONNECTIONS TO EQUIPMENT & Trent Pay — [Antenna connection terminals [2)“GND" terminal Connect the turntable’s ground wite to this terminal (i applicable. [3]Cooting fan The cooling fan operates at high output power levels only. [4]AC IN socket (AC IN) Connect this socket to an AC outlet on the wall by using the included AC power supply core! [5]“PHONO” terminals Connect a turntable only. Oo not connect any other sound source to these terminals. * Phono input capacitance is about 270pF. (s]“CD" terminals Connect a compact dise player or other sound source [Z“ver 1” terminals Connect a video cassette recorder (Gee the operating instiuetions of the VCR) [s]“TAPE” terminals Connect a tape deck. [8]“VIDEO OUT” terminal Connect a video connection cable (not inelueded) tothe video input terminal of VCR ot TV. (Sh a] Remote-control terminal This terminal can be used only with Technics components, which have the appropriate remote-control terminal (Consult your dealer tor details) Proper connection with remote-control connection cables 'SJP2257T will allow control of some functions trom this unit's remote-control transmitter. (Gee page 6 for details ‘out: Connect a tape deck andlor compact dise player s shown below. GE] This unit Connection cable— for remote-control {jer to he compact (Included with T__| disc player directly tape deck) Trane deck (SuP225771) exoo ! ea inctuded) Connection cable» for temote-control é (included with = ta compact disc. [1] Compact aise player) sor player (syP2257) (rot included) [i] Speaker connection terminals lara ad ‘ ll FRONT PANEL CONTROLS AND FUNCTIONS Rad @ene = 0. 060, (Power “standby cb/on” switch (power! m standby (b = on) This switch switches ON and OFF the secondary circut Power ony. The unit isin the “standby” condition when this snitch is 3et to the standby & position. Regardless of the Switch setting, the primary cicult is always “lve” as ong as the power cord is connected to an electrical outlet. [2] Remote-control signal receptor (remote sensor) Receives the signals from the remote-control transmiter [3]“standby” indicator (standby) Thisindicator iluminates when the power switch ofthis unit or that ofthe remote control is switched "OFF", Its purpose is to alert the user of the constant supply voltage to the internal circuitry even with the power switch OFF [4)Preset channel matrix display (tuner matrix) When an entry is made to the memory, the bar under the figure iluminates. The bar of the “channel” now being received flashes con: tinuously (5]Band indicators (AM/FI Indicates the selected band [EFM stereo indicator (AM/FM) This indicator automatically illuminates when an FM stereo broadcast is being received Note: It will not tuminate f the FM mode selector is set to the monaural mode [7] Quartz-lock indicator (quartz lock) This indicator illuminates when the unit is tuned precisely toa broadcast station [8] Memory indicator (memory) ‘This indicator illuminates when the memory button is pressed. [B]Audio input selectoritrequency display (input selectoritrequency) Displays the selected source or broadcast frequency. —S—- ft] Memory-scan/group-search button (‘memory scan/—group search) This button is used to scan the memory presets within a group (for about three seconds each) or to search for the desived s10up. {G]Tuning buttons (tuning) These buttons are used for tuning to the desited broadcast station [2|Memory button (memory) This button is used when presetting broadcast station ‘frequencies into memory [3)Preset-tuning buttons (1—0) (24 channel random preset tuning) ‘These buttons are used to preset broadcast frequencies into the memory of this unit, and to recall the desired preset stations [Group registration buttons (group) These buttons are used to assign memory presets to the sited group oF to select the desired group. [Band selectors FM: Press this button fo listen to an FM broadcast AM: Press this button to listen to an AM broadcast allocation: When the AM button is pressed for about 4 seconds, the AM frequency step will change to 10 kHz per step. (This step is set to 9 kHz betore shipment) In order 0 return to the original frequency indication, press this button for about 4 seconds again {f] FM mode selector (FM mode) This unit automaticaly switches to the stereo made when an FM stereo broadcast is received. This selector is used 10 select the mode (stereo or monaural) of FM broadcast signals. [)Speaker selectors (speakers) These selectors are used fo select the apeaker system(s) (A andlor 8). [2]Muting indicator (muting) This indicator wil luminate when the muting Button (on the remote-control iransmitter 's pressed. ‘To cancel the muting function without using the remote-con trol transmiter, press and hold the “phono input selector of this unit for about § seconds. Note: ‘The unit will switeh to the phono mode [S]Loudness indicator (loudness) This indicator wit iluminate when the loudness switch is pressed [4)Tape indicator (tape) Tis indicator wil iluminate when the tape-monitor switch is pressed []Volume contro! (volume) [B)Tone controls (bass/trebl The bass control is used fo adjust the lowtrequency sound range, and the treble contol is used to adjust the high frequency sound range [7] Headphone jack (phones) Ta ress this button to listen toa tape No other source selected by sn input selector can be heard while the tbe indcatorsiluminated To listen to some other Source press ths switch once agan [2]Input selector buttons ‘These buttons are used to select the sound source to be heard, such as a disc, radio broadcasts, etc, The selected sound source is shown on the audio input selectoriicequency dispay {i Loudness switch (loudness) Set to the “on” position (the loudness indicator wil tuminate); when listening to music at low volume. Aueitory perception o sound in he iow trequency range falls of at iow volume, but when the switch isi this position, this deticency is compensated for, so that the full impact of the musical perlormance can be enjoyed. [Balance control (balanc [“VCR 2” terminals (VCR 2) These terminals are used for tape-otape recording it @ second VCR is connected here @ REMOTE-CONTROL OPERATION ‘This remote-control transmitter can be used for control of @ Technics cassette tape deck or a compact disc player with a remote-control terminal Consult your dealer (or details For detailed information concerning operation steps, etc. please refer to the appropriate page for each unit and the respective operating instructions. ———— EM aan) Make sure that the power switch of each unit is set to the “on! position B| | Tape deck controls. WE Press this key to select the deck (tape deck 1 or tape deck 2) to be used. D>: For the “A”-side of the tape a “4 For the "B-side of the tape Press one a these keys to begin the playback or recording, pressing the key corresponding to the side of the tape to be played (or recorded) Note: Depending on which Technics tape deck is used in Combination with this unit, tape deck 1 might be the “A” side playback-only type Bi _|Press this key to stop tape movement o}(o Press this key to advance or rewind the tape while the unit isin the stop mode. Press this key to select the desired tune while the unit is in the play mode. (Only applicable o a Technics tape deck with the™*music select” functions) vaas | Press this key to temporarily stop playback or recording, E51 Press the playback key to resume the play or recording, ES | Press this key to change to the recording stand-by mode Note Depending on which Technics tape deck is used in combina- tion with this unit, it might be that pause of the playback (and the recording), and the recording functions of tape deck 1 not be possible by using the remote-control transmitter. C| | Amplifier controls =] These sound keys are used to select the source (radio 5S broadcasts or compact disc) to be heard | Rai ] Press this key to temporarily reduce the volume level T_ The volume level is attenuated by 20 dB (approx. 1/10). Press once again to return to the previous volume level A| | Tuner controls This key can be used for ON and OFF switching of this ~~ When switching the power ON and OFF. be sure to tirst press the “tuner button on amplifier controls, Fi Z| Press this key to select the desired preset 7 | OJ OO Terannet When these buttons are used, be sure to first press the “tuner” button on ampitier controls ‘*To designste channels 1-9: Press the appropriate (1-9) preset-tuning button. Note: When selecting channel 1 or channel 2, enter the selec: tion "01" or "02". If only "1" or "2" is pressed, channel access will be delayed by two seconds. *To designate channels 10~24: Press the bution for the lett digit (1 or 2) B Press the button for the right digit (1—0) within 2 seconds after pressing the first button. Example: To designate channel 12 Press the "1" button and then the "2" button EAE] Press tnis key to adjust the volume level [ 2S | Press this kev when a TV broadcast is to be received at — | ine vor. os 4 656466 ls55d8 DL || - Sais 1 lisa eal co 6 Bests) Technics li PROTECTION CIRCUITRY The protection circuitry may have operated If either of the following conditions Is noticed: * No sound is heard when the power Is turned on. * Sound stops during a performance. The function of this circultry is to prevent circultry damage if, for example, the positive and negative speaker connection wires are “shorted”, or if speaker systems with an impedance less than the Indicated rated impedance of the amplifier are used. WBEFORE REPAIR AND ADJUSTMENT ° Compact disc player controls Press this key to start the play. ai "EP_|Press this key to stop the play. a i es ress one of these buttons brietly to move the pick-up to the beginning of a specitic track. Ia Technics multi compact-disc player is used in com bination with this unit, the disc to be played can be selected by first pressing this button and then pressing the appropriate "numeric button” BET] Press to select the desired play mode. ‘program or "continue" |_|] These buttons can be used to select track S ILS _J number. ‘When these buttons are used, be sure to first press the "CD" button on amplifier controls. Note: To select a track numberd 10 or higher in the direct access play ‘ot program play mode, first press the "+10" button the necessary number of times and then press the appropriate ‘numeric button” If this occurs, follow the procedure outlines below: 1. Tum off the pow 2. Determine the cause of the problem and correct, It 3. Turn on the power once Note: When the protection circultry functions, the unit will not operate unless the power Is first turned off and then on again. Jain after one minute. (1) Turn off the power supply. Using a 10, 5W resistor connect both ends of power supply capacitors (C701, C702, 8200uF) in order to discharge the voltage. 2) Before turning the power supply on, after completion of repair, slowly apply the primary voltage by using a power supply voltage controller to make sure that the consumed current at 50Hz/60Hz in NO SIGNAL mode should be shown below with respect to supply voltage 220V. Power supply voltage Consumed current 50/60Hz | 100 ~ 205mA. ll DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS | “ATTENTION SERVICER” ‘Some chassis components may have sharp edges. _Be careful when disassembling and servicing Fel.No. | Removal of the cabinet eae | Removal ofthe front panel Procedure. 1, Remove the 2 flat cables (CN601, 142 ‘CN602) ame | 2: Remove the 3 screws (@~®). 3. Remove the front panel in the direction of the arrow. *Remove the 5 screws (@~@). Ret.No. | Removal of the power switch P.C.B. Power Switch P.C.B. How to remove the flat cable 4 1. Lift the connector \\\ ~e 2. Pullout the flat cable. \\\\_ Fist eabie a -Connector Remove the 2 screws (@, @). Ret.No. | Removal of the volume P.C.B. Volume P.C.8. ee Procedure ieee lemove the lead fatcmene &, < Z “a 2. Pull out the volume knob. 4, Remove the volume P.C.8. in | 3. Remove the nut. the direction of the arrow. 1. Remove the 1 screw (@). Volume Knob -8 Ret.No. | Removal of the tone control P.C.B. Ret.No. / Removal of the FLL drive P.C.B. Procedure a 12-4 ee 5 Tone Controt Mees FL Drive PC. PCB. ao Connector Bass Knob Treble i @ Connector Gio" 1. Pull out the bass knob and treble knob, 2, Remove the 7 screws (O~@). 3, Remove the tone control P.C.B. in the direction of the arrow. (Take care of CN502.) (CN908, CN8O7) ) 1. Remove the 4 screws (O~@). 2. Remove the FL drive P.C.B. in the direction of the arrow. (Take care of CN906, CN9O7.) Removal of the operation P.C.B., balance | Ill Operation P.C.B. 1. Remove the 8 screws (@~@). Ret. No. 7 VR P.C.B. and VCR 2 jack P.C. Procedure | Mi Balance VR P.C.B. 12-45 | 1. Pull out the balance knob. 6-7 2. Remove the 1 screw (@). 2. Release the 5 claws. IEVCR 2 jack P.C.B. 1, Remove the 2 screws (@, Removal of the remote sensor P.C.B. Procedure 1-2-6-8 ‘*Remove the remote sensor P.C.B. in the direction of the arrow. Remote Sensor P.C.B. RefNo. | Removal of the rear chassis | Ret No. | Removal of the tuner P.C.B. Procedure | 1. Remove the 1 connector (CN651). Procedure $29 | 2. Remove the 11 screws (O~@). 1-910 Tuner P.C.B. I P.c.B. Holder 1, Release the 1 claw. 2. Remove the tuner P.C.B. in the direction of the arrow. 3. Remove the arrow. Ref. No. WW Procedure 1 Main Pc. 8. 5. Remove the 7 screws (@~@). — 1. Remove me a screws @~@). © a Main PGB 2. Remove the front panel in the direction of the arrow. 3. Remove the 2 screws (®, @). 4. Remove the shield plate. Rear Bottom Chassis © Front Panel N © J: Remove the bottom chassi. } Reinstall the front panel to the 6. Remove the 4 screws (®~®). main PCB. " 0 — No. | Removal of the power IC and Ref.No. | Removal of the AC IN TERMINAL 2 regulator transistor 13, PCB. Procedure 1. Unsolder the power IC oF regulator Procedure A 1912 transistor. 19-13 2, Remove the 4 screws (O~ Power IG On Regulator Transistor ‘*When mounting the power IC or regulator transistor, apply silion thermal compound (SZZ0L15 or equivalent) to the rear of the power IC or regulator Ze < ° 4 fies 1. Remove the 2 screws (@, @). 2. Remove the shield plate. 3, Release the 2 claws. transistor. Ret No- | Removal of the power supply P.C.B. RefNo | Removal of the power transformer Procedure Procedure 1214 @ 492 14-15 o % Iatase tate) gf | eo, neo nro Power Supply Poe. 1. Remove the 1 flat cable (CN604). 2. Remove the 2 screws (@, ©) 3. Remove the power supply P.C.B. in the direction of the arrow. —u- 4 Power Transformer 1, Remove the 1 flat cable (CN701), 2. Remove the 4 screws (@~@) Ref-No. 1 Removal of the fan motor 3. Insert a screwdriver at the root of the ee cooling fan. Force it out of the motor Procedure | + put out to 1 eonecor ones (ren moter coe by usea@ ale 2. Release the 3 claws. : orowdtiver 5. Remove the motor from the fan casing. 6. When mounting the motor fan, align the Fon Meroe fan casing’s projection with the hole of the fan motor. > Motor Hole Fon case Projection Fan motor II MEASUREMENTS AND ADJUSTMENTS Note: For 2201 (AM ANT and OSC coil), 2202 (AM-IFT), 2321 (L.P.F.), L321/L322 (MPX coil) and L324 (L.P.F.), they are supplied as adjusted parts. So, do not turn the cores of the parts. It is not necessary to adjust the AM circuit. A DIUSTMENTEOINTS) (FM offset ~) (FM offset +) (FM VCO) Hamm fic veo aa ln o - 2 7201 T202 FM offset coil © FMMONO- DISTORTION coit Pa FM FRONT-END PACK AM ANT @ FM ADJUSTMENT Control positions and equipment used ‘FM signal generator (FM-SG). *Distortion analyser Oscilloscope ‘*DC electronic voltmeter (DC EVM) ‘*Frequency counter ‘*Choke coil (100pH) ‘Resistor (100k0) FM MONO DISTORTION ADJUSTMENT 1. Test equipmerit connection is shown in figure. 2. Set the unit to “FM” position. 3. Set the radio frequency display and signal generator to 100.10MHz. 4, Adjust T201 core so that voltage measured in signal mode is OmV (0+20mV) in 300mV range. 5. Adjust T202 so that the distortion factor of Lch Is minimized, 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 a few times. 7. Make sure that the distortion factors of Lch and Rch are nearly the same with each other to minimum. Note: The adjusting screwdriver used should be made of resin. FM SIGNAL GENERATOR CONDITION Modulation Modulation frequency. Output ieve wer 1 FM MPX VCO ADJUSTMENT 1. Test equipment connection is shown in figure. 2. Set the unit to “FM auto” position. 3. Set the radio frequency display and signal generator to 100.10MHz. 4, Adjust VR301 for 19.00+0.03kHz on frequency, counter rea * USING ALTERNATE SYSTEM 1. Apply stereo signal from generator or receive the stereo broadcast. 2. Adjust VR301 until stereo indicator lights up. Cement arm of ¥R301 as shown in figure. FM SIGNAL GENERATOR CONDITION Modulation o% (non-modulation) Output level 86.48 oxo © -@ Stereo OF F position Stereo ON pontion © © -Adiust point of Pit civeit FM IFT (FM STEREO DISTORTION) ADJUSTMENT 1.Test equipment connection is shown In figure. 2.Set the unit to “FM” mode. 43. Set the radio frequency display and signal generator to 100.10MHz. 4.AdJust L130 that the distortion factor of L-CH is minimized. 5. Make sure that the distortion factors of L-CH and R-CH ‘early the same with each other to minimum. Notes: 1. The adjusting screwdriver used should be made of rasin. 2.L1 should be rotated no more 1/4 turn (90 deg.) on elther side. FM SIGNAL GENERATOR CONDITION Modulation tereo L" mode or “A” ‘mode 100% KHz (Pilot 19kH2) Modulation frequency. ‘Output level... —B— SA-G uu li TERMINAL FUNCTION OF IC * 1C901 (LC6554H4097): Microcomputer { T a 2] 0 ae $} ' NY return signal input Not used, connected to GND 5 ‘ ‘Key return signal input ° rotary tuning Pez 37 | TUNING 1 (Not used, connected to GND} olor [emerge Te 1 o 1 ‘Cassette deck control terminal negative voltage) Nee ECK L (Not used, connected to GND) a pe feria | Ys mc cs T { | oa | 22 «Test —_ Not used, connected to GND | 5 oe ' (positive voltage) 24 | osc1 ' | ice 28 | CL (PFI) ° Clock signal terminal for serial devs | afe — | Not used, connected 10 GND | we — [Nor wes,comeneaoana || —u- INTERNAL CONNECTION OF FL MIEBLOCK DIAGRAM © Grid assignment diagram Za A 7] wi mM es tq Wey Is f 19 19, 20 4 Un | fi 21 22 23 24! quartz lock || memory | muting | loudness | [228] 4G6~86 Pin connection - |39|38/37|36|35|34/33|32)31 |90|29|28|27|26|25 |24|23]22)21)20|19|18)17/16|15|14|13|12/11|10) 9/8) 7/6)5}4/3)2) 1 t ERPS ta syapeta ata sts]e] abel ESTES Lo ee P|2|P{P|P ‘le P|P|P|P|a|a|a}a]a|a|a|c|™|P|P|P|1|P Lip age See n othe, © Anode connecton table wpe [«].«[« ]« [~~] ~ fom afew ole fe fe pe pe pe ee 5 Ps : a a fe pe De Lee ; wy ee Le t mw [op [ono et : -[e>e}>*t[ele ri af fos poe oe i ww [oa fo i me |i i i i i x : k x x x k ! € - € ¢ € € € a > —,»—__1 sae | a 5 pmo m | ov [ate | [memory | muting | DP Jroudnes| rast 1 ich [Bon 6 MBLOCK DIAGRAM rap meh U ras G-—— = pmo Q=— L nee @- swoon GS aR pave Ga ween Go r Feat an T 1 of right channel li TERMINAL GUIDE OF IC’S, TRANSISTERS AND DIODES G4 PIN svisioz8 | 14 PI ‘ANTATO | T6PRO ANT27SA_| 18 PIN wemer | BPN ‘ANess6F [8 PIN ‘tmroor | 8 PIN Tosr6aN | 28 PIN *()indicates Pin No. BAG2I8 | 9 PIN asaanasonsy cE Lt] 2SC2785FETA fBearenta 2SDNaIORSTA ‘ sscaseraatP % SSCTTAOSTA NI ‘2SA1209AQSTA 28C1740SQSTA 2Ss40CDTA UN4113TA, Bexodaaasta NARITA 2SB1185DEF UNAQ1STA ro 280176106F asoraaonnive | Walesa anaes wacawara svostescra a oy se naira wacourA wacosiera cenenes MAMTA @ SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM (Parts list on pages 37~41.) Ce my umsin oe en = 8801-1, $601.2. Speaker selectors switch. S601-1: A $6012: 8 ‘$701 Power "Standby > /on” switch #8901 ~S910 © Preset-uning (1-0) switches, = =CH1, $902 CH2, $903 ll [$904 : CHa, S905 : CHS, S906 : CHE, [S907 : CH7, $808 : CHE, $909 : CHS, Iset0 : co’ son Memory scan/group-search switch, 95912 FM mode selector. #8913,8914 : Band selectors S913: FM, S914 : AM #8915, 5916 = Tuning switches, $915» down, $916: up 28017 Memory switch, 95018 Loudness switch #8919 ~8926 : Group registration switches 5019 sstort, S820 fle 1, $92 : fle 2 3923 : file 4, $924: files 5926 : end #$927~5931 Input selector switches. 327° phan 928" wun s629 0] $930 :VcR 1, $831: VCR? 8932 ‘Tape-monitor switch Signal line aan} : FM OSC =): FM signal amnab | AM osc =}: AM signal Phono signe! P= AF signal (Leh) Positive voltage lines Negative voltage lines ‘Important safety notice: Components identified by A mark have special characteristics important for safety. When replacing any of these components, use only manufacturer's specified parts. Indicated voltage values, ‘are standard values for the unit measured by the OC electronic circuit ester (high-impedance) with the chassis taken ar standard, ‘Therefore, there may exist some errors in the voltage values, depending on internal impedance of the DC circuit tester. ‘All voltage values shown in circuitry are DC voltage in FM signal (Stereo signal) reception mode. "Figures in (| stand for OC-woltage in AM signal reception rode, * Caution! IC and LSI are sensitive to static electricity ‘Secondary trouble can be prevented by taking care during repair. * Cover the parts boxes made of plastics with alminum foil * Ground the soldering iron, * Put a conductive mat on the work table. * Do not touch the legs of IC or LS? with the fingers directly. Note: * Use of ceramic filters in pairs The ceramic filters (CF201, CF202) for FM-IF circuit are available in three ranks. For this circuit, be sure to use the ceramics of the same rank in a pair. At repairing and replacement, pay close attention to the diodes (0914, D915) for use as different diodes must be used | depending on each rank of the ceramic filters. | Color marking R (ue, fecer | Rajon | Der | vers | CENT oy Blue ° X_| 10.675MHz Red oO | oO |[ 10.700mn Orange x | 0 | 10725mHe Note: © mark: Diode is used. X mark: Diode is not Used. ces ER) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Z ANT2 734, 28Cire0sosta Sat Ee " ~ 28€r7a0sosta £28¢ 17a0sosta 28czresrera geassssqnsra Zsci7gosasTa at Bseusavaare Cr ia Tesigsn Wedser VCR2 Jack NSF SBhcon eat) CIRCUIT a1 2 E Ve 3 4 5. 6 7 8 2 10 1 12, FL ORIVE CIRCUIT Vruner circuit 2817 40s0s1 28¢i740sesta Ettore, 3s Bh main circuit UNéerara — ONGUiaTA Yesiesn DIYer? vac cIRCUIT 2 10 1 12, 13 14 15, 16 ard 18 Dy orerarion circuit Lcessa a a oT esi? toes | sv 40 jens ecewa018 | av iow (C106. 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