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1) Tell me something about yourself that is not in your CV.

- Strengths, achievement, field of interest.
2) Comment on the photograph, why did you choose to wear this shirt?
- Colour, formal, suits me
3) Why did you choose LPU?
- Course, scholarship, multi – cultural and global exposure.
4) Why is there so much variation in your marks? Any reasons?
- Concentrating on studies at school, at LPU – exposure to extracurricular activities
5) What is the full form of CGPA? How is it calculated?
- Cumulative grade point average. (TGPA of all semesters / number of semesters)*9
6) Where did you do your internship? Tell me three lessons that you learnt.
- Cooperation, team work, meeting deadlines, punctuality, adaptability, discipline.
7) Tell me something about the company where you did your internship?
- Headquarters, line of business, department during the internship.
8) How did you contribute to the organization during your internship?
- Contributed as a team player, valuable inputs, new ideas
9) Tell me one typical day’s routine during your internship?
- Project, activity, accomplishment
10) Your biggest achievement so far? Talk about it.
- Awards, honours, scholarship, topper, publications, competitive events, projects etc
11) Have you ever been a member of a team? How did you deal with conflict /
misunderstanding within the group?
- Patience – considered everyone’s point of view, Communication, Solution
12) What do you regret in life?
- Regret, Vacation not spent productively, missed occasion – marriages/birthdays
13) How have you changed yourself in the span of last two years?
- Responsible, adaptable and learnt new skills
14) Tell me your family background.
- No of members, occupation, place of residence
15) Why are you interested in (company’s name)?
- Renowned company, Motto - Employees first, Opportunities, many divisions
16) What salary are you expecting?
- Matching Knowledge, skills, opportunity, Position, profile
17) What do you know about (company’s name)?
- Headquarters, founding members, products and services, partners, awards
18) How will you be an asset to the organization?
- Contribute skills and knowledge, dedication, passion, give 100%, achieve targets
19) What are you looking for in this job?
- Personal and professional growth, Opportunity to learn new skills, experience
20) What motivates you to do your best in the job?
- Appreciation/ Praise for work, Recognition, Cooperation/ support, Job satisfaction
21) If you were hiring a person for this job, what qualities would you look for?
- Flexibility, Adaptability, Desire to learn, Relocation, ability to learn new skills
22) Do you have any questions for me?
- Joining date, Location, how long is the on job training
23) What have been your achievements?
- Awards, honors, prize
24) Tell me three interesting things about yourself.
- Area of interest other than hobby, speak languages, talent
25) Tell me a short story.
- Short Story, moral/ learning, message
26) What is your hobby?
- Name of hobby, time management, how you pursue


1) When considering a new job opportunity, what elements—such as job responsibilities,

location, and hours of work—are important to you?
2) Tell me about a situation where you had to quickly adjust to a change in your
department or team priorities. How did this change affect you?
3) Describe a time you had to meet a scheduled deadline while your work was being
interrupted continuously. What was most difficult about this and how did you handle
4) Give me an example of a time when you had to balance multiple responsibilities at
once. What did you do to keep organized? How did you prioritize your tasks?
5) Tell me about a challenging time you faced with a person from a different background
or culture.
6) Interacting with coworkers or customers from different backgrounds or cultures can be
challenging at times. Tell me about a challenging time you faced with a person from a
different background or culture.
7) What skill do you feel you need to develop the most? Why?
8) Describe some specific tasks or conditions you found frustrating. How did you handle
9) Describe the style of management under which you work most effectively. Why do you
prefer this style?
10) Tell me about a time you received constructive criticism. What was it? How did it make
you feel when you received it? What did you do to improve?
11) Tell me about a time when you were asked to change your schedule unexpectedly. How
did you feel about it? How did you handle it?
12) What types of responsibilities do you like most?
13) What types of responsibilities do you like least?
14) What makes one location of work more desirable to you than another?
15) Are you willing to relocate or travel?
16) Tell me about a time when it was necessary to admit to others that you had made a
mistake. How did you handle that?
17) How would you describe the perfect work environment for you?
18) How do you react when asked to do something beyond your capabilities?
19) Describe your ideal company, location and job
20) How do you feel about working nights and weekends?
21) What motivates you to do good job?
22) What makes you angry?
23) Where do you see yourself five years from now?
24) What is more important to you: money offered, or the type of job?
25) Do you enjoy working independently?
26) In what kind of a work environment are you most comfortable?
27) Do you prefer working with others or all by yourself?

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