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10 Past continuous: questions and short answers

Past continuous Past continuous Past continuous

Past continuous short answers
questions preguntas respuestas
Was I reading? ¿Yo estaba leyendo? Yes, I was. / No I wasn’t. Sí. / No.
Were you reading? ¿Tú estabas leyendo? Yes, you were. / No, you weren’t. Sí. / No.
Was he reading ¿Él estaba leyendo? Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t. Sí. / No.
Was she reading? ¿Ella estaba leyendo? Yes, she was. / No, she wasn’t. Sí. / No.
Was it reading? ¿(Ello) estaba leyendo? Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’t. Sí. / No.
¿Nosotros/as estábamos
Were we reading? Yes, we were. / No, we weren’t. Sí. / No.
Were you reading? ¿Vosotros/as estabais leyendo? Yes, you were. / No, you weren’t. Sí. / No.
Were they reading? ¿Ellos/as estaban leyendo? Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t. Sí. / No.

El past continuous se usa para expresar acciones que

estaban ocurriendo en un momento dado del pasado.
2 Completa las preguntas con los verbos del
recuadro en el past continuous.
1 Ordena las palabras para completar las
read have cycle watch listen
Were they cycling to school at eight
1 you a book last night?
2 I TV at five o’clock?
3 we to the radio
you / Were / cycling 4 he breakfast at 10.30?
Were you cycling last night?
1 golf / he / Was / playing 3 Completa las preguntas. Luego escribe
yesterday? respuestas cortas.
2 having / we / Were / breakfast
Was Ruben swimming
at eight o’clock?
(Ruben / swim)?
3 she / Was / reading
Yes, he was .
last night?
4 watching / Daniel / Was / TV 1 (Nuria / play) tennis?
this morning? .
5 Were / playing / you / guitar / the 2 (you / walk)?
at six o’clock? .
3 (they / play) basketball?

Vocabulario clave
at (ten) o’clock a las (diez) basketball baloncesto book libro cycle ir en bici golf golf
guitar guitarra have breakfast desayunar last night anoche listen escuchar play jugar/tocar
radio radio read leer school colegio swim nadar tennis tenis this morning esta mañana
TV televisión walk andar watch ver yesterday ayer

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press 1000+ Activities

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