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He iselatien Lehseen transmutte and
18) Exploin
in CW Radan ?
of belh
A) A Single odenna sewel4h pun pese
transmissitn and eCaphon in e Simplo CW Radana

On paincple, a single andenna is Sufhicestt al ha

necessasy iselahion is obtoined bi he seperohion
eenc (a esult of deple effect),in poachce
t h e s nsidonable tronsmite laakape.
onate >ea30mS h amourt
Hsse ven,haa
et tronsmtes leokage pause shauld be apt odt a

u TLe Maximum poser e eCoer inPut CsCuutany
stthstand, asthat being phsicodamaged
havira ts sensitiviteduced, is qude la

it TLe transmiter nise shich ertes e ecaive

Ean todcerad input tom he troamite

educas aecoxhe Seasibvi

t h e amauwt of solohion eguied daperds O e
bronsmattel pose o n d e acCompania tranSmtter
nuTse as uall as e 3uedne83 ond Sensthvit ot

the oecoive.
for example, S ta Sate value ef foen ushich migkt
be oppled ts a ecove is 10mW and he
s 4kW, the iselation ,berseen
transmi tter pue
tconsmutte and ecaiven muat be at-Last S0 d.
is e lavwel ef the
n le CW applahons,it
ncise accOmpanging vaasmtter leakage signal,
oher than the damape this leokage miokt

the ecaiver cir Cutry shich deBeumines he amount

ef seation reAbed
Te amount ef iselatoa which an be eadiy
achieved behoeen ta anmS ef Pyachcal hbmd
unchens Such ab the Magic-T,rot aca, os
shot slet auplen is ef orden et a0 te 30d8.
S n Stme instnnces, shen exbeme fedsion
eeer exercised , an selahon ef pexhops 60dß 0

mgkt be achieved. u t one mitabion of te
hid junchion is tte 6-d8 lezs in ovexall peafosmanca
T laest iselahisns one sbtoined wth tse oatennas
One fos. ethe fvc
bronsmissien, 4a eCopbon-psicall
Seperated from one anelhon. Ssslations ef e oden
ef &0dB O move pes&ible t h hah-aon atennas.
he moe divechve +e anteana beam Ond ha reoden
espacing between Onteanas, tHe qreaten uail be the
e Sepeade ontennas ef e ANMP&-46 CW tacko-

illuminotoe of he Hauk missile Syhem.

1 e c t daree ef iseladtibon behseen boaanuilou
ond ecaivens Gon be inplemanted b0ne et

t e Maheds
dUse 8 anennas, phsalSepenaded bya iven
distonce, o
s e he opropriade duplexen sit a Slgle
antenna Steg

vexhcol PoA

Hontental Spacang
48) h a neal bleck diayram of fM-CW Radan. bxploan

he todking of he Rodan:

P)of CW
Copplar Rodan ules frezoncy Medulokion,
hen h t Radan s allad fmcW Dopda Rodon 0s
simp, mCW Radan.
t is olse alLud onhinuaus are faPpeny Me daluded
Roda s CWfm Rodon.
meokuna not only 4a spend ef e taget Ld ale

a ditDACa ef tget fem -be Redal

Block Dagram of Fmd Radan?

fmc Rodon is Melt used as Radon Atnden in odon te

maasiuha he exoct hat hla londg e arcaft.

fm medatoD

mire-4 exlotoK

sida-Lond ean
Caunde dopplo
IF Bolorced
Ampihex H
Las trepung

andeAna Ond
frmCt Rodon oataid a antenna2 troASmuthing
2COAVUN denna 0 Shaan in fauwle
T h e bronsmitfe Otenna tronsmds e signal ond a

CCoAVng antenna vecones eche signa

TLo bleck dogram ef Le Fmcl Radas koka sinlan to
t a bletk diagrom of C Rodan. t CovtoinS fes
modtfed blecks ond Some otho dscks in oaddbbn to
blecks thot ona Poekert n e bleck diagram ef
Cl Rodan.
a functen ef eoch black ef fmcw Rodan is tentorad
Fm Medator
St preduCas ofresuenc Medloded (fm) Signal havirg
vorsiakla feenc fot) and t is opked te
fm transmtte
FM Tvansmilu
tronSmts fm stanol h he kalp ef transmitie
Adenna teguput of fm bronsmttea ls alss Genhacded
LeCol eadillotos }
S al, leca esdllofus swbed te educo On
RE Siro. Bud, kexa t s sed
te peduca o senal
havlng an Sdexmadiate repenc
of lecl ecllahUs SGnnache rc a udyt
te bl
Bolonad esdllotdsDelachoc. mixe-1 0ad
m Kex A G
yaduca eth sum or diferanca ef e
resenc es o t a opphed itt le
Sianals hauig
freiuencds ofot) ond gre ana applied to mixen1
So 4he ixe- eill paduco a
oudrut hoavirg
fauanbies, erhar St)+frf or
ft)- sf
Sde-Sond hHea
ot o l s S On One Sido kord raonclos
uppex side bond freapencle& rloer sida bond freguances
e side kand fwe shosn in He fqura ducas on
asex Side kond fraancles i.e, foc-frf
mixe Gn faduCe beth Sum and dtteanco ef
toeijuoncies a t ane opplked te t . e sigals haulrg
f-auoncies ef foct)- faF aAd - T ) one oppled ip
So le xe-2 Csll pamdu ca -ta utpd kouing raspancles

I f Ampifie
f amputier ampLhes e Stoaaddate hragancTf) saral.
Tf apthes hun in hne amplifes signal
havig fraguenGeA adoltT) - ott)+JIf T
sigeel ts opeied al on input te a
aplhed .

Balonca dadectos.
Saloncad Petectos
stis Sed ts paduco a GutpA Sanal hovirg fchuanc
of fot-T)- ft) frem e opked tue Sigaals, tshich foc9an
avirg faponcles of et T)- f6E) Ffrf and frp
Ta autht of balanCed datecttr s
o asped fresuere
Las bepuoncy afihier
Ompafes te auhpd
st of Solancae dedecto ta 4te eined
Loval.e quhpt ef l hepenc Apahier is opplied te
beth S
repen Cautenaveaig ra.Caunten.
Susteed euenc Counten:
S seful fsctting a Vallua et Popplo
Avexa e reguenta Caunden:
t s3ed foc setira vous of Rarpe
and applahons
38 Maatibn advoatnyos,ddsodvantajes
of CW Radan?

A Advotaye8 ot CW Kocdan
C u l Dopplar xodar haa neblnd spad
C Poppler oda s Cafda ef ng acuate
Maasumads et relative velsctiog
7 CW Deppler odoAs ale
auaayE bA,th haad les
(oer and aA n Site Cmpact
They Gn be wed dor Small te lange n e scth
hag dapree of ebiueney 0nd aceuac
Tha Peumance ot raolan is net affecfed

Statibnay oecs

isadvanlges of cW Radar!
The maximum aje ot C Rodan s Auted lb
he PowéN Ht dar an mdiade
Tha tayet age Gn net be alaalated by Ch
Dofple Radan
Thou is pesaibiltyo ambiguaus 7euts Whan
number eftrupehs an more
ApplucahiorS of Cl Radas
CW Popplea rudans an uded where only velsaty
n formabion is d tntrest and achial ange
net raaded
Eq9n LAW
andEnforcement racar opplicahbn8
Measuung MeibM et ave on wate lovel
Kuno manuLpu.
Cyickat ball speed Mantou
Descbe e funchbniny o aCu Doyples nodar ush
non-2-en0 TfJuceives7

A RleckDiopro of cll Radan

e Keshad, CW Doppler Rodan Conlaus be Andennaa
Noaamatting aatenna ond. Racaivlng otenna
follanaing aune shase e block dajram off Cul Rodan.

miyeu- e8allotoD


mixe-2 A afe Delecht

o Dople Rodon ardnins a se of
Le block diagro CW
blecks and ta fun cHon of each Lsck is moahbrad scla

C TYoansnu tte
t psedutas On analo5gnol hoving a ha9uenc o
o ) l e tuhyt of CW onSmte is Cannache d te

sth rons mutirg onteana Ond maxe-1

lecal clato
ppedutos o
Snal having a
frapuancof ().T
oudrt of lacal sAcllatox s Connacted te mke-1

mAxe- 1
and dfesence 0f h
MAXex Preduco bth Sum
egonces hat aUe opked to t .la siynels
and du ae aprpied te
hovrg rayjonces of o Output
Ke-1 i preduca a
maxe-1.o; e
havig trapuanG03 fot
Siea- band Ate
As e ama Suets, Srdo-band He allss a

Pouhanla Sido bOnd fras jenceS - ettes uppeA fre),

Oc laec tre. a Sida band FHe skan ln a
asone haue Preducos nl ue bond fhajanGes
ies fo t
mi Ke Gn preduce bth Sum and dHfeonce ot e
rouencies a t ane opplied e tt.le Signals
otiy torances of totfi and fo a
opplked o, mre . Soy the mke-a sll prsduce

u h f t haarira frepancles of 2h4h

Tf Arphiea
f fpi Re amol fes he Sndemadkude rapundy
TF) Soals Tle Pf amp hen shsun h He
f3una odas onk 4he Sndeymade repenca
6rtda and ompli heat
St datecds e rol, ich anpkektn nApeoe
s hovir Copplanepana
Doppla Arnpahus
As Me ama Suggeaks, Poppox omplifios Adifes he

siyal,clch lavira opro ponay,fa

9t indicakes He indomatien elhled selahve velecby
and shetharHe
and taget is inbgund o cudtound.
Doppler Kadoar aCCuate measunomert of elahve
veled hes lonce, hase ae u3ed mo&tyshee He
indrmah'an of velecty iS e impotant than tha
achual gpe.

o l 2-2

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