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Q1) There are 45 members in Student Council in an educational Institute and ratio of number
of boys to number of girls is 2:1 How many more girls should be added to the Council to
make the ratio 3:2?
Q2) If the ratio a to b is 3:2 and ratio of b to c is 3:2 Find its continued proportion
Q3) find three Positive numbers in the ratio 1:4:2 such that the sum of their squares is equal
to 1701
Q4) The monthly incomes of A & B are in the ratio of 10:9 and their Expenditure are in the
ratio Of 6:9 (6:7). A Saves ₹20,000 per month and B saves ₹10,000 per month. Find their
monthly income
Q5) Find the fourth proportional to 21, 30 and 35.
Q6) 15 Workers can finish the project in 60 days if the Project must be finished in 36 days
how many more workers will be required?
Q7) If 8 products cost ₹108, what will be the cost of 13 products?
Q8) A, B C are Partners in a business, The capital of A & B are in the ratio of 5:3 and the
Capital of B & C are in the ratio of 2:7 distribute the profit of ₹37,000 earned by the
business at the end of the years.
Q9) The ratio of men to women employees in an organisation is 5:3. If 2 men leaves the
company and 6 Women are recruited the ratio becomes 50:50. Find the original number of
men and women in organization.
Q10) The ratio of number of boys to number of girls in a playschool is 4:5. If 10 boys leave
the school & 5 girls join the school the ratio of girls to boys becomes 3:1. Find the initial
number of boys and girls in playschool.
Q11) The ratio of boys to girls in music class is 3:7. If 10% of boys and 30% of girls are
staying in the neighbourhood of the class. Find the percentage of students coming from the
neighbourhood area also state the percentage of students coming from faraway places.
Q12) In a class 40% of the total strength consists of boys. 20 boys added and 10 girls also
took admission. After that the ratio of boys to girls became 4:5. Find original number of boys
and girls.
Q13) The mixture of gold and silver weighing 50 grams has 20% gold in it. How much gold
should be added so as to have 36% of gold in it.
Q14) A Mumbai branch of a company has 60 employees of which 70% are men. How many
of the men of this branch should be transferred to outstation branch so as to have 60% of
men in this branch?
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Q15) The ratio of men to women in a company is 5:3 when 20% men recruited & 9 women
are also appointed by the company the ratio becomes 4:5. Find the original number of men
and women in a company.
Q16) If the numerator of fraction is increased by 50% and denominator is decreased by 70%
the fraction becomes 2:7. Find the fraction.
Q17) If the numerator of a fraction a/b is decreased by 20% and its denominator is increased
by 30% it becomes 1. Find the original fraction.
Q18) Three persons X, Y, Z whose income together amounts to ₹1,00,000. Their
expenditure are 70% 60% 80% of their income respectively. If their savings are in the ratio
of 9:8:10. Find their respective income.
Q19) The total income per day of a shop keeper P, Q, R is ₹900, their savings per day from
this income is 20% 40% and 30% respectively. If their respective expenditure in shop are in
the ratio of 8:9:14, Find their individual income from shop.
Q20) The income of three individuals A, B, C are in the ratio of 1:2:3. If their expenditure
are in the ratio of 1:5:4 and if expenses of A is 1/3 rd of his income. Find the ratio of their
individual savings.
Q21) The income of X, Y, Z are in the ratio of 1:2:3 and their savings are also in the ratio of
1:2:3. Find their ratio of expenditure if you re given that X saves 20% of his income.
Q22) 40 workers can make 16 shelves in 8 days. How many days will 30 workers take to
make 24 shelves.
Q23) 20 furnaces consume 100kg of coal in 7 days. Calculate how many days 150 kg of coal
can be used to use 30 furnaces.
Q24) 10 Bull take 3 days to complete work on farming land of 50 hectare. If the work on
same land is to complete in 2 days. Calculate the number of bulls to employ of same work .

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