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One becomes virtuous by leading an ethical life, by conforming to a moral

code that respects others, treats others with generosity, and refrains from
corrupt, criminal, or vicious behavior. A person who is virtuous will have high
standards of conduct, language, and communication. They will be truthful,
honorable, trustworthy, decent, and morally pure.

When it comes to myself, the question whether I perceive myself as a virtuous

person, I think I do, or at least I make an effort to. I believe in treating people
the way I want to be treated too so I makes sure I treat everyone right. I was
raised in a home that shape my character as kind and fair to everyone without
having standards because everyone deserved kindness. My parents made
sure that I have proper manners growing up because they want me to raised
me right. I think they are successful in doing that because I never hurted
someone on purpose. I’m not saying that I never upset someone but I try not
to, and if I do I make it up with them and asks for forgiveness. Of course,
kindness alone doesn’t make you a virtuous person. You have to be truthful
too. As a person, I am terrible liar especially to my parents. I don’t feel fine
trying to lie to them so I always crack whenever I tried to. I never want to lie
again though it’s not possible at all because there’s a lot of circumstances that
I’m sure I’ll resort to lying too. One of the best traits that I’m glad I have is that
patience and understanding. I always try to keep calm myself at times of
disappointment, distress or suffering because I think letting yourself lose
control only leads to worse things. This trait is one of the thing that I
developed being an older sister and as a second mom to my siblings. They do
be testing your patience at all times and it’s important to understand that
they’re just kids and they will grow out of those annoying behaviors. I always
try to understand people around me. There’s always a reason on why they act
like they do and I don’t like to judge them on just one act. I try to put myself on
other’s shoes and It’s always effective for me to understand and look at their

I remember reading a word on the internet that means "one who develops
[towards virtue] and its a Stoic term called prokopton. I am prokopton and is
still working in being virtuous in another level because I’m aware that I still do
lack in a lot of attributes. For instance, I don’t have a very strong self control
right now. I procrastinate and cram a lot because I tend to just lay around and
literally don’t do anything. Self control is one of the virtuous traits I need to
work on next to a dozen of lists.

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