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Republic of the Philippines

Palawan State University

Coron Campus
Coron, Palawan

Patrick kenneth Magallanes

Name of Teacher: Section Silang
Leaning Area: Science Time 7:10-8:00
Grade Level: 6 Date: February 14, 2023

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of gravity and friction affect
movement of objects

B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to produce an advertisement demonstrates

road safety

C. Learning Competencies Infer how friction and gravity affect movements of different objects
II. CONTENT How Friction affects movement of objects
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Video presentation, Tv,
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity
Preparatory Activities
Good morning Class.
a. Greetings Did you eat your breakfast and brush your teeth?

Let us pray
b. Prayer
Who wants to lead a prayer?

Let's sing Lulaley

c. Action Song
Girls say the word DARNA if you are present.
d. Checking of attendance Boys say the word Superman if you are present.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or What is friction?
presenting the new lesson What if two surfaces of two objects rub against each other it is friction or
What is air friction?
B. Establishing a purpose for Observe:
the lesson Let see what happen.
.Let your hand rub your arm
Questions: Base on your observation what happen when you rub your
.Push your chair
Questions: Base on your observation, what happened when you push
your chair?

C. Presenting examples/ Activity 1. Rolling and Sliding

instances of the new lesson In this activity, you will observe how friction affects the movement of
objects. You will also identify the factors affecting it.
You will need a ball and a box with almost the same mass as the ball.

1. Which object has the longer distance traveled?
2. Which object has bigger surface area in contact with
the floor?
3. Which object was acted on by greater friction?
1. Why does the ball and the box travel at different distances?

1.The ball and the box travelled different distances because of the
difference in their?
(shape/surface area, push applied).
2. An object with a bigger surface area, experiences a greater or lesser?
3. While an object with a smaller surface area has a greater or lesser?
4. How does friction affect the movement of objects such as the ball and
the box?
Friction makes moving objects (slowdown, get faster). It can also (stop,
move) moving objects.
4. In this activity, what is the factor affecting friction? (shape/surface
area, distance

Activity 2. Falling objects

Does air affect the movement of falling objects? In this activity, you will
be able to observe how air affects the movement of falling objects.

Fill in Table1 by writing the word “First” or “Last” according to the order
the paper fell on the ground per trial.

D. Discussing new concepts and In Activity 2, air resists the movement of the falling pieces of paper. This
practicing new skills #1 air resistance is also known as air friction or air resistance.
Answer the questions below. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

In the two activities that you have conducted, you have observed that
affects the movement of the ball, box, and falling pieces of paper. You
were also able to identify the factors affecting it.

1. Based on your answer in Table 1, between the crumpled paper and the
uncrumpled one, which object reached the floor first?
A. crumpled paper
B. plain paper
2. Does air affect the falling of the two papers? Why?
A. Yes, the air opposes the movement of the two papers.
B. No, the air does not oppose the movement of the two papers.
3. Which object experienced the greater opposing force of the air? Why?
A. The crumpled paper because it has a small surface area in contact with
the air.
B. The plain paper because of its wide or big surface area in contact with
the air.
4. How does air friction affect the movement of falling objects? Choose
the correct
answer inside the parenthesis.
Air friction (slows down, increases) the motion of falling objects.

Activity 3. Rough and smooth

Friction also varies on the type of surfaces of the two objects rubbing
against each other. To observe how objects’ different textures of surfaces
affect friction.

E. Discussing new concepts and Write “MF” if more friction or “LF” if less friction is needed on the
practicing new skills #2 following activities or objects. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
________1. walking a smooth surface
________2. writing on a paper-covered surface
________3. skating
________4. grinding
________5. sliding door
________6. holding a glass of water
________7. pushing a heavy cabinet
________8. rotating gears of bicycle
________9. pole climbing
________10. setting of glass and plates on top of a table
F. Developing Mastery Directions: Create a short story showing how friction happen and perform
it in front.
Group 1.Using a paper.
Group 2. Using a ball
Group 3. Using a box
G. Finding practical applications
of concepts and skills in daily

Your mother/father wants to move her/his heavy cabinet, what do you

think must she/he do to easily move the heavy cabinet on her own?
. 1. What is friction?
H. Making generalizations and 2. What is air friction?
abstractions about the lesson 3. Why the box stop first when i push it and why the ball move faster?
4. Why things have a greater surface stop first?
Directions: Infer how friction affects movement of objects by analyzing
I. Evaluating learning and
answering the following questions. Write your answers on your answer

J. Additional activities for Assignment: Choose 1 (Rolling, sliding, falling).

application or remediation Directions: In 1 clean paper draw a things base on what you choose.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative assessment

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for

C. Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who continue

to require remediation.

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use /discover
which I wish to share with other

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