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Please tell me your first name and family name.


Please tell me your nationality and country of residence.

My nationality is Turkish and my country of residence is Turkey
Please state if you are a student pilot or, if you are a qualified pilot, please tell me the type of
licence that you hold.
I'm a Student Pilot I have a Private Pilot Licence
Please tell me the total flight hours experience that you have.
I have 150 flight hours experience.

Please tell me why you decided to become a pilot.

Please describe how you are preparing for a flight, within the time scale of 2 minutes.
We usually make a general briefing in the morning.
It consists of meteorology, NOTAMs, airport situations,
After general briefing, We check details with my Flight Instructor
we decide to route, flight level and alternate airports.
After that we send flight plan.
While waiting I check my charts and flight equipment.
When we receive acknowledge message of flight plan,.We go to apron
If everything is ok we go to the aircraft and check the condition of the aircraft.
Describe your first solo flight in as much detail as possible within the time scale of 2 minutes.
Please tell me your last flight. (80 sec)
Tell me about an incident you have had while flying an aircraft or any other incident that you know
about. You have 2 minutes to describe the incident
How could you prevent these incidents/accident
To prevent these incidents/accident
We have to be careful
We have to obey the rules
We must regularly Check the maintenances of aircrafts
We must make a EFFECTİVE/SUCCESSFUL briefing
We must Use standard CRM and standard communication procedures
Please give me an example of ground accident.

Please give an example of ground accident (15 sec)

What is the runway incursion?

Uçuşta ikinci pilotunun kafası yarılmış pilot olarak ne yaparsın, ATC’ye ne dersin?
First; I would maintain the control of the aircraft and engage the autopilot.
Then, I would call flight attendant to come into the cockpit and take care of my captain.
I make an announcement to find a doctor or medical personnel within the passengers in order to
provide first aid.
Meanwhile I would report the situation to the ATC.
My call would be as follows:
"MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, ATC AB32, captain has a medical problem, his head is bleeding. I
am diverting to nearest airdrome, have the medical services ready for captain."
Future of aviation?

What do you think about poor communication?

How do you do the exterior inspection?
Kabin anonsu yapınız;

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning.

Welcome on board Turkish Airlines.
This is Captain Çalışkan speaking and I have some information about our flight.
Our flight time today will be 1 hour and our estimated time of arrival is half past ten in local time.
The weather in our route is good.
The temperature at our destination is now 35 degrees Celsius, with clear sky.
We wish you a pleasant flight and we hope to see you soon again.
On behalf of all our crew, thank you for choosing our company as your airline today.

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