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9/5/22, 8:26 PM Application Bulletin for Non-degree Chinese language Programs for 2022

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Application Bulletin for Non-degree Chinese language Pro
List of Programs 来源 : lxslaoshi     作者 : 

Application Bulletin for Non-degree Chinese language Programs for 2022

Entry Requirements
Founded in 1956, Zhejiang Normal University  (ZJNU) is one of five key comprehensive universities in Zhejiang pro
Application According to the China University Ranking, ZJNU is one of the top 100 universities in China. Chemistry, Materialog
Documents Mathematics, Engineering are the four top 1% disciplines in the world according to the ESI (Essential Science Index)

Application ranking. The university consists of 19 colleges and offers 63 undergraduate programs, 54 master’s programs, 27 docto
Procedures programs, and 1 non-degree Chinese language program for international students. There are over 30000 students in Z
whom over 3000 are international students. ZJNU has established 6 Confucius Institutes and is the only university in
Fee Structures won“Outstanding Confucius Institute Chinese Partners of the Year” for 6 years in a row. In recent years, ties of acade
exchange and cooperation have been set up between this university and over 280 foreign universities and research ins
more than 60 countries and regions.
Application Deadline

I. Eligibility
1. Applicant should be aged between 18 and 50 (born after September 1, 1972);
2. Applicant should be non-Chinese citizens with a valid regular foreign passport;
*Residents of Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan who have emigrated to a foreign country and who ar
applying to study in China as international students must have held a valid foreign passport for at least 4 years, and m
actually resided in a foreign country for at least 2 years in the past 4 years (as of April 30, 2022). (9 months of residen
foreign country may count as a full year. The dates of the entry and exit stamps in the passport will be followed in the
determination of the actual length of foreign residence).
3. Applicant should hold a high school diploma with a satisfactory academic record;
4. Applicant should have no criminal record and no drug addiction history;
5. Applicants should be in good health and have no serious infectious diseases.

II. Application Deadline: 
Spring Semester: December 20, 2021
Fall Semester: July 30, 2022.
* Late applications will not be considered.

III. Application Procedures

Applicants should apply online at
Or Scan the QR code to apply

Applicants are expected to keep their phones on and check their online application account and email regularly as ZJN 1/3
9/5/22, 8:26 PM Application Bulletin for Non-degree Chinese language Programs for 2022
Admissions Office may contact them when necessary.

IV. Application Documents

Applicants must provide the true and correct information in all application documents:
1. Registration photo: 2-inch recent colored photo;
2. Copy of passport: provide the personal information page and the passport should remain valid at least on Oct 31, 20
3. Copy of visa: applicants in China must provide;
4. Copy of your notarized high school diploma:
Prospective students must submit official proof of student status by their current school. Documents in languages othe
Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations. Please take the original copy of y
highest diploma with you for registration.
5. Copy of your high school academic transcripts (Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be atta
notarized Chinese or English translations.) or UEC/A Level/ AP/IB/ SAT/ACT result;
6. Foreigner physical examination form: bearing the stamp of the hospital. Physical examination results are valid for 6
 (Download at PHYSICAL EXAMINATION RECORD FOR FOREIGNER.pdf and complete it in Chinese or English, T
examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those
signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital, or a sealed photograph of the applicants are inv
select the appropriate time to take a physical examination as the result is valid for only 6 months.)
7. Police Certificate;
8. A statement of no drug addiction history;
9. Bank Statement: to prove that the applicant has sufficient funds to cover his or her tuition, accommodation, living e
and international travels during his or her study in China. Only the applicant himself/herself or his/her family can act
10. Applicant who is studying in China when s/he applies, s/he should provide study performance statement from the
they are studying in to clarify the participation, academic and non-academic performances including but not limited to
students have violated any regulations or not.

(1) . All the application materials in languages other than Chinese or English must be accompanied by the original cop
notarized translation in Chinese or English. It is advised to have the original copy and its translation notarized at the C
Embassy in the applicant’s home country. Please stamp on the edges of all sheets with part of the impression on each
document consists of more than one page.
(2) Applicants are expected to submit a complete set of application materials and will be held accountable for the auth
their documents. Incomplete or forged materials will be rejected.
(3) In general, there is no need to mail original hard-copy materials through courier service. However, under extraord
circumstances, the University reserves the right to require applicants to mail original hard-copy documents for further
identification. No application materials will be returned, regardless of the outcome of the application.

V. Admission and Selection

There will be a comprehensive review of the applicant’s foreign identity, diploma and diploma, academic performanc
proficiency, and other aspects of applicants’ comprehensive abilities and select the best students. Exams or interviews
organized if required by departments and will inform the applicants in advance.
The outcome of the application will be published on the application system of the Admissions Office in one month af
applicants’ materials are successfully submitted. Admission Notices and Student Visa Application Forms (JW202) for
applicants will be mailed out in 1 month after students pay off the application fee. Applicants should check the applic
( regularly to check the result and the courier checking numbers.

VI. Duration of study

1 semester or 1 year

VII. Application Fee: 

RMB 400 (payable upon signing up online; non-refundable)

VIII. Tuition Fee (cost of course materials not included)

RMB 14,000 per year.
Note: Tuition fees are subject to change without prior notice upon approval by price regulators.

VIIII. Study Expenses
1. Accommodation
(1) The university offers 2 international student dormitories, i.e. Qiming international students Dormitory and interna
exchange Center Dormitory equipped with private bathrooms, air-conditioners, internet access, shared laundries, etc.
(2) The international student dormitories offer single rooms and double rooms. The cost is as below: 2/3
9/5/22, 8:26 PM Application Bulletin for Non-degree Chinese language Programs for 2022
( ) e te at o a stude t do to es o e s g e oo s a d doub e oo s. e cost s as be ow:
Single room: RMB 2250/person/semester;
Double room: RMB 4500/person/semester;
(3) CSC and CIS scholarship students whose scholarship provides free accommodation are not allowed to live outside
2. Cuisine expenses:
Around RMB 1000/person/month(expenses differs according to different people’s lifestyle);
3. Insurance:
RMB 800/person/year

X. Scholarship
Please refer to the details of each scholarship program in the column of scholarship on the university admission webs

XI. Contact information

International Student Office(for international student recruitment, admission, administration)
Telephone : +86 (0)579 82282125      Fax : +86 (0)579 82280337
Address: Room 416 of Northern Administration Building, Zhejiang Normal University, No. 688 Yingbin Avenue, Jin
Zhejiang Province, China 321004

XII. Others
Marijuana and drug addiction is illegal and strictly prohibited by Chinese laws, University physical examination inclu
addiction tests.
The English version of these Guidelines is provided for reference and as a general guide ONLY. In case of any discrep
between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. These Guidelines may not be reproduced

Student Service     Teaching system

Psychological Counseling My Daily Life in ZJNU Visa Services Undergraduate system

School Calendar Transportation Information Open a bank in China Postgraduate system

Cultural Activity Airport pick-up Service Emergency Numbers &

Graduation system

Map of ZJNU Downloads Useful Numbers Yun Disk of ZJNU International Student Office, Room 40

library Administration Building, Zhejiang N

Registration Handbook ZJNU Address: No. 688 Yinbing Avenue, Jin

Province, China 32100

Telephone Admission Counselin

82283155     Management:8

Fax : +86-579-822803

Email : admission@zjnu.e

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