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Teacher: Patrick Date: 8/7/2019

Group Name:
Register (Students’ Names): Małgosia Fidler /

Grammar: Course book: Fun: Picture:

Phoneme practice -- Chris Rock: Job vs

Homework: Page 9 of book – reading and questions

Vocabulary (Specific Business Vocabulary, translations, synonyms, antonyms, collocations, word families ,phrases) (each class = min 10 new words):

Make yourself at home A boss and his team

Can you tell? – dostrzegasz roznice? Motherland
To bring them/children up well / well brought up Arabic people
He doesn’t annoy me Overtime
Former colonies Desktop
Get up – wstać
If I can manage – dać rade
They smell different To Clip the trees
Boiled – na wodzie To weed – pielić
Fried - smazone It takes your mind off things
Pollution – zanieczyszczenie To go fishing
Currents in the water - wiry Wedka – fishing rod

Pronunciation (sounds, phonetic transcription, syllables & stress, strong & weak forms, plurals, silent letters, etc.):
Say Beng

Grammar (new structures, meaning, corrections, dynamic examples of grammar points, use & usage awareness):
Tense Review
Present simple, simple past, future

They went fishing and they caught two fish (same as singular)
If there weather is good, we will go somewhere in Poland
I don’t know what the weather will be like in August.

They work hard – ciężko – Sometimes we use adjective for adverb (przyslowek)

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