GHELEC2X Lesson2

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Llagas, A Tasha Aaron C.

1. Opinion piece come from the point of view of the writer. It contains facts
and report but formed with individual’s ideas and most of the time is
biased. In the meantime, news is a report that full of facts and quoted
opinions of those who interviewed. News report disregards the opinion of
the author/writer. In short, opinion piece is about the ideas and
perspective of the author/writer and news report is about facts.
2. In travel writing, news is connected to it by how facts and reviews are
gathered from the travelers, guide and local government of the
destination. Meanwhile, opinion is connected at travel writing by
providing the experience of the author/writer to the destination that will
help on pursuing tourist to go there.
3. Journalism is an informative and dependable article for the audience. It
disregards the company’s agenda or author’s agenda as it is facts and
provide truth. Meanwhile, Advertising is about persuading the audience.
Commonly it is about the services or products that the company provides.
4. The five forms of journalism are investigative, column, news, reviews and
feature writing. Investigative writing goal is to discover the truth about a
particle objective. Column is based on the author’s personality. News is
straightforward and facts are provided without flourishing. Reviews are
partly opinion and partly fact based. Lastly, feature writing gives depth,
scope and interpretation of the certain topic.
5. I think reading news will help me to be a good travel writer as it will help
me to see the flow of an article. Also, it will help me to find places that are
good to go and to write on travel writing. News articles are a useful tool to
me to read and learn from it for my writing.

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