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Report: Lenovo VS Apple

Rumaisa Shaikh – 60101163

Moustafa Lashin – 60100767

University of Doha for Science and Technology (UDST)

MRKT 3008 – Digital Marketing Communications

Ms. Gail

August 8, 2022
Lenovo VS Apple

Lenovo and Apple have presented their best laptops claiming theirs to be the best in the
market. Though both laptops are quite similar, Lenovo’s super thin ThinkPad seems to have
slight advantage from MacBook Air.
In this report we will recommend some promotional tools for the company’s target market in
order to help Lenovo gain some of apples market share.
For Lenovo to compete with apple’s MacBook air, they need to identify their target market that
is most suitable for their product. Target market is our certain group of people to whom
businesses targets to sell their products to.
Based on the segmentation of markets, which includes demographic, geographic,
psychographics and behavioral segments, The followings can be considered as target market for
Lenovo –
students at school, college or university could use Lenovo’s ThinkPad as they would
need a laptop of good quality that functions well, is speedy, convenient and last’s long enough,
to work on their vast projects and freely transport from one place to another with their laptops.
Lenovo might have to use promotional pull strategy on this target market (i.e., students) as
they need to be convinced that they need the product for their studies and look for it in the
Graphic designers:
Various graphic designers need high quality laptops to create their graphical illustrations
which they mostly find their needed power in desktops and are forced to sit in same place for
hours before its done. With Lenovo’s ThinkPad, graphic designers can conveniently use their
laptop for their work at any place. Lenovo can similarly use promotional pull strategy as
students for graphic designers.
IT department:
IT management require professional laptops for their programming on daily basis making
them an obvious target market.
Business firms:
business firms would require a good quality laptop for their employees and management.
Higher management can use these laptops to track their employees and business system.
Lenovo would have to use promotional push strategy by putting a great deal on the tables for
business firms and campus.
Interest groups:
considering people who have great interest on technology mainly digital devices could be
considered as good target market
To attract these target markets Lenovo will have to use some promotional tools. Few of
most likely promotional tools for the laptop are mentioned below –
- Public Relations – Lenovo can promote its laptop highlighting its features and creating a
good message for the people to create a good public relation to reach out major target
- Sales promotion – The company can deliver special sale offers occasionally for a period
of time to attract more consumers, especially those who are mostly hesitant to purchase
the laptop because of its price. These would mainly include students, interest groups
and graphic designers.
- Online advertising – Since almost all of the target market use devices and are online on
internet, Lenovo can invest to create pop ups or banners for its laptop to reach its
various segments of target market. These advertising can also lead their public to their
websites where they can receive much more information regarding their product. This
promotional tool would be best attraction for business firms, campus, IT departments
and would also influence other target markets.
- Social Media – social media is currently most effective form of digital communication to
promote any product. Lenovo would highly benefit from advertising in social medias as
social media would help the company reach to wide audiences. Platforms like Instagram
and snapchat would reach out to young audience specifically students and graphic
designers whereas Facebook would help the company reach their adult buyers as well.

By the above understandings, we can also conclude that Lenovo is also targeting customers
from upper or semi-upper class as it’s pricing is pretty similar to apple’s MacBook air. It would
be recommended for the company to lower its laptop’s price to win over apple’s market share
as otherwise consumers would get more attracted to the MacBook air instead of the ThinkPad
because of Apple’s status and it’s demand in market. It would be hard to compete with apple
without lowering the price of MacBook.
Overall, it is recommended for Lenovo to lower its prices and wisely use the above-mentioned
promotional tools to attract their target market towards their ultra slim ThinkPad over
MacBook Air.

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