Health and Community Based Rehabilitation

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Health and

Community based
Rayon Holder
Abbreviation list

CBR- Community-based rehabilitation

PWD- Persons with disability
What is meant by health?
According to the WHO (World Health Organization ), is "a state of
complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease and infirmity".

One of the most crucial elements of the CBR matrix is health. CBR's primary goal is to
provide assistance to individuals with disabilities in reaching their greatest practicable
level of health.

CBR personnel achieve this level of health by focusing on the five aspects of health (,
medical care, rehabilitation, promotion, prevention, and assistive devices).

The assistance of family members along with the patients encouraging them to assist in
helping them to better secure their best level of health.
The outcomes CBR wishes to achieve within health

PWDs and their family members are active participants in achieving sound health and have
increased knowledge about the health and healthcare system.

Every health personnel is aware of the right of PWDs toward health and there is no discrimination
based on disability, gender, and many other factors.

Both PWDs and their family members have close and easy access to health care services in their
community at an affordable price.

Health and rehabilitation interventions enable PWDs to become active participants in family and
community life.

There is improved collaboration across all development sectors, including education, livelihood
and social sectors, to achieve good health for PWDs
Barriers of health
Lack of proper policies and legislation, issues creating and enforcing the policies, and
discrimination while providing the service.

Economic hurdles and low family income.

Lack of accessibility to buildings and transit because of natural and man-made obstacles.

Poor communication and issues with accessing information among medical personnel.

Poor attitudes about PWDs among healthcare professionals as well as a lack of expertise
in managing PWDs' health difficulties.

PWDs' are not educated about their rights, health difficulties, and availability of medical
How can we promote health?...

The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion provides 5 sections where

action should be taken that can be used to develop and establish health
promotion strategies.
These would include:

Build healthy public policy

Create supportive environments for health
Strengthen communities
Develop personal skills
Reorient health services
Reference list

WHO. (1946). Constitution of the World Health Organization. World Health Organization.
World Health Organization. (2010). Community-based rehabilitation : CBR guidelines. World
Health Organization.

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