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Informed Consent

Please read this consent document carefully before you decide to participate in this study.
The researcher will answer any questions before you sign this form.

Name of Principal Investigator/the Researchers: Concepcion Aryan, Lantion Ma. Alexandra,

Penaso Eunice

Name of Organization: Our Lady of Fatima University Psychology Department- Antipolo


Part I: Information Sheet


I am Lantion, Ma. Alexandra B. together with my group mates from 3rd Year BS Psychology we’re
doing Research about Self-esteem Toward Lived Experience of Female College Students in Their
uniforms in the Influence of Catcalling. I am going to give you information and invite you to be
part of this research. You do not have to decide today whether or not you will participate in the
research before you decide, you can talk to anyone you feel comfortable with about the research
this consent form may contain words that you do not understand. Please ask me to stop as we go
through the information and I will take time to explain. If you have questions later, you can ask
them me or another researcher.

Purpose of the research

This research intends to measure the significant relationship between catcalling and self-esteem in
female college students wearing their school uniform. We believe that you can help us by telling
your experience with catcalling. We want to learn based on your experience what happens to
people’s self-esteem experiencing catcalling while in their uniform because this knowledge might
help us to learn through exploring your perceived experiences of catcalling.

Type of Research Intervention

The interview will approximately take 30 minutes to complete as the participants will fill out the
consent form.

Participant Selection

You are invited to participate in this research because the researchers will choose respondents
based on the characteristics of the population, a particular group of people that suits a certain
profile. can contribute much to our study.

Voluntary Participation

Your participation in this research is entirely voluntary. It is your choice whether to participate or


The researchers will provide informed consent consisting of the objectives and significance of the
study. The respondents will be fully informed of the reason why the needed information will be
required of them. The researcher sent the prepared questionnaires using Google Forms or giving
the questionnaires face to face. The researchers will collect data from respondents derived from
the survey questionnaire and Likert scale in correspondence to the demographic profile of the study
Lastly, The researcher conducted a debriefing of all participants. The data gathered from the
participants will be tallied and computed for interpretation.


The interview will approximately take 30 minutes to complete as the participants will fill out.


The risks involved in this study are minimal since the participants have the freedom to speak out
about their experiences and thoughts. However, if the participants find some questions they feel
uncomfortable answering and disagree with, they may withdraw or choose not to answer the

Your participation will help us find out more about what you have been experiencing when you
are catcalled this can help to spread awareness about the people even those in decent clothes can
be catcalled and how this can affect their self-esteem can also explore self-esteem toward Lived
Experience of Female College Students in Their Uniform in Influence of Catcalling.


You will not be provided any incentive to take part in the research. However, we will give you
your time, and travel expenses. The researcher will be giving chocolates and an alcohol bottle as
tokens of appreciation for participating in the study


All information taken from the study will be coded to protect each subject’s name. No names or
other identifying information will be used when discussing or reporting data. The investigator(s)
will safely keep all files and data collected in a secured place in the principal investigator’s office.
Once the data has been fully analyzed it will be kept.

Sharing the Results

Nothing that you tell us today will be shared with anybody outside the research team, and nothing
will be attributed to you by name. The knowledge that we get from this research will be shared
with you before it is made widely available to the public. Each participant will receive a summary
of the results. We will publish the results so that other interested people may learn from the

Right to Refuse or Withdraw

The participants have the right to withdraw during the interview. The participants have the right
to implement the Data Privacy Act of 2012, also known as Republic Act 10173. They are not
required to provide a specific reason for withdrawing from the study. If there has been data already
collected prior to the withdrawal, the researchers may honor a participant's request to destroy or
exclude the collected data for analysis, or; the participant may let the researcher know if they want
to allow the researchers to retain and use the data that has already been collected.

Whom to Contact
If you have any questions, you can ask them now or later. If you wish to ask questions
later, you may contact any of the following: Concepcion Aryan, blk23 Suha st. barangay
San Juan Taytay Rizal, Lantion, Ma. Alexandra, Road
28 Lot 22B Cogeo Village Penaso, Eunice,

Part II: Certificate of Consent

I have read and understand the provided information and have had the opportunity to ask questions.
I understand the rights that have been given as a participant and would answer honest questions. I
understand that I will be given a copy of this consent form. I voluntarily agree to take part in this

Print Name of Participant:__________________

Signature of Participant ___________________

Date ___________________________


Print Name of Researcher/person taking the consent: Concepcion, Aryan T.

Signature of Researcher /person taking the consent: _____________________

Date 2/16/2023


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