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A. Theory of translation: Definition, Process, Principles, Techniques, Difficulties and How to be

Good Translator.
B. Applications of translation theories through exercises.


By knowing and understanding the subject completely, students can be able:

1. to apply the translation theories smartly.
2. to translate the English-Indonesian or Indonesian-English of daily expressions and
metallurgical texts appropriately.

1. Definition of Translation

Translation is the transfer of meaning, message, concept, thought or ideas and the replacement
of textual material (such as: actual words, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, etc.) from
the source language (SL) into the target language (TL) whether the languages are in written
form or oral form.

2. Process of Translation

The process of translation is a model intended to describe the process of thinking done by a
translator during translating. The following is the diagram model indicates the process of

1. Form of Source IV. Evaluating & Revising 4. Form of Target

Language Language

V. Internal process
I. Analyzing & III. Restructuring
External process

2. Concept/ Meaning/ 3. Concept/ Meaning/

Message of Source Message of Target
Language II. Transferring Language

English for Metallurgical Engineering-2020 1

I. Analyzing
This activity is intended to recognize and analyze source language text in an overall manner
of language terms, such as: style, tone, idiom, cultural background, types of texts, and
textual or grammatical materials also, so the overall meaning of the source language text
can be properly identified and appropriately transposed. In this step, most of translators
analyze the text in the sentence level. It can be done by breaking the source language text
into clauses, phrases, words and examining the syntactical relation one another.

1. Form of Source Language
Hello, guys. Let me introduce myself. My name is Perfecta, I come from Bali. I am
glad to be one of mining engineering college students this year.

When analyzing the source language expressions, most of non-native English speaker
usually try to search the meaning of every single of the expressions by chopping them

2. Concept/meaning/message of SL
Hello, // guys. // Let // me // introduce // myself. // My // name // is // Brainy, // I
// come // from // Bengkulu. // I // am // glad // to be // one // of // metallurgical //
engineering // college // students // this // year. //

II. Transferring
In this stage, translator try to find and determine equivalent terms related to the field being
translated as well. The translator performs the language in his brain to transfer what is in
the source language into the target language.

3. Concept/meaning/message of TL
Halo, // teman-teman. // Ijinkan // saya // mengenalkan // diri saya sendiri. //
Punyaku // nama // adalah // Brainy, // saya// datang // dari // Bengkulu. // Saya //
adalah // senang // menjadi // satu // dari // metalurgi // teknik // perguruan tinggi
// siswa // ini // tahun. //

III. Restructuring
At this stage the understanding of the recipient language message is reorganized or
rewritten into the target language. This step is the real translation activity. The translator
selects the corresponding word equivalent in the target language, so that the author's
message can be delivered smoothly. Sometimes the translator follows the source-
language structure if there is no discrepancies in translating it into the target language,
but if the source tree's structure is deemed inappropriate, then the translator may alter it
with the unchanged message or meaning. In this step, translators try to make new
structure in target language after the source language text has been split structurally and

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semantically into clauses, phrases and words to get accurate, clear, natural and
communicative or understandable meaning.

4. Form of Target Language

Halo, teman-teman. Ijinkan saya untuk mengenalkan diri saya. Nama saya adalah
Brainy, saya datang dari Bengkulu. Saya senang menjadi satu siswa perguruan tinggi
teknik metalurgi tahun ini.

IV. Evaluating & Revising

If the restructuring process is completed then further test or evaluate the translation text.
The editing process is a process whereby we review/reconstruct and understand the
translation text we produce will be a nearly closed to original meaning, accurate, clear,
natural and easy-to-understand translation. If the translation result is judged to have high
accuracy message to the original, then this process is sufficient.

Revising 1: Form of Target Language

Halo, teman-teman. Ijinkan saya untuk mengenalkan diri saya. Nama saya Brainy,
asal saya dari Bengkulu. Saya senang menjadi salah satu siswa perguruan tinggi
jurusan teknik metalurgi tahun ini.

If the translation result is still awkward or unnatural, then the process should be done
from the beginning, starting from analyzing the source language messages, transferring
them into the target language messages, do the restructuring into the form of target
language more and more until the final result translation gained adequately.

Revising 2: Form of Target Language

Halo, teman-teman. Perkenalkan, nama saya Brainy, saya berasal dari Bengkulu.
Saya senang menjadi mahasiswa teknik metalurgi tahun ini.

V. Internal & External Process

During the process of translation, there are two others processes involved. They are
internal and external process. Internal process is a process of translation which is all of
activities accomplished or happened as a result of situated within, affecting, relating to
the inside of translators’ mind, knowledge, skill and ability. Whereas external process of
translation is the opposite of those, the process of translation to obtain the nearly closed
to original messages carried out by the translators are from outside. They are able to
consult with some dictionaries, encyclopedias, knowledge reference books, experts or
linguists or sometimes with the native speakers of target language too. Many ways can
be executed to acquire the natural, accurate, clear, communicative and easy-understand
messages of target language.

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3. The Principles of Translation
There are several things to consider related to the translation principles, such as:
A. Meaning
The translation should reflect accurately the meaning of the original text. Nothing should
be arbitrarily added or removed, though occasionally part of the meaning can be
SL : Apakah sudah kau perpanjang perijinan usaha pengolahan mineral kita?
TL : Have you administered our mineral processing business licence for the next

SL : The hydrocyclone is a separation device widely used in the chemical and

mineral processing industries.
TL : Hydrocyclone adalah suatu alat pemisah yang digunakan secara meluas di
industri kimia dan pengolahan mineral.

B. Form
The ordering of words and ideas in the translation should match the original as closely as
possible. This is particularly important in translating legal documents, guarantees,
contracts, etc., but differences in language structure often require changes in the form
and order of words.
SL :

Diberikan dengan ucapan terima kasih dan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya


Nama : Bagas Mahatvavirya Nagara Bhakti

NIM : 116 200 053
Program Studi : Teknik Metalurgi

Atas ketertiban, kerapihan dan kedisiplinannya selama mengikuti Program

Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus di Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan Fakultas Teknologi
Mineral Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta.

Yogyakarta, 26 September 2020

Ketua Himpunan Mahasiswa
Teknik Metalurgi
Ketua Jurusan,

Dr. Ir. Eddy Winarno, S.Si., MT Arie Nurfajryan Hidayat

NIP. 19600608 1990008 1 001 NIM 116 170 023

English for Metallurgical Engineering-2020 4

TL :


Awarded with deepest gratitude and highest appreciation to:

Name : Bagas Mahatvavirya Nagara Bhakti

IDN : 116 200 053
Study Program : Metallurgical Engineering

Because of his/her orderliness, tidiness and disciplinary action when attending Campus
Life Introduction Program in Mining Engineering Department, Faculty of Mineral
Technology, University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta.

Yogyakarta, 26 September 2020

Chief of Student Association
of Metallurgical Engineering
Mining Engineering Department

Dr. Ir. Eddy Winarno, S.Si., MT Arie Nurfajryan Hidayat

NIP. 19600608 1990008 1 001 IDN 116 170 023

SL : If the components of the mixture have different elastic moduli or different

lattice structures, elastic effects might influence the rate of coarsening and
the morphology of the particles.
TL : Apabila setiap komponen dari suatu campuran logam memiliki modulus
elastisitas atau struktur kisi (lattice structures) yang berbeda, efek elastis
akan berpengaruh pada laju coarsening serta morfologi fasa yang terbentuk.

SL : Teman-teman, terima kasih kalian sudah datang di acara pesta wisuda

Kelulusanku malam ini.
TL : Guys, thanks for coming in my graduation party tonight.

C. Register
Languages often differ greatly in their levels of formality in a given context, but to resolve
these differences, the translators must distinguish between formal or fixed expressions
and personal expressions, in which the author or speaker sets the tone (the pitch of a
word used to determine its meaning or to distinguish differences in meaning. It is a
particular or relative pitch of a word, phrase, or sentence).
English for Metallurgical Engineering-2020 5
SL : Dear Sir, or Dear Madam, or Dear Mr. …
TL : Dengan hormat,

SL : Hormat saya,
TL : Sincerely yours, or Faithfully yours, or Truly yours,

SL : Your Majesty, or Your Excellency,

TL : Paduka Mulia, or Yang Mulia,

D. Style and Clarity

A style of translation is to be determined to have clarity of the intended message,
maintain fidelity to the original text, and fulfill receptor’s expectations with regard to
target language. So, the translator should not change the style of the original. But if the
text is sloppily written, or full of repetitions or mistakes in writing, the translator may
correct the defects for the reader’s sake.
SL : What you have to do is to drop that “Sir and Mr. Douglas” business. Call me
TL : Jangan panggil aku dengan sebutan “Pak atau Tuan Douglas.” Panggil aku
Sam saja!
TL : Tidak perlu terlalu formal, panggil ‘Sam’ saja sudah cukup.

SL : Harga baja rendah karena diakibatkan kelayakan proses ekstraksinya

dan akibat berlimpahnya dan murahnya bahan mentah.
TL : The low cost of steel arises partly as a result of the nature of the extraction
process and the abundance and the cheapness of the raw materials.

E. Source language Influence

One of the most frequent criticism of translation is that it does not sound natural. This is
because the translator’s thoughts and choice of words are too strongly molded by the
original text. A good way of shaking off the source language influence is to set the text
aside and translate a few sentences aloud, from memory. This will suggest natural
patterns of thought in the first language, which may not come to mind when the eye is
fixed on the source language text.
SL : Hei, jangan main-main…dia anak metalurgi loh.
(TL1 : Hi, don’t play … he is son of metallurgical engineering.)
(TL2 : Hi, don’t play with him … he is metallurgical children.)
(TL3 : Hey, don’t play with him, he is truly children of metallurgical engineering.)
TL : Hey, don’t you dare make fun with him…he is a metallurgical student.
TL : Hey, you dare not make fun with him, he’s a metallurgical guy!

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In here, if we can’t directly translate the expression ‘jangan main-main’ into ‘don’t play
with’ or ‘don’t play with him’ and the expression ‘dia anak metalurgi loh’ into ‘he is son
of metallurgy’ or ‘he is metallurgical children’ or ‘he is truly a children of metallurgy’,
because the meaning is lost and it sounds a little bit odd or strange. So the appropriate
translation and the meaning is “Hey, don’t you dare making fun with him, he is a
metallurgical student” or “Hey, you dare not making fun with him, he is a metallurgical

F. Idiom
Idiomatic expressions are notoriously untranslatable expressions. These include similes,
metaphors, proverbs and sayings, jargons, slangs, and colloquialisms and phrasal verbs
of English.

SL : He has to report to the person who used to be his subordinate. If I were in
his shoes, I would feel badly hurt.
TL : Dia harus melapor ke orang yang dulu bawahannya. Jika aku di posisinya,
aku merasa hal itu sangat menyakitkan hati.

SL : Jangan repot-repot membanting tulang mencari penghasilan tambahan

untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari, kami sudah bersyukur dengan jerih-payahmu.
TL : Don’t bother trying to make ends meet, we’re satisfied with your hard-

Translation has got some principles that confronted by some experts, but actually the point of
the principles of translation is that the translation loyalty, it should loyal to the text or to the
reader. Loyal to the text means focus on the source language, on the other hand, loyal to the
reader means focus on the target language.

a. Loyal/Faithful to the Text

1. A translation must give the words of the original.
2. A translation should read like an original work.
3. A translation should reflect the style of the original.
4. A translation should read as a contemporary of the original.

Related to the text, there are several types of translation, such as:
 Technical Translation
The term “technical translation” can be understood in two ways:
o In its broadest sense, it is about translating user manuals, instructions leaflets,
internal notes, medical translation, financial reports, minutes of proceedings,
administrative terms in general, and so forth. These documents share the
distinction of being for a specific and limited target audience and usually have a
limited shelf-life.

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o In its most limited sense, technical translation refers to “technical” documentation
such as engineering, IT, electronics, mechanics, and industrial texts in general.
Technical translation requires a knowledge of the specialized terminology used in
the sector originating the text.

 Scientific Translation
As a sub-group of technical translation, as its name indicates, scientific translation deals
with documents in the domain of science: articles, theses, papers, congress booklets,
presentations, study reports etc.

 Financial Translation
Financial or economic translation, of course, deals with documentation relating to the
likes of financial, banking, and stock exchange activity. This includes annually company
reports, financial statements, financial contracts, financing packages, and so forth.

 Legal Translation
Legal translation covers a wide range of very different documents. These may include
legal documents such as summons and warrants; administrative texts such as
registration certificates; corporate statutes and remittance drafts, technical documents
such as expert opinions and texts for judicial purposes; and a number of other texts in
addition to reports and minutes of court proceedings.

 Judicial Translation
Judicial translations, not to be confused with legal or certified translation, refers to the
task of translation undertaken in a court setting. Judicial translators specialize in
translating documents such as letters oratories, minutes of proceedings, judgments,
expert opinions, deposition, minutes of interrogation sessions etc.

 Juridical Translation
Juridical translation refers to legally-binding documentation. For example, this could be
the translation of documents such as laws; regulations and decrees; general sales and
purchase conditions; legally binding contracts such as labor; license and commercial
contracts; partnership agreements, accords; protocols and conventions; internal
regulations; insurance policies; and bail assurance, among others. The juridical
translator must have a solid legal background in addition to their linguistic training.

 Certified Translation
A certified translator may use their signature to authenticate official translations. These
are usually documents which require legal validation and are thus referred to as
“certified”. Certified translators often work in courtrooms as juridical translators, or act
in the capacity of a legal expert, as well as providing translations of civil status
documentation, marital agreements, divorce settlements, deceases, and wills, for

 Literary Translation
This is probably the hardest of all the different kinds of translation, as obviously, the
translator must first try to render the semantic content of the original text (as should be
the case for the translation of any kind of text), and then in addition deal with a number
of other difficulties, such as :
o Polysemy word play specific to literary texts, as behind a word or a phrase,
there lie a number of connotations which the writer has tried to transmit or
hint at subtly and which the translator must attempt to render.
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o The author’s own particular literary style; the translator must try to transmit
the unique way in which the writer has couched their ideas.
o Rhythm, meter and the innate balance of the phrase; this is particularly
important in poetry but equally present in prose, where the translator must
work out the best way to resolve the delicate task of rendering the music
inherent to the text — assonance, alliteration and asyndeton.

b. Loyal/Faithful to the Reader

1. A translation must give the ideas of the original.
2. A translation should read like a natural translation work.
3. A translation should posse the style of translator.
4. A translation should read as a contemporary of the translator.

Related to the reader, there are several thing to be recognized, such as:
 The translator must make the text clear to the reader. However, differences in the
language structure often require change in the form and order of words. When in doubt,
underline in the original text the words on which the main stress falls, then make some
footnotes to add appropriate description of them.
 One of the frequent criticisms of translation is that it does not sound ‘natural’. This is
because the translator’s thoughts and choice of words are too strongly molded by the
original text.
 A good way to avoid the influence of the source language is to set the text aside and
translate a few sentence aloud from memory. This is suggest natural patterns of thought
in the first language which may not come to mind when the eye is fixed on the text.
 It is necessary to prioritize the accuracy of the message to the detriment of style, if
necessary and to convey the message, the translators have to substitute the cultural
elements in the original text with cultural elements that are more well-known to readers
of the target language, even if they are not totally equivalent.
 The most important thing is the meaning of the message that the author aims to
transmit. The translators have to convey message to readers of the target language in
a natural way. Fidelity to the language, register and tone used by the author of the
original text is secondary. These two views are total opposites, although less radical
positions can be found in the middle.
 Translation is not an exact science; therefore, every time the translators undertake a
job, they have to firstly identify with the author to understand the message they are
aiming to convey, and secondly identify with the potential reader and use language that
will allow them to easily understand this message. To carry out their task, the translators
have to avoid being too rigid; on the contrary, they have to open their mind, make it
more flexible and use their common sense.

4. Techniques of Translation

The translation techniques can be divided into two categories:

1. Direct Technique
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This technique is used when the structural and conceptual elements of the source language
can be transposed or transferred into the target language directly.

2. Oblique Technique
This technique is used when the structural and conceptual elements of the source language
cannot be transposed or transferred into the target language directly.


Direct translation techniques are used when the structural and conceptual elements of the
source language can be transposed or transferred into the target language directly.

There are four types for Direct Translation Techniques, they are as follow:

A. Borrowing Technique.
It is the carry-over of lexical items from the source language to the target language, normally
without formal or semantic modification. Here, we can say that it is a taking of words directly
from source language into target language without translation. The original expressions should
be written in italic forms in target language.

Borrowing technique can be divided into three forms, they are as follow:

a. Pure Borrowing technique: there is no change in form and meaning.

(website, software, internet, magicjar, handphone, video, mineral, data, program, adit, shaft,
nasi goreng, batik, wayang, Bahasa, Bangkabor)

Examples of English – Indonesian daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: You may record your basic steel processing activity with your handphone as video.
TL: Kalian diperbolehkan merekam video tentang kegiatan pengolahan dasar baja dengan

SL: Andy gets some information about extractive metal processing from the internet.
TL: Andy memperoleh informasi tentang proses ekstraktif metal dari internet.

SL: Because of their utility and value, minerals have been integral and essential to man’s
TL: Karena kegunaan dan nilainya, bermacam mineral menjadi tumpuan dan kebutuhan
penting bagi kehidupan manusia.

Examples of Indonesian – English daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: Nasi goreng termasuk makanan favorit tamu manca negara, yaitu merupakan masakan
asli Indonesia terbuat dari nasi dengan potongan-potongan daging dan sayuran.

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TL: Nasi goreng is the favorite food for some tourists, it is an Indonesian rice dish with
colourful bits of meat and vegetables added.

SL: Saya bisa berbicara Bahasa Indonesia dengan lancar setelah saya tinggal selama tiga
TL: I can speak Bahasa fluently after living three years in Indonesia.

SL: Dengan menyediakan satu teknologi saja tidak cukup, itulah sebabnya kombinasi antara
teknologi modern dan metode mutakhir diperlukan dalam mengolah material baku
uranium, plutonium, dan mercury.
TL: By supplying one technological method is not enough, so that’s why the combination of
technological, modern and developed methods is involved to process the raw materials
of uranium, plutonium and mercury.

b. Naturalized Borrowing Technique: there is a change in form but not in meaning.

(composition=komposisi, combination=kombinasi, flashdisc=flesdisk, padi=paddy,
sate=satay expression=ekspresi, coldcash=kulkas, access=akses, English=Inggris)

Examples of English – Indonesian daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: May I borrow your flashdisc to copy the files of English subjects for metallurgical
TL: Bolehkah saya pinjam flesdisk-mu untuk mengkopi file-file materi bahasa Inggris untuk
teknik metalurgi?

SL: The largest portion of more than 1 billion ton Indonesian nickel laterite ore deposits
can be classified as low grade.
TL: Porsi terbesar dari bijih nikel laterit Indonesia yang cadangannya lebih dari 1 milyar ton
termasuk pada klasifikasi bijih berkadar rendah.

SL: The compositions of the ores varies in wide range, with high magnesium oxide and
silicates contents for saprolite and high iron and aluminum oxides for limonite.
TL: Komposisi bijih kadar rendah tersebut sangat bervariasi, dari bijih saprolit yang tinggi
kandungan oksida magnesium dan silikatnya serta bijih limonit yang tinggi kandungan
oksida besi dan aluminiumnya.

Examples of Indonesian – English daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: Amyra suka sekali makan sate, yaitu suatu makanan yang terbuat dari daging atau
ikan yang dipotong kecil-kecil ditusuk dengan lidi kemudian dibakar, dan dihidangkan
dengan bumbu kacang.
TL: Amyra was very fond of eating satay, it is a food consisting of small pieces of meat or
fish cooked on a stick, and served with a spicy peanut sauce.

SL: Kawasan pabrik baja ini sebelum dibangun, sebenarnya merupakan ladang padi yang
sangat luas, subur dan kaya makmur.
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TL: Before this steel manufacturing area was built up, actually, it was a wide, fertile and
productive paddy field.

SL: Pemanfaatan pasir besi titan merupakan alternatif yang diperlukan untuk memenuhi
kebutuhan bahan baku industri baja yang dalam perkembangan dan kebutuhannya
semakin meningkat dengan terbatasnya cadangan bijih besi konvensional.
TL: The utilization of iron sand is an alternative to fill-up the rising demand of raw material for
steel industry development due to limited amount of conventional iron ore.

c. Mixed Borrowing Technique: it sometimes consists of the combination of pure and

naturalized, pure and others, or naturalized and others too.
(sedimentary rock=batuan sedimen, conveyor belt=sabuk konveyor)

Examples of English – Indonesian daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: May I borrow your flashdisc to copy the files of English subjects for metallurgical
TL: Bolehkah saya pinjam flesdisk-mu untuk mengkopi file-file materi bahasa Inggris untuk
teknik metalurgi?

SL: To obtain the quality of titan iron sand which is suitable with the requirement for
smelting, it is needed to have concentration process by magnetic separator to increase
iron content.
TL: Guna mendapatkan kualitas pasir besi titan yang memenuhi persyaratan peleburan,
perlu dilakukan proses konsentrasi dengan alat pemisah magnetik untuk meningkatkan
kadar besi.

Examples of Indonesian – English daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: Hampir semua industri pengolahan mineral memakai sabuk konveyor untuk
mengangkut material baku metal dari tambang bawah tanah ke ‘stockpile’.
TL: Most of the mineral processing industries need conveyor belt to transport metal raw
materials from ground to the stockpile.

SL: Ahli metalurgi modern harus terlibat tidak hanya dengan masalah proses dan produksi
pada komoditas mineral saja tetapi juga pada mitigasi kerusakan atau perubahan
lingkungan sebagai akibat proses dan produksi tersebut.
TL: Modern metallurgical engineers must therefore be concerned not only with the
production and processing of the mineral commodities, but also with the damage
mitigation or changes to an environment as a result of that production and processing.
B. Loan Technique
It is the linear substitution of elements of one language by elements of the other, it is normally
in noun phrase forms. Loan technique is used to transfer the meaning of an expression of source
language which has the same meaning literally with the other expression in the target language
already, but then this expression sometimes can be borrowed to translate any others.

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(desk lamp= lampu meja/ lampu belajar/ lampu baca; whiteboard=papan putih/ papan tulis;
showroom=ruang pameran/ruang pertunjukan/ruang pajangan; field trip= kuliah lapangan/
praktek lapangan /kerja praktek)

Examples of English – Indonesian daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: He bought his antique desk lamp three years ago when he went to Japan.
TL: Dia membeli lampu belajarnya yang antik tiga tahun yang lalu ketika dia pergi ke Jepang.

SL: While he was arranging all of his refence book on the shelves, he put his metallurgical
encyclopedia on the table beside his desk lamp.
TL: Ketika dia menata semua buku referensinya di rak-rak buku, dia meletakkan buku
ensiklopedia metalurgi miliknya di atas meja dekat lampu baca.

Examples of Indonesian – English daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: Agar dia dapat dengan mudah menjelaskan konsep alat pemisah magnetik pada rapat hari
ini, dia membutuhkan papan tulis yang memadai.
TL: To be able to explain the concept of magnetic separator easily at the meeting today, he
needs a suitable whiteboard.

SL: Karena adanya wabah penyakit yang disebabkan virus korona, kuliah lapangan bagi
mahasiswa prodi metalurgi dilakukan secara daring.
TL: Because of corona virus - a pandemic disease, the fieldtrip for mettallurgical engineering
students is held online virtually.

C. Calque Technique
It is a term used to translate noun phrase by having loan words that are transposed literally.
(Vice President=Wakil Presiden; Vice Rector=Wakil Rektor; Vice Dean=Wakil Dekan; General
Manager=Jendral Menejer; Directorate General=Direktorat Jendral; interface=antar muka;
international=antar negara; quality insurance=kualitas asuransi; Cafe Coffee=kafe kopi/ kedai
kopi / warung kopi; photocopy= fotokopi; exploration geophysics= eksplorasi geofisika)

Examples of English – Indonesian daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: She was so thankful that she had a good quality insurance to be taken out, when she was
involved in the accident on holyday.
TL: Dia sangat bersyukur dia memiliki kualitas asuransi yang baik yang menjaminnya, ketika
dia mengalami kecelakaan ketika liburan.

SL: Petra had a part-time job at photocopy shop near his bording house when he was studying
at the Study program of Metallurgical Engineering five years ago.
TL: Petra bekerja paruh waktu di warung fotokopi dekat rumah kosnya ketika dia kuliah di
Prodi Teknik Metalurgi, 5 tahun yang lalu.

SL: To build the metal ores processing installation, it is needed not only several but a lot of
structures of separators.
English for Metallurgical Engineering-2020 13
TL: Untuk mendirikan instalasi pengolahan bijih metal diperlukan beberapa bahkan banyak
struktur separator.

SL: The young metallurgical engineers process the iron ores becoming steel bars.
TL: Ahli metalurgi yang masih belia itu mengolah bijih besi menjadi baja batangan.

Examples of Indonesian – English daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: Karena memprovokasi rekan-rekannya untuk berdemo, Patrick wajib menghadap Wakil
Rektor III.
TL: Because he provoked his associates to have a strike, Patrick was obliged to face Vice
Rector III.

SL: Banyak rekan mahasiswa teknik metalurgi yang lebih suka mengadakan pertemuan kerja
kelompok di kedai kopi ketimbang di kampus.
TL: Most of college students of metallurgical engineering prefer arranging teamwork meeting
in Café Coffee rather than at campus.

SL: Kemungkinan penggunaan resin ini untuk mengadsorpsi nikel dan kobalt dari beberapa
larutan didapatkan dari hasil pelindian nikel laterit dikurangi kandungan ion besinya.
TL: The possibility to using this resin for nickel and cobalt absorption in various solutions is
obtained from nickel laterite subtracted with the contents of ferrous ions after leaching

D. Literal Technique
The replacement of source language syntactic structure by target language structure, normally
at clause level, in terms of number and type of lexical item and synonymous in term of content.
It is a taking words in their usual or most basic sense, free from distortion or without any
metaphor or allegory or representing the exact words of the original text. Literal technique is
also called as word-for-word translation.

Examples of English – Indonesian daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: She wore a beautiful dress at the party tonight.
TL: Dia memakai gaun yang indah pada pesta tadi malam.

SL: Don’t sign anything before you read the agreement yet.
TL: Jangan mentanda-tangani apapun sebelum kamu membaca perjanjiannya.

SL: According to my opinion, the meaning of “the steel industry is still in its youth with a very
low level of financialization” is the company is still in short operation period and has low
financial investment.
TL: Menurut pemikiran saya, makna dari “perusahaan baja masih dalam kondisi remaja
dengan tingkat keuangan yang rendah” hal itu berarti bahwa perusahaan tersebut masih
baru dan tingkat penanaman modalnya masih rendah.

English for Metallurgical Engineering-2020 14

Examples of Indonesian – English daily & metallurgical expressions:
SL: Saya mencoba untuk mengerem sekuat-kuatnya, tetapi jalan sangat licin. Jadi saya selip
kearah kaki lima dan menabrak sebuah mobil yang sedang parkir.
TL: I tried to brake sharply, but the road was slippery. So I skidded towards the pavement and
smashed into a parked car.

SL: Ketika perusahaan pengolahan baja pertama kali didirikan, hal yang sangat dibutuhkan
adalah adanya pemasokan bahan mentah bijih-bijih besi.
TL: When the steel processing company first built, the only possible thing needed was the
supply of iron ores.


Oblique translation techniques are used when the structural and conceptual elements of the
source language cannot be transposed or transferred into the target language directly.

There are four types for Oblique Translation Techniques, they are as follow:

A. Transposition Technique
This technique is used when the translator render the source language element to the target
language elements which are semantically, but not formally equivalent because of the word-
class changes.

There are some types of transposition

 The change from singular to plural (and vice versa) or in the position of the adjective.
 The change in grammatical structure or word order from SL to TL.
 The change of part of speech or word class from SL to TL, when the literal translation of
SL text may not acceptable in the natural usage of TL.

Examples of English – Indonesian daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: No entrance. (No = adjective, entrance = noun)
TL: Dilarang masuk. (Dilarang = verb, masuk = verb)

SL: Keep the grass green. (Keep = verb, the grass = noun-ph, green = adjective)
TL: Dilarang menginjak rumput. (Dilarang=v, menginjak=v, rumput=n)

SL: The young metallurgical engineers process the iron ores becoming steel bars.
TL: Baja batangan itu hasil pengolahan bijih besi yang dilakukan oleh ahli metalurgi yang
masih belia.

Examples of Indonesian – English daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: Selain petugas dilarang masuk. (Selain=adv, petugas=n, dilarang=v, masuk=v)
TL: Staff only. (Staff = noun, only = adjective)

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TL: Authorized personnel only. (Authorized=adj, personnel=n, only=adj)

SL: Samuel sampai di area pabrik pengolahan mineral di Kalimantan sesuai rencana.
TL: Samuel departs to the manufacturing area of mineral processing at Kalimantan as
TL: Samuel departed to the manufacturing area of mineral processing at Kalimantan as

B. Modulation Technique
This technique is used when the translator has different point of view of something with the
author or speaker. He may switch or shift the author or speaker point of view as far as the
original meaning is transferred (not lost).

Examples of English – Indonesian daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: The metallugists think we weren’t wrong in processing iron ores into steel bars.
TL: Ahli metalurgi itu berpendapat kita benar dalam mengolah bijih besi menjadi baja

SL: It’s normal to feel a little apprehension before starting a new job.
TL: Kita merasa kuatir atau was-was, sebelum memulai pekerjaan baru, dan hal seperti itu

SL: After removing the impurities, the metallurgical engineer endeavor to process iron ores
enthusiastic about gaining good quality of steel bars.
TL: Ahli metalurgi itu berusaha mengolah biji besi dengan astusias untuk memperoleh kualitas
batangan baja yang bagus setelah menghilangkan pengotornya.

Examples of Indonesian – English daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: Supervisor lapangan berpikir kita belum dewasa dalam menentukan sikap saat melakukan
TL: The field supervisor think we’re still green in standing at attention in doing our duties.

SL: Tolong, katakan apa yang terjadi tadi malam, aku sungguh ingin tahu jalan ceritanya.
TL: Come on, satisfy my curiosity, what happened last night?

SL: Aku punya penghidupan yang layak meski aku putus kuliah umur 21 tahun, dan aku tidak
TL: I left university at 21, but I've had a great life and I have no regrets.

SL: Bukan saja pesanan-pesanan dari negara industri baja yang penting; China sedang
mengembangkan kesempatan mengekspor alat pemisahan magnetik keluar negeri.

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TL: China is developing the opportunities to export magnetic separators aboard, it’s not only
because of thinking orders from the country's steel industry were important.

C. Equivalence Technique
This is a translation procedure which uses a completely different expression to transmit the same
reality. It is used when the replacement of a stretch of source language (particularly idioms,
collocations, jargons, proverbs and the like) done by its functional equivalent.

Examples of English – Indonesian daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: I always remember my mom’s advice that the time is money, so I may not waste my age
for doing nothing.
TL: Aku selalu ingat nasehat ibuku kalo waktu itu berharga, jadi aku harus menjadi orang yang
berguna dan tidak menyia-nyiakan waktu.

SL: By the way, why don’t you start writing application letter to your favorite mineral
processing company?
TL: Omong-omong, kenapa kamu belum menulis lamaran ke perusahaan pengolahan mineral

SL: As he was caught red-handed passing through the restricted area, he got the sack all at
TL: Karena dia tertangkap basah memasuki/melewati daerah terlarang, dia langsung dipecat
seketika itu juga.

SL: I get the low-down on the campus activity which is not only taking up much time and
attention but also shaking down much energy and thought.
TL: Saya mendengar seluruh hal ihwal tentang kegiatan kampus yang tidak hanya menyita
waktu dan perhatian tetapi juga menguras tenaga dan pikiran.

Examples of Indonesian – English daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: Ketika Irene bertemu Danisha setelah sekian lama tidak berjumpa, kalimat yang terucap
pertama kali adalah gimana kabarnya.
TL: When Irene met Danisha after a very long time no see, the first words they uttered were
how’re you?

SL: Seumur-umur baru kali ini saya terperangah dan terpesona dengan mesin pengolahan
mineral yang sedahsyat dan secanggih itu.
TL: In all my born days and for the first time, I have taken aback and been in a great awe
to the extraordinarily powerful huge enhanced and sophisticated mineral processing

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D. Adaptation Technique
This technique is used to translate culture backgrounds, as far as we know that there is a
recompense for cultural differences between the two languages. Here, we are not only borrowing
the source language expressions, but we are also adapting its cultures.
Adaptation occurs when something specific to one language culture is expressed in a totally
different way that is familiar or appropriate to another language culture. Adaptations are
equivalents and can be seen more clearly in the translations of television shows or movies, where
conversations or cultural references must be adapted for foreign audiences. Adaptation,
however, is not to be confused with localization, which is used when the target audience speaks
a different variant of the same language.

Examples of English – Indonesian daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: Now, if you'd all please raise your glasses, I'd like to propose a toast to the bride and the
groom. Cheers.
TL: Ayo, angkat gelas kita bersama-sama, selamat untuk pengatin kita. Cheers!
(This expression is used when celebrating something, and there is no equivalent
word/expression in Indonesian.)

SL: After working in mineral processing area all day long, Adnan takes a shower directly, takes
a healthy dinner prepared by his wife, and while he is taking a rest take, he reads a book
for a while, then goes to bed early.
TL: Setelah bekerja seharian di area pengolahan mineral, Adnan langsung mandi, makan
malam dengan makanan sehat yang disiapkan istrinya, setelah itu dia istirahat sebentar
sambil membaca buku, kemudian segera tidur.

Examples of Indonesian– English daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: Tidak kusangka makanan favorit temanku yang berasal dari Kanada ternyata nasi goreng
dan nasi rendang.
TL: I never thought that my friends from Canada fond of nasi goreng and nasi rendang as their
favorite foods.

SL: Setiap peserta memakai baju batik pada saat upacara pembukaan acara bulanan stadium
general metalurgi.
TL: Every participant is wearing batik in the opening ceremonial of a monthly scheduled
metallurgical stadium general.

5. Difficulties of Translation
During the process translation, translators sometimes have stuck in the middle of their works.
They seem face some difficulties to get a nearly closed meaning to the original. The difficulties
found, it can be related to, as the following:

English for Metallurgical Engineering-2020 18

A. Language Structure
Every language sits inside a defined structure with its own agreed upon rules. The general
English sentence patterns consist of Subject, Predicate, Object and Complement. It is a simple
sentence patterns, sometimes each part of the patterns consists of single word, compound words
(compound nouns, two word verbs), or group of words (phrases or clauses). This simple
sentence patterns usually combine with others to construct new sentence patterns as compound
sentences, complex sentences or compound complex sentences. The complexity and singularity
of this framework directly correlates to the difficulty of translation.

B. Difficult in translating the meaning of words.

The lexical meaning of a word or lexical unit may be thought of as the specific value, it has in a
particular linguistic system and the ‘personality’ it requires through usage within that system,
but sometimes a word has multi meaning too, that can make us being confused to get
appropriate meaning.
(rice=padi/gabah/beras/nasi/meniran; crane =burung bangau or mesin keruk; apple = buah or
merek ‘handphone’ atau ‘laptop’; kanker=kantong kering/penyakit kanker)

Examples of English – Indonesian daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: Mother is cooking the rice in the kitchen.
TL: Ibu menanak nasi di dapur. (?)
TL: Ibu menanak beras di dapur. (?)

SL: There were many cranes at the mining area near the lake.
TL: Ada banyak burung bangau di kawasan pertambangan dekat danau. (?)
TL: Ada banyak mesin keruk di kawasan pertambangan dekat danau. (?)

Examples of Indonesian – English daily expressions:

SL: Siapa saja kalo baru kanker tidak bisa apa-apa.
TL: Whoever gets cancer can’t do anything. (It refers to the disease/illness) (?)
TL: Anyone who has no money can do nothing. (It refers to the acronym ‘kanker = kantong
kering) (?)

SL: Harga apel baru-baru ini meningkat sangat pesat.

TL: The price of apples nowdays increase rapidly. (Fruit or Laptop?)

C. Difficult in translating the meaning of phrases.

A phrase sometimes has a specific meaning, it is because based on the meaning of words which
construct it.

Examples of English – Indonesian daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: Mr. John is an English teacher, he teaches us Extractive Metallurgical Methods.
TL: Mr. John seorang guru Bahasa Inggris, beliau mengajar Metode Ekstraksi Metalurgi. (?)
TL: Mr. John seorang guru berkebangsaan Inggris, beliau mengajar Metode Ekstraksi Metalurgi.
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Examples of Indonesian – English daily expressions:
SL: Ibu membelikanku banyak blackberries tadi malam.
TL: Mother bought me some blackberries last night. (Fruit or Handphone?)

SL: Maaf, aku enggak bisa ikut makan siang di kantin, maklum baru bokek.
TL: Sorry, I can’t join having lunch at canteen, I am broke this moment. (?)
TL: Sorry, I can’t join having lunch at canteen, I’ve no money right now. (?)
TL: Sorry, I’m bankrupt, I can’t joint having lunch at canteen right now. (?)

D. Difficult in translating the meaning of sentence patterns.

There are so many patterns to construct sentences that must be comprehended. If we fail or
careless to understand it or our grammar background is less, we will translate wrongly and loose
the meaning.

Examples of English – Indonesian daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: Coming home late last night, my mother scolded me.
TL: Karena saya pulang terlambat, ibu memarahi saya. (?)
TL: Karena (ibu) pulang terlambat, ibu memarahi saya. (?)

SL: Getting stress because of finding difficulties in constructing the mineral processing plant,
Barry can’t sleep for a whole week.
TL: Barry tidak dapat tidur selama satu minggu karena stress. (?)
TL: Barry tidak dapat tidur selama satu minggu karena kesulitan membuat konstruksi pabrik
pengolahan mineral. (?)

Examples of Indonesian – English daily expressions:

SL: Karena bapaknya di rumah sakit, dia meminta-minta di jalan.
TL: Because his father is at hospital, he begs on the street. (?)
TL: Because his father is sick at home, he begs on the street. (?)

E. Difficult in translating the meaning of (whole) text.

If the translators don’t understand about semantics (branch of linguistics which studies about
the meaning of language) well, they will find difficulties in translating the (whole) text moreover
the translated subject or the text background is not the same as theirs.

F. Difficult in translating the meaning of Two-Word Verbs or Collocations

Collocationis a word or phrase which is often used with another word or phrase, in a way that
sounds correct to people who have spoken the language all their lives, but might not be expected
from the meaning. It means that the meaning of a collocation will be different with one of or
both of words that compose it. Most of collocations consist of verbs and prepositions that will
English for Metallurgical Engineering-2020 20
take on separate and specific meaning when they are used together. Two-word verbs are
common in informal English. In many cases, though, it is neither necessary nor appropriate to
translate the preposition separately.

Examples of Indonesian – English daily or metallurgical expressions:

SL: Every student must pay attention to the lecturer’s explanation of Extractive Metallurgy.
TL: Setiap mahasiswa harus memperhatikan penjelasan dosen tentang Ekstraksi Metalurgi. (?)
TL: Setiap mahasiswa harus membayar atensi terhadap dosen tentang Ekstraksi Metalurgi. (?)

SL: I had a breakdown, the magnetic separator is stopped working in the middle of the iron ores
TL: Saya mengalami kerusakan, alat pemisah magnetiknya macet saat mengolah bijih besi. (?)
TL: Ada gangguan, alat pemisah magnetik macet saat proses pengolahan bijih besi berjalan. (?)

SL: Watch out! Mind your ear! There are some high volume noises at the mineral processing
TL: Lihat keluar!l Pikirkan telingamu! Banyak suara bising melengking di kawasan pengolahan
mineral. (?)
TL: Awas! Gunakan pelindung telinga! Banyak suara bising melengking di area pengolahan
mineral. (?)

G. Difficult in translating the meaning of idioms

An idiom is a number of words which, taken together, mean something different from the
individual words of the idiom when they stand alone. An idiom in the source language may have
a very close counterpart in the target language which looks similar on the surface but has a
totally or partially different meaning.

Examples of English – Indonesian daily or metallurgical expressions:

SL: My friend whose hobby is climbing a tree is the best employee of PT Freeport, now he’s
really at the top of the tree.
TL: Temanku yang hobinya memanjat pohon itu pegawai terbaik PT Freeport, saai ini dia benar-
benar sedang di atas pohon. (?)
TL: Temanku yang hobinya memanjat pohon itu pegawai terbaik PT Freeport, saai ini dia benar-
benar sedang di atas puncak karir. (?)

SL: I know things are not going quite the way you like it, but you must just grin and bear it and
don’t be worry for every dark night always has a brighter day.
TL: Aku tahu kalau saat ini keadaan/kenyataan tak seperti yang kamu inginkan, tapi kamu harus
tabah dan jangan kuatir karena segala sesuatu pasti ada hikmahnya. (?)
TL: Saya tahu segala sesuatu tidak akan sama dengan yang kau harapkan, tetapi kamu harus
sanggup menghadapinya dan jangan kuatir setiap malam yang gelap selalu memiliki hari
yang benderang. (?)

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H. Difficult in translating the meaning of proverbs
Proverbs are also fixed expressions which contain culture-specific items which are not necessarily
untranslatable. They are not the specific items contained specific expressions, but rather the
meaning they convey and their associations with culture-specific contexts which can make them
untranslatable or difficult to translate.

Examples of English – Indonesian daily expressions:

SL: He is as a rooling stone gathers no moss.
TL: Dia itu orang yang boros yang tidak dapat mengatur antara pemasukan dan pengeluaran.
TL: Dia itu orang yang selalu berpindah-pindah pekerjaan karena penghasilannya selalu tidak
cukup untuk bertahan hidup. (?)

SL: Many hands make light work.

TL: Banyak tangan membuat pekerjaan terang. (?)
TL: Banyak tangan membuat pekerjaan mudah. (?)
TL: Bekerja dengan tim membuat pekerjaan ringan. (?)

Examples of Indonesian –English daily expressions:

SL: Membeli kucing dalam karung.
TL: Buying pig in the poke. (?)
TL: Someone buying a low-quality thing in a covered bag because he did not carefully check
what was in the bag. (?)
TL: Someone did not carefully check any information about things he like to know. (?)

I. Difficult in translating the meaning of Compound Words

Compound words are formed by combining two or more words together, but the overall meaning
of the compound words may not reflect the meaning of its component words. It’s usually best
to think of them in terms of three separate groups, they are:
a. compound words mean exactly what they say. (Airport, crosswalk, seashore)
b. compound words mean only half of what they say. (Bookworm)
c. compound words means totally different to words involved. (Deadline, butterfly, eggplant,

J. Difficult in translating the meaning of Missing Names

A language may not have an exact match for a certain action or object that exists in another
language. Every states has its own expression to name certain things.

Examples of English – Indonesian daily expressions:

SL: Tom’s house has five guest rooms.
TL: Rumahnya Tom memiliki 5 ruang tamu. (?)
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TL: Rumahnya Tom memiliki 5 kamar tamu. (?)

SL: Do not litter.

TL: Jangan membuang sampah sembarangan. (?)
TL: Buang sampah pada tempatnya. (?)
TL: Throw the trash into the dust bin. (?)

Examples of Indonesian – English daily & metallurgical expressions:

SL: Kami duduk di meja makan sambil membahas tentang pengolahan bijih besi.
TL: We are sitting down in the eating table while discussing about iron ores processing. (?)
TL: We are sitting down in the dining table while discussing about iron ores processing. (?)

SL: Ketika Brad berkunjung ke rumah kami, ibuku menyuruhnya tidur di ruang tamu.
TL: When Brad was visiting our house, my mom ordered him to sleep in living room. (?)
TL: When Brad was visiting my home, my mom ordered him to sleep in guest room. (?)

SL: Buanglah sampah pada tempatnya.

TL: Throw the trash in its place. (?)
TL: Throw away the rubbish at its place. (?)
TL: Throw away the garbage into the garbage can/garbage dump/garbage truck/ pail tong. (?)

K. Difficult in translating the meaning of Sarcasm

Sarcasm is a sharp, bitter, or cutting style of expression that usually means the opposite of its
literal phrasing. Sarcasm frequently loses its meaning when translated word-for-word into
another language and can often cause unfortunate misunderstandings.
Ideally, a publisher would remove sarcasm from the source text prior to translation. But in cases
where that style is central to the content requirements, the publisher should explicitly underscore
sarcastic passages. That way, translators will have a chance to avoid literal misunderstandings
and suggest a local idiom that may work better in the target language.

Examples of English – Indonesian daily expressions:

SL: Sarah has been waited her boyfriend for two hours. He had promised her to pick up her on
time. At last, her boyfriend came in a hurry, but immediately Sarah were trouncing his
chest and said ‘I hate you… I hate you…’ but soon, they were walking together hand in hand.
TL: Dia telah menunggu pacarnya selama dua jam, dia berjanji menjemput Sarah tepat waktu.
Akhirnya setelah penantian panjang, pacarnya dating, tetapi Sarah memukuli dada
pacarnya sambil berkata ‘Aku benci kamu… Aku benci kamu…” tetapi kemudian mereka
telah bergandengan tangan satu sama lain.

L. Difficult in translating the Multiple Meanings

The same word may mean multiple things depending on where it’s placed and how it’s used in
a sentence. This phenomenon typically follows one of two patterns. They are homonyms, which
English for Metallurgical Engineering-2020 23
look and sound alike but are defined differently or they are heteronyms, which look alike but are
defined and pronounced differently.

Examples of English – Indonesian daily expressions:

SL: Scale the fish before weighing it on the scale.
TL: Timbanglah ikan sebelum dikuliti.

SL: I drove down the windy road on a windy day.

TL: Saya berkendara di jalan yang berkelok-kelok di hari yang berangin.

Examples of Indonesian – English daily expressions:

SL: A bad man has a bad boy buys a bad apple with a bad money in a bad market in bad
TL: Seorang pria jahat memiliki anak nakal membeli apel busuk di pasar gelap dengan uang
haram di cuaca yang buruk.

M. Difficult in translating the situational and contextual meaning.

The meaning of words or any expression are sometimes based on the situational and contextual
of each sentence rather than the meaning based on the dictionaries or encyclopedias.

Examples of English – Indonesian daily expressions:

SL: I work by the hour. TL: Saya bekerja berdasarkan jumlah jam.
SL: I was stopped by the policeman. TL: Saya diberhentikan oleh polisi.
SL: I sat by the fireplace. TL: Saya duduk didekat perapian.

N. Difficult in translating the culture.

One of the most difficult problems in translating is found in the differences between cultures.
The source language words may express concept which is totally unknown in the target language
culture. The concept in question may be abstract or concrete; it may relate to religious belief, a
social custom, or even a type of food. All of them have their own specifics and characteristics.

Social Customs/Greetings: such as Good morning, Good evening and Good night.
Culture buildings: such as igloo, clog, dome, adobe, joglo, langgar, punden berundak, pura.
Culture/Religious event: such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine, Easter, midodareni,
sekatenan, grebegan.
Special Food: such as Pizza, Hot Dogs, Spaghetti, soto, dodol, jenang, pecel.

Here are such the ways to overcome the translation difficulties:

a. Master Source Language and Target Language well.
b. Master the translation understanding & knowledge, especially about translation
techniques and difficulties.
c. Explore and comprehend some idiomatic expressions & cultures.
English for Metallurgical Engineering-2020 24
d. Consult with dictionaries & experts to find out the appropriate meanings.
e. Write footnotes with appropriate clarification.
f. Deliver short explanation or description in braket, especially about unique terms
containing specific cultures or expressions.
g. Type the specific & unique expression originally in italic, bold, or underlined.
h. Explore your translation capabilities through some practices.

6. Good Translator
One must have ability, in such as:
(1) Mastering the source language for understanding the message, and mastering the
target language to express the message,
(2) Mastering general knowledge background,
(3) Mastering cultures background,
(4) Mastering translation and interpretation capabilities.


Exercise 1: Translate the following English daily expressions into good


a. What are you up to these days? Bagaimana dengan mu dewasa ini?
b. Is anything the matter? Apakah ada masalah?
c. Give my love to your mother. Salam sayangku untuk bundamu.
d. You’re most welcome. Terimakasih kembali.
e. I’m sorry to be such a nuisance. Maaf aku mengganggumu.

1. I wish you luck on your life.

2. I’d like to open an account here.
3. I’m expecting a remittance from abroad.
4. It’s a long lane that has no turning.
5. If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
6. Your remark concerning the budget was right on target.
7. In his hometown, he was a big frog in a small pond, but after he moved to a large city,
he was just one person among many millions.
8. She couldn’t get it through her head that every order had to be sent to the main office.
9. Because her boss criticized her so much, she finally lost her temper and quit her job.
10. Have you ever laid eyes on such a beautiful flower?

English for Metallurgical Engineering-2020 25

11. Some people seemed to like music, although I thought it was worse than noise. There’s
no accounting for taste.
12. You don’t really care about regulations. You’re just paying lip service to the boss.
13. If you want to get a job, you had better get out there and hit the bricks.
14. Her comments really hit me where I live and cut me to the quick. Her words seemed to
apply directly to me.
15. There is clearly something wrong here, and I want to get to the bottom of it.
16. I got to the airport late and missed the plane by the skin of my teeth.
17. Don’t bottle up your problems. It’s better to talk them out.
18. You are so naive. You sure don’t know the score.
19. You have to knuckle under to your boss if you expect to keep your job.
20. What a sour face. He looks as if the butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth.
21. How are you getting on?
22. I’m glad to make your acquaintance.
23. You don’t look yourself today.
24. Haven’t seen you for a long time.
25. Please remember me to your brother.
26. How very kind of you.
27. Would you do me a favour?
28. I’d be much obliged if you would moving over.
29. My condolences in your bereavement.
30. You mustn’t be offended.
31. Every cloud has a silver lining.
32. What is the nature of your business?
33. Just my personal belongings.
34. Sorry, I thought we were cut off.
35. The audience clapped and cheered for fully ten minutes.

Exercise 2: Translate the following Indonesian daily expression into good


a. Darimana saja sih kamu? Where have you been?
b. Maaf ya, aku kehabisan bensin. Sorry, I’ve run out of petrol/gas/fuel.
c. Bisakah rapat kita buka sekarang? Shall we start our meeting?
d. Mari kita berdoa dulu. Let’s pray together/Let’s pray first.
e. Ia adalah ketua Dewan direksi. He’s chairman of the board of directors.

1. Maaf, aku turut berduka cita atas musibah yang menimpamu.

2. Menjadi pengajar adalah matapencaharian orang tuaku.
3. Kami akan membutuhkan surat kuasa untuknya.
4. Semua yang berkilauan bukanlah emas.
English for Metallurgical Engineering-2020 26
5. Bila ada kemauan ada jalan.
6. Daya tariknya dalam berbicara membantunya dalam pekerjaan.
7. Ia akan naik pangkat, karena ia rajin bekerja.
8. Bolehkah saya menarik deposito berjangka saya?
9. Berapa besarnya bunga untuk deposito tetap?
10. Sebentar lagi Ayahku akan pensiun dari pekerjaannya.
11. Ketika saya dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah, saya memutuskan untuk
singgah di rumah bibi dulu.
12. Bis itu sangat penuh. Penumpangnya berdesak-desakan.
13. Saya akan baik-baik saja, segera setelah saya bisa menenangkan diri.
14. Maaf, tetapi mobil ini melebihi daya beli kami. Tolong tunjukkan yang lebih
15. Ketika ia mengirimiku kartu ucapan ‘semoga lekas sembuh’, hal itu benar-
benar membuat hatiku senang.
16. Jangan habiskan waktumu hanya untuk memikirkan kesalahanmu terlalu
17. Jika ingin sehat wal afiat, kamu harus makan makanan bergizi seimbang dan
istirahat cukup.
18. Ia baru dalam pekerjaannya, namun segera ia akan terbiasa dengan
19. Ayo, semuanya kembali ke kelas, rencana buruk telah terbongkar.
20. Saya harus menuliskan semua yang akan saya katakan, karena saya tidak
bisa berpikir sambil berbicara dengan baik.
21. Yuk, kita harus berenang lebih ke tengah lagi.
22. Maaf ya, aku kehabisan bensin.
23. Aduh, dia memukul hidungku dengan kepalan tinju!
24. Apakah koplingmu sudah di stel?
25. Rem tangannya yang tidak beres.
26. Saya mencoba untuk mengerem sekuat-kuatnya, tetapi jalan sangat licin. Jadi saya
selip kearah kakilima dan menabrak sebuah mobil yang sedang parkir.
27. Pesawat kita akan mendarat sekarang, tuan.
28. Ini...baru...namanya pendaratan yang mulus.
29. Bolehkah saya menukarnya, jika tidak cocok?
30. Tentu saja, kami memakai daun sereh dan daun kemangi untuk menambah
31. Berapa lamakah obral anda akan berlangsung?
32. Saya tadi melihat di etalase sepasang sepatu yang saya sukai.
33. Berapakah potongan harga yang akan anda berikan kalau saya membeli selusin?
34. Saya kira menurut peraturan-peraturan baru, kami harus memblokir jumlah yang
sama dalam rekening Tuan.
35. Kami akan menjamin pengembalian uang anda kalau ada pedagang perhiasan di
luar negeri yang menilainya kurang dari apa yang anda membayar di sini.

English for Metallurgical Engineering-2020 27

Exercise 3: Translate the English metallurgical text below into good Indonesian.
There have been several stages of Ada beberapa tahapan dalam
mineral processing. pengolahan mineral.
There have been Ada
several stages beberapa tahapan
of mineral processing dalam pengolahan mineral

After removing the impurities, the Setelah menghilangkan pengotornya,
metallurgical engineer endeavor to ahli metalurgi itu berusaha mengolah
process iron ores enthusiastically biji besi dengan astusias untuk
about gaining good quality of steel memperoleh kualitas batangan baja
bars. yang bagus.
After removing Setelah menghilangkan
the impurities, pengotornya,
the metallurgical engineer ahli metalurgi itu
to process iron ores berusaha mengolah biji besi
enthusiastically dengan astusias
about gaining untuk memperoleh
good quality of steel bars. kualitas batangan baja yang bagus.

Text 1:
Ordinary filtration is used in hydrometallurgical operations. For aqueous suspensions, the
separation of the particles resulting from a precipitation is obtained by filtration, which is carried
out by passing the slurry through a natural or synthetic cloth that will not permit passage of
solids. The cloth should offer minimal resistance to water flow and act mainly as a support for
the deposited solids that form the effective filter bed. The water may be forced through the filter
under pressure or drawn through by suction.
The presence of non-metallic inclusions in cast iron, steels and aluminum alloys is very
detrimental to product quality. These very fine oxide inclusions (of 1−3 µm) are formed when
the steel is deoxidized with various deoxididizers, such as aluminum, silicon, etc. They do not
separate into the slag phase during these refining operations in spite of their low density.
Filtration of liquid metals prior to casting is used to remove inclusions

English for Metallurgical Engineering-2020 28

Text 2:

Oxidation reactions take place (often biologically mediated) which affect the sulphur
compounds that often accompany coal seams. Whilst the mine remains dry these sulphur
compounds normally generate sulphate salts in a solid, but more available form. The metals
within accompanying minerals are often incorporated into these salts. When the water flows
through the mine these salts dissolve and this acidic, metal-containing mixture comprises the
initial Acid mine drainage discharge. The activity of chemolithotrophic bacteria2 continues to
oxidise the available sulphur compounds in the mine and therefore maintain the flow of the Acid
mine drainage, often over decades after the initial flush.

Text 3:

The thermal requirements of these reductions are provided by the combustion of coke by
pre-heated air that is possibly enriched in oxygen. The reductions of lead and iron oxides by CO
are slightly exothermic, so the thermal needs are low. The reduction of ZnO by CO is strongly
endothermic. The reduction of MnO by carbon is strongly endothermic. The thermal needs for
these reductions are therefore significant. As a result, the consumption of coke: molar ratio
C/metal produced will be very different for these different conversions. This ratio is, however, a
significant factor in the production cost (due to the price of coke). This has led to a significant
evolution of this process. Blast furnaces for the production of zinc and of lead are increasingly
being replaced by smelting reduction processes. The production of ferromanganese, like the
production of ferrosilicon, is more frequently being performed in submerged electric arc furnaces.
However, it is interesting to study the basic principles of the operating conditions and the
modelings of these reactors. Obviously, the study will mainly focus on the iron blast furnace due
to its importance. Currently, more than half the steel-based products are manufactured by the

Text 4:
The process of old steel plants consisted of many batch operations . So the manufacturing
process was frequently intermittent with more semi-product stock and high energy consumption.
It induced the product mix be universally and made the general layout complex and jumbl ed.
Due to some traditional concept fettering and some technical condition restricting, these batch
operations have blocked production efficiency and also have occupied plenty capital. It increased
cost, consumed resource and worsen environment, and became "technical bottleneck" which
blocks total rationalization of process. Meantime, the connection and coordination among main
processes with batch operation's mode has put forward complex requirements which are not
clearly rational. As the above problems that the batch operation of ingot casting and breakdown
in steel plant process related to limitations and uneconomic, many important improvements of
metallurgical technology developed to increase continuation and compactness of process
world-wide in recent 30 years.

English for Metallurgical Engineering-2020 29

Exercise 4: Translate the Indonesian metallurgical text below into good English.
Sejalan dengan perkembangan teknik As metallurgical engineering improved
metalurgi yang pesat, sangatlah rapidly, it was possible to build mineral
dimungkinkan membangun pabrik processing plant in Indonesia.
pengolahan mineral di Indonesia.
Sejalan dengan perkembangan teknik As metallurgical engineering improved
metalurgi yang pesat, rapidly,
sangatlah dimungkinkan it was possible
membangun pabrik pengolahan mineral to build mineral processing plant
di Indonesia. in Indonesia.

Ketika perusahaan pengolahan baja When the steel processing company
pertama kali didirikan, hal yang sangat first built, the only possible thing
dibutuhkan adalah adanya pemasokan needed was the supply of iron ores.
bahan mentah bijih-bijih besi.
Ketika perusahaan pengolahan baja When the steel processing company
pertama kali didirikan, first built,
hal yang sangat dibutuhkan the only possible thing needed
adalah adanya pemasokan was the supply
bahan mentah bijih-bijih besi. of iron ores.

Text 1:
Apabila setiap komponen dari suatu campuran logam memiliki modulus elastisitas atau
struktur kisi (lattice structures) yang berbeda, efek elastis akan berpengaruh pada laju
coarsening serta morfologi fasa yang terbentuk. Dalam hal ini efek mekanis yang ditimbulkan
oleh fenomena elastisitas ini lebih dominan dibandingkan dengan laju difusi dari proses
coarsening. Efek elastis mekanis ini kemudian dapat berpengaruh kepada sifat mekanis dari
campuran logam tersebut. Makalah ini menyajikan gambaran awal bagaimana efek elastisitas
tersebut dapat dikaji dengan menggunakan pendekatan elemen hingga (finite element) melalui
penggunaan persamaan Cahn-Hilliard yang dilanjutkan dengan Persamaan Parabola Orde
Keempat. Model Cahn–Hilliard dengan efek elastisitas dikembangkan berdasarkan persamaan
energi bebas Ginzburg–Landau yang merupakan fungsi dari perbedaan konsentrasi.

English for Metallurgical Engineering-2020 30

Text 2:
Perencanaan suatu proses produksi sederhana yang mudah diaplikasikan pada industri
menengah merupakan latar belakang dari riset ini. Pada riset ini dipelajari sejauh mana
mekanisme pembentukan bahan dengan proses hot press metalurgi serbuk di lingkungan udara
yang tidak dikondisikan, akan berpengaruh terhadap karakteristik dari Aluminium Matrix
Composites (AMCs). Komposit terbuat dari serpihan AC8A cor yang di haluskan sebagai matrik
dan ditambah kan partikel keramik SiC sebanyak 20% volume sebagai penguat. Proses hotpress
dilakukan pada temperatur 380 ºC dengan tekanan sebesar 425 MPa selama 5 menit dalam
lingkungan udara yang tidak dikondisikan. Dilakukan perbandingan karakteristik dari material
yang dibuat dengan cara hot press serbuk Aluminium paduan AC8A dengan dan tanpa partikel
penguat SiC, serta material AC8A hasil cor. Hasil pengamatan terhadap komposit AC8A/SiCp
memperlihatkan mikrostruktur yang padat. Pada beberapa tempat terdapat bagian partikel SiC
yang retak dan terlepas dari SiC lainnya di permukaan AC8A. Hasil Uji tekan serta SEM dari
retakan hasil uji tekan yang terjadi menunjukkan bahwa tercapai ikatan permukaan yang baik
antara aluminium paduan dengan SiC. Hasil XRD menunjukkan fase dominan yang terbentuk
sebelum dan setelah proses hotpres AC8A/SiCp adalah Al, Si dan SiC. Hasil uji mekanis
menunjukkan bahwa kekerasan serta kuat tekan (compression strength) dari AC8A hasil hot
press metalurgi serbuk lebih tinggi dibandingkan ingot AC8A hasil cor, namun kuat luluh (yield
strength) AC8A hasil hot press metalurgi serbuk jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan ingot AC8A
hasil cor.

Text 3:
Bagian terbesar dari bijih nikel laterit Indonesia yang cadangannya lebih dari 1 milyar
ton termasuk pada klasifikasi bijih berkadar rendah. Komposisi bijih kadar rendah tersebut
sangat bervariasi, dari bijih saprolit yang tinggi kandungan oksida magnesium dan silikatnya
serta bijih limonit yang tinggi kandungan oksida besi dan aluminiumnya. Selain itu bijih limonit
juga berpotensi mengandung silikat yang cukup tinggi. Oleh karena itu selalu ada kemungkinan
dari suatu cebakan bijih, kandungan total magnesium dengan aluminium dan atau silikat dari
bijih campuran tersebut masih melampaui dari batas kritis olahan proses HPAL. Oleh karena itu
pengolahan optimal tidak dapat diharapkan hanya dari proses HPAL. Seperti diketahui walaupun
kinerjanya tinggi tetapi proses HPAL cocok hanya untuk bijih yang kandungan magnesium dan
atau silikatnya rendah seperti limonit murni. Untuk itu perlu disiapkan alternatif berupa proses
yang komposisi bijih umpannya dapat lebih fleksibel. Kalau pilihannya adalah proses Caron
tampaknya masih diperlukan langkah pendekatan terhadap beberapa kendala yang harus
dihadapi oleh proses tersebut bila akan dikembangkan kedepan..

English for Metallurgical Engineering-2020 31

Text 4:
Pasir besi titan Indonesia cadangannya cukup besar terutama di daerah sekitar pantai
Selatan Jawa. Salah satu potensi pasir besi titan yang akan di teliti adalah pasir besi dari daerah
Tegal Buleud Pantai Selatan Sukabumi. Pemanfaatan pasir besi titan merupakan alternatif yang
diperlukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bahan baku industri baja yang dalam perkembangan
dan kebutuhannya semakin meningkat dengan terbatasnya cadangan bijih besi konvensional.
Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan kualitas pasir besi titan yang memenuhi persyaratan
peleburan, perlu dilakukan konsentrasi untuk meningkatkan kadar besi dengan cara magnetik.
Metode percobaan adalah melakukan identifikasi pasir besi titan dengan mengunakan analisa
XRD. Kemudian dilakukan proses preparasi sampel dan pengayakan sebelum dimasukan
kedalam peralatan pemisah magnetic dan dari pemisah magnet akan dihasilkan produk
konsentrat, middling, dan tailing. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan produk konsentrat pasir besi
titan mempunyai kandungan Fe203 80 % dan TiO2 20 %. Dan pemisahan pasir besi titan dengan
kondisi optimum diperoleh pada kondisi arus 3,5 ampere dan fraksi – 100 mesh dengan
perolehan konsentrat rata-rata 90 %.


a. Basil, Hatim and Jeremy Munday. 2004. Translation: An Advanced Resourse Book. New
York: Routledge.
b. Bell, Roger T. 1991. Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice. London: Longman
Group Ltd.
c. Hartono. 2005, Belajar Menerjemahkan: Teori dan Praktek, UMM Press, Malang.
d. Robinson, Douglas. 1997. Becoming a Translator. New York: Rouledge.
e. Zuchridin Suryawinata & Sugeng Hariyanto. 2003. Translation: Bahasan Teori & Penuntun
Praktis Menerjemahkan. Yogyakarta: Kanisius Press.

Thank You


English for Metallurgical Engineering-2020 32

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